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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to NoelleWB for her help on aiding me to decide what route to go with this story. Thank you!

Scorpius' P.O.V

For the next week, Potter would grab me and take me someone secluded to kiss me, touch me and do things with me. But I wasn't complaining. We hadn't gotten to actual sex or anything but came close. It wasn't that I was scared of anything because I wasn't a virgin. Yeah I know goody two shoes Scorpius Malfoy not a virgin. That's why I was okay with what Potter and I were doing, if I were a virgin, I'd be more afraid I believe.

"Albus! Pay attention." Professor Longbottom said. Usually Gryffindor's had Herbology with the Hufflepuffs however due to a schedule conflict; they switched it to Slytherin's. I looked up at Potter who just waved his hand at the professor and started to do something with the leaves.

"Is he alright?" Rose whispered to me.

"I dunno, he always acts like this." I shrugged.

"Well he looks... out of it."

"Probably the depression."

"He's admitted to being depressed?" She asked surprised and I shook my head.

"No I can tell by his eyes. They're so lifeless."

"Well why does he constantly deny it?" She asked and I shrugged.

"He just has a lot of conflicting feelings right now."


"Like not sure of his sexuality, why he's always acting out, he's scared to leave school because he does not want to live with Mister Potter's family, he's scared of what others think, he..."

"You can all this by his eyes?" She asked amazed and I chuckled.

"I'm good at reading people." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay." We finished working and were dismissed. I was walking with Rose when someone pushed passed me knocking me down.

"Albus!" Rose scolded. "Leave him alone." Albus smirked and got really close to me.

"Aww is little baby going to cry?" He pouted and my eyebrows shot up. He dropped something in front of me and winked. "Don't cry piglet, its okay." He said and then strode away. Rose helped me up and I shoved the note in my pocket.

"You okay?" She asked and I smiled.

"Never better, let's get to charms." I said and we headed to the class. "I have to use the restroom, go without me." I assured and she nodded. She skipped off and I took the note out of my pocket after I hid myself.


My room, tonight, eight sharp. Don't be late.


I raised my eyebrows and thought for a few moments. How far was he planning to go? A clearing of the throat made me jump and Potter was standing there.

"Going to be late for charms now are we?" He teased pinning me again.

"H-how did you know I had charms?" I asked and he smirked.

"Shh don't ask questions." He told me and then started to kiss my neck. This time he started to bite my neck and I let out a loud gasp.

"W-what do you have planned for tonight?" I asked and gripped his hips.

"Oh how you'd like to know." He pulled away and his eyes were dull. "It's a surprise. The password is Salazar." He whispered. "Get to class." He said and then walked away. I slowly made my way to my dorm, not bothering to go to charms. I'll just tell Rose I wasn't feeling well.

"Mister Malfoy, don't you have class?" The fat lady asked.

"Oh I think I'll just take a nap ma'am, I'm rather queasy."

"Oh best be getting rest if you're not feeling well." She said and swung the door open without me saying the password. I walked up to the boy's dorm and hopped on my bed. I lied down and actually did fall sleep. I awoke an hour later to someone shaking me.

"Get up!" The voice hissed.

"Wanna sleep." I mumbled and I felt myself get hit with a pillow. "What?" I bolted up.

"Why did you skip charms?" Rose growled.

"I wasn't feeling well." I lied to her and cuddled under the covers.

"Oh." She said and put her hand to my forehead. "You don't feel warm."

"I probably ate too much a lunch." I told her. "I'm feeling better now." I told her and sat up. I got out of bed and fixed myself up.

"So you're good now?"

"Yeah let's do our homework." I told her and she nodded standing up from the bed she was sitting on.

"Alright, I got the notes you needed from charms. Next time tell me when you don't feel well."

"Will do." I smiled.

Albus' P.O.V

"Alright you blubbering idiots, I'm having a guest come in here at eight. He-"

"Oo he?" Peggy caught me off as she cuddled with Marshall on the couch.

