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Albus' P.O.V

            I stopped talking to everyone and just kept my head down through school. All I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't because I had classes. Damn potions, Snape was making me take them. If I didn't want to take them, he'd force me.

            "Mister Potter please attention." Professor Snape told me. I just nodded my head and squeezed my eyes shut.

            "What's with you?" Rose asked and I glared at her.

            "Because of my idiot sister, I need to be on antidepressant potions." I hissed. "I just want to sleep."   

            "Well are you depressed?" She asked.


            "Maybe you are and you just don't know it." She said and I put my head on the desk.

            "Fucking stupid." I mumbled. ''This shit and all. Stupid Lily, stupid dad, stupid James and stupid Sna-"

            "Potter! Pay attention!" He yelled and I sighed lifting up my head.

            "Professor I am really bored." I said bluntly and he gave me a pointed look.

            "Mister Potter do I have to remind you that you are still serving detentions?" He asked and I nodded.

            "Yes professor." I muttered and he sighed.

            "Class dismissed." He hissed and I packed my things but he walked over to me. He clamped his hand over mine. "Not you. Sit." He sneered and I did as I was told. I sat down and he took a seat next to me. "Mister Potter, I do not tolerate misbehavior in my class or in my house, what is the matter?"

            "I just want to sleep." I told him and he raised an eyebrow at me.

            "How long have you been on the potions?"

            "I dunno. About a week?" I questioned and he sighed.

            "You're supposed to get used to the sleepiness by now. Are you sleeping properly?" He asked.

            "I take three naps a day and sleep through the night."

            "That's a lot of sleeping."

            "Is it?" I burred sarcastically.

            "Can you go without sleeping?" He asked.

            "Please sir, no I just wanna go to sleep." I begged and he sighed.

            "The potion is having a reverse effect; it's hindering you causing you to be more depressed."

            "Maybe because I'm not depressed." I mumbled and he sneered.

            "We'll be taking you off the potions." He said and I smiled. "We'll find an alternative but we will be notifying your father."

            "Fine, can I sleep now?"

            "I suppose but I would like to see you during dinner, I should hear back from your father by then."

            "Yes professor." I mumbled.

            "You're free to go."

            "Thank you sir." I got up and walked out of the class. Much to my surprise, Scorpius Malfoy was waiting for me.

            "What are you doing here?" I meant it rudely but the fatigue made it come out tiredly.

            "I wanted to see if you were alright." He blushed.

            "Why? I bully you." I hissed and he winced at the tone of my voice. I smirked.

            "Well you haven't in awhile." He told me. "And you're obviously going through a lot."

            "Shove it Malfoy." I hissed.

            "Well I'm sorry." He said and I blinked at him. I growled and pinned him to the wall.

            "I don't like you, alright?" I asked. "But I have these feelings and I need them to go away."
             "W-what are you talking about?" His voice trembled.

            "These urges." I whispered leaning in. I started to kiss his neck again. He let out a soft moan and I smirked. I moved up to his jaw and he grabbed my shoulders.

            "P-Potter." He mumbled. I moved up to his cheek, trailing kisses to kiss mouth. I pecked the side of his mouth and the way he was just submitted to me was so crazy. Finally I kissed his mouth and I closed my eyes. He kissed my back and I felt his eyes flutter close. I pulled away.

            "That's enough for now but remember, when I'm around, you better watch out." I whispered. "You never know when I'll be coming." I winked and sauntered off as he watched me. I walked into the common room just in time to be smacked with a pillow.

            "Who the fuck-" I hissed.

            "Sorry Potter." Kirk said with wide eyes. "Peggy and I were having a pillow fight."

            "Oh very nice." I said sarcastically.

            "Hey!" Peggy ran over to me and hugged me. I tensed at her touch.

            "What?" I tried wiggling away.

            "If I knew about the depression and you liking guys, I would have totally understood why you were so hostile to me." She said.

            "I am not depressed!" I groaned. "Now let me go so I can sleep." I pleaded and she released me.

            "You know, the first stage is always denial."

            "Yeah whatever." I spat and walked upstairs to my room. I dropped my bag and crawled into bed. I grabbed my little hippogriff my mum gave me and clutched it close to my chest. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I awoke it was to someone shaking me.

            "Ugh please let me sleep." I mumbled and I opened my eyes to Snape. A blush crept across my face because I still hugging my hippogriff.  "Hello professor." I mumbled.

            "Potter, it's the middle of dinner." He told me and I looked at the clock, sure enough it was.

            "I must have taken a long nap." I rubbed the back of my neck.    

            "Fours hours?" He asked me and I just shrugged. "I've heard back from your father. He told me that taking you off the potions is a good idea but he wishes to speak with you."

