Nine- taken hostage

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Nine- taken hostage

When Shiro awoke he found himself in a strange place as he was hanging from chains that was attached to the ceiling and floor.  For some reason this place he was in felt familiar to him as if he had been here before.  Shiro struggled to free himself but the chains wouldn't give.  A dark voice chuckled out loud causing Shiro to tense.
"So at last you are awake.  I am glad to finally meet you face to face hollow." stated the voice as he stepped into the light.  Shiro looked surprised to see a hollow looking fullbringer staring at him.  Shiro didn't know how he knew what a fullbringer looked like as he just tossed it up to parts of his memories surfacing.
"Who are you?" Shiro snapped while glaring at Yami.  Yami chuckled as he licked his lips.  This sent shivers up and down Shiro's spine. 
"I am Yami.  You can say that your existence in this world is due to me." Yami replied as he approached Shiro.  Shiro's powers lashed out as he didn't want this strange man near him.  It reminded him of another but he couldn't remember who.  Even seeing the power Shiro displayed lashing out violently caused Yami to chuckle some more.  "Oh yes..... You are exactly what I expected and more.  You shall be the perfect mate for me.  Together we will lay waste to the Seireitei, Hueco Mundo, and the world of the living." Yami stated.  Shiro could feel something prick his skin as he turned to see a soul reaper whom looked like a ninja. "Excellent work in bringing him to me Soreta.  First we have to wipe out his attachment to his human half."  Yami stated as Shiro began to feel drowsy.
*King...... Ichigo...... Please help me!* Shiro pleaded mentally before he lost all consciousness.

Meanwhile, Ichigo awoke as he felt the bed next to him for Shiro but it was strangely empty.  Ichigo leapt to his feet worried as he tried to search for Shiro's presence but it felt like it had just vanished. 
"Good morning Ichigo and Shiro.  How did you two sleep?" asked Kisuke as he entered the room. 
"Kisuke have you seen Shiro?" asked Ichigo as the former shinigami shook his head no.  "I have a bad feeling about this.  What if what Shiro told us wasn't part of his memories but rather a premonition to what was going to happen." Ichigo stated. 
"Now that I think about it, one of my spare clothing is gone." stated Kisuke.  "It looks like someone came in while we were all asleep and knew that Shiro trusted me and grabbed some of my clothing to lead Shiro into a false security in order to lead him away from us."  This statement caused Ichigo's bound powers to rip loose. 
"I will kill whomever took Shiro.  No one kidnaps my hollow zanpakuto and gets away with it!" Ichigo hissed darkly.  That's when Ichigo heard it.  Shiro's voice in the back of his mind.
*King.....  Ichigo..... Please help me!* Shiro stated before Ichigo lost contact. 
*Shiro!* Ichigo called out but couldn't make a connection.  Ichigo quickly capped his powers as he looked at Kisuke.  "I need to see Mayuri.  He knows somehow who is behind this.  This person must have affected him to get Shiro to manifest.  And now this being has Shiro.  I have to find him and get him back." Ichigo stated.  Kisuke didn't argue as he knew that Ichigo would do whatever it took to bring Shiro back one way or another. 
"All right Ichigo.  Lets go to the Seireitei and see Mayuri.  He is still being held prisoner until this whole mess can be resolved." stated Kisuke as he took Benihime out of his cane and opened up a senkaimon.

Elsewhere, Shiro was beginning to wake up. He still found himself bound as he couldn't call upon his powers or even Zangetsu. Yami stood before him smirking.
"So at last you finally awoke. I will find this more pleasurable if you are awake." Yami stated as Shiro struggled in his chains. He didn't like what this being had planned.
"I know that Ichigo will come and find me!" Shiro spat out.
"Your human posses no threat to me. He can hardly control the powers that I had unleashed within him. You however my dear hollow are his anchor."
"My name is Shiro!" snapped Shiro. This caused Yami to laugh.
"So your human named you. You..... have no true name. You only have the shared identity belonging to your true form." Yami stated as he held Shiro's zanpakuto in his hands. "I wonder what would happen if I was to break this?"
"No!" cried out Shiro as he felt like it had happened once before.  Yami simply laughed as he handed the zanpakuto to the shinigami that was still kneeling. 
"Make certain that this gets sealed away Soreta.  I can feel that this zanpakuto still reacts to him and will come to him when he calls for it.  I have placed a seal on it for now but we must keep it away from the hollow." stated Yami.
"Yes master!" replied Soreta as he rose to his feet taking Zangetsu from Yami before leaving the room.
"Now lets get to work shall we?" asked Yami.  Shiro shuttered in fear not knowing what this being was going to do to him.

Meanwhile, Ichigo and Kisuke had entered the Seireitei as they made their way towards the holding area that Mayuri was in.  Ichigo kept trying to make mental contact with either Zangetsu and/or Shiro and having no luck.  It was almost like someone was blocking him.  Ichigo gently touched the gold chocker that laid around his neck.
'Perhaps if I take this off I would have better luck.  But lets see if Mayuri can shed new light onto this.' Ichigo thought to himself.  The guards who standing watch allowed both Kisuke and Ichigo in without any problems.
"So you have come to pay me a visit.  I am touched Urahara." stated Mayuri.
"No actually I am the one who wanted to see you.  I trust you remember the reason why." Ichigo growled.  He still didn't like this scientist even if he wasn't partly responsible for what happened.
"Ah.... Kurosaki.  They have told me that I had done some experiments on you and unleashed all of power and your inner hollow zanpakuto."
"Yes it is true.  But I came to see if you have any knowledge to who put you up to this." snarled Ichigo as he tried to keep his emotions in check. 
"Sorry I have no recollection to what happened.  Although I do remember someone entering my chambers late at night and pumping fluids into my body.  Now that I think about it,  I do have all kinds of surveillance set up in the squad barracks.  Maybe that would help you out." replied Mayuri as Ichigo turned to leave.  "Kurosaki..... Could I see it?  I noticed that your hollow zanpakuto isn't with you as I guess whomever affected me took him and that is why you are here."
"Ichigo you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Kisuke whispered in the teens ear.
"I know Kisuke." replied Ichigo as he turned towards Mayuri.  "I lay no blame upon you Mayuri for what happened to me or my hollow zanpakuto.  I would like your help in correcting this if possible." Ichigo stated as he unclasped the golden chocker.  The power surged through Ichigo's body causing Mayuri to gasp in shock at Ichigo's appearance. 
"Is your hollow zanpakuto the same way?" Mayuri asked as Ichigo shook his head no.  "Interesting.  I shall help you Kurosaki.  I want to find the bastard that decided to use me for their one twisted game.  I want to personally kill them."
"Sorry Mayuri.....  But I already have first dibs on this person." Ichigo stated as he placed the chocker back around his neck.

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