Chapter 14

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Daisuke (POV)
I'm standing on a roof of one of the buildings with Eren, Armin and the rest of my assigned squad overlooking the carnage.
Eren- Think of it this way guys. It's a golden opportunity. I mean if we prove our worth as soldiers right here, we'll rise up right through the ranks. Before long, we could even be leading our own regiment. We can bypass rookie status all together.
Armin- Sounds good. I'm with you all the way.
Daisuke- Likewise. We'll tear them to pieces and show that we aren't meant to be fucked with.
Mina- Now now boys. You're not the only ones in your class. Don't get ahead of yourselves. Save some of the glory for the rest of us.
Thomas- Good luck beating us to the punch a second time Daisuke and Eren. No head starts for you two this round.
Eren- Is that a challenge?
Thomas- Listen up, whoever kills the most titans gets bragging rights.
Daisuke- Alrighty then.
Eren- Better not fudge your scores.
Our squad gets the word to go help out the vanguard.
Daisuke- Here we go!!
Eren- Give em Hell!!!
We zip off into the action like freakin ninjas from Itsuki's story.
Indigo: You know what...........Why do I even try with y'all?
Daisuke: Not sorry.
As we're nearing the vanguard, we notice nothing but titans are there in the vanguard's last position.
Mina- There's so many of them.
Thomas- The Vanguard has been completely overwhelmed.
Daisuke *mind*- Shit. I knew things were bad but this however, Jesus Christ.
We keep moving but soon spot an abnormal on a roof about to pounce.
Eren- We got an abnormal! Pull up!
It pounces and smacks itself right into a bell tower. We land on a roof and look at it. It moves it's head and it has Thomas in its jaws.

Thomas has a face of pear terror and he says something that I can't make out before he's gulped down and swallowed.
Daisuke- Thomas nooooo!!!!!
The titan gets down and walks off.
Eren- You bastard!!!!!
He takes off after the titan in anger.
Armin- Eren!
Daisuke- Wait stay with the group!.......Shit!
Everyone goes after Eren.
Eren- Get back here!!!!! You're going to pay for killing my friend!!!!
I try to keep up as best I can up I'm too late as a titan jumps up and nips Eren causing him to crash and tumble all along the rooftops of buildings. He comes to halt and doesn't move.
AD- Eren!!
Mina- Oh god no!
Another one of our squad gets smacked out of the air by another titan and killed on impact. Mina's zip line gets yanked by another titan and she crashes into the side of a building. She suffers the same fate as Thomas. I land next to Eren to check up on him and Armin just stands on the opposite roof frozen in shock and fear.
Daisuke- Eren. Eren wake up brother. You gotta get up. We're not safe here. We have to get you medical attention.
Suddenly the booming sound of titan footsteps comes around and a titan appears eyeing Armin.

Daisuke- Armin move!
The titan picks Armim up my his jacket and hovers him over his gaping mouth. He drops Armim and he goes down his throat with a blood curdling scream. I immediately leave Eren alone and zip line to the titan's mouth. I grab onto Armim's hand at the last second. My feet begin to slide due to the saliva but someone holds onto me from behind. I turn to see Eren and he yanks us both out. Once back on the roof o look back to Eren to see he's struggling.

Eren- I refuse to die like this understand? Both of you listen. We still need to go to the outside world. The things I've been told about. I have to see them.
He sticks his hand out and the look of desperation is on his face.

Armim- Eren nooo!!!
Daisuke- Hold on!!!!!
It's too late as the mouth snaps shut severing Eren's arm and killing my friend. Armim screams bloody murder as the titan gulps down Eren. Tears of sadness and anger flood out of my eyes as the titan walks off pleased with his kill.
I take off after the titan who killed Eren. More titans come out the woodwork and notice me. One grabs for me and swing underneath it's forearm and then hook onto it's back. I use the thrusters to boost me to the nape and I slice it with ease and titan goes down for the count. The titan who killed Eren is getting away and  other titans are closing in on me. I quickly boost myself away to go after the Eren's killer but suddenly an abnormal titan bursts through the house next to me. I try to pull up but it's too late as he bites off my legs come and I crash land into a destroyed house. When the dust settled I realize that I've been impaled with multiple wood beams and to make matters worse, the titans are coming to finish me off.
Daisuke- I.........I made a promise to Mikasa.......If she saw how I was right now, she'd flip. (Sigh) Is this really how it ends? I'm not afraid of dying. I just thought it wouldn't be like this. Mikasa would beat the shit out of me if I were die. (Looks up at the approaching titans) I guess I won't then. Mikasa Ackerman, I know you can't hear this but you're are the reason this life is worth living. I looked into your eyes before I left I could see how this world has savaged you. So here's another promise. I promise to change the world so that you may live peacefully!! (Titans reach out) I'm not dying here! You hear that you titan bitches?!!! IM NOT DYING HERE AND I WILL AVENGE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
A glowing light appears around me and then everything goes black.
The outer part of the city nearest the gate
Mikasa (POV)
I helping as much as I can but something brings me to a stop. I immediately grab onto my chest as I feel a sense of pain. Emotional pain. Hikaru notices and stops by my side.
Hikaru- Hey, you good?
Mikasa- Uh yeah. Yeah I'm fine.
Hikaru- (sigh) They're going to be ok. The boys can handle themselves.
I look back to the rest of the city and suddenly lightning strikes down in the middle of it.

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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