Twelve- assembling the team

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. It will also feature two OCC villains that I have created just for this story. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, torture, rape, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Twelve- assembling the team

Ichigo regained consciousness as he needed to take care of a small problem before he headed towards Kisuke's. Despite being in his mindscape and having passionate sex with Shiro, he had come several times in his physical form. Ichigo stripped his bed placing the stained sheets in the laundry. He then went to take care of cleaning himself off. He didn't need to go to Kisuke's smelling like sex. As Ichigo showered he thought of the people who would be willing to go to the valley of screams to help him rescue Shiro. No doubt Chad and Orihime will be willing to go. He wasn't sure about Uryu. He didn't know if his friends in the Seireitei would be willing. He still hadn't admitted to anyone about the fact of him being gay. Not that he saw his sexual preference a problem. But he felt that he needed to come clean about the whole thing. He would first tell his family. They were aware of what Shiro was and what Ichigo and his father was. Once Ichigo was good and cleaned he put his soiled clothes into the laundry as he brought the soiled items down to the laundry.
"Ichigo if you need those washed I could take care of it." stated Yuzu as she was making dinner.
"It is all right Yuzu. I rather take care of this myself. Where is everyone?" Ichigo asked.
"Dad is in his study and Karin is in our room." answered Yuzu.
"Can you gather everyone in the living room? There is something that I have to tell everyone." Ichigo asked.
"Sure thing." replied Yuzu as she placed the dinner on low before she went to do as Ichigo asked. Ichigo placed the soiled items in the washer as he then placed the laundry soap and softener in before starting it up. He sighed to himself softly.
"Courage Ichigo. You can do this." Ichigo stated to himself as he went to the living room. His whole family was there.
"Wait where's Shiro?" asked Yuzu. 
"Taken hostage by the being that was responsible for separating us." Ichigo stated quietly as Yuzu looked like she was ready to cry.  "Please don't cry Yuzu.  I will get him back.  That's not why I have called you all here." Ichigo stated before he let out an aggravated sigh. "Why is this so difficult to say? The thing is that I am...."
"Gay." Karin cut in as everyone including Ichigo looked at her in shock. "What? Isn't it obvious? He doesn't look at Orihime or even Rukia the same way that he looks at Shiro. But who are we to judge you on your sexual preference. If you and Shiro truly love each other and are happy, than that is all that should matter." Karin stated.
"It is just as Karin said. Even though I find it a bit odd that you are in love with someone who looks like you and is a part of you, or used to be a part of you. But we love you no matter what." stated Isshin as Yuzu just nodded her head in agreement. Tears lined Ichigo's eyes as he bowed his head in same.
"Thank guys. Oh by the way dad, I could use your help in getting Shiro back."
"No problem Ichigo. I would love to rip into the being whom did this to you. But I already know that you have claimed first dibs." Isshin stated causing Ichigo to smile. "So who else are you considering to take with us?" asked Isshin causing Ichigo to smile even more. He had a few ideas of whom would be willing to come with him to the valley of screams.

Ichigo went to school as his father called saying that Shiro was home sick.  Come lunch time Ichigo told his friends Uryu, Chad, and Orihime to meet him on the roof.  The three agreed as it was their usual lunch time hangout where they could talk about things that other humans didn't quite understand.  Mainly about the Seireitei and the Shinigami. 
"So what's up Ichigo?  How is Shiro doing?  Has he recalled anything?" asked Orihime. 
"No Shiro hasn't recalled any useful information about his past.  I wish I could say that he is doing better but it seems that the person who is responsible for all of this has taken Shiro hostage.  I had made contact with him to find out that he is being held within the valley of screams.  I could use some help to get him back." Ichigo stated.
"Count me in." stated Chad. 
"Me too." replied Orihime.
"There is more isn't there?" asked Uryu. 
"Yeah...... Turns out that I am gay. And that I am in love with Shiro." added Ichigo.  This caused Uryu to look the most shocked by Ichigo's statement.
"That's impossible.  You are both one in the same as he is a hollow.  They can't feel human emotions!" Ichigo punched Uryu before he could say anything more.  Ichigo's full blown powers were rolling off of him like waves. 
"Don't you ever say things like that ever again to my face.  Shiro is much more than a hollow!" Ichigo growled as he held Uryu by the shirt collar. 
"Ichigo please.  Uryu didn't know.  Please let him go." Orihime stated calmly.  Ichigo could feel Chad place hand on Ichigo's arm forcing him to place Uryu down.  Ichigo took several calming breaths as he could feel the golden chocker around his neck glowing keeping a cap on his power.
"I am sorry Uryu.  Its just Shiro is far more than he seems.  Even though he is a hollow and a zanpakuto spirit, to me he is much more than that. " Ichigo stated.
"We understand your feelings.  We will help you out." Orihime stated as Chad nodded his head.  Ichigo looked at Uryu as the Quincy whom sighed also nodding his head in agreement.