            "Alright fine. Can I sleep now?"

            "No drink this." He told me and I looked at the vial. I looked at him and then the vial.

            "What is it?"

            "It's a pepper up potion." He said and I nodded. "Your father will be here tomorrow." He told and I nodded taking the potion. "Now go eat."


            "Albus, what is going on?" He asked me. I just blinked at him. The pepper up potion had worn off and I didn't get the antidepressant so I was having conflicting feelings.  I was tired but I didn't want to sleep. I was more worn out. McGonagall allowed us to sit in her office to talk.  Dad let out a breath and sighed. "Come on talk to me."

            "I'm not depressed."

            "Okay then why do you feel like you need to act out?" He asked and I shrugged.

            "Feels good."

            "Are you angry?"


            "Does beating people make you feel good?" He asked and I nodded. "Does it get your frustration out?"

            "Yes." I told him and he nodded.  "I don't want to leave either."

            "I don't know if I can trust you here."

            "I haven't bullied anyone since fucking Lily outed me." I mumbled and his eyebrows shot up.          

            "You're gay?"

            "I don't know." I yelled. "I have these feelings! Urges, attractions, something towards guys and girls. I'm so confused."

            "Is this why you're so angry?" He asked.

            "No!" I yelled. "Please I don't have the energy to talk about this right now." I muttered.

            "We need to talk about this."

            "I don't want to talk to you anymore." I said and his face fell slightly.

            "Okay." He said. "I'll let you go and do whatever you need to do today." He said and stood up. "Remember what I said, one more foot out of line and you're living with Aunt Petunia." He said and I kissed my head gently before leaving. I felt the anger ripple through me so punched the wall. It cracked.

            "Reparo." I mumbled and got up leaving the office. I was breakfast but I just trudge through hall.

Scorpius' P.O.V

            I was standing outside the Great Hall talking to a cute Ravenclaw boy when I felt a yanking on my collar. I yelped and I looked behind me to see Albus Potter.

            "What?" I asked.

            "Come with me." He said and I nodded.

            "I'll talk to you later Jimmy." I smiled and he waved goodbye before walking into the Hall. I was dragged off into the bathroom. When he made sure no one was there, he pinned me against the wall. "W-what are you doing?" I asked as his hands ghosted over my body.

            "I told you to watch out for me." He whispered and I shivered.

            "P-Potter." I groaned as he pressed his body against mine.  He started to kiss my neck so I gripped his waist. "W-what are we?" I asked. He pulled away and looked at me with lustful eyes.


            "I-I mean we've been doing things." I said and he moved his hips up causing me to gasp. "B-But you say you don't like me." I said and he stared to nibble on my ear. "S-so what are we?" I asked and he kissed my neck.

            "How about friends with benefits?" He asked and I moaned at the sound of his voice. "How does that sound?"

            "G-great." I groaned and he moved his hand to my waistband. I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. He raised an eyebrow asking for permission so I nodded. He slipped his hand passed the waistband putting his lips to mine. I moaned softly into his mouth and gasped as I was close. I gripped his back tightly and climaxed into his hands. He pulled away and muttered a cleaning spell. I looked at him and he smirked.

            "See you around Malfoy." He said and strolled off.  I stood there for a little processing everything in my mind. I left the bathroom after a few minutes and went to the Hall for the remainder of breakfast.

            "Scorp, you alright?" Rose asked and I looked at her.

            "Huh? Yeah why do you ask?" I asked.

            "You look a little flushed." She said and I sat next her. I looked at the Slytherin table and Potter was looking my way. He smirked and then turned his attention back to Kirk Marshall.

            "I'm fine." I assured and she put her hand to my forehead.

            "You don't feel warm."

            "Yeah, see I'm fine." I smiled.

            "So where were you?" She asked.

            "I was talking to Jimmy but then I got sidetracked."

            "Oh, by who?" Rose wiggled her eyebrows. I put my lips together and let my eyes drift to the Slytherin table. I looked back at Rose and her mouth dropped open. "Did you fuck my cousin?"

            "No!" I protested blushing. "Um hand fucked. He gave a hand job." I said blushing. I buried my face into her shoulder.  "Don't be mad."

            "Mad?! I think you're so great for him! You're such a sweetheart; it ought to rub off on him."

            "We're just um FWB's." I whispered and she huffed.

            "Well I don't want you getting hurt."

            "Well if he hurts me, he'll be thrown out of school and I'm sure Lily will kick his ass." I said and she laughed.

            "Don't forget about James."

            "Oh yes, both of his family members would hurt him." I teased and she laughed.

            "That is so true." She pecked my cheek. "And I will always be here for you."

            "Good because I don't know what I would do without you." I told her and she smiled.

            "And I don't know what I would so without you either."

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