Seven- Shiro's feelings

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Seven- Shiro's feelings

It had been several days since Shiro was ripped out of Ichigo's mindscape and given a body of his own. Every day was something new for Shiro to discover. Ichigo couldn't help but to smile at the child-like curiosity of his hollow zanpakuto. But late at nights Ichigo would awake to the sounds of Shiro moaning, whimpering, and crying in his sleep. This would cause Ichigo to get up and go over to Shiro's bed climbing into the bed to cuddle with his hollow zanpakuto. Once Ichigo is next to Shiro, he stops thrashing about.
'No doubt that these nightmares are starting to be a problem. Perhaps I should go see Kisuke about them.' Ichigo thought to himself. Not that he minded the chance to curl up with his hollow zanpakuto and hold him close. Ichigo slowly fell back to sleep as his arm wrapped around Shiro's waist.

~Next Morning~

Shiro woke up as he found himself curled up facing Ichigo's broad and muscular chest. A heated blush crossed the hollow zanpakuto's face. It hadn't been the first time he woke up in this predicament. But every time he awoke like this, it stirred such strong feelings within Shiro. He knew that his relationship with Ichigo wasn't romantic. Even though a part of him truly wanted a far closer relationship with Ichigo.
'He probably doesn't even like me in that way.' Shiro thought to himself.
*You never know until you try. What are you so afraid of Shirosaki? Admitting to someone whom you used to be a part of that you have romantic feelings towards him?* asked a voice in the back of his mind. This was the voice of his and Ichigo's zanpakuto Zangetsu.
'No.... It's not like that. Besides what happens if we do become one again and some how I regain my memories. It's going to change everything back to the way it was.' Shiro sighed to himself.
*You never know Shirosaki.* replies the zanpakuto. Shiro closed his eyes and focused finding himself within his mindscape. Shiro's mindscape was far different from Ichigo's as it took on the appearance of Hueco Mundo. The vast dark wasteland seemed so barren as Shiro didn't like how empty it felt. "The only reason why it is so barren is because you haven't figured out what you want. Shirosaki you are beginning a new life, one that you shouldn't take for granted. Even though your past memories are still sealed within you, that shouldn't stop you from what you want and desire."
"Zangetsu.... But what if I do remember how I used to be and return from where I came from? I will forget everything Ichigo has done for me to help me out. I will be as cold and barren as this world."
"Shirosaki.... Talk with Ichigo. Tell him of your insecurities. It may surprise just how much Ichigo truly cares for you." Zangetsu stated. Shiro looked at the older sword spirit as a soft sigh slipped from his lips.
"I will try." Shiro replied as he left the mindscape. Zangetsu turned to find the younger version of himself appear.
"Are we even certain that we are doing the right thing Zangetsu?" asked Tensa. According to Ichigo, the older version of the zanpakuto the one that looked like Ywalch would keep the name Zangetsu. The younger version which was the bankai form would be Tensa Zangetsu or Tensa for short. And the hollow version Shirosaki Ogichi or Shiro for short.
"We both know that even before he was ripped out of Ichigo, he was starting to have strong feelings for Ichigo. The ties that bind those two are so strong that it seems that some how fate is trying to bring them together. All we can do is to support them and help them both during this time." Zangetsu replied.
"I know Zangetsu. Just a part of this troubles Ichigo. Who did this to him and what is their end game?" stated Tensa.

Shiro opened his eyes to see Ichigo awake as he softly caressed Shiro's white locks. A darker blush crossed Shiro's face as he wondered if Ichigo some how knew about the vast emotions that was stirring within Shiro. Shiro remembered what Zangetsu had said to him. The hollow could feel the blush heat up even more with how close Ichigo was.
'He wouldn't go through all this trouble if he didn't truly care. So what is it that I desire? What is it that I want?' Shiro pondered to himself. He never felt Ichigo get up to get dressed. 'I want to remain by his side. I want to be human and to love him as humans do. I don't want to remember how I used to be or even what I used to be. All I want is what Ichigo wants. I want for him to be happy as that would make me happy.'

Shiro got up and approached Ichigo from behind. He poked his head over Ichigo's shoulder as he let out a soft sigh.
"Is there something wrong Shiro?" Ichigo asked as he didn't look at his hollow zanpakuto. Shiro gave him a loose hug.
"I love you, my King!" he stated in a whisper. Shiro quickly blushed as he pulled away from Ichigo. 'I can't believe I just told him that!' Shiro thought. Shiro didn't get to far away as Ichigo grabbed the hollow turning him around quickly to the point that their lips touched. A shocked look crossed Shiro's face before he felt himself melting into Ichigo's kiss. Ichigo wrapped his arms around Shiro as he licked the hollow's lips. Shiro allowed his lips to part as Ichigo allowed his tongue to dart in deepening the kiss. Shiro felt his arms wrap around Ichigo allowing the teen to kiss him as he felt himself moaning in Ichigo's mouth. Finally the need for air grew so much that the two parted as a bit of saliva still connected them.
"I love you too Shiro. I have always loved you." Ichigo stated as he leaned in to kiss Shiro once again. The two kissed unaware that they were being watched.

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