Chapter 30

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Mikasa (POV)
While Daisuke recovers his stamina, Rico shoots the red flare and the squad and I go over our next move.
Mitabi- Ian that's it. Please, just look at them. We need to get out of here; the plan's a bust.
Rico- Agreed. Full withdrawal. Eren is helpless in the state that he is. As for Daisuke, there's only so much he can do on his own. The only option is to leave the both of them here.
I immediately give Rico a defiant and angered look.

Mitabi- Ian what are you waiting for?! Give the order! It's not like this was your fault. Come on! Look, this plan was doomed from the start! We all get that! Was it worth a shot?! Sure, whatever! We did the best with what we had! But all we've got now is going back over the wall!
Mitabi starts walking off like he's going to do just what he said and I draw my blades. Ian stops me however.
Ian- Easy. Now's not the time. Team Rico, Cadet Tatsuo did a phenomenal job taking out the groups of Titans but there are a few stragglers headed our way. I want you to take out the twelve meter approaching from behind. Team Mitabi and I will handle the two front runners.
Rico- Are you nuts?!
Ian- In case you've forgotten, I'm the one in charge! Now do as you're ordered soldier! We are not leaving Jaeger or Tatsuo defenseless, period! Change of plans, our job is to keep the others off them till they've recovered. From the looks of things, Tatsuo seems almost done anyways cause he's moving a bit. Whether we like it or not, those two boys are still our last best chance. We're not about to abandon them. We're expendable; they aren't. They can't just be replaced.
Rico- Please, don't talk to me about our last best chance! They're failures countless have died because of! Just look at the Ian! Are you saying that you want more of us to die saving those freaks of nature?!
Ian- That's right. Down to the last man. If that's what it takes, so be it!
Rico- Ian you can't be serious!
Ian- What other hope against the Titans do we have?! You know something I don't?! This is it! This is all we've got, and you damn well know it! I am making a judgement call here! If you have a better plan, speak up! How else are we gonna get out from under their feet?! I'm all ears here!
Rico- If you're asking me how else we'll defeat the Titans, obviously I have no idea.
Ian- See? That's why we can't afford to beat a retreat. Not just yet. We may not know what else is in there, but there's hope. And as long as that's the case, we're gonna fight to the bitter end. Look at us, always scraping by. Always on the run. Don't you...don't you want it to be over? Don't you want to make a stand? Well this is how it's done.
Rico-........This is just......this is madness........I think you're right. If we're to stand, this is the only way. Just this once. Let's fight a fight that's not just a battle of attrition. Let the bastards taste humanity's wrath.
The teams disperse and it's just me and Ian.
Mikasa- Thank you Captain. That was brave.
Ian- No it wasn't. There's no thanks needed. Fact of the matter is I was petrified of the mess you were about to get into. But you're free now. So do your thing. Make good use of that inborn skill. Go save Jaeger. As for Tatsuo, go protect the man you love.
I look down at my feet as my face goes red.

The boom of feet and the big shadow forces me to turn around only to see Daisuke fully recovered looking down upon me smiling.
Mikasa- You're okay. I'm glad.
He nods and pops his knuckles.
Mikasa- Yeah. We got to hold off the Titans as long as we can. You ready? Go!
A thirteen meter Titan is on the roof of one other buildings by Eren in pouncing position. I boost towards it but it pounces.
Mikasa- No!
Daisuke comes out of nowhere and kicks the Titan's head off out of the air
He did this