After school, Ichigo and his friends went back to the Kurosaki Clinic where Ichigo's father had been waiting for him so they could go to the Seireitei. Ichigo wasn't sure how he was going to explain this to the other Shinigami about how Shiro has been ripped apart from him, much less how he is going to break it to them that he is gay. He seemed more nervous to tell them considering he doesn't know how they would react. He knew in the back of his mind telling his family they would accept who he as he is. His friends if they were true friends would support him regardless but, he wasn't so sure about everyone in the Seireitei. He could only hope they understood. The group made their way to Kisuke's shop while Ichigo traveled to the Seireitei in order to recruit more help. With his full powers unlocked, Isshin had shown him how to open a senkaimon in order to travel between the two worlds.

In the Seireitei, Ichigo went straight to the Division Six Barracks. Only one captain that Ichigo would think about helping him came to mind, Byakuya Kuchiki. He was the only Shinigami who he could trust enough to not make a big deal of Ichigo coming out of the closet. He was planning on heading straight to the Kuchiki Clan House where Byakuya stays but, ended up running into him walking around the barracks.
"Byakuya! Just the person I wanted to see!" Ichigo exclaimed.
"What is it that you want Kurosaki?" asked Byakuya as he suddenly stopped. There was a strange feeling in the air. It belonged to Ichigo but, it felt a lot different than the presence Byakuya normally feels when the substitute shinigami is around him. Something felt absent from him and yet there was still overwhelming power coursing through the teen.
"I need your help. Shiro, my hollow form and a part of my zanpakuto has been separated from me and has been kidnapped. I trust you the most to help me with this task." Ichigo briefly explained. Byakuya turned back and looked at him.
"I will agree to help you for I fear if you don't get reacquainted with your hollow zanpakuto, it could lead to trouble for the Seireitei." he agreed.
"Great.... Thanks so much!" Ichigo replied. Ichigo still needed to tell Byakuya that he was gay but, he wasn't sure if he would still want to go through with the plan if he found out. Ichigo let out a loud sigh, there's no more use trying to hide it. They would all find out sometime soon. "Do you think you could find Renji and Rukia as well? I have something to tell you but, I want all of you to be there to hear it." Byakuya nodded and agreed to find them and bring them all back to Urahara's shop.

Ichigo and his friends waited for the others at Urahara's shop. Isshin had went home to check on the girls before they left for the valley of screams. Ichigo paced back and forth across the room. You could tell that he was nervous to tell his Shinigami friends. His family and his friends in the world of the living were one thing but, telling the ones in the Soul Society feels ten times harder. The three shinigami walked into the door and it felt like a rock was sitting in Ichigo's throat. They all sat down around the table, along with Chad, Orihime, and Uryu. The all gave him a blank and cold stare. Their eyes had a solemn look to them. He cleared his throat, ready to tell them.
"I have called you all here to tell you something." Ichigo glanced around to Renji's eyes, then over to Rukia's, and finally to Byakuya's. His eyes stayed on Byaluya's. Ichigo could feel the cold sweat drip down the side of his head.
"I need to tell you guys before we start the mission to rescue Shiro, my inner hollow and zanpakuto that I am gay and I'm in love with Shiro."

The bottom of Ichigo's stomach felt heavy but his chest felt so much lighter. He was glad to have gotten that off of his chest. He watched the shinigamis' unwavering facial expressions. He waited for some sort a response whether it be positive or negative but he never got one. Finally, Byakuya stood up.
"It does not matter to me your sexual preference. I still have a duty to my world to protect it from evil and if whomever you're after gets to the Seireitei then, I have failed as a Shinigami." he stated.
"I don't care either!" Renji exclaimed. "As long as I get to kick some ass soon, it doesn't bother me in the slightest." he added. Rukia flashed a sweet grin.
"I think it was brave to come out like this." she says. All Ichigo could do was bow his head in shame as tears streaked down his face.

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