Chapter 19

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Mikasa (POV)
Everyone is in shock.
Cadet 1- His whole squad wiped out.
Cadet 2- The sake will happen to us if we take on those titans.
Armin- (weeping) I'm so sorry Mikasa. Hikaru. It should've been me that died, not them. I.....I couldn't do a thing! I'm worthless.
I'm bend down and grab ahold of Armin's hands.
Mikasa- Armin. Calm yourself. We haven't got time for you to get emotional right now. On your feet.
I bring Armin to his feet and turn to the others.
Mikasa- Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the titans at HQ, we can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get back over the wall. Is that assessment correct?
Marco- Well yeah I guess so...sure. But there's just too many of them out there. Even with you and Hikaru on point.
Mikasa- I can do it. No, Hikaru and I can do it.
Hikaru- We're strong. Real strong. None of you and I mean none of you come even close. You understand me? We are warriors. Know this and listen well. Mikasa and I have the power to slay every titan in our path. Even if we have to do it by ourselves.
Mikasa- As far as we're concerned, we're surrounded by a bunch of unskilled cowardly worms. You disappoint me. You can just sit here and twiddle your thumbs, and watch how it's done.
Cadet 3- Wait. Are you two out of your minds? That's crazy!
C4- You can't be serious! Trying to take them out all by yourselves?
C5- There's no way you could hope to beat them.
Hikaru- If we can't then we die. But if we win, we live. And the only way to win is to fight!
Hikaru (POV)
Mikasa and I leap off the building and start our journey to HQ. We hear the others following us after a bit but we pay no mind. We're to busy zipping around the place and cutting the napes of titans. Sure we're going super fast and probably using too much gas but it's the only we can do to protect Mikasa and I from breaking down completely. Mikasa's has goes out first and she smacks onto a roof and down to the ground. Mine is next and I crash on top of the building above where Mikasa landed.
Mikasa (POV)
Mikasa *mind*- It happened. Why this again? Why must I be cursed in losing my family? Losing the ones dear to me? Losing the the one I love?
I roll off the apple stand I landed on and calm to my knees on the ground.
Mikasa *mind*- Wasn't the first time enough? It's over. There's nothing left for them to take from me besides Hikaru. Then again, she's probably feeling the same way as I.
Titan footsteps approach from my right.
Mikasa *mind*- This world is cruel. Oh so cruel. But it's also.....beautiful. It was a good life.
I close my eyes and wait for my death but my instincts won't let me as I slice off the fingers of the titan reaching out for me. I leap out of the way as it tries to smash be to bits. It swipes and it misses but the impact pushes up against the break wall of the building behind me. It comes for me again but I jump out of the way and tumble away from it.
Mikasa *mind*- Why? I had already given up. So why? Why am I still struggling? I don't understand. There's no point in living with him here. So why? Why do I continue to stand up? Why am I still fighting? I mean, I've lost all reason to live. What keeps pushing me?
Hikaru (POV)
I come recover and I lean over the side of the building to see a Titan cornering Mikasa.
Hikaru *mind*- Damn it. She's in trouble and I can't do a damn thing.
Another titan comes from behind Mikasa.
The sound of glass breaking and building crumbling echoes through the area. More specifically, from behind me. I turn my head to see a white and black muscular hand gripping the edge of the building. My eyes widen a titan I've never seen before pulls itself up and onto the building.

It looks at me and stares me in the eyes. It almost seems to give a smirk before turning its attention to the two titans around Mikasa. The titan walks over me abs crouches down at the edge overlooking Mikasa.
Mikasa (POV)
Daisuke's words of fight from back then ring through my head.
Mikasa- Daisuke.
Mikasa *mind*- I'm so sorry Daisuke. Eren. I'm done giving up. I'll never give up again. Because if I die, these memories of you two die with me. Daisuke, these feelings for you will vanish from existence if I were to die. That is why......That is why I'll do whatever it takes to win! Whatever it takes to LIVE!
I clutch my broken blade tightly in my hand and let out a war cry. That is until the titan behind me stomps and causes me to bounce up. It steps past me and drills the titan in front with a right.

Another titan that I didn't see leaps into the air and curb stomps the titan eco got punched into the ground.
Mikasa- What was that?
Both titans let out a roar.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They both go and start ripping the titan on the ground to pieces.
Mikasa *mind*- Those titans......they're........they're killing the other one.
Mikasa- Just what in the hell is this?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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