"Yes 'he'." I mocked. "He knows the password so don't mind him. Show him to my room and try to reframe yourself from hexing him."

"Oh who is it?"

"You'll see." I smirked and jumped down from the table. I was still feeling incredibly warn out but I wanted to do this. I had to this. The feelings were growing and now it was time to really test them out. So after dinner, I ran to my room and waited for Scorpius to meet me in there. When there was a knock on the door, I yelled for them to come in.

"Y-your house mates were very surprised to see me." Scorpius told me and I noticed he wasn't wearing his robe.

"I told them not to hex you. You're not wearing your robe." I pointed out.

"Yeah classes are done and I was comfortable in my clothes." He told me.

"Oh alright."

"So um why am I here?" He asked and stood up bringing him to the bed.

"I wanna go to the next step." I told him. "With your permission of course." I said sincerely.

"Oh um not that I don't want to or anything but aren't we going too fast?" He asked fiddling with his hands.

"Um I mean if you think we are we don't need to do this." I told him and bit his lip.

"Um-" He stuttered and then let out a breath. "Okay." He said and then hopped on the bed with me. He attached our lips and I stuck my tongue in his mouth getting a moan from him. Thinking quickly, I flicked my wand and silenced the room. I pulled away and devoured his neck.

"I'm topping." I told him and he moaned.

"Well of course." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me down so our erections rubbed against each other. I gasped and pressed my lips against his.

"I- oh Merlin- never done anything- fuck-like this." I mumbled and he stopped.

"You're a virgin?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Yes, you're not?" I asked and he blushed clearing his throat. I got the hint that he wasn't. "Alright fine." I huffed and started to undress him. I kissed every new bare skin and he withered below me. "Talk me through it?" I asked and he moaned.

"Oh yes." He assured. It was more of a moan but I took as he will help. And he did. He walked and talked me through the pure bliss. It was better than anything else in the world. I collapsed next to him and my breath was arduous.

"Bet that was better than the other person you fucked." I said and he laughed. I couldn't help but give a small smile at it.

"I do have to admit, that was pretty good." He said.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." I said and he sighed.

"I should get going now. I'll see you tomorrow." He said and got out bed. He pulled his clothes on and made his way out. As he was leaving, I heard a chorus of cheers coming from the common room. I smiled and fell asleep.


A week after we finally went all the way, Scorpius walked up to me in the library. I had my head down so he cleared his throat.

"What Malfoy?" I asked.

"I-I need to talk to you." He told me and I gave him a look.

"What about? I don't have all day." I hissed.

"It needs to be alone." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Fine." I said and relief washed over his face. We walked into a secluded part of the library and he was wringing his hand. "What?" I spat. I was overly tired and I didn't have time for him at the moment. However I planned to have a lot of energy with him later. He mumbled something and I let out an annoyed sigh. "I can't hear you."

"I'm p-pregnant." He said and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked. I heard the some male wizards could get pregnant but I honestly didn't think HE would be able to get pregnant.

"Did you use a condom last week?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Oh fuck." I muttered and punched a bookshelf.

"I'm sorry." He told me in alarm. I let out a frustrated grunt and pushed passed him. He didn't follow me and I stormed out of the library. Anyone who was in my way, I hexed them or jinxed them. I finally made it to the dungeons when I was violently yanked.

"Mister Potter do you have any idea of what you just did?" Snape snarled.

"I got Malfoy pregnant."

Harry's P.O.V

I got a call to be at the soon immediately. I was livid. I was ready to snatch Albus out of the school so fast; he wouldn't know what hit him. I flooed there because you can't get in the castle through apparition. I landed in the office and McGonagall looked very sternly at me.

"Great of you to join us Potter." She said and I smiled politely.

"What trouble has my spawn got in this time? I take it I'm taking him home." I said and she motioned for me to turn around. I did and I noticed Albus sitting with his head down and he was with the Malfoy kid who was also joined by his parents. Draco and Astoria were looking at me with a lot of sympathy, that's all the looks I was getting since Ginny's death.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Potter, take a seat next to your son." She advised me. I noticed Scorpius was looking down as well. I sat down and hissed.

