Eight- the silent spy

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from fanfiction.net) to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Eight- the silent spy

Soreta was sent to spy on both Ichigo and his hollow when Yami felt that the two had separated from one another. So far everything was going according to plan. Soreta was sitting outside of Ichigo's window as he witnessed the two share a passionate kiss.
'They love one another. I don't think Yami will like this. I know that he desires the hollow. But it seems that the human counterpart desires him as well. I should go and inform my master about this at once.' Soreta thought to himself as he opened up a senkaimon to travel back to the realm where Yami resides.

Meanwhile, Ichigo and Shiro broke from their kiss. Both had a visible blush across their face.
"Do you truly mean that Ichigo? What happens if I....." Ichigo placed his finger on Shiro's lips stoping him from continuing his thoughts.
"We will cross that path when it comes up. It's never going to change how I feel towards you. I love you Shirosaki with all of my heart and soul. If you want we can work slowly at this as I don't want you to rush into feelings that you are unsure of." Ichigo stated as he still held Shiro close. All Shiro could do was to nod his head weakly. That's when Isshin decided to do his usual wake up call.
"Good morning.... Ichigo.... And Shiro!" he shouted out bursting into the room. Both teens easily dodged Isshin causing him to go out of the open window nearby. Suddenly without warning Shiro burst out in laughter. He found it funny how no matter what Isshin tried to do, Ichigo was one step ahead of him. Shiro's laugh was far different than what he was used to as it didn't sound creepy or evil. But rather full of joy and life.
"Come on and get dressed Shiro. We have school." Ichigo stated once Shiro was done laughing.
"Alright!" the hollow replied in light snickers.

Elsewhere, Soreta informed Yami to what he had seen and witnessed happening between Shiro and Ichigo. It would be an understatement to say that he wasn't pleased with the news. In fact he was ferocious. He never expected for the two of them to have feelings for one another.
"Soreta keep a close eye on those two. The moment that the hollow is alone, bring him here to me!" commanded Yami.
"Yes master." Soreta stated with a bow before he got up making a senkaimon to travel back to the human world.
'You will be mine hollow. No matter what!' Yami thought to himself as he went off to make arrangements for when Soreta returned with the hollow.

Soreta traveled making certain that he wasn't noticed by the patrolling shinigami. He was bound to complete the mission he was given to him by Yami. But he knew it was going to be tough as the human half of the hollow hardly ever left him alone.
'Just be patient Soreta. Sooner or later they are bound to slip up. Maybe my newfound form could be of use.' Soreta thought to himself. Soreta began to plan on a way to separate Shiro and get him away from Ichigo. A dark smirk crossed his face as it could be clearly seen from beneath his face mask.

After school was over and done with Ichigo decided to go to Urahara's shop.
"Why are we going to see Mr. Urahara?" Shiro asked in curiosity.
"Your nightmares are becoming worse." Ichigo replied. 'Not that I mind cuddling with you.' Ichigo thought to himself.
"Oh I see. I am sorry that I am such trouble." Shiro stated sadly.
"Shiro you aren't trouble. I am just worried about you. Perhaps your dreams are trying to tell you something. And if they keep on happening with the way our powers are, someone could be hurt." explained Ichigo as Shiro just slowly nodded his head.

Once they arrived at Urahara's shop, Ichigo explained to Kisuke about Shiro's having troubles sleeping due to reoccurring nightmares.
"I think we should keep an eye on him tonight. I will monitor him while he sleeps." Urahara said as he got up from his place on the floor.
"I'll stay here too. To keep Shiro safe." Ichigo didn't want to leave Shiro alone, not after this morning. Urahara simply shrugged and turned towards the back. He returned soon after with two sleeping mats for Ichigo and Shiro.

Later that night, everyone was fast asleep, even Urahara, whom promised to stay up and monitor Shiro. Shiro was already tossing and turning about in his sleep. Mufflled moans came from his mouth, which woke Ichigo up. He watched as Shiro toss, turn, and struggle inside his sleep. He couldn't watch him in pain anymore. Ichigo shook Shiro gently, until he woke up. Immediately after waking up, Shiro clung to Ichigo and burried his face into his chest.
"It was horrible, Ichigo. We were together, and some weird man came and pulled me away from you." Shiro began to sob. Urahara finally woke up, he retold the dream.
"I think he's starting to get his memory of the day all of this happened. It's not exactly what happened, but it's generally what happened in his mind's version." Urahara interpreted.
"My. . . memories?" Shiro asked.
"There's not much to do now but go back to bed. Maybe some more memories will come back to you in your sleep." Urahara got up, to go back to his room for the rest of the night. "But for now, good night."

Soreta was sitting outside Urahara's Shop, waiting for everyone to go to bed. He managed to sneak inside and find some of Urahara's clothes and an extra hat. He's learned that Shiro is beginning to trust Urahara, so disguising as him would be a perfect way to lure him away from Ichigo. In the dark and with the clothes on, it would be easy to pass of as Urahara. He snuck into the shop, everyone was fast asleep. He gently shook Shiro awake. He rubbed his eyes and glanced up at Soreta. He put his finger to his lips, signaling him to keep quiet, and to follow him. Shiro didn't argue, only got up silently and followed Soreta to the back of the shop. Soreta lead Shiro outside as when the hollow was in front of him, Soreta quickly struck striking Shiro in a pressure point causing the hollow to go down.
'Too easy!' Soreta smirked as he opened up a senkaimon and carried Shiro off to his master who was waiting patiently.

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