BRINA ◇ Unexpected Confession

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Brian grumbled curses and sentences as she walked around the school grounds, looking for one particular male. The pink haired female was a part of the Basketball Club and practice for all sports club was starting but the coach of the male soccer team had asked her for her help as they were passing by each other in the hallway. He said that their team cannot start until (First Name) (Last Name), a member of the Soccer Club and a very popular model, comes and joins them.

He thought he was safe at Townsville High since the security was really tight & there was not a single fangirl in this school. Oh, how wrong he was...

"Where is that stupid (h/c) haired idiot?!", she placed her hands on her hips, looking around her surroundings.

"Brina!", she heard a familiar voice coming from a distance behind her.

Turning around, her eyes widened at the horde of screaming fangirls running after Y/N, who was running away from them. Luckily for him, he was a fast runner.

"Save me, Brina!!", the male screeched.

" idiot! Don't run towards my direction!", she shot back, getting a little nervous as the male got closer by the second.

Y/N came into a halt in front of Brina, who was about to get ready for the male's body to collide into hers, & easily picked her up bridal style in his arms. Brina gasped in shock & her pale cheeks turned into a rosy red color as Y/N lifted her up & ran away again.

"P-P-Put me down!", she squirmed but Y/N only held her tighter.

Aside from feeling embarrassed & shocked, she was amazed at how strong the male was & how he can run with ease. Brina had no choice but wrapped her arms around his neck to prevent herself from falling. She glanced up at the slightly panting male & felt her cheeks get even hotter at the sight of the handsome male panting, sweating & concentrated. His eyes were focused on the way he was going & his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. His (light/dark) hair was sticking to his forehead because of his sweat. Now that she got closer look at him, his face was flawless & unblemished & when her eyes trailed down, she took notice of his perfect jawline.

She was so concentrated on the (h/c) haired beauty, she didn't notice that he brought her to the library & went to the isolated area with many dusty book cases blocking an armchair. He sighed in relief when he saw that there were no more fangirls chasing after him. Brina was reminded of the fact that she was still in Y/N's arms when he turned his attention towards her & smiled charmingly.

"Can you put me down now?", she asked grumpily.

Y/N's charming smile turned into a childish grin & avoided Brina's question by suddenly sitting down on the armchair, the yellow eyed female comfortably sitting on his lap. She was about to whack him when he cupped one of her cheeks & moved his face closed to hers. Brina's cheeks were a bright color of red, making her face similar to that of a tomato's skin.

"You have beautiful yellow eyes, Brina~", Y/N purred.

Brina stammered until Y/N his free hand went down & slithered his arm around her tiny waist, pulling her even closer. Their lips were about to touch when Brina cupped both of his cheeks & bumped her forehead against his in a not so gentle way, making the male yelp in pain & release his grip on her.

Brina hopped off of his lap & stood in front of him, her cheeks as red as ever. Y/N looked up with a childish pout, furrowed eyeborws & teary eyes, his hand rubbing the pain on his forehead.

"Why did you do that?", he whimpered.

"Because you won't let me go! Besides, we still have soccer practice to go to!"

The teen groaned & relaxed against the armchair, "But Brina~ why go to practice when I've already exceeded everyone else?"

Brina knew it was not worth scolding his lazy ass so she sighed & turned away, "Fine...have it your way."

She walked away after saying, "Lazy guys are so annoying & unappealing."

Y/N watched as Brina disappeared from the library, a sudden sad glint in his beautiful (e/c) eyes.


Brina jumped and dunked the ball with full force into the basket, making the people under her yelp and move out of the her way. The male team along with Brina's teammates looked at her with a mixture of fear and awe. Their coach, who was also in awe, blew his whistle and told the female team to rest and went to get a refreshment for himself.

Brina sat down on the bleachers, wiping her sweat. Brick sat down next to her and raised an eyebrow.

"Oi, why were you so fired up? You almost broke the hoop.", Buttercup said.

Brina clicked her tongue, "I was just really frustrated."

"Why? Did something crawled up your butt and died?"

Popping a vein, she faced him, "No! It's all because Mr. Arrogant is skipping practice again!"

"Oh, I see.", Brick chuckled.

Brina sighed and excused herself before standing up and leaving the gym. She walked out to the large fields behind the school to get some fresh air and to also observe the other sports clubs. Her eyes scanned the fields and widened when she saw a certain (hair color) haired male walk into the field, interfering the boys' practice. He said a few words to the coach before joining the others.

"Hehe, well then. Looks like he couldn't resist you and went to practice.", Brick suddenly appeared behind her and teased.

Brina jumped a bit before frowning, "Shut up."

She wondered what made that idiot go to practice.


"Are going home yet, Brina?", her teammate asked.

"Yeah, I just need to get something in my locker.", she answered.

Once everyone was gone, she made her way to the locker rooms. On her way there, she ran into Y/N, who was busy putting his shoes on.

The male looked up at her & beamed, waving his hand in the air. Brina scoffed & walked towards him. Once she was standing in front of him, she crossed her arms & gave him a 'Answer Me' look.


"Tch, idiot. What made you go to practice all of a sudden?"

"Oh, that.", Y/N chuckled before going back to tying his shoes.

"I just wanted to, that's all."

"Don't lie to me, I want the real reason."

Y/N finished tying his shoelaces & stood up from the bench he was sitting on. He stepped closer to Brina until they were only an inch apart. He held her hand gently, making her uncross her arms & look at him with confusion. He placed her hand on his cheek, holding it in place. Brina blushed fifty shades of red & tried to hit him using her other hand but Y/N quickly grabbed her wrist.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"You said you wanted the real reason, right? Well, here it is. Brina, I've been crushing on you ever since I joined the Soccer Club & I did everything I van to impress you. Obviously, it wasn't enough because you keep kicking me around.", he chuckled.

"Well, of course I wouldn't be impressed! Who would be impressed by looks alone?!"

"When you said that lazy guys are annoying & unappealing, I finally understood why you won't notice me. If I have to work hard everyday, I would just for you."

Brina was taken aback by his unexpected confession. She didn't know what to say. Y/N smiled brightly.

"I promise I won't dissapoint you."

"Tch...promise you'll work hard?"

"Mhm~ If you go on a date with me."

"Geez, fine, you idiot! Just don't make me drag you to practice anymore."

"Hehe, OK~"



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