Sixteen- reunited at long last

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Major Warnings: This chapter will contain male nudity and passionate hard core sex. Please do not read if you aren't into those kinds of things as this chapter will not be for the faint of heart. You have been warned!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Sixteen- reunited at long last

Shiro's vasto lorde form broke off of the hollow zanpakuto as he nearly collapsed only to be caught in Ichigo's arms. A soft smile caressed Shiro's face.
"I knew that you would come." Shiro stated.
"Of course I would. Nobody is going to take you away from me. You always belong to me......" Ichigo stated. *Even if you don't remember.* Ichigo stated mentally earning a chuckled laugh from Shiro.
"But I do remember..... everything. Who I originally was before I became a part of you. Who I became once I was a part of you. I remember all of it." Ichigo looked at his hollow zanpakuto in complete shock. "I want to keep the name that you gave me. If I can't return back to where I rightfully belong, I want to still remain by your side. I want to fight by your side and help you protect the people you hold close to your heart." Shiro added.
"Are you certain that is what you want?" Ichigo asked.
"Before I was ripped out of you, I was developing these stranger feelings for you. Now that I am human and have a body of my own, I understand the feelings that I have. I truly love you my King. Words can't express how sorry I am for what happened in the past. I want to start a new life until the day that I either die or reunite back within your body. I want to treasure this life while I can." replied Shiro. Ichigo pulled his hollow zanpakuto close kissing him hard but passionately. Somebody lightly coughed breaking the moment causing the two to blush very vividly.
"I hate to ruin the moment but, we need to head back home. We can't leave the Seireitei unintended." stated Byakuya. Ichigo sighed softly as he focused on his powers to create a Senkaimon to bring them all back home.

~One week later~

Both Ichigo and Shiro had begun extensive training to teach them both how to fully use the powers that Yami had managed to unlock. According to both Kisuke and Mayuri, who was freed of all charges, Shiro couldn't return back to where he was supposed to belong within Ichigo but, the two were still deeply connected with one other. Perhaps it had something to do with Shiro developing emotions for Ichigo and/or vise versa. Mayuri wanted to experiment on the two to discover the reasons. Lets just say that it didn't end well for Mayuri as he was beaten up to a bloody pulp the minute he even suggested it to the two. The head captain Yamamoto accepted Shiro as a part of Ichigo's life as he told the whole Seireitei that the former hollow zanpakuto was to be treated in the same exact manner as the substitute shinigami Ichigo. Since because Ichigo has been so readily accepted by everyone within the Seireitei because he had save them time and time again, it wasn't hard for them to accept the hollow version of Ichigo. Both teens moved into a small apartment that was big enough for the two of them as Ichigo gave his room to Karin. Yuzu was a bit upset to see the two leave but Ichigo promised that they would come by every once in a while. Things seemed to return back to somewhat normal, well close enough to normal considering when it comes to Ichigo and Shiro.

Ichigo and Shiro regularly patrol Karakura town slaying the occasional hollow and defending the Seireitei when the need arises considering the fact that they are perhaps the strongest shinigami alive besides probably the head captain. Their zanpakuto's accepted Ichigo's and Shiro's relationship as the former hollow zanpakuto allowed them to keep the name Zangetsu as their own. Shiro couldn't use bankai seeing how Ichigo possessed Tensa Zangetsu while Ichigo couldn't hollowfy because Shiro was no longer within him. But both managed to keep all of their newfound abilities that Yami had unlocked and developed a few abilities of their own.

It was late one night as the two were relaxing and spending some much needed quite time together. Tonight Ichigo had planned something special for Shiro as the former hollow.
"Man am I beat. I don't know how you do it Ichi."
"Do what exactly Shiro?" asked Ichigo as he was in the kitchen preparing dinner for the two of them.
"Balance school, being a shinigami, a job, and everything else in your life." replied Shiro.
"Well I just take things one day at a time. I try not to worry so much about trivial things. Come on and eat, dinner is ready." Shiro entered their small living room finding the table set almost romantically as some balloons and streamers hung up around the room.
"Ichi what's going on?" Shiro asked as he knew that it wasn't his King's birthday or an important event and/or holiday.
"It's a celebration." replied Ichigo earring a questioning look from the former hollow zanpakuto. "Happy birthday Shirosaki Ogichi."
"My birthday?" Shiro questioned in shock.
"Yeah.... I had talked to dad and Kisuke to find out when you first came to this world. It is this exact date that I decided to be your birthday. I had Dai and Kon help set this up while we were training." Ichigo replied. Shiro was too shocked to even speak. Slowly tears came leaking out of his eyes. Ichigo went over and pulled his hollow zanpakuto into a hug.
"Thank you King...." Shiro cried into Ichigo's shoulder.
"You are welcome Shiro." replied Ichigo.

