Ten- torture

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from fanfiction.net) to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Major Warnings: This chapter will contain toture, rape, and sex. Please do not read if you aren't into those kinds of things as this chapter will not be for the faint of heart. You have been warned!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Ten- torture

Shiro still struggled underneath the chains. Yami watched and couldn't help but smile. He finally got the hollow to himself and the way he looked tied up made him tingle.
"You won't get away with this! My king will come and kill you!" Shiro yelled. Yami grabbed Shiro by the face and squished his cheeks together, making his lips pucker out. He pushed them hard enough for Shiro to groan in pain. His groans only seemed to make him tingle and fuel his urge to hurt him more. With an extra chain lying around on the floor, he hooked it up around Shiro's neck making it nice and tight. Shiro gagged a bit as Yami pulled it tight. Hearing the noises that the hollow utters makes him feel hot. He can feel himself grow underneath his clothing. He needed more.  Keeping his neck chain still tight, he removed the chains on his wrists and ankles that were connected to the wall. Yami forced him to the ground and tied Shiro's wrists and ankles together. His body now lies on the floor, bent backwards in a bow-like fashion. Yami licked his lips, thinking the most immodest of thoughts. You could see the lust burn in his eyes. He couldn't hold it any longer.
"Now, why don't we see what my partner can do?" Yami purred.  Yami held up the choke chain around Shiro's neck, forcing his head be thrown back. Yami lightly grazed his lips with Shiro's. He passionately makes small kisses down his neck, while his free hand slips inside Shiro's pants. As he cupped his hands around his pouch, Shiro couldn't help but moan out no matter how hard he tired not too. His face flushed red as Yami moved up to his shaft and began rubbing it with a bit of pressure. His shaft grew stiff in Yami's hand, making Shiro moan louder. Shiro didn't want this creature to make him feel this way. All Shiro wanted and desired was Ichigo to do these kind of things to him. Shiro's moans made Yami's bulge grow larger with anticipation.
"P-Please, stop!" Shiro pleaded.
"But you're enjoying it and so am I. You can't hide it." Yami whispered, as he went back to sucking on Shiro's neck.  Yami couldn't wait any longer. He unhooked Shiro's ankles from his wrists, and attached his wrists back to the wall. He positioned his body so that his back is facing him. Yami pulled his bottoms down around his ankles, exposing his ample white back side. He took a moment to squeeze it. It felt soft and warm. Yami took out his penis, and ran his thick shaft along Shiro's rectum.
"Stop, please." Shiro begged. Yami tightened his grip on the chains around Shiro's neck, causing his to gag more.
"Be quiet while I work." Yami growled deep.  He pushed his shaft into Shiro slowly and the hollow screamed out in pain. He pushed all the way in and stopped to get a feel for the hollow. Once Shiro's moans and screams quieted down, he began pushing in and out of him. He thrusted faster and faster until his movements were in sync with Shiro's screams in pain.
"No..... S-stop! I'm going to cum!" Shiro begged. Yami ignored him, and pumped faster. His hand moved from resting on Shiro's backside back down to his pouch, ran in along his shaft. Moans of great pleasure fueled Yami to go as fast as he could, while rubbing Shiro's shaft. They were both really close. Yami continued to pump as fast as he could, while simultaneously rubbing and fondling Shiro's package. Shiro let out a loud groan as he released. The sounds of Shiro made Yami release inside of him. He too groaned as a large amount of semen released into Shiro.  He pulled of him, and walked over to Shiro's front. He let go of the chain tied to his neck, letting Shiro's head fall. Yami grabbed his head and forced Shiro to clean him up. Shiro complied to his wishes and licked up the remaining semen from Yami's tip.
"You were very good, Shiro. I will be back later." Yami said, as he pulled his pants back up and left the room. He left Shiro there, half naked and chained to the wall, drenched in sweat with a feeling of self-disgust.
*King..... I am sorry. I didn't want him. I only desire you. Please..... help me.....* Shiro whined to himself as he curled up into a protective ball.

Meanwhile, Ichigo was searching frantically for his hollow zanpakuto. He looked every place he could think of. In the Seireitei, Hueco Mundo, and Karakura. But nothing. Ichigo was worried. He had no clue the type of things Shiro would be forced to endure at the hands of his captors. As he neared the Kurosaki Clinic, Ichigo could hear his hollow call out to him.
*King...... I am sorry. I didn't want him. I only desire you. Please..... help me.....*
*Shiro!* Ichigo called out. *Tensa..... don't lose him!* Ichigo told his Quincy zanpakuto as he flash stepped quickly up to his room. Ichigo locked his bedroom door as he went into a meditative stance. Almost instantly he found himself deep within his mindscape. "Tensa..... please tell you that you were able to lock in on them." Ichigo stated. The younger version of Yhwach smiled at Ichigo.
"We did one better. We managed to reestablish the link that you and Shiro naturally have since he is your true zanpaktuo." replied Tensa. Ichigo almost wanted to hug the Quincy zanpakuto but first he wanted to see his hollow zanpakuto. "This way lord Ichigo." stated Tensa as he lead Ichigo towards building that was black as night. "He is through here. I trust you will know the rest of the way when you arrive in his mindscape." replied Tensa.
"Thank you Tensa." Ichigo replied as he touched the building as a door began to materialize beneath his touch. The door was blood red in color as Ichigo threw open the door to find himself in Shiro's mindscape as it looked very familiar to Hueco Mundo. In the distance he could see the familiar tower of Los Noches. 'Hang on Shiro. I am coming.' Ichigo thought to himself as he quickly flash stepped over towards the tower.

At that moment Shiro had opened his eyes finding himself within the very familiar place, his inner mindscape as Zangetsu looked saddened to see the state the hollow zanpakuto was in.
"It's all right you are safe here. I should have pulled you in when that being forced himself on you." Zangetsu stated. Shiro began to break down into tears. Suddenly the door to the building that they were in opened up revealing Ichigo standing there. Shiro rushed over to the young teen wrapping his arms around him. The tears flowed even more down Shiro's face.
"It's all right now Shiro. I am here." Ichigo stated as he held Shiro allowing the hollow zanpakuto to cry into his shoulder. He had no clue to what had happened to his hollow zanpakuto as all Ichigo could do was to hold him close while he cried. Ichigo didn't like to see Shiro like this as the person who took Shiro away from him was going to die by his hands if he had hurt Shiro in anyway.

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