Chapter 32

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Daisuke (POV)
My eyes adjust to the light and I realize that I'm in a courthouse surrounded by people.

The doors open up again behind me and it's Eren who's led through. We both give each the same confused look. The sound of a gun being cocked is what draws my attention next. The guards point their guns at Eren and myself.
Guard- Keep moving now!
Eren and I comply and move forward to the big square opening with the two poles. The guards lift up the poles and force us to kneel. We do as we're told and they put the poles down in between the openings of our handcuffs. My eyes dart around frantically at the amount of people here in this room.
Daisuke *mind*- What's the deal? Why are so many people here? Why are they staring at Eren and I? What did we do? Someone gonna explain what the fuck is going on?
My eyes keep darting until I come upon the unexpected sight of Armin, Hikaru, and Mikasa. Both my sister and Mikasa displaying utter looks of concern. A door opens and a old man who looks like discount Santa Claus sits at the head table.

Old man- All right. Shall we begin? (Clears throat and pulls out papers) Your names are Eren Jaeger and Daisuke Tatsuo. And as soldiers, you have sworn your to give up your lives when called to for the good of the people. Is that correct?
Eren- Yes.
Daisuke- Correct sir.
Old man- As enlisted soldiers during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court martial. As commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether if you two live or die. Any objections?
Eren-......No sir.
Daisuke-.......None here sir.
Old man- Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us begin. As expected, covering up your existences has proven quite fruitless. And unless we publicly disclose your existences one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made and the regiment thar takes custody of you will determine your fate. The Military Police or the Scout Regiment? To begin. The Military Police will now present their case.
A guy from the MP's steps up.

Dude- Thank you. My name is Nile Dawk and I am the Commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of their physiology, subject Eren Jaeger and subject Daisuke Tatsuo should be disposed of immediately. We acknowledge that Jaeger's and Tatsuo's abilities played a part in turning back the latest Titan incursion. However, as been stated, their mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all that we can from these two, we would see them made a fallen warrior of humanity.
Some priest next to Nile opens his mouth.

Cultist- Unacceptable! These verminous fiends has defiled the mighty Wall-
I tune him out. He's just another Wall Cultist. Five years ago, nobody would even give them the time of day. Now, they've actually accumulated some clout. My eyes gaze back over to Mikasa and her face says it all.

Fear. Fear for my life. Fear for I might taken away from this world.
Old man- And now I'd like to hear the Scout Regiment's proposed plan.
Erwin- Yes sir. As Commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following: Let Eren and Daisuke join our ranks. Reinstate them as full members of the Scouts, and we will utilize them and their Titan abilities to retake Wall Maria. That is all.
Old man- Hmm? Is that it?
Erwin- Yes. With their assistance sir, I am very welcome can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear.
Old man- Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pyxis, the wall in Trost District has been completely sealed, is that correct?
Pyxis- Yes. I doubt it's gate will ever open again.
Erwin- We'll depart from Calaneth District, to the east. From there we'll make for Shiganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed.
Citizen- But that's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates! They're the only parts of the Wall that the Colossal Titan can break, right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!
Scout- Shut your mouth you spineless merchant dog! With a pair of Titans on our side, we can finally return to Wall Maria!
Citizen- We can't afford anymore of your childish antics or your delusions of grandeur!
Levi- Squealing louder won't help your case, pig. While we're bolstering up our defenses, do you think the Titans are going to stand idly by?
Brennan- And when you say "we can't afford," do you speak for anyone other than your fatass merchant friends? Do you slobs even realize that most of our people are struggling just to survive off what little land we got left?
Citizen- I'm simply saying that sealing our gates is the only guaranteed protection we've got!
Cultist- Hold your tongue, you vile belligerent heretic! Are you really suggesting that we lowly humans meddle with Wall Rose, a gift from in high? The Wall is a miracle and it's divinity transcends human comprehension. Don't you understand?
I tune him out again as he and the merchant argue
Old man- (smacks desk) Order! I ask that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate venue. Now then Mr. Jaeger. Mr. Tatsuo. I have a question for the two of you. As soldiers, you have made a solemn pledge to answer humanity's call. Can you still serve by controlling your ability?
Eren- Yes I will sir.
Daisuke- Of course sir?
Old man- Oh? Is that so? But this report from the Battle of Trost contradicts that statement. Just after transforming, it seems you made an attempt to crush Mikasa Ackerman. And who is this Mikasa Ackerman?
Mikasa- Me. That would be me sir.
Old man- Alright. Then is it true that Eren Jaeger assaulted you while in Titan form?
Mikasa looks over to Eren and then to me. I mouth the words "tell the truth."
Mikasa- ........Yes all of that is true. However you're missing one important fact that Daisuke Tatsuo protected me and the our squad whilst in his Titan form. As Eren lost control and tried to attack me, Daisuke quickly got in the way and took the blows for us. He saved my life.
Low murmurs release amongst the room. Eren turns to me with the shocked "WTF" face on him.

