Fifteen- the final fight

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Fifteen- the final fight

While Ichigo was busy fighting Soreta, the others decided it would be a good idea to quickly split up and search for Shiro. Chad, Uryu, and Orihime heard an explosion quite a ways from their original spot. They followed the explosion and found Shiro, lying in the rubble unconscious. Orihime ran up to him and immediately began to heal Shiro as his body was a reck. Slowly the hollow zanpakuto began to wake up as he could see the three standing over him.
"I-I remember who I am." Shiro mumbled as Orihime carefully helped him up. "I remember that I was once Zangetsu and that I was a part of Ichigo."
"Come on, we need to get you back to Ichigo." Orihime stated softly. Shiro had trouble standing still from the lack of strength in his body so, Chad had picked him up and started carrying him back in the direction they had come from.

Yami could tell that he was up against someone strong. Ichigo and his gang had taken out an entire army very quickly. Then again, the army that he had created were all very weak.
"Nothing will keep me from my prize" Yami repeated to himself as he followed the trail of the immensely strong spiritual pressure. "I will end this boy once and for all. Then Shiro will be all mine." He caught up to the substitute shinigami. Ichigo had been waiting for him by the drag mark made in the ground by Soreta.
"You finally came. Took you long enough." Ichigo said.
"You were waiting for me?" Yami asked.
"Yeah. I wanted to make sure I got to kick your ass personally. I figured you'd find me so I thought that I would just stay in one place that you would end up coming to me." Ichigo stated as he reched for his zanpakuto, and withdrew it. "Now, tell me where Shiro is."
"Do you really think I would tell you that easily where my beloved Shiro is? You'll have to beat me first!" replied Yami as he pulled out his zanpakuto. "Come out from the depths, Naraku Kemono (hell beast)!" Red reshi exploded from him. Now holding within his hand was a bulky sword. An eye formed at the base of the blade, with white reishi stretching out like veins. Towards the tip of the blade, it split into two parts, almost like a mouth. Yami flicked his wrist and the red reshi ceased as he placed the sword across his shoulders.

"Sumizome Youkou Enerugi (dark crimson energy)!" called out Yami as he swung his blade, releasing a blood-red reishi towards Ichigo. The attack looked very similar to Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho (moon fang heaven piercer). Ichigo reacted quickly, releasing his own Getsuga Tensho to counter Yami's attack. Yamki sent out numerous attacks Ichigo's way. Each time, it only left a fraction of a second for Ichigo to react, making it nearly impossible for him to attack. Yami finally stopped, leaving a worn out Ichigo in front of him. "Tired already? Hm. No wonder it was so easy to take Shiro from you." Yami scoffed.
"You bastard!" Ichigo fumed. Power burst from within him. The immense power lashed out and whipped up the dust beneath him. The power targeted Yami and hit him with strong attacks. Yami was barely able to block each attack with his blade. He was able to jump out of harms way, getting out of reach of Ichigo's power. He held his blade up, so that it is pointed at Ichigo.
"That power is amazing. But, let's see how you handle my next attack." Where the blade split and looked like a mouth opened wide, fire began to form. "Makai Kasai Bakuha (hell fire blast)!" The fire shot out at Ichigo but, he sliced through it with ease. Yami kept firing, like an automatic machine gun. Ichigo used his incredible speed and flash step ability to avoid each ball of hell fire.

Ichigo suddenly appeared behind Yami. Once swift swipe of his zanpakuto and Yami's shoulder was wounded. Yami hissed in pain and swung is bulk blade around at Ichigo. The young teen was able to dodge Yami's attack, since the sword was too heavy to swing fast. He appeared in front of Yami to deal another blow, this time aiming for his stomach. Yami however, quickly dodged the attack.
"You tyrant! Let's see you try to dodge this attack!" Yami exclaimed. His entire blade began to glow red, as the eye at the base of the blade blinked, and dilated. Red reishi flowed from the blade and accumulated in the sky. It started to take the shape of a hollow mask. The skull was gigantic as it stared down at Ichigo, identifying its target. "Kon Boko Dokuro (soul hollow skull)!" The hollow skull seemed to be made completely out of reishi. It began to follow Ichigo at a blinding speed. Ichigo tried his hardest to escape the hollow skull but, was unable to. It opened its mouth wide as Ichigo was slowly sucked into it. Excruciating pain enveloped his body as the reishi began to eat away at his own. Yami couldn't help but laugh as he knew he had won.

