Thirteen- valley of screams

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains and attacks that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Thirteen- valley of screams

Meanwhile Shiro had awakened to find himself still being held captive by Yami as he was still covered in the man's and his own cum. Shiro smiled as he thought about his King and the passionate sex that they had in his mindscape. Shiro didn't understand why he always referred to Ichigo as his King.  It kind of felt right to call Ichigo that.
'Why is that?' Shiro asked himself.  'More importantly Ichigo says that I am in a place that I have been once before.' Shiro thought to himself as he let out a startled gasp as memories came pouring into his head.  Memories of a young girl dressed like a soul reaper who had the memories belonging to the blanks, creatures that looked like hollows.  An army of beings whom tried to destroy two worlds in the process. Of course Ichigo stopped the destruction from happening only to loose the girl in the end. Tears streaked down Shiro's face from the memory. 'Am I starting to remember who I truly am?' Shiro asked himself. Shiro attempted to dry his tears but they wouldn't stop.
"So you are starting to remember." spoke a voice. Shiro looked up to see Yami's slave Soreta standing there. Shiro growled at the masked man. "You can snarl all you like. We are both victims here. I was told to clean you up before he came back in here." Soreta stated.
"If you are a victim, then why don't you fight him?" Shiro asked as he was unhooked from his chains. Soreta didn't answer the hollow as he helped Shiro get cleaned up. Soreta's own memories where starting to make him question just who he his and why he was obeying Yami.
"Perhaps you are far stronger than I as you have someone who is willing to come here and rescue you. Stay strong for their sake." stated Soreta quietly. Shiro found himself nodding his head. He would stay strong for Ichigo's sake.

At that same moment, Ichigo and his group were in the basement of Urahara's shop as Kisuke was working to open up a senkaimon to the valley of screams.
"I won't be able to keep this portal open for long.  So once you are in the valley of screams, you're on your own to get back home.  Ichigo...... your full unleashed powers maybe able to open a doorway on its own." Kisuke stated.
"Thanks Kisuke.  Are we ready?" he asked the group.  No one answered as they all nodded their heads.  The senkaimon glowed as a doorway opened up leading into the valley of screams.  "Lets go!" Ichigo shouted out as he leapt through the gate.  The rest of the group followed as they found themselves within the dead lands belonging to the valley of screams.  Ichigo could sense Shiro's presence a lot stronger now.
"Which way son?" asked Isshin. 
"Follow me." replied Ichigo as he took off making sure to keep at a pace so everyone could follow him.  *I am on my way Shiro.  Hang in there!* Ichigo called out mentally.

The pressure changed drastically in the valley of screams and Yami knew why.
"So, Ichigo Kurosaki has made his way to the valley of screams." Yami chuckled. "I'll be damned if he thinks he can take Shiro away from me." Yami called out to Soreta, who had just finished cleaning up Shiro.
"You call for me master?" Soreta asked.
"They have come for the Hollow. Please, dispose of them at once."
"Yes, master." Soreta replied bowing to Yami. Before he turned to left, Yami stopped him.
"Take some of these men with you. Even you can't take them all on by yourself." Yami stated waving his hand. Dust swirled up from the ground, squeezing together and forming people that looked like Shinigami. They bowed to their creator, waiting for further orders. As Yami finished, he opened up a dark purple portal, letting hollows crawl out of it, along with a couple arrancar. Yami forced them to stop and obey his orders. "You all go with Soreta and make sure that substitute shinigami is no more."
"Yes sir." they all answered and nodded in unison.

Ichigo had a hard time pin pointing exactly where Shiro was. It seemed like he was all around him. When him and the gang would go one place, it felt as if he were in the complete opposite direction. Frustrated, Ichigo kicked the dust around his feet.
"Don't worry, son." Isshin reassured him. "We will find Shiro soon, we just need to relax and give it some thought on where he could be."
"Don't be so sure of that." a low voice said. Everyone snapped their heads, and saw a shinigami, looking like he came from the squad two. His arms were folded across his chest as he wore a hood over his head and a mask that covered everything but his eyes.
"Who are you?" Isshin asked.
"You don't have to worry about that." Soreta answered as he quickly withdrew his zanpakuto and sprang for Ichigo's father. Ichigo was ready and blocked the incoming attack.
"What the hell is your problem?" Ichigo growled.
"Master Yami had told me to get rid of you. That is what I shall do." Soreta pushed himself away, leaving room between him and Ichigo. Ichigo gave him a puzzled and confused look. Soreta only chuckled and summoned the small army Yami had given him. Hollows, arrancar, and pseudo-shinigami appeared from over the horizon and crowded around Soreta. He pointed towards Ichigo and his team, and gave a wry smile.
"Didn't you know? I was the one who kidnapped your little hollow friend?" Soreta asked.

Ichigo let out a gasp. He didn't exactly know what to feel. Anger, sadness, and confusion all raced through his brain. How could someone within the Soul Society do this to him? Soreta chuckled at Ichigo's confused face.
"After the others, leave the carrot top to me." he commanded. His army burst into action and broke off into groups to attack the others. With everyone else distracted with their own battles, Ichigo and Soreta were left alone. Without giving Soreta the chance to withdraw his zanpakuto, Ichigo immediately charged at him with his zanpakuto out and ready to slash him to pieces. If it weren't for Soreta's extremely good reflexes, he would have been done for before the battle even began. Soreta could only laugh at how much rage fueled Ichigo's actions. He managed to push the substitute away form him, leaving him a lot of space in between them.

