Chapter 24

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Hikaru (POV)
We retreated with Daisuke and Eren in tow but because they both came out of a Titan, myself, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, and Daisuke who is still unconscious are supposed and cornered by soldiers.

Mikasa- You alright?
Hikaru- Whoa Eren, can you move? You good?
Armin- Listen, you got to tell them everything. They're terrified but they'll understand.
The soldiers spout on stuff about Eren wanting to eat them and other stuff like how a monster like Daisuke could be asleep in the face of danger.
Eren- What the hell are they talking about? What is this? Why are all their blades pointed at us? Those are meant for taking out Titans. Why is Daisuke out cold? What's going on?
The person in charge of what's going down steps forward.
Leader- Cadets Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Hikaru Tatsuo, and Daisuke Tatsuo! The five of you have committed a high act of high treason! Whether or not a swift execution is the result depends on you!
Eren- What?
Leader- Any attempt to move from where you stand now, anything I deem the least bit suspicious, will be met with cannon fire. Do not test me! Answer carefully! Eren Jaeger, what exactly are you and Daisuke Tatsuo? Human? Or Titan?
Eren- I'm sorry sir! I don't understand!
Leader- Answer me damn you! Evasion will get you nowhere! Don't try to stall with pretend ignorance! You won't stand a chance! You'll be blown to hell before either of you can assume your true forms!
Eren- What true form?
Leader- Please, scores of us saw it happen! You and Daisuke Tatsuo emerged from separate carcasses of fallen titans in full view of your comrades! Creatures of unknown origin, ability, or allegiance has slipped through and infiltrated Wall Rose, and those creatures are you and your unconscious comrade! Under the circumstances, your bring sanctiond by His Majesty is neither here nor there! You two are a risk I am well within my rights to eliminate! I will not let this situation stand! Every moment I squander mulling over you and friend's supposed innocence puts us all in further jeopardy from attack by the Armored Titan and the Awoken Titan! Hell, for all I'm aware, you and Daisuke over there are a tactical diversion precisely for that purpose! I'm sorry but humanity's fate hangs in the balance! I cannot waste anymore time or manpower on you! Do you understand?! My conscience will not falter to watch you die!
Assistant- Nor should it. As soldiers, they all know the price of their position. If they're this committed to defiance under threat of death, so be it. They won't be persuaded. And as you say, it's a waste of time.
Mikasa and stand in front of the boys.
Mikasa- I wouldn't do anything if I were you. Not while we're standing here.
Hikaru- Unless, if anyone is feeling up to the task of trying to lay a finger on our boys in which case, we'll be happy to show you our technique. On all of you. On all of every last one of your traitorous flesh.
Mikasa- And know one thing. You will not touch them. Especially the one who's sleeping. Yes, you see him? Take one step towards him and see what happens. This place will be soaked with your blood and I'll be bathed in it. He's mine.
Eren-......Okay, somebody talk to me now. The hell is all this?
Armin- Mikasa. Hikaru. You can't take them all on. Even if you took down a few, there's nowhere left for you to run.
Hikaru- Whoever comes at the boys deals with us.
Mikasa- Those you come for Daisuke get a special death. We'll take on the entire regiment if need be. I don't give a damn what they try and throw at us.
Hikaru- Tell em sis.
Armin- This isn't the only way! They're just scared. They don't understand what's happening. We need to calm down and just talk it out.
Leader- One more time. Are you a human being or a Titan?!
We look over our shoulder at Eren who has a look of shock, fear, and confusion. Our fate lies on his answer.
Daisuke (POV)
Human. What makes someone human? What makes someone a titan? These are only things I can seem to ponder in my coma like state. And the sounds and voices from the outside are only fueling the fire of the questions of mine. I, Daisuke Tetsuo died on the battlefield surrounded by a large group of Titans. And yet here I am on what feels like cold pavement questioning reality. I can feel my legs and lower extremities that got bit off sometime ago. How did it all get this way in the first place? Ah I remember now. Grisha Jaeger. Eren's dad. He gave Eren the key to the basement of his house. The same key Eren wears around his neck. Then he injected us with some serum and he was saying stuff about when the time comes, the truth will come to us and something else about how we must get back to that cellar back in Shiganshina. I know what I must do now.
Hikaru (POV)
Mikasa has Eren over her shoulder and I'm carrying Daisuke's dead weight and all of us are making a run for the wall before cannon fire hits us. Eren breaks free of Mikasa's grasp and grabs ahold of all of us. I see him go to bite his hand but just at the moment-
Hikaru- Daisuke what are you.......
I open my eyes and see a grotesque structure that blocked the cannon ball.

Around it is a spinel cord that encased this creature and us for further protection. And the lone person who did that was right in from to us.
Except he doesn't have lightning sparking from his hands

Daisuke- You shot at my friends and myself. Now you have to answer to me.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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