Chapter 34

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Daisuke (POV)
Section Commander Hange comes in through the door.
Hange- Good evening team Levi. How's castle life treating everyone?
LB- You're too early.
Hange- Am I? I guess I couldn't help myself. Anyway, hello Eren. Hello Daisuke. In the event you two haven't pieced it together yet, it's my job to spearhead the Scout Regiment's research efforts. Essentially, I poke and prod our captive Titan specimens. I'd very much like you boy's help.
Eren- Our help? In what way?
Daisuke- What do we gotta do?
Hange- Join me of course! On a quest of scientific discovery!
The look on her face gives off tone that's she's getting off from her "research".

Daisuke *mind*- Is she turned on right now? What the fuck?
Daisuke- Well Uh.....although the offer is very generous of you ma'am, it's not up to us to decide. We're under close restriction by the higher ups.
Hange- Levi, Brennan, what's on the docket for the boys tomorrow?
Levi- Clearing out all the weeds.
Hange- Excellent then! It's cinched! (Grabs our hands) My boys, tomorrow will be grand.
Eren- Uh.....kay. Just so we're clear, what exactly will we be doing?
Hange- Hmm?
Daisuke- It's a fair question. (Under breath) I mean I don't want you having us play role in your weird Titan fetish.
Eren- (elbows Daisuke in his side) I'm asking is that are you running experiments or something?
Oruo- Idiot. Shut up.
Hange-.....Ah. I knew it. You two posses a singularly curious mind, don't you?
Brennan- And that's my cue. I ain't dealing with this tonight.
Brennan gets up out of his chair followed by Levi and everyone. They all exit the room leaving only Eren, myself, and Hange. She takes the nearest seat to us.
Hange- Well my inquisitive friends, if you insist. Why not lay it all on the table? I intend to get more acquainted with the Titans we lucked upon in Trost. Naturally as a scientist, I started with the standard battery of tests we conduct on all such captures. First was an attempt at communication. Sadly, my findings were consistent with all other past attempts. No communication with them seemed possible. That said, my time spent in intimate proximity to these creatures did indeed help me cope with the tediousness of day to day tasks. That's how I came to name the seven meter Titan Beane and his grinning four meter companion Sawney. The next step involved sensory deprivation; denying them sunlight. Observing as we do that Titans are less active in the nocturnal hours, we may extrapolate from this experiment that the sun is likely a key source of energy for them. Nevertheless, I discovered a profound difference between the two. Corroborating previous data, Sawney grew notably sluggish after only an hour's lack of sun. Beane however, still beamed three hours in. A staggering find believe me. They don't require food or water to survive. They posses vocal organs but have absolutely no need to breathe. The only thing their body metabolize into energy is sunlight. Every Titan may have a different threshold for sunlight withdrawal so I have to be careful. Don't want them dying on me y'know? Some have passed in captivity owning to my ignorance sad to say. Two in particular perished of decapitation when we accidentally struck the soft spot. Poor devils. Chikatiloni and Albert, their names were. Such adorable ear to ear smiles. What I did to them was terrible. It still haunts me. I mustn't let that happen again. I couldn't bear it.
Daisuke-.......I get it.
Hange-.....Carrying on! Physical contact with them was the next obvious step because I simply had to know whether or not they experience pain las you and I. It was the only way to know if they had any weaknesses. Apart from their napes you see. I hated myself for it. Sawney was more, shall we say introverted than his counterpart. If he felt pain, he was unwilling to show it. Sawney's range of expression is, somewhat limited I think. The only things he knows not how to do is lunge and bite.
Eren- Commander, all due respect. But how can you be so lighthearted about them? You talk like they're badly behaved pets. It's just......they're the single greatest threat mankind has ever faced. They've nearly driven us to extinction. You're a Scout. You know that. You've seen them in action countless times.
Hange- True. In fact, more than my fair share of friends have died in the jaws of a Titan, right in front of me. When I first became a Scout, I fought them out of pure white hot hatred. But one day I came to a realization . I kicked the severed head of a three meter Titan out of spite. It weighed next to nothing. Might as well have been a feather. In the realm of improbability, the fact would seem to rank fairly high. Their utter strength argues against it. And such was the case with every Titan. Contrary to the appearance of density and great mass, the severed limbs were light as tree bark. I've been given to understand that when you both transform, your Titan bodies materializes as if out of thin air. It's so bizarre. In fact the only way to describe it is to say their appearance stands in sharp contrast to their true substance. (Hands us tea) We've been fumbling around in the dark. Our prime offensive tactic has been based on contempt and fear. We need a fresh strategy, one guided by knowledge. A whole new way of looking at the enemy. Of course it could be a complete waste of time. Still though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Daisuke *mind*- So everyone here is a bit off but they all have one thing in mind. CHANGE.
Daisuke- Commander Hange, explain your experiments in greater detail.
Hange- Wait really?
Daisuke- Tell me everything. If we're going to help tomorrow, we need to know all of it.
She explains away into the night and into the morning. She's only interrupted by a soldier who comes busting into the room.
Soldier- Commander Hange come quick! The subjects! They're dead! Both of them killed!
We disembark from our horses to look at the skeletal remains of Sawney and Beane

Commander Hange is screaming incoherently at the demise of her Titans. They were dead around dawn. Word has it that a soldier did it.
Daisuke- How, why did this happen.
Levi- This is a matter for the military police.
Brennan- Let it go.
Erwin comes from behind me and places a hand on shoulder along with Eren.
Erwin- What is it you think you see? Who do you think the real enemy is here?
With that question alone opens up my mind to a few more questions. This is clearly sabotage but why? I turn to watch Erwin leave but something catches my eye. A note or letter attached to the horse I rode on on. I get to my horse and pull the note off the saddle.
??? (Note)- Dear Daisuke, I first I felt nothing. No emotions. No love. That is until I met you. You gave me a reason to smile. I knew I loved from the day I first laid eyes upon you. This is my confession of love for you. Even if you don't love me........I'll make you love me, no matter what it takes. You will be mine. You don't have a choice. Signed........ A
Over looking the entire scene from a watchtower
Sora (POV)
Sora- Tick Tock Daisuke. You'll be in our grasp soon enough.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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