Chapter 15

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Armin (POV)
It's been mere minutes. Mere minutes since both my best friends were taken from me. Ever since I've been in a complete state of unmoving shock. That is until Connie showed up.
Connie- Wake up! Armin hey! Can you hear me?! Come on snap out of it! I need you to talk to me! Say something!
I snap out of it.
Connie- There you are. You with me now? What's going on? Where's your squad?
Armin- S-Squad?
Connie- ........Alright lets get you on your feet. You shouldn't be out here alone.
He tries to get me up but takes back his hand as soon as he touches me.
Connie- What the hell is all over you that's got you so damn slimy? What happened?
Then I remember as it all comes back like a barreling freight train.

Armin- Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! You're worthless!!!! Why can't you just die?!!!!!!!
Connie- Uh hey you need to pull yourself together.
Armin- Damn you!!!!
Connie- Where is everyone?
I stop my yelling and crying for the time being.
???- Let it go Connie.
I turn my head to see Ymir.

Ymir- Let it go Connie. He's it. The rest of em are dead.
Connie- Damn it don't talk like that. We can't assume he's the only one! Daisuke was in his group for crying out loud!
Ymir- Look around you. Isn't it obvious? We can't waste anymore time here with him. We gotta move on.
Connie- You're not making any sense. Why would the titans ignore him?
Ymir- I don't know. Maybe they thought he was already dead or something. When you get right down to it, that's the real tragedy here. Eren, Daisuke and the others busted their asses yet the one left standing is him.
Connie- Alright that does it bitch. I'm gonna shut your mouth up permanently.
Christa comes in to break up the situation.

Christa- Both of you stop it right now. Look, we're all at the end of our tether ok? We're seeing our friends being killed like animals. It's normal to be upset.
Ymir- (sarcastic) Look at my Christa keeping the peace. You are so gonna have to marry me when all this crap is over.
Connie- Yeah well, she best get ahold of that mouth. Alright Armin, come on. We gotta get outta here. Are you able to stand?
He sticks his hand out for me to grab. I reluctantly get up to my feet.
Armin- Sorry for being such a nuisance. Don't worry about me. I'll rendezvous with the rear guard.
Connie- But Armin.
I pay him no mind and leap off the roof and zip away.
Hikaru (POV)
We're currently zipping after an abnormal titan that's going for the people at the rear gate. Although my focus should be on that, this sickening feeling that I have in my gut grows. Mikasa has it worse than I do which is why she distracting herself with titans. Had she not, she would've ditched our unit to go after Daisuke and the other boys as soon as that lightning struck. I refocus myself and see Mikasa cut the nape of the abnormal and it goes down for the count. I land next to Mikasa and give her a high five for a nice kill. That's when the huge crate draws our attention.

Mikasa- Excuse me, what is all of this?
The owner of said speaks up.
Owner- Couldn't ask for better timing! Force these useless morons to push my wagon! I'll pay the both of you handsomely!
Both Mikasa and I get looks of disbelief.
Hikaru- Are you fucking kidding me right now? Soldiers are dying back there.
Mikasa- They're laying down their lives for you. All because this is taking too long.
Owner- Yeah that's their job. You expect me to shed a tear because they gotta fulfill they jobs they signed up for? They're supposed to be willing to lay down their lives. Don't get all high handed on me just because you finally Gotta earn your keep after all these damn years.
Our eyes and moods grow cold and merciless. We unsheathe our blades and hop off the dead titan. We slowly begin to make our way the crowd.
Mikasa- Yeah there's no arguing with that. You're absolutely right SIR. I guess it's what you call the greater good.
Hikaru- Still though, sometimes it's not the life or death of a SOLDIER that makes the biggest difference.
Owner- Don't you even dare your commander and I are old friends.
Zack: Classic Karen/Kevin line. Looks like on his way to r/entitled people
Indigo: you know I actually agree with you on this one. This dude was a douche. No points for you however.
Zack: Damn it.
Owner- One word from me and you both will be court marshaled! Believe it!
His two bodyguards rush us and Mikasa hits one in the back of the head with the flat of her blade. I sweep the other bodyguard's feet and as he falls forward, my right elbow connects with his head and knocks him out cold.
We finally stare face to face with the owner and give him a cold glare

Mikasa- That word gonna come from beyond the grave?
Hikaru- Gonna be kinda hard to say anything in general with your throat slashed.
We raise our swords like we are about to attack him.
Owner- No wait!
Our blades stop mere inches from his face.
Hikaru- I don't want to have this discussion again. Pull your fucking wagon out and let these people through.
He does as he is told and the crowd of people escape through the gate. We sheathe our swords when a mother and her daughter approaches us.
Daughter- You guys are amazing!
Mother- You two saved our lives. All of us are in your debts.
We give them the salute and take our leave to continue on with our mission.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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