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Scorpius' P.O.V

"I know your dirty secret." He taunted and I gulped.

"W-what is that?" I asked and his smirk grew widely.

"That you like cock." He said simply and I snorted. His eyebows furrowed and he dropped me.

"What?" He asked annoyed that I was laughing.

"Oh I do love 'cock'." I chuckled. "But it's so much more than that. It's me being attracted to guys and only guys." I said not knowing why we had a normal conversation. "You know, like you're attracted to girls, it's perfectly normal you know." I smirked and he pinned me again.

"Is it?" He whispered in my ear earning a shudder. My eyes widened in alarm and I realized I may have gotten myself in a pickle. He leaned in closer and gulped hearing him chuckle. He started to pepper gentle kisses on my neck. "You know, I have these feelings too." He whispered and I tried struggling away. "I just wasn't sure if they were normal. But if you say so." He told me and I gulped. He stopped kissing me and looked me in eyes. He smirked wickedly and started to lean in. I closed my eyes and I felt his lip ghosting over mine...

"Mister Potter!" I heard and he lunged off of me. Snape was standing there snarling looking between the two of us, it didn't look good. He was still corning me. "I bet your father will rip you out of this school after this little stunt!" He sneered and Albus' face showed nothing but hatred.

"No professor!" I cut in and his glare turned to me. "We were just talking."

"Then explain why he is pinning you to the wall." He asked and I cleared my throat buying myself some time.

"Well you see we bumped into each other outside here. And I apologized because I wasn't paying attention and he started a nice conversation but I zoned out so he pinned me to get my attention." I explained awfully. He raised his eyebrow and looked at Albus who shrugged.

"Well Potter." Snape literally spat. "Since Mister Malfoy is vouching for you, there is no need to notify your father. But please, do see me in my office."

"Yes professor." Albus growled and stormed passed him. I nodded my head to Snape before bolting off. I decided to head outside and I shook my head. Albus Potter was kissing me and told me he was attracted to guys. I think I must be dreaming. Yeah that's it; all I have to do is wake up. I shut my eyes but that was the wrong move seeing as I bumped into someone and fell over.

"You alright kid?" I heard and opened my eyes looking up. James Potter stood in front of me and I started to stammer.

"Y-Yeah." I mumbled looking up at him still. He stuck out his hand and I took it.

"You're Scorpius Malfoy?" He asked and I nodded. "Well I do apologize for my brother's torment on you. He's just coping wrongly with my mother's death."

"It's fine really um have you seen you sister possibly? Or your cousin Rose?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah they went outside in the courtyard. Told me that if I saw you I should tell you."
"Oh well thank you." I nodded my head and bolted outside. I found them and they

looked alarmed at my appearance.

"What's with you?" Rose asked and I caught my breath. I plopped on the ground in front of the bench they were on.

"Well I was telling my parents I was gay and they were really supportive. So I told Sev and he was happy that they were supportive. So I went to find you guys like ten minutes ago but when I walked out of Snape's room, Albus was there."

"He hurt you?" Rose growled.

"Not that's just it!" I yelled and their eyes went confused. "He started to make fun of me and said that I liked 'cock' so I laughed. I explained to him that it was so much more than just liking dick. And for some odd reason I went on and told him about it! We were talking normally!" I chirped and their eyes widened. "But then he started to kiss me! Like gently on the neck."
"What?" Lily yelled.

"Yeah and he was saying that he has the same feelings about boys." I said and Lily smirked.

"Oh James owes me so much money!" She cackled and I looked at her.

"I always had a feeling Albus liked other boys. I mean he's always picking on you and he even straddles you sometimes. He likes to play rough." She said and I chuckled.

"So um what does this mean for you?" Rose asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing really." I mumbled. "I-I was just so flustered I actually lied to Snape when he caught us."

"He caught you?"

"He thought Albus was hurting me again." I stated simply. "But um he wasn't." I said blushing.

"So you two aren't together?"

"No!" I yelled. "We still like hate each other. "

"Sure doesn't sound like it." Rose said wiggling her eyebrows.

"N-no." I defended. "He'll still be an ass to me."

"Whatever you say Scorp, but when you get pregnant his baby, don't come crying to me." Rose said and then pondered a bit. "Actually yes, I would want you to do that because obviously I would be the godmother."

"Hey! Why not me? I'm his friend and Albus' sister!" Lily said.

"Exactly, you'd be the aunt! All I would be is the cousin so I should be the godmother." Rose defended and Lily went to retort but I cut her off.

"Alright I'm not going to get pregnant with his baby!" I said. "I don't even like him!"

"We'll see about that." Rose and Lily winked as I groaned.

Albus' P.O.V

I sat in my dormitory looking out the window. I really screwed up with Malfoy. I didn't mean to kiss him or confess these feelings I've been having. I got all caught up in the moment and my original plan was just to watch him squirm. But he didn't as much as I wanted him to. Anger rippled through me so I stormed out of the dorms not caring about anything. Not caring about the detentions I had to serve, not caring about my father's howler, not caring about my siblings... not caring about anything! I stormed throughout the castle until I spotted my target. Everyone was filing in the Great Hall for dinner so I watch as Malfoy took a seat next to Lily. I smirked and strode into the Great Hall and walked over to the Slytherin table.

"Marshall, Elliot." I nodded. "After I make this little announcement, please follow me and we'll have a little fun." I told them with a smirk.

