Chapter 17

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Daisuke (POV)
The intruder lay dead beneath filled with nothing but stab wounds. I drop my hatchet and wipe the blood from my face. I look over to Mikasa and give her a gentle smile.
Daisuke- Hey there. You have nothing to worry about now. You're safe.
Eren- Yeah. The hard part is over.
Eren gets up and sets Mikasa upright and cut her bonds.
Eren- Anyway, it's Mikasa right? My name's Eren. I'm doctor Jaeger's son. This is my best friend Daisuke. We met your folks once or twice. We were stopping by your house today for a checkup. We saw....
Mikasa- What happened to the third one?
Daisuke- Excuse me? Third one?
Footsteps come from behind us and I turn around to see that there was indeed a third.

Eren's eyes go wide and he lunged for the knife. The guy drills Eren in the stomach with a kick and sends him rolling into the wall. I quickly grab the hatchet and swing on him. He catches my wrist and makes me drop the hachet. With his free right hand, he lays two good shoots in on my face and I go down to one knee.
Guy- This is you guy's doing isn't it?
Daisuke-........Fuck you.
He throttles next by my throat and lifts me up.
Guy- Answer me you you little bastard!! You did this!!! I'm gonna kill you! You're gonna die!
Eren gets up and starts punching the guy in the back. The guy drops me and turns his attention to Eren. He uppercuts Eren and he falls flat on his back. The guy stomps on his chest and starts putting pressure as he continues to drive the air out of him. I look towards Mikasa who's looking on in fear.
Daisuke- gotta help us. You gotta help take this guy out.
Daisuke- You gotta fight. It's kill or be killed. It's the only way.
The guy turns his attention to me and kicks me in the side of my head. He pins my arms behind my back and begins to press my head into the floorboard. I maneuver my head so that I can see Mikasa a ways behind the guy. She stands up and picks up the knife.
Mikasa- I can't. I don't think you can do it.
Daisuke- Look, I know tragedies happen. What are you gonna do? Give up? Quit and throw your life away? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you gotta fight like hell to make sure you're still alive because you are,and the pain you're feeling, that's life. The confusion and fear, that's to remind you that somewhere out there, there's something better and that something is worth fighting for. So fight god damn it!!!
All of a sudden, her body stop me shaking and it's like she became some whole other person right then and there.
Daisuke- There you....go.
She takes off into a sprint, breaking the floorboards in the process. She lets out a war scream and stabbed this guy through the heart from behind. The pressure against my head is instantly stopped and the guy slumps to the side off of me. We got Eren up and waited for someone to come by to help us.
Timeskip to that night.
We made a campfire and Mr. Jaeger had come with the MP's.
Mr. J- Damn it you two. I thought I made it clear I wanted you two to wait at the foot of the mountain. Do understand the magnitude of what you've done here today?
Daisuke- Yeah. I'd do it again in heartbeat because we saved her! What did you want us to do? They were gonna hurt her and take her away and sell her!
Eren- They were animals dad! Animal disguised as humans who needed to be put down!
Mr. J- Listen your yourselves.
Daisuke- By the time the military police got here, they would've been long gone and you know it! We couldn't afford to wait and do jack shit!
Mr. J- That's not what I'm arguing about! You two threw caution to the wind and survived by pure luck! You two are very strong yes, but too damn young to be so casual about gambling with your lives!
Daisuke- We had no other choice. We didn't know how else to save her.
He sighs and looks at Mikasa.
Mr. J- Mikasa, you remember me? We met a few times before when you were just a tiny little thing.
Mikasa-........Yes Dr. Jaeger. So um,.....Sorry can you just tell me how to get home? It's cold. I'm tired. There's really nowhere else for me to go.
Eren walks over to her and tosses her his scarf.
Eren- Don't worry. You can keep it. That oughta keep you warm right?
Mikasa- I think so.
I walk up to her and part the scarf. I take off my necklace and put it around her neck.

Mikasa- But why?
Daisuke- This is necklace is very important to me. It was my father's before me. It is said that this necklace protects the life of those who wear it. After what happened today, I don't want anything else like this or anything bad in general to happen to you. You wear this. You wear this everyday and I promise, you'll be safe.
A small tint of red cab be shown on her cheeks. I rewrap the scarf around her and back up.
Mr. J- Mikasa, how would you feel about moving to live with us Jaeger's?
Mikasa- What?
Mr. J- I can't even imagine what you've been through. But I do know you need your share of rest.
She hesitates and I go back up to her and hold her hand.
Daisuke- Hey, it's okay. They're good people. Go with them. You gotta get home.
She gasps a little and her cheeks get a bit more red and I see tears start to well in her eyes.
Mikasa- Yeah.....okay.
Daisuke- (gentle smile) Hey no tears. Everything is going to be ok now.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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