"Go and slay them all, Sendo Kyoukan (death assasin)!" Soreta exclaimed as he quickly drew out his zanpakuto. Light engulfs his zanpakuto and starts to shrink in size. It transformed into a small assassin's dagger. When his zanpakuto was done releasing, Soreta charged for Ichigo, at extreme speed attempting to slash at Ichigo's midsection. Ichigo was able to dodge by a fraction of a hair. Ichigo whipped his blade around to swipe at Soreta but, he was gone by the time he turned around. There was no way he could touch Soreta without taking off the collar that controls his powers. With a click, the collar came off as Ichigo could feel the powers immediately take over. Ichigo felt the power surge through his body like a caged animal finally set free.

The power flowed through Ichigo changing him into the form that has been released because of what happened. Tensa Zangetsu remained the same as energy built up around Ichigo as he swiped it towards Soreta. The powers of his Quincy, Vizard, and Shinigami powers flew at him in one giant wave of energy. In a panic, Soreta smashed his hands on the ground. The earth beneath him erupted in violent shakes and cracked underneath his and Ichigo's feet. The cracks were big enough for Soreta to duck into and avoid Ichigo's oncoming attack.

Ichigo could feel the power swell up into his arm. He could see the black energy from Mugetsu form around his arm, creating a muscular arm much like Chad's. Ichigo dashed for Soreta, ready to punch him. A little jostled from the earthquake, Soreta wasn't prepared for Ichigo's attack right away. He smashed his hand on the ground again, this time a ball of earth rose up from the ground in front of him. Soreta kicked it with one foot and sent it flying towards Ichigo. One swift punch and the ball of rock shattered into thousands of small pebbles. Surprised by how strong Ichigo's punch was, he had no time to react when he was swiftly punch in the gut. Spit and blood flew from Soreta's mouth despite the mask that covered his face as he flew hundreds of feet away from the battle zone and drug into the dirt. As Soreta struggled to get out of the dirt, he could feel many of his ribs broken not only from the direct hit from Ichigo but, from the impact on the ground as well. Ichigo now stands feet away from him, staring down at him.
"How could you do this? Why Shiro?" Ichigo asked, keeping a low tone in his voice.
"I had to obey Master Yami's orders, as he did create me." Soreta answered coughing up blood.
"He created you?"
"Yes, but not just me. These other shinigami that are fighting with your friends, are also creations by Yami." Ichigo looked back. The number of Soreta's army dwindled down fast. Only a couple of arrancar and a couple shinigami were left to fight.
"You don't have to obey him just because he created you." Ichigo stated.
"I know." Soreta replied in a low tone. "But, I owe him my life."

Soreta stood tall and whisped his hands around in a circle, as if collecting the air around him. He balled up his fist, and blew into his hand, releasing all the air that has been trapt in his fist. The air floated towards Ichigo, and circled around his head. When he inhaled, the air floated into his body, cutting off all circulation to his lungs. Suddenly, Ichigo couldn't breathe. All of the oxygen had been cut off from him. He began to choke. He fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. Soreta limped towards him, laughing as he couldn't help but it looking at how helpless he looks.
"That is one of my Sendo
Kyoukan's power, Kaze Musei Ryuu (wind silent kill). It lets me harness the wind and control it so it can suffocate my opponents. The other ability you have witnessed me using is Tsuchi Chikara Sumasshu (earth strength smash) where I can use the very earth as not only a weapon but to also to protect myself." Soreta explained.

Still coughing, Ichigo tried his hardest to breathe but, he couldn't find the strength to inhale. Ichigo could feel himself become light headed and a sharp pain hit his chest. Ichigo knew he was about to pass out or even die. This was going to be the end of him. The very thought of him unable to reunite with Shiro made him tear up. That thought quickly changed when Ichigo looked up and saw Soreta through the fading blackness. It was partly Ichigo's fault Shiro has been kidnapped and it will be his fault if he couldn't save Shiro. He started to feel furious and with his anger came the power that can't be controlled.

The power exploded from Ichigo's body, pushing away the air that constricted him so much. He gasped for breath, breathing in deeply to regain consciousness. He looked up at Soreta and stood up to be eye level with the masked shinigami. Ichigo scowled in Soreta's direction, not showing one ounce of emotion. Soreta couldn't react. He was speechless that Ichigo even broke free from his attack. Ichigo's power exploded from his body, the powers lashing out almost like it was alive grazing Soreta's skin. Ichigo lifted his arm, as a ball of energy grew inside of his palm, like a cero attack would. Once it grew large enough, he shot it out at Soreta. Soreta screamed in agony as the ball hit him. The impact was hard and felt almost unbearable. Where it had hit Soreta had left a deep burn marks in a starburst pattern. Soreta had hit the ground, lying motionless, but not dead. He looked back at his army, now all destroyed by Ichigo's team. Soreta knew that he has been defeated.
"Go back to your master and tell him that nothing is going to stop me from saving Shiro." Ichigo spat out darkly as he placed the gold collar back around his neck. Soreta took the chance to vanish before Ichigo's group could attack him. Yami wasn't going to be pleased that he had failed.

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