Fourteen- Shiro remembers

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Fourteen- Shiro remembers

Yami was taking his time torturing and raping Shiro while Soreta dealt with the intruders. While beating and raping Shiro, he didn't get the reaction that he was hoping for. It was as if Shiro wasn't conscious.
"Well played. It seems that his zanpakuto spirit is helping shield him. I didn't expect them to still have this connection. But that won't stop me as I can destroy the sword." Yami growled out as he pulled up his pants storming out of the room that Shiro was in. He stormed through the empty halls to the place where he told Soreta to place Zangetsu. The sword laid in the the same way that Shiro was being held. "You won't keep me from my prize." Yami hissed at the sword as he approached the zanpakuto. Zangetsu's energy lashed out violently hitting Yami keeping the man back. The wounds appeared to be major but Yami quickly healed to the point that there were no wounds left on him. Every time that Yami tried to approach Zangetsu, the zanpakuto would lash out. "I won't be stopped by the likes of you. He will be mine!" Yami snarled out. He could sense that Soreta had returned. But when he turned to his shinigami puppet, he was shocked to see the masked man wounded badly.
"I have failed you my master. He was far too strong for me. It seems that he has now greatly mastered the power that you have given him." Soreta stated earning a snarled curse from Yami.
"Perhaps I should tend to matters personally. No snot nose brat is going to keep me from my prize!" Yami snarled sharply as both he and Soreta went to deal with Ichigo.

Meanwhile within Shiro's cell, the former hollow zanpakuto came to as he spat in the direction that Yami had been in.
'You will never have me as I will only allow one person to touch me or claim me as his.' Shiro spat. 'I am his horse as he is my King. I will follow him to the ends of the earth.' Shiro thought to himself. 'Why do those words feel familiar too me?' Shiro asked himself. As he looked up he could see a creature floating before him. It was a blank if his memory recalled. The blank floated before Shiro as its hand reached out to touch the hollow zanpakuto. Shiro knew that the blank won't harm him. The blank placed its hand onto Shiro's forehead before disappearing into Shiro. Shiro screamed out in pain as memories assaulted his brain.

Shiro thrashed in his chains screaming out as the memories hit him like a wave as he began to recall everything. How he was first created by Sosuke Aizen was nothing more than experiment they called white. He was brought to world of the living where he had attacked both Isshin and Ichigo's mother Masaki before she killed him after he had sinked his teeth into her. For a long time he remained within Masaki until she became pregnant with Ichigo. He went into the child and remained there until Masaki had died protecting Ichigo from Grand Fisher. It was then that Shiro began to manifest and take form as he wasn't alone. Another was with him. It was Zangetsu. Shiro remembered everything even when he broke during the Quincy war and was made anew.
"You are the true form of Ichigo's zanpakuto. But since our manifestation with him, you allowed me to use your name as my own while you chose to be nothing more than a hollow. You helped guide Ichigo, battled against him, teaching him at times, even protected him." Zangetsu stated as he materialized before Shiro.
"I remember. We were both Zangetsu. His zanpakuto." Shiro stated as he tried not to shiver at his memories. The things he had done to Ichigo sent chills up his spine.

"Will you take back your rightful name? Or will you accept the name he had given you?" Zangetsu asked. Shiro looked at what appeared to be the older form of Ywalch.
"After everything I have been through and done, I don't deserve that name. I recall that he always referred to you as Zangetsu while I remained nameless." Shiro replied as he remembered telling Byakuya when he manifested on Ichigo that he had no name. He thought about the name that Ichigo had given him. it translated as white Kurosaki backwards Ichigo. For some reason, he loved the name given to him. He felt much different than how he was in the past. It was almost like he had become more human as Shiro began to recall that he was starting to have strong emotions for his King. He could feel what Yami's chemical had done to him as he could no longer return to where he rightfully belonged. But perhaps now, he could still remain by Ichigo's side. "I want to remain as Shiro. You and the one within Ichigo can keep the names that he has given you. Even though I can't return back to where I belong, I will still remain by his side until the day I am taken from him." Shiro replied. This caused Zangetsu to smile.
"Then call out my name!" he told Shiro before vanishing from sight. a smile caressed Shiro's face.
"Zangetsu." he called out.

Zangetsu heard his name being called out as its power unleashed shattering the bonds that it was in before flying to Shiro's hand. Once within Shiro's hand, the energy unleashed shattering the chains that kept Shiro bound. Shiro nearly collapsed as he used Zangetsu as a crutch. Shiro picked up his shikasho putting it back on. He could sense Ichigo's presence nearby.
"Let's get the hell out of here Zangetsu." Shiro stated as he swung the zanpakuto unleashing energy that blasted apart his prison. Shiro nearly collapsed after using one attack as his body wasn't in any shape to fight against Yami. Shiro could feel someone touch him gently as he was wrapped up in warm energy. He turned his head slightly to see Orihime healing him. A soft smile caressed Shiro's face. "Thank you." he stated before he had lost all consciousness allowing the young woman to heal his wounds.

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