Daisuke *mind*- Oh shit. He doesn't remember at all.
Mikasa- Also, Eren Jaeger saved me twice before in his Titan form. The first: shortly after Trost fell, I was nearly killed by a Titan. But the Eren and Daisuke came. They stepped in and protected me. The second time, Eren and Daisuke partially transformed to protect me, Armin, and Hikaru from cannon fire. I implore you to take these facts into consideration.
Nile- Objection! I have reason to believe that personal feelings play at large to her testimony. Let the record show that Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned at a young age and was subsequently taken in my the Jaeger family. What's more, our internal investigation into this matter led to a most shocking discovery. Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Daisuke Tatsuo, at the tender age of nine, dealt with three adult kidnappers by stabbing them all to death. Granted, it was done in self defense. All the same, one cannot help but question the violent nature of the act. Knowing all of this, should we really invest in them?
Now he's starting to piss me off.
Nile- Money, manpower, perhaps the very fate of us all?
Citizen- Maybe she's a Titan too! I bet she's not human either! Dissect her too just to be safe!
Daisuke- Now you wait just a damn minute! Maybe I'm we're the monsters you want dead but you leave Mikasa out of this! She's an innocent god damn you! I will not let you lay a single fucking finger on her so help me god!
Random man- Like we'd trust you! She must be one of you're trying to protect her!
Eren- He's telling the truth! She's innocent!
More insults and threats to her life rain down and I rattle my cuffs against the pole hard bringing everything to a silence.
Daisuke- You're all wrong. You're all so wrong about everything. But all of you are so intent on pushing your own selfish agendas, thar you're blind to what's in front of you.
Nile- Wait what do you mean?
Eren- What does it even matter what we're saying? None of you have ever seen a Titan. So why're so afraid huh? There's no since in having power if you're not going to use it in a fight!
Daisuke- If you're too damn scared to fight for your lives, fine. Let us do it for you you bunch of chickenshit cowards! Your your mouths and put your faith in us!
Nile-......Take aim damn it!
A soldier points his musket at me
Daisuke *mind*- Ah shit!
Suddenly Eren gets a roundhouse kick to the face by Levi. His tooth bounces in front of me.
Daisuke- Hey just what do you-
I get cut off as a knee connect with my real temple. Blood spews from my mouth as I too loose a tooth. Brennan is the one who comes into my view.
Daisuke- The fuck?
Another swift kick hits me right in my sternum. He grabs me by my hair and pulls me up. He then punches me right between the eyes and I fall back down to my knees.
Mikasa (POV)
Those two guys are just pummeling Eren and Daisuke. My jaw drops and my eyes widen.

I immediately get filled with rage as they're not only hurting Eren but Daisuke as well. They're totally defenseless. I subconsciously activate my death stare.

I look to Hikaru and she's giving one as well
Like this

We nod and begin to leave to try and help the boys but Armin holds us both back.
Armin- Mikasa, Hikaru wait!
As much as I don't want to, I comply and keep looking on as those two scouts continue to beat Eren and the person I love. Their faces nothing more than bloody messes.
Daisuke (POV)
Blood drips everywhere from my face as Brennan holds my head up against the pole with his knee. Levi holding Eren down by having his foot the back of Eren's head.
Levi- I think nothing instills discipline like pain. You don't need a good talking to.
Brennan- What you need boys is to be taught a lesson and you both just so happen to be in the perfect position for said lesson.
Brennan bashes my head against the pole and bicycle knees me in the face. From there both Levi and Brennan take turns stomping both Eren and I out.
Nile- N-Now hold on Levi, Brennan.
Brennan and Levi have the soles of their boots against our faces.
Example Levi

Levi- What is it?
Nile- It's dangerous? What if they get angry? Turns into a Titan?
Brennan- (kicks me again) Don't be dumb. After all (grabs me by my hair) you the ones who want to dissect the fools right? During the time Jaeger was transformed, they say he was able to kill twenty Titans before he ran out of strength. For Tatsuo, thirty during transformation. As an enemy, their intelligence is all the more dangerous. But Levi and I can still take them down without a sweat.
Levi- How many of you can say the same? Before you torment the beasts, you'd better think. Can you actually kill them?
Erwin- Sir, I have a proposition.
Old man- Proceed.
Erwin- There's still too much we don't know. And no doubt, their danger will be ever present. As such, I suggest this; Eren Jaeger and Daisuke Tatsuo will be placed under the supervision of Captain Levi and Captain Brennan. And we'll conduct a recon mission outside the wall.
Old man- Jaeger and Tatsuo will join you in this mission?
Erwin- Yes sir. Then you can upon the mission's results yourself. And if they successfully control their abilities, Eren and Daisuke will have proven their value to mankind.
Old man- Eren Jaeger and Daisuke Tatsuo will be closely supervised? And if they should lose control?
Levi- Brennan and I can definitely kill them if it comes to that. The only downside is that there is no middle ground.
Old man- Hmm. I've made my choice.
In a different realm
Draven (POV)
Well it seems that the Titan will live after all. With such strength like that, losing him would be such a waste. However, maybe I could use him to my advantage.
Persephone- What's on your mind dear?

Draven- Oh nothing really. Just the fact that I maybe use the strength of the Titan against Indigo. Beelzebub!
Beelzebub comes before my throne and kneels.

Beelzebub- Yes my lord?
Draven- Keep an eye on the Titan. We may have use of him.
Beelzebub- Yes my lord. It shall be done.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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