Ichigo refused to lose. He refused to let Shiro become Yami's. He needed to protect Shiro with all of his power that he had with inside of him. That deep desire to protect his hollow zanpakuto, his other half of Ichigo's soul caused made his powers grow stronger. The power within Ichigo lashed out, protecting him from the reishi that was sucking the life out of Ichigo. It whipped around Ichigo and broke him free of the hollow skull. The hardened reishi shattered to the ground. To much of Yami's surprise, Ichigo falls with it as he is still alive.
"Wh-What? How can this be?"
"I swore that I would protect Shiro from anything that will harm him. That is exactly what I'm doing now," Ichigo said with a very calm manner as he pointed his zanpakuto at Yami. Reishi built up around his sword to massive amounts as he swung it back. "Mugetsu (moonless sky)!" Ichigo released it and a huge wall of dark reishi flew at Yami. Unable to dodge, he was hit will it a full force. An explosion of dust occurred around him from impact. When the dust settled, Yami was left lying face down, unmoving. Ichigo could see his three friends approaching as Chad was carrying Shiro. "Thank heavens." Ichigo stated as he started to move to join the rest of the group.

But Yami wasn't dead as he rose to strike Ichigo when he least expect it.
"Ichigo.... Watch out!" both Renji and Rukia called out in unison. But it was too late. Yami thrusted his hand straight through Ichigo's chest causing the teen to fall to the ground.
"Now.... Shiro is mine!" laughed Yami. Seeing Ichigo fall to the ground caused Shiro's newfound human emotions to rip through him. The energy pushed Chad, Uryu, and Orihime away from Shiro as he dropped to his feet. Shiro's body began to rapidly changed into that of the vasto lorde form.
"I'll kill you!" growled Shiro as he charged wildly at Yami with sword in hand. The others could only watch as Shiro attacked Yami. Orihime rushed trying to get to Ichigo to heal him but Yami cut her off. Suddenly a red ball of reishi smacked into Yami throwing him away from the girl. Orihime looked over her shoulder as she could see Isshin come to her aid to protect her but the blast had clearly come from Shiro.
"I don't think Shiro is strong enough to bet Yami. His powers are no were near the same level as Ichigo's." stated Isshin. Orihime nodded her head agreeing as she watched Chad, Uryu, Rukia, Byuakua, and Renji join Shiro in trying to kill off Yami.

Both Isshin and Orihime approached Ichigo surprised not to see any blood from the wound that he had received.
"Orihime, how is he?" asked Isshin.
"Pissed. I can sense that Shiro is the same way." replied Ichigo as he opened his eyes.
"Your not dead!" Orihime stated in shock. Ichigo pulled open a part of his shikasho to show the hollow part of his vasto lorde form.
"Yami managed to strike me here. Unfortunately his power was infused with that punch as it knocked me out momentarily. Now if you excuse me, I have someone's ass to kick!" Ichigo stated as he rose to his feet.

A burst of power erupted from Ichigo as he allowed all of the powers that Yami had unlocked within him loose.
'This bastard is going to pay for what he has done to me and Shiro.' Ichigo thought to himself as he leapt into battle joining Shiro's side. Both Shiro and Yami looked shocked that Ichigo wasn't dead.
"But you should be....."
"Dead? Sorry but your aim was off. Thanks you guys but Shiro and I can handle the rest." Ichigo stated.
"Kick his ass Ichigo!" replied Renji as the young teen nodded his head.
*Sorry if I scared you Shiro. Are you ready?*
*Hell yes. I want this son a bitch to pay for what he put me through!* Shiro replied. The two took off like rockets cutting and slashing at Yami. Yami couldn't keep up as he was pelted with attack after attack from both Ichigo and Shiro. Soon enough Yami's body looked like a beaten mess.
"This is the end Yami!" growled Ichigo as he poured every bit of power into one last and final attack. Shiro was doing the same.
"Getsuga Jujisho (moon fang cross shaped piercer)!" both Ichigo and Shiro snapped unleashing the combined blast at Yami. The blast hit Yami like a ton of bricks causing the man to fall to the ground. Yami's body erupted in energy as no trace was left of him. The group had noticed that Soreta's body was also gone. Finally it was over.

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