"What did you do?" I asked Albus venomously.

"Potter." McGonagall said and I looked her.

"Yes professor?"

"Now that I have you all here." She cleared her throat. "It has come to my attention that yours sons are going to be parents." She said and I felt the color drain from my face.

"What?!" The adults said in unison.

"Mister Potter." She pointed Albus. "Seems to have gotten Mister Malfoy pregnant." She said and I clenched my jaw looking at Albus. He still hadn't looked up. "It seems to be in their best interest to be moved to private quarters so they're more comfortable with their surroundings." She said. "That is if they keep the baby."
"We're gonna keep it." Albus said speaking up and Scorpius nodded in agreement.

"Son, we didn't even know you had a boyfriend." Draco said and Scorpius shook his head.

"We're not together. We're not even friends." Scorpius admitted tearfully. "We just hooked up a few times."

"Oh so friends with benefits." Astoria said and Draco gave her an odd look before turning back to Scorpius who nodded. They didn't know what to say so I spoke up. "Astoria, Draco I am very sorry about this whole thing, I have no idea what has gotten in to my son lately but trust me when I say, he'll learn his lesson soon enough." I said and their eyes widened.

"Harry." Draco nodded his head. "I think it's a fault on our part as well. Obviously we didn't teach him the importance of safe sex and abstinence."

"Well apparently I've missed that too." I sneered. "Professor, I'd like to speak to my son alone." I said and she nodded. I stood up and dragged Albus by his hair with me. He didn't protest but just followed. We walked out of the office and I pinned him to the wall.

"How could you be so careless?!" I yelled and angry tears formed into his eyes.

"I didn't use a condom because it was my first time and I didn't think he could get pregnant, he must have missed that small detail." He snarled.

"Fucking shit Albus! You can't finish your education and have a baby!" I yelled.

"You don't even want me here anyway! But you can't take me out because you can't take care of me yourself." He said and I slapped him.

"Albus don't fucking start." I was panting. I was so fricken livid. "Albus I can barely take care of you and your nonsense. What makes you think I can take care of you, the boy you knocked up and your baby?!"

"You don't have to!" He yelled. "How about you just fucking disown me already, you've been dying to do that!" He yelled and his chest was puffing.

"Potter's don't give up on our own; I thought Slytherin would have taught you that." "I don't want to be a Potter." He told me. "I hate you and I hate everything about my life." He spat. He shoved me away and then punched the wall. He went to storm off but I grabbed him by the collar.

"We're not done talking about this."

"I just want to go away and sleep. I've had a long day."
"You need to stay here and discuss this."

"Please." He begged and the vulnerability of his voice was heart breaking.

"You need to go see your new room assignment."

"Fine." We walked back into the office and Albus joined Scorpius who was now standing.

"Mister Potter, you're alright with this arrangement?" McGonagall asked and Albus nodded. "I don't want any more incidents am I understood?"

"Yes professor." Albus whispered.

"Alright it's near the Gryffindor common room, behind the portrait of the singing man. The password is fudge pop." She said and they nodded. Scorpius hugged his parents goodbye before walking out. Albus walked out without saying a word to me.

"I am so sorry." I said to the Malfoy's.

"We'll get through it Harry." Draco nodded his head. "If it's alright with you, we'd like them to come over for the holidays. I don't know how much Albus wants to be a part of the baby's life but if he does, we'd love to have him over."

"Yes that's fine with me. Thank you." I gave a small smile. "And I'll make sure he helps Scorpius, it's the least I can do." I said and they nodded.

"Thank you Harry." 

A/N-I feel like you can't but feel bad for Albus. He's trying so hard and getting nowhere. Poor baby. Thoughts on the pregnancy? Thoughts on Harry's rage? Thank you for reading xox

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