Chapter 16

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Hikaru (POV)
We managed to regroup with our squad atop the rooftops.
SC- Good job Ackerman, Tatsuo.
Mikasa- Just doing our jobs sir but thank you. I need to be more careful on the future though. I inadvertently dulled both of the blades. I'll do better next time.
By now the sky let's down a downpour.
SC- What on earth did you have to live through to be so nonchalant?.......I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.
Mikasa lifts her scarf over her mouth and clutches her necklace tightly. I grab onto her shoulder and the out of comfort as I can tell she's reminiscing of that memory.
Daisuke (POV)
I'm with Mr Jaeger and Eren outside the Ackerman household on a rainy day.
Eren- Her name's Mikasa?
Mr J- Yes and she's just your ages. Try to get along with her okay? They're aren't many children out here so try not to grow up to be outcasts.
Eren- If she's nice to me then we won't have a problem.
Daisuke- I mean, I always down to making new friends. Lighten up Eren. You can't always see the bad in people. Keep doin that and it's what you'll get every single time.
There's still no answer to the door.
Mr J- That's odd. Are they home? (Bangs on the door) Mr Ackerman. It's doctor Jaeger.
He tries the door to find it's unlocked. He opens it slightly and then stops.
Eren- Well are they or aren't they?
No answer.
Eren- Dad? What's wrong?
Daisuke- Uh Mr Jaeger?
He runs inside and we follow him only to see a bloodbath. There's a lady on the ground and not moving. There's a puddle of blood under her head. Mr. Jaeger goes to check on her.
Mr J- Damn it. Look around. Can you see the daughter anywhere? Perhaps she's outside.
Eren-.....I don't think so.
Daisuke- Didn't see any girl on the lead up to here.
Mr J- This is bad. I need to alert the military police at once while the trail is still warm. Wait for me at the foot of the mountain. Is that understood? Say that back to me. Word for word. Eren! Daisuke!
Mikasa (POV)
The intruders have me tied up in the back room and they're in here with me. I can't really understand what they're saying. All I know is that I'm so cold. The door opens and there's two boys.
Daisuke (POV)
Daisuke- Oh crap. Uh we're sorry.
Intruder 1- Hey don't you move from that spot you brats. (Yanks the door all the way open) How'd ya even find this place?!
Eren- Uh well....t-the woods. Got lost. I saw your cabin and......
The dude sitting in the chair gives the guy in front of us some kind of signal.
Intruder 1- Lost in the woods huh? Kids your age shouldn't be out on their own to begin with.
Daisuke- Yeah. The storm got really bad. We didn't no what else to do. (Clutches shark scissors hidden behind back)
Intruder 1- Glad you found this place then. The big bad wolves could've pounced on ya. It's alright now. You two will be safe here. My buddy and I will take-
He doesn't get to finish as Eren stabs the guy in the chest with his hidden knife and I slit the guys throat with my scissors. My voice goes from innocent child to downright serious and intimidating.
Daisuke- While I appreciate the offer kindly SIR, I'm not a dumbass. And for you, we're the last images your eyes will  see before the before your life leaves you. He crumpled and falls to the side dead. The other guy springs to his feet and we see the girl all tied up on the floor.

I2- The hell you guys think you're doing?
We both give him a death glare as I close the door.

We go to the room across and find some else to use. I find a small hatchet and Eren finds a broom with a really sharp end. The guy opens the door we closed and we rush him. Eren spears the guy in the chest and he falls on his back. I join in my hitting him over and over with the hatchet while Eren does the same with his knife.
Daisuke- Ahhhh!!!! You're nothing but a savage animal!! Do you hear me?!! You're the scum of the earth!!! This is what you deserve you bastard!!!
Eren- This what you get for being what you are!!! Die!!! Die!!!
Daisuke- DIE!!!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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