One- kidnapped

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

One- kidnapped

Ichigo Kurosaki's life has been anything but ordinary as his life has changed at the young age of fifteen ever since his first encounter with the Shinigami (soul reaper) named Rukia Kuchiki. In that short span of time, Ichigo has been a lot of different things. Ichigo has been a Shinigami, a hollow, a Vizard, a Vasto Lorde, and even a part of his zanpakuto (spirit sword) named Zangetsu (slaying moon). He has also been a fullbringer and even a Quincy. All of these things make up a part of Ichigo's very being. Ichigo has also saved his hometown of Karakura a few times and also the Seireitei (soul society) more times than he can count. In the process he discovered some of the different aspects about himself. But soon once again, Ichigo's life was about to change.

Deep within the Squad Twelve barracks, Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi was pouring over the data and information that he had acquired about the substitute Shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki. The human teen fascinated the scientist. Even though the head captain had strictly forbidden that anybody from the Seireitei shall harm the boy in any way, shape, or form, this wasn't going to stop Mayuri. He wanted to experiment on the teen to try to unleash all of his wonderful but dangerous powers. Mayuri wanted to try to mimic or recreate Ichigo's powers and abilities. Other Shinigami's with the teens powers would prove nearly impossible to defeat as the possibilities were endless. Mayuri had set up shop in the restricted part of Squad Twelve barracks. This area was only accessible by himself and his lieutenant which so happened to be his daughter Nemu.

"Now Nemu, I need for you to go to the world of the living (human world) and bring back Ichigo Kurosaki. Tell him that the head captain demands his presence. Once he enters the Seireitei, inject him with this." Mayuri stated as he handed Nemu a syringe filled with glowing neon purple fluid. "It should knock him out in order for you to bring him here." Nemu nodded her head that she understood as she took the syringe and stuffed it into her shikasho (uniform). She then used her zanpakuto to open up a senkaimon (soul gate) which would enable her to travel to the human world.

Ichigo Kurosaki had just gotten out from school as he waved goodbye to his friends. Things in Karakura have been quite ever since the Quincy war. Ichigo traveled to his home as he was deep within thought. Ever since learning that his inner hollow was his true spirit of his zanpakuto. Zangetsu while the other version of what looked like Yhwach (the Quincy king) was a part of Quincy powers, Ichigo has been trying to figure out what to call these two. For the longest time he has known his Quincy form to the zanpakuto as Zangetsu. But his hollow half only as hollow. For a while Ichigo has been thinking of giving his hollow zanpakuto a name of his own. Ever since learning the truth about his hollow zanpakuto, his Quincy powers, and what truly happened to his mother, Ichiog had a lot on his mind. What was even more disturbing was how he felt towards his hollow zanpakuto. He felt an attachment to the hollow zanpakuto that went far beyond the normal means.

Ichigo was half way home when he witnessed a senkaimon open up before him. Ichigo watched as Nemu stepped out before him.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, your presence has been requested by the head captain within the Seireitei." stated Nemu. Ichigo chalked it up as nothing new as was kind of used to these things.

"But shouldn't Rukia be the one who fetches me?" Ichigo asked.

"She is busy with her own duties. So I was sent instead." Nemu replied quickly. Ichigo let out a long soft sigh as he ran his hands through his orange locks. Ichigo dug into his book back dragging out was looked like a lion plush toy.

"What the hell Ichigo? I was having such a good dream!" asked the toy. Ichigo grunted as he stuffed his hand into the toys mouth. Ichigo pulled out a small blue-green marble from the toy and popped hit into his mouth. Almost instantly Ichigo separated into his soul form. The mod soul who was now in Ichigo's actually body coughed and gagged. "What the fuck was that for?" the mod soul growled out.

"Shut the fuck up Kon. Just go to my house and tell my dad that I was summoned to the Seireitei. I should be back as quickly as possible." Ichigo snapped at the mod soul who was controlling his body. Kon grumbled something underneath his breath before he let out a long sigh.

"Fine..... I will see you later." Kon stated as he headed off.

"And Kon..... Try to stay out of trouble." Ichigo yelled at him only for the mod soul to give him the bird.

Nemu shook her head as she reopened the senkaimon to the Seireitei. Ichigo went through first followed by Nemu. Nemu dug through her robes grabbing out the syringe that her father had given her. She carefully hit it from Ichigo's view. Once they were in the Seireitei, the senkaimon closed behind them.

"I guess that I should hurry. You know how much the old man hates to wait." Ichigo stated jokingly. Before Ichigo had a chance to even move, Nemu stuck him with the syringe in the back of the neck. Ichigo turned about quickly clutching the back of his neck. "What the.....?" he asked before he began to feel a bit woozy.

"I am so sorry Kurosaki." Nemu stated before Ichigo collapsed to the ground. Nemu placed the empty syringe back into her robes before she picked up the unconscious Ichigo and headed back to her squad barracks.


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