Three- help us

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations)

Three- help us

Ichigo stumbled through the Seireitei away from Squad Twelves barracks. In his arms he held the conscious version of his hollow zanpakuto. He could sense that Mayuri's experimentation had altered them both greatly. But Ichigo wasn't sure in what ways. After releasing all of that reishi, he felt weak and drained. It almost felt like he had performed the Saigo No Getsuga (final Getsuga Tensho) again. But Ichigo was more worried about his hollow zanpakuto more than anything else. With how weak he felt, Ichigo hoped that he didn't cross paths with the Captain of Squad Eleven.
'I need to find someone who can help us. Someone that I can trust.' Ichigo thought to himself. Then he remembered the captain of Squad Four. Squad Four wasn't a fighting squad like the others as they were more devoted to healing. The only problem was that he had no clue where in the Seireitei they were located at. *Hang on hollow Zangetsu, I am going to fix this.* Ichigo stated mentally. 'I hope.' 

Ichigo wondered around aimlessly hoping to find someone that he recognized who can help him get to Squad Four.  Suddenly Ichigo turned a corner as he literally ran into someone.  As Ichigo fell to the ground, he twisted his body in such a way to have his hollow zanpakuto fall on top of him.
"Sorry I didn't see you there." stated a voice Ichigo recognized all too well.  Ichigo's blurry vision turned to see Hanataro Yamada.  He had met the young healer once before when Ichigo first came to the Seireitei to rescue Rukia.  Hanataro looked over surprised to see Ichigo but he looked different.  In his arms Ichigo held a white version of himself.  "Ichigo..... Is that you?" asked Hanataro in shock.
"Hanataro..... Help us..... Please....." moaned out Ichigo before he lost complete consciousness.  Hanataro looked at the two versions of Ichigo as he called out for a nearby Hell Butterfly to send ward to Squad Four and his Captain Ratsu Unohana.
"What in the world happened to you Ichigo?" Hanataro questioned.

Meanwhile as Ichigo was unconscious, he found himself deep within his mindscape that usually held both versions of his zanpakuto.  The world had greatly changed as most of the buildings had been destroyed as grey clouds lined the sky.  The once blue sky was now much darker as it looked like a storm was ready to brew.  The whole mindscape looked far different from the very first time that Ichigo had traveled here.  It looked almost foreign as Ichigo knew that it was because of what Mayuri had done to him.  In one of the buildings Ichigo got a look at his new appearance.  His hair looked like it did when he learned Saigo No Getsuga (final Getsuga Tensho).  Ichigo could feel the power coursing through his veins.  But Ichigo would worry about it later as for right now he had to find the Quincy form of his zanpakuto.  Ichigo took off quickly as it seemed that he had more control over his spiritual sense as he could feel and sense where his Quincy zanpakuto was.  Ichigo had found the Quincy zanpakuto as it was the in the form of the younger Quincy king Yhwach. 
"Ichigo....  Your here.  What's going on?  What had happened?" asked the younger version Yhwach.  Ichigo knew this version of the Quincy zanpakuto as Tensa Zangetsu.
"Mayuri had experimented on me and somehow pulled my hollow zanpakuto out of me." answered Ichigo.
"That explains a lot. Whatever this Mayuri did to you has affected both of us. It fragmented even me. The older version of myself is with your hollow zanpakuto. I remained here. But we, the older version and I fear that these changes may not be reversible."
"I fear that you may say that. I have been debating for a while to give the hollow zanpakuto a name of his own. Seeing how I knew both versions of you as Zangetsu for the longest time."
"I see.... May I inquire the names you are thinking for us?" asked the Quincy zanpakuto. Ichigo smiled as he proceeded to tell the sword spirit its name.

Back in the Squad Four Barracks, Captain Unohana was able to bring Ichigo back to consciousness. He shot up from his cot that he was resting on and glanced frantically around the room, searching for his hollow zanpakuto. He found him sitting in a corner of the room, head hanging in his hands as if he had a headache. To Ichigo looked like he was doing well and he was surprised that the hollow hasn't left yet. He got up from his cot, ignoring Unohana's plea's to stay put, and walked over to his hollow zanpakuto. The hollow noticed Ichigo was now awake and wrapped his arms around the young teen's waist when Ichigo was close enough. Tears were forming in his eyes. He looked relieved to see that Ichigo was alright.
"I don't remember anything.  What's going on?  Who am I?" said the hollow. "I only remember waking up in this room, with you.  I know that somehow you are important to me." Ichigo could sense the hollow was very scared. Hell, he would be too if he suddenly woke up somewhere, having no recollection of what happened before hand. Unohana got up from her seat on the floor and made her way over to them. The hollow quickly gets up from Ichigo's side and retreats behind him, peaking out from behind his shoulder, like a child hiding from a stranger.
"I must know what is going on. Who is that hollow?" Unohana asked. Ichigo turned his head so he could see his hollow zanpakuto out of the corner of his eye and smiled.
"This is Shiro. He is my hollow zanpakuto." Unohana gave a confused look at the two.
"If he is you zanpakuto, why is he not in your mindscape?" Ichigo's smiled quickly turned to a frown, as he remembered that this was all of Mayuri's doing.
"The reason he is no longer inside of my mind, is because Mayuri had tricked me into coming to the Seireitei. He injected me with all sorts of odd chemicals. One in particular he called X-209. That chemical somehow pulled Shiro out of me and manifest a body. It also somehow altered all my Quincy zanpakuto. It's becoming hard for me to control my powers. Please, both Shiro and I need your help." Ichigo stated bowing his head. When Unohana heard what Ichigo said about Mayuri experimenting on him, it caused waves of anger to seep through the healer. Feeling Unohana's waves of anger caused Shiro to whimper as he hid himself deeper against Ichigo's back. Seeing the hollow behave in this way caused Unohana to disperse the angry waves she was generating.
"I am sorry Shiro. I didn't mean to scare you." Unohana stated in a soft and gentle voice. Shiro clutched Ichigo's shikasho even tighter as he shook his head frantically. Ichigo turned his body slightly this way he could touch Shiro's trembling hand.
"Shiro it's all right. No one is going to harm you." Ichigo stated softly. Shiro lifted his face revealing tears of blood streaking down his face. Shiro said nothing as he allowed Ichigo to hold him close as he sobbed softly into Ichigo's shoulder.

After a while Shiro had passed out in Ichigo's arms as the young teen got up carrying his slumbering hollow zanpakuto to the cot that he used to be on. A soft sigh slipped out of his mouth as he turned towards Unohana.
"Now you can see why I need your help. I don't know if what Mayuri did to us is reversible or not. I know that however what happened to us has altered us both." Ichigo snarled sharply as he could feel his powers coursing through his veins. Ichigo took slow and steady breaths to keep his powers under control. Unohana felt sorry for the young teen as he never asked for this to happen to him.
"I am going to have to report this to the head captain. I will also have him contact Urahara for help. Mayuri will have to be reprimanded for what he did to you as it was supposed to be forbidden to harm you in any way shape or form." stated Unohana. Ichigo nodded his head that he understood. "In the meantime rest up as you have possibly been though a lot." Ichigo nodded his head as he climbed into the cot next to his hollow zanpakuto. He allowed his arms to wrap around his hollows waist as he passed out almost instantly.

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