"What's the announcement?" Kirk Marshall asked.

"You'll see." I told him and jumped on the table. I clapped my hand and everyone, yes everyone went quiet. I made eye contact with the blonde Gryffindor who looked in awe. He must have an idea of what I was doing. I looked at the professors and they raised their eyebrows at me. "Now that I have your attention!" I shouted. "I would like to make an announcement." I threw a smirk in Malfoy's direction. I took a deep breath and was ready to make the announcement when I was cut off.

"Albus Potter has feelings for guys!" I heard and I noticed my sister on the table. I stared at the Gryffindor table in disbelief. She was shooting a venomous glare at me and I growled.

"Is that true?" Marshall asked me. I was fuming. Absolutely fuming. I hopped off the table and started to dash to her table when I was caught by two sets of arms.

"Fuck let me go!" I yelled. "That bitch! I am going to kill her!" I yelled. At this time, the whole Hall was silent and watching the scene unravel. I noticed the two people holding me back were James and Snape.

"Miss Potter, please meet me in my office." Snape said as he gripped me tightly. He muttered a spell that bound me and had James walk me to his office. I was still fuming as everyone watch me leave the Hall. Lily trotted behind us smirking and I was trying so hard to get out of my bonds to rip out her throat. We made it to his office and they sat me down undoing the spell. Once it was lifted, I pounced but a fist was connected with my face. I grabbed my face and Lily's expression was stone cold.

"Don't even try it Albus." She hissed. James held me in my seat as we waited for Snape to speak.

"I should let the headmistress deal with this but since it's one of my snakes, I will take care of it." He sneered. "Miss Potter please explain as to why you thought that little outburst was necessary?" He drawled angrily.

"Well professor, I know my brother. He was not going to out himself but out Scorpius Malfoy."
"Is this true?" He asked and I glared at him. "I think another letter to you father is in order."

"No! I don't want to leave!" I yelled finally.

"We'll ask him to meet with us Potter." He sneered. "Obviously your downward spiral is dangerously out of control." He said and I huffed. "Miss Potter, ten points from Gryffindor for betraying a fellow student. However, fifteen points for protecting a fellow student, you may return to dinner." He said and she nodded. After shooting me glare, she scampered off.

"You litter fucker!" James yelled. "What the hell were you thinking? She's your sister! You could have hurt her!" He yelled.

"Doesn't matter." I mumbled. "I don't really care."
"Potter." Snape said and we both looked at him. He pointed to me. "Come here, we have your father on firecall." James shoved me up and I walked over to Snape when I realized there was no room for me to escape. Snape gripped me hard when I got to him and my father's face was there.

"Albus Severus, I sent you a howler not more than twelve hours ago and you pull this little stunt?" He yelled. "With your sister not to mention!" He yelled. "I will floo there tomorrow and you better be ready to come home because you're not finishing school!"

"Da-" I started but I was cut off.

"Mister Potter." Snape glowered. "May I suggest something?"

"Yes professor." Dad said.

"I think proper medication for the boy would be better." He said and I grit my teeth.

"What are you medicating him for?"

"Depression more or less."
"I'm not depressed!"
"He's angry, he constantly gets headaches in class, and he doesn't sleep by the look of his eyes." He droned on. "Or he just needs anger management."

"We can do both." Dad nodded his head.

"No!" I yelled. "I am not 'depressed'!" I yelled.

"Do you feel worthless son?" Dad asked and I stayed quiet. He rubbed his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Then you're being put on potions until you decide that depression isn't what you're going through and you're just becoming an insufferable ass." He said and I growled.

"Enough of that growling Potter." Snape barked. "I won't have any of it." He hissed. "Mister Potter, I recommend you come tomorrow and we'll discuss this in person."

"Alright I'll see you first thing."

"How are you feeling?" Dad asked and I glared at him. I was cross armed on the chair in McGonagall's office. "Did you give him the potions?" He asked Snape who nodded.

"Yes last night." He said. "It seems to have taken an effect."
"Did not." I muttered.

"Alright Albus then why do you feel?" He asked and I continued to glare at him. "Don't fucking giving me the silent treatment!" He shouted and everyone silenced. Probably alarmed at his tone.

"I feel nothing." I said.

"Alright then it's working." He told me. "Are you angry?"

"I want to go to sleep." I said and he looked at Snape alarmed.

"It's a side effect." He said. "Depression is wearing him down and the potion just enhances that, he'll get used to it."
"Okay." Dad said. "Albus you will stay on these potions until you stop causing harm to the other students, if you can't do that, you're coming home."
"I don't want to come home."

"Then learn how to cope with this." He hissed. "One more foot out of line and I will bring you home and you will move in with Aunt Petunia." He said and I growled.

"Too lazy to take care of me yourself?" I asked.

"I have no idea what has gotten in to you! You know very well I am busy with work and I can't baby you because you can't function in the real world." He hissed. "Now I need to head home. Heed my warning Albus Severus, one more foot out of line." He hissed. He said goodbye to the professors and went apparated away.

"Mister Potter, go to your dormitory and rest." Snape said. Without saying a word I left the office. I walked quietly to my dorms when I saw Scorpius. He looked at me and we made eye contact. He gave a small smile and much to my surprise, I smiled back.

A/N- Harry's being harsh but Albus isn't helping. What will happen next? Will he stay on the potions? Or blow them off?

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