He then stomps on the nape of the corpse just for good measure. I proceed to land on the building next to him.
Mikasa- Good one.
He nods and points at two familiar people approaching. It was Armin and Hikaru and they land on Eren.
Armin- Mikasa! Why'd the plan go belly up?
Hikaru- Why is he just slumped like this?
Mikasa- Get away from there! It's dangerous! Something went wrong! He lost control and wound up like that! I've tried to get him to snap out of it but I couldn't get him to respond! He's been out like this for the past few minutes!
Armin- But the plan?!
Mikasa- We've had to shift tac! Daisuke could probably lift it the boulder if Eren wasn't against it but even so, he'd be defenseless and there's only so much we can do on our own without Daisuke's help! For now all we can do is protect Eren!And there's....there's just so many all of a sudden! It's like Daisuke and Eren are attracting them! I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!
Armin draws his blades and positions himself at the nape.
Hikaru- What are you doing?
Armin- I'm pulling him out of there. Just hold off the the other Titans as long as you can! That goes for you too Hikaru.
Hikaru nods and zips up onto the shoulder of her brother.
Armin- When Eren and Daisuke first emerged, it was from the weak spot. I dunno but something tells me that's a big part of the picture. How these damn things work. It'll be alright as long as I don't hit the center. This won't kill him but this going to hurt. A lot!
Mikasa- Nooo!
Armin stabs into the nape with his blade and Eren reacts. He violently thrashes around in pain.
Mikasa- Stop it Armin! You'll get yourself killed!
Armin- I'm fine! Just do what you can to keep the others at bay! Trust me, there's tons of other people you should be worried about! Now do what you do best and leave Eren to me!
Armin (POV)
Mikasa leaves reluctantly and Hikaru follows her lead but Daisuke stays and guards me.
Armin- Eren! Can you hear me?! You've got to pull it together! If you stay like this, we're all going to die! Whatever this body's doing to you, fight it! You're Eren Jaeger Damn it! What's this steaming lump of flesh have on you huh? Come on damn it! Wake up! Get out of there! We need you! Eren!......Your mom remember? Remember what they did to her? You were bent on avenging her death! You swore to massacre the Titans! Eren please! You have to push through it! I know you're in there! Listen to me! If you don't get a move on, the Titans are going to kill us! It'll all end right here!
The footsteps of Daisuke come and he kneels before Eren.
Play music
Daisuke (Titan)-.........Eren.......wake
My eyes widen and my jaw dropped as hearing a Titan talk just blew my mind. But I don't have time to question it as Daisuke's words seemed to have made Eren snap out of it. He injuries heal and he lets out a roar as I get off and get to the roof of the nearest building.

Eren and Daisuke look at one another and nod. Both get on the opposite sides of the boulder and lift. With a bit a struggle, they hoist the boulder up onto their shoulders and begin walking to the gate.

I zip over to Mikasa and Hikaru to tell them the news.
Armin- Mikasa! Hikaru!
Mikasa- Armin!
Hikaru- Armin!
Armin- Okay so you won't believe this but Daisuke talked. Like he actually spoke words and talked to Eren even though Daisuke is in Titan form.
Their eyes go wide.
Mikasa- Are you serious?
Hikaru- What the hell?
Armin- Yeah but that managed to get Eren to snap out of it. They're now determined to see the mission through. As long as we have their backs while they head to the wall, the day will be ours!
Ian-........Defend them! To the very last man if that what it comes to! Eren and Daisuke must reach the gate! I don't want a single Titan anywhere near them! The three of you go! I want you with them immediately! Hop to soldiers! That's an order!
HME- Sir yes sir!
Daisuke (POV)
The steam radiates off the both of us like an aura as we get closer and closer to the gate with this heavy ass boulder on our shoulders.
Daisuke *mind*- I feel I'm about to lose all my strength and buckle under the weight of this damn thing. (Sees Armin, Mikasa, and Hikaru) Mikasa. Armin, sis.....The hell are you doing down there on foot? It's suicide. Get to the rooftops..........(looks to the gate).........We're born free. All of us are. Free. Some don't believe it and try everything they can to take it away from others. To hell with that shit! Freedom is worth fighting for! The outside world is worth fighting for! The ones you love are worth fighting for! Fight to live! Risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom! It doesn't matter what's waiting for us outside that gate, or what comes in! It doesn't matter how cruel the world can be or how unjust! Fight! Fight!!! FIGHT!!!!!!!
Mikasa takes out a Titan ahead of the gate and now it's all but over.
Daisuke *mind*- FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Mikasa (POV)
Mikasa- Do it!!!!!!!!!
Daisuke and Eren release a blood curdling roar and slam the boulder against the opening

The yellow smoke goes up signaling victory, sweet victory for humanity. History has been made on this day as hope is reignited and reigns supreme.
Rico- Mind the stragglers. Ackerman withdraw.
Mikasa- With all due respect, I'm not withdrawing until I recover Daisuke and Eren. Armin goes for Eren while I get Daisuke with the help of Hikaru. I cut the nape and pull Daisuke out.

Hikaru- He pulse is fine. His eyes are open but he's out cold.
Mikasa- That's okay. As long as he's fine.
Mikasa *mind*-Oh Daisuke. I couldn't be more proud of you. Rest now dearest. You've earned it.
Meanwhile on the wall above the gate eyeing the whole thing
Brennan (POV)
The kid just sealed up the gate with that Eren boy. I stand here unamused.

Brennan- So you actually managed to pull it off and prove your worthy huh kid. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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