1. Year potions and detention

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AN: Be ready for some BTT ya all!

The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws had potions class together with their least favorite teacher professor Gerhart Beilschmidt.
"Today you'll be put into new pairs." There were some sighs of happiness and some of sadness.
"First we have Gilbert Beilschmidt and Francis Bonnfoy." The boys high fived as they joined at a table in the back.
"Matthias Køhler and Lukas Bondevik." Matthias hugged Lukas as the short blonde sighed in defeat.
"Alfred Jones and Ludwig Beilschmidt." The German gave a stern look to the American as Alfred began laughing his ass off.
"Kiku Honda and Heracles Karpusi." The pair(no not like that) joined together in silence.
"Elizabeta Héderváry and Roderich Edelstein." They went to the table beside Gilbert and Francis, let's call it a bad choice and I'll tell you why in a second.
"Wang Jia Long and Emil Steilsson." Once again silence as the two nodded at each other.
"Wang Yao and Im Yong Soo." The Chinese boy rolled his eyes as the Gryffindor laid his arm around the others shoulders.
"Now that you're all in pairs(I realize that I haven't placed all of them in groups directly) you are going to attempt to make a potion(that I have no idea what to call)." Everyone looked at each other in slight horror. "The ingredients will be in the front and your recipes will be on page 65. On to it" the monotone professor said and everyone began, some more than other.
"Stop stealing our ingredients stupid German!" "I am Prussian!" "Then get your Prussian ass away from our table!" "What ever prince Eliza!" "Shut it! I'm a girl!" "Oh so you finally noticed?" "Why you!" The Hungarian girl was stopped just before she punched the Prussian boy by the professor glaring at them. "If you two will please return to your potions. Or perhaps you'll join me in detention?" "No sir, sorry sir!" The two said in unison almost laughing, they were friends after all.
It didn't help the french and Prussian boy concentrate though. They were talking about anything pouring stuff that they didn't really notice and then. BAM!!! The potion exploded and the two boys and the tables beside them were blown to the sides.
"GILBERT!!! BONNFOY!!!" The professor rushed to the back rows his monotone voice had gone out of the way to yell... No one ever heard the professor Gerhart yell. The two boys was screwed. You will serve detention for a month! And if it stood to me you would have been sent home this instance! The class is over!" The professor said as he helped the hurt students to the hospital wing.

The Hufflepuffs and Slytherins went into potions class and stood at their tables with their partners, Antonio was happy with his partner... But it wasn't going the opposite way. Lovino wasn't at all happy having to spend the class with the spaniard, let alone being his partner.
The lesson went well until the poor spaniard tried to hug the little Italian. Antonio was slapped and fell backwards so all the ingredients on the front fell to the floor with a loud crash. "Carriedo join me tonight and the next week for detention." Professor Gerhart turned to Lovino. "Mr. Vargas, go to your grandfathers office after school." "Yes sir!" Antonio said hurriedly but the Italian just sighed and nodded.


The three unfortunate boys met outside the office door. "Toni! How awesome to meet you here!" The Prussian laughed as the spaniard held his broken nose. "What happened mon ami?" Francis asked with concern. "Lovi punched me... Again..."
Gilbert and Francis looked at each other the moment the door opened. "Carriedo, Bonnfoy... Gilbert. Come inside boys." The professor said and the boys hurried inside, avoiding eye contact.
The boys sat down at three separate tables and looked at professor Gerhart. "You'll be writing a 4 page parchment on what you did and how sorry you are. I'll be glad to inform you that ms. Héderváry and mr. Edelstein are alright after your little incident."
A relieved sigh escaped Gilbert's mouth. "Now begin!" The boys quickly began to scribble down their words on the parchment.

*In the meantime*

"Well done! I am proud of you Lovino!" Mr. Julius Vargas said as he stood up from his chair. "What are you talking about?" The small Italian stood confused in front of the professors desk. "You are as strong as I was in your age! Take a mystery bean and run along!" Professor Vargas held out a bowl with the multicolored beans. Lovino hesitated for a second before taking one. "Grazi nonno..." The Italian boy looked down with a small smile as his grandfather ruffled his hair. "Get out of here now... And don't tell Gerhart that I let you off..." "Of course not nonno." The small Italian walked out of the office and went towards the lavatory. He hesitated to put the bean in his mouth but eventually took the chance, strawberry.
After he washed his hands he went to the Slytherin common room.
"It was about time you came."
"Took you long enough."
"Now, now, it takes time being fabulous!"

AN: So sorry about the wait!
I wrote a longer chapter this time!... I think I did at least...
I hope you liked it!

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