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Third Person P.O.V

            Albus sat outside on the Quidditch pitch along with the other people who wanted to watch the commencement. Ky was in his lap, babbling away. He had grown into a very bubbly almost two year old.

            "Mama?" He asked and Albus smiled kissing his son's head.

            "Yes mama, you'll see mama very soon." He cooed and Ky just shrugged nuzzling into Albus' chest. He turned his head and smiled.

            "Poppop."  He reached out to grab Harry. Harry and Albus were on better terms than ever before. Harry finally moved out of the house of horrors into a town house that accommodated him and Lily. James was no longer in the picture and from what they heard; he was living as a muggle full time and had no plans on returning to the family, much to Albus' happiness. Lily was finally put into her place by her father who threatened her to live Petunia if she didn't clean up her act.  Now that Harry lived in a different house, Albus frequent there for dinner with his son while Scorpius was at school. Harry and Albus finally got their quality time. Scorpius had kept his promise to come home every weekend and didn't miss one.

            "Hi my love, wanna sit on my lap?" Harry smiled and at Ky's nod, he pulled him on his lap. Albus sighed but smiled. "Is it bittersweet?" Harry asked.

            "Nah I mean I wasn't very good at school anyway and with everything that happened, it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to finish anyway." Albus explained. After two years, Albus hadn't relapsed and he was really content.

            "Well I'm proud of how you've turned out." Harry said and Albus smiled blushing slightly.

            "I am too." Draco said sitting on the other side of him. "Maybe as a graduation gift you can move out." He teased and Albus laughed.

            "The moment we move out, Tori will be begging us to come back." Albus retorted and Astoria snorted.

            "He has a point." She said and Draco smirked rolling his eyes.

            "You see, there's that smirk I've been waiting to see for like two years." Harry chimed in and Draco raised his eyebrow.

            "You miss my smirk Potter?" He smirked teasingly. Harry blushed and didn't say anything; he just averted his attention to his grandson.

            "Welcome friends, family, and guardians of class of 2024." McGonagall announced at the podium. "I will be calling everyone by alphabetic order but first off we have the speeches from every house." She announced. First was Slytherin and it was surprisingly Peggy Zabini who was speaking. Albus visibly rolled his eyes and thought of Kynaston making a scene so he could walk out and not listen to her. She drawled on about nothing and blah blah blah. When she was done, Ravenclaw stood up which was Arnold.

            "Hey Ky, that boy could have been you papa." Albus teased and Draco's head snapped in his direction.

            "What are you talking about?" He whispered and Albus smirked.

            "Oh nothing, Scorpius should be coming on soon." Albus said and Draco's lips turned into a thin line but turned his attention to the stage.

            "For the Gryffindor house, Scorpius Malfoy." McGonagall announced and everyone clapped. He stood up and looked up. Out of everyone's eyes, he caught Albus' and nodded discreetly.

            "Mama!" Kynaston squealed and clapped his hands.

            "Yes baby." Albus pulled his son back in his lap and rest his arms around him.

            "Hello everyone, I am Scorpius Malfoy. When I was chosen for the speech, I was shocked. In my opinion, there are so many others who deserve it. But I will accept with great gratitude that I was chosen." He smirked and people laughed. "I went through a whirlwind through my years at Hogwarts especially in fifth year. I was just coming in and accepting my sexuality when I was approached by someone else who was questioning their sexuality as well.  This person and I were not friends in any way and he bullied me. I was willing to help him because he seemed scared and I knew how scary it was to question such a thing. Well I helped him out and ended up getting pregnant with his baby. Never did I think my life would change so drastically. He is the whole reason I am here today, he stayed back so to raise our son. He allowed me to finish my education and I owe all of this to him. He knows who he is so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. Through that experience, I learned the importance of school and through Hogwarts I can finally go through life as a good wizard, so thank you to all the professor and the staff, you've taught us well." He finished and everyone started clapping and cheering. He stepped down and took a bow before taking his seat. After the last house went, the commencement started. They sat through all the names and then Scorpius came up.

            "Scorpius Malfoy!" McGonagall announced. Everyone started to clap and cheer. Albus was so very happy for his boyfriend. He was proud.


            "Albie!" Scorpius flung himself at Albus after the ceremony. Albus hugged him back tightly and spun him around.

            "I am so proud of you Scorp." Albus cheered kissing Scorpius' cheek.

            "Thank you love, I did it!" He cheered and Albus put him down.

            "I know! You did it!" Albus chirped and the two grinned.

            "Mama!" Kynaston cheered and Scorpius took him in his arms.

            "Hi baby." He hugged his son and Ky nuzzled into his chest.

            "Gwats mama." He said and Scorpius smiled.

            "Thank you love." Scorpius hugged him tightly.  The adults all congratulated Scorpius and then they took Ky so the two could go to the lake. Scorpius and Albus intertwined their fingers and walked to the lake, where they had their first dat, and sat down.

            "I'm so proud of you Scorpius." Albus leaned and pressed his lips against Albus'.

            "Thank you, I owe it all to you love." Scorpius said and Albus smiled.

            "Its funny cause' I owe everything to you." Albus whispered and the two just shared a look of adoration.

            "I love you Albus, and I always will."

            "I'll always love you too." Albus said and pressed his lips against Scorpius. After everything they went through from the depression to the happiness, they still had each other. They were each other's rocks and nothing would ever change that.

The End

A/N- Hello! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I liked writing. Unfortunately it will be my last one for awhile, please for further information check my status and feel free to PM me.

Thank you
Clevermess xox

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