Two- the experimentation

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Two- the experimentation

When Ichigo awoke, he found himself strapped down to a bed as the smell of chemicals drifted up his nose.
"Well I see that you have finally awoke. It seems that the chemicals that I had used weren't strong enough to keep you unconscious." stated a familiar voice. A low growl rumbled from Ichigo's chest as he struggled to free himself.
"What is the meaning of this Mayuri?" Ichigo snarled.
"Frankly to tell you the truth, I have become quite fascinated with your powers and abilities. You have so much power coursing through you as you have been so many different things. I want to experiment on you to bring out all of your different powers and abilities. I want to see if I can recreate those same powers and abilities." stated Mayuri as Nemu stood behind him as she kept her head down avoiding eye contact with Ichigo.
"You are crazy Mayuri! Now let me the hell out of here!" Ichigo yelled out.
"You can yell and scream all you want Kurosaki as it won't do any good." giggled Mayuri as he rolled up the sleeves to his shikasho as he took off his captains cloak. "Now let's begin, shall we?"

Ichigo's screams echoed throughout the room as he thrashed wildly against his bindings. He had lost track of how many different chemicals and items that Mayuri poked and prodded him with. At times Ichigo's energies would lash out sparking a reaction in Mayuri but, Ichigo quickly capped his power.
"You can resist me all you like Kurosaki. Sooner or later you will give in!" stated Mayuri. Ichigo could feel and hear his inner hollow zanpakuto growl.
*Let me at him King. I will tear him apart limb by limb!* growled the hollow zanpakuto.
*That's exactly what he wants. Please for once obey me and stay were you are!* Ichigo hissed back through the mind link before he cut all contact with his hollow zanpakuto. 'I don't want anything to happen to you.' Ichigo thought to himself.

The next odd chemical Mayuri stuck into him calmed Ichigo down a lot. The pain from the other chemicals is still there but, the new chemical numbed his body so much, he couldn't open his mouth to mutter a sound.
"Good, you've finally calmed down. Looks like I will have to keep more of this chemical around." Mayuri commented. He took another syringe from the metal table next to him and injected the dark blue liquid into Ichigo's forearm. It felt as if his entire body was on fire as he wanted to scream but, he couldn't find his voice. The pain was agonizing. He could feel something inside of him change. It felt as is something was starting to disappear from within him. He looked over at Mayuri, who was typing away at his computer.  "Yes, yes! It is starting to work!" Mayuri exclaimed. "Nemu, we need more of that chemical X-209."  Ichigo was starting to regain his strength as he could finally make audible sounds.

"Mayuri. You bastard, what did you do?" Ichigo demanded as he could feel his own powers rippling through his body.

"Oh hush, one more dose of the X-209 and my experimentaion will be complete for now." answered Mayuri as Nemu returned with another syringe filled with the dark blue liquid. Ichigo thrashed about, trying to break free from the straps that holds him down. He's surprised that his hollow zanpakuto hasn't spoken up and threatened to kill Mayuri.

It then clicked in his mind. That's what that empty feeling was. That chemical somehow made the hollow zanpakuto disappear from within him. Now more enraged than he was before, Ichigo flailed around, wrenching his arms free from the straps that bound him down. He jumped up from the table and instantly rushed for Mayuri. The Captain of Squad Twelve wasn't paying attention as Ichigo was able to tackle him to the ground. He was filled with so much rage. His hollow zanpakuto was gone and it was because of this mad man's insane experimentation. Ichigo never even got to give him a name that he so deserved.  Nemu flash stepped over to Ichigo and pricked him again on the back of his neck. The effects of the X-209 seemed to react faster. The burning sensation came back, leaving Ichigo paralyzed with pain. It gave Mayuri enough time to push Ichigo off of him and scurry back to his computer. He chuckled in a sinister way, as he was happy with the results. Ichigo could feel his powers pull away from him and begin to coat his body. He howled out in pain as his power poured out form his body, it began to manifest in a human-like form in front of him. It formed into a tall and lean boy, he was completely white from the head down as looked exactly like Ichigo. When he was finally done manifesting, and the pain died down. Ichigo realized who the boy was in front of him.

"It's. . . My hollow zanpakuto." Ichigo muttered underneath his breath.

"Hm. Well, this isn't exactly what I was expecting to happen. Oh well, no matter. I guess that I can chalk this up as a side effect."  Mayuri stated as he walked over to the hollow version of Ichigo.  The hollow let out a low moan as it looked weak and defenseless.   "Perhaps.... I can use this one as well.  As it seems that the chemical X-209 has achieved some of the results that I am looking for." grinned Mayuri.  The words Mayuri spoke caused a ripple of anger and rage to flow through Ichigo's body as he didn't like how the crazed scientist looked at the hollow version of his zanpakuto.  Power rippled through and out of Ichigo as black and red reishi poured through the room. 

"I won't allow you to harm him!" growled Ichigo as he allowed the power to take control.  All he knew was that he and the hollow zanpakuto needed to get away from Mayuri before he could do anything else to him.  It reminded Ichigo of the way Aizen used to look at him as he didn't like it.... Not one bit.

Mayuri turned to Ichigo to see the substitute shinigami beginning to change forms.  Parts of Ichigo's shikasho changed as he had the red fur lined sleeves to his vasto lorde form around Ichigo's  right hand and around the shoulders of his neck.  The uniform was torn open and hanging off of Ichigo much like it did when he became a vasto lorde as underneath the cloak revealed part of his hollowfied form.  On Ichigo's left side became that covered in grey armor from his manifestation of learning the Saigo No Getsuga (final getsuga tensho).  The shikasho pants of Ichigo's uniform became part of his regular pants and the energy from Saigo No Getsuga.  On his right part of his face part of the fullbringer armor manifested as it looked like a bandage across his right cheek.  Mayuri seemed to grin like a kid in a candy store when he saw the manifestation of all Ichigo's powers (see cover). 

"Yes that's it!  That's what I wanted.  Now if I can achieve those within this white version of you....." Mayuri stated.  Ichigo had heard enough as he could feel the black energy of Getsuga form within his left sword hand. 

"Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer)!" Ichigo cried out unleashing all of the destructive energy that he had around his body.  The black reishi was ten times stronger than before as it destroyed half of Squad Twelve.  Ichigo took this chance as he managed to get to his feet as he flash stepped grabbing his hollow zanpakuto and getting the hell out of Squad Twelve.  The only thing on Ichigo's mind was to get help not only for himself but for his hollow zanpakuto.  He had no clue what Mayuri's experimentation had done to him and the zanpakuto but he wasn't going to hang around the Squad Twelve barracks to get answers.

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