After the two ate dinner they went to their combined room.
"Are you ready for your present now?" Ichigo asked in a sultry voice that sent chills up and down Shiro's spine. He had never seen his king look at him in such a manner, with lust filled eyes. Shiro just weekly nodded his head as you could tell that he was nervous. "Don't worry Shiro as I will make it as enjoyable like I did last time in the mindscape." Ichigo whispered huskily into Shiro's ear. Shiro could feel his cock throbbing rising against his pants at Ichigo's words. Seeing this Ichigo smirked. "Getting aroused all ready Shiro?" Ichigo asked as he leaned in to kiss Shiro hard. The kiss was filled with passion and lust as it turned Shiro on even more that he felt at any second he was going to cum right there.
*Ichi... I don't think I can hold out much longer. I need to cum!* Shiro whined mentally. He could feel Ichigo cup him roughly through the pants as he found himself standing before his king in just his boxers. The pants he had been wearing dropped to his ankles.
*Then cum for me Shiro.* Ichigo commanded. Shiro broke the kiss throwing his head back as he let out a loud moan coming hard through his boxers. Shiro shivered as he had never seen his king like this. Part of his memory allowed him to see how Shiro was every time Ichigo came into the mindscape. How sick and evil the old Shiro was. What Ichigo was doing was almost not on the same lines. But it was turning Shiro on to see this rather aggressive but passionate side to Ichigo.

Despite Shiro coming, Ichigo found that his former hollow zanpakuto was still turned on. Shiro's cock throbbed waiting for another release. The two teens kissed hard but passionately as the stripped each other making their way to the bed. The kiss broke when Shiro found himself tossed onto the bed. Ichigo crawled onto the bed as Shiro licked his lips when he saw Ichigo's painfully throbbing cock lined with pre-cum. Shiro wanted Ichigo to fuck him so hard to the point where Shiro would cum so badly spreading his hot seed over Ichigo's hard six pack.
"Stopping thinking like that Shiro or I am bound to cum even before I prepped you." Ichigo stated huskily as his breaths came out in short breaths.
"Please Ichigo...... I need you in me now! I don't think I can wait any longer." Shiro moaned out as he pulled Ichigo forward lining his aching rectum with Ichigo's red hot rod. Shiro pulled Ichigo in deep with a single thrust as both teens moaned out each others name.
"Gods.... Shiro..... your so.... damn tight!"
"Ichigo.... your so..... damn fucking hard..... Please fuck me!"
"If you insist!" Ichigo replied as he pulled all the way out before slamming back into to Shiro. Almost instantly he found Shiro's prostrate causing the former hollow zanpakuto to scream out in passion.
"There..... King..... please don't stop!" Shiro moaned out as he wrapped his legs around Ichigo's waist as his arms gripped Ichigo's shoulders allowing for deeper and harder penetration.
"Oh god Shiro!" Ichigo moaned out as he continued this hard thrusts while stroking Shiro's hard cock. Both moaned out as the wild thrust kept continuing until both felt the mad urge to cum. "Shiro... I'm gonna...."
"Me too king!" Shiro growled as Ichigo slammed even harder and faster before. "Ah.... yes.... ~ngh.... ah..... yes....... Ichigo!" Shiro screamed out as he came all over Ichigo.
"Shiro!" Ichigo growled as he came right after Shiro spraying his hot seed deep into his former hollow zanpakuto.

The two crashed laying side by side as Ichigo somehow managed to pull himself out of Shiro. Shiro curled right next to Ichigo as his head laid on his kings chest.
"That was possibly the best present I could have ever gotten. I love you my king. I will always love you Ichigo Kurosaki." Shiro stated in between his pants. He could feel Ichigo playing with his hair as the older teen struggled to also catch his breath.
"I love you too Shirosaki Ogichi. for now to the end of time. Even if one day we do become hole again, it will never change how I feel about you. You are truly my soul mate, the other half of my soul." Ichigo replied as he placed feather light kisses onto Shiro's forehead. The two fell asleep in each others arms uncertain of what would happen to them. But it didn't matter to them as they had been reunited through both body and soul.

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