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"Tough girl wannabe!"

You and Buttercup bumped foreheads and snarled while gripping each other's collar. Blossom and Butch stood awkwardly in the back, watching you two growl into each other's faces.

Brick, who was sitting on the couch and getting irritated, stood up. He walked towards you and pulled you away from Buttercup while Bubbles gripped Buttercup's arm so she won't pounce on you. Brick sighed before glaring at you then Buttercup.

"Are you going to shut up and behave or do I have to force you?"

"She's the one who started it!"

"Wha— you're the one who's being annoying!"

"Guys, enough! My head is hurting because of you!", Bell whined.

"Seriously, the two of you are so immature.", Barasia rolled her eyes.

You crossed your arms while Buttercup blew raspberries at you. Brick dragged you to the couch before you could respond to Buttercup and forced you to sit down, deciding to keep an eye on you for the next few hours.


"Thanks for inviting us over, Bubbles! Tell your grandmother that we said thanks for the food!", Blossom said.

"Of course! See you guys on Monday!", Bubbles chirped before closing the gates.

All of you parted ways but unfortunately for you, your house was a few blocks away from Buttercup's so you two had to walk together. You kept your distance from her because for sure another argument will start if you get close too her.

To be honest, you didn't understand why you and Buttercup don't get along when you've always admired the green eyed, tough tomboy because of her love for sports and anything fun. The only thing that was getting on your nerves was her attitude towards you.  She managed to get along with Butch, who used to be her enemy, but not you?

You looked at her from your peripheral vision and saw her grumbling something. You raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was grumbling about. Just then, a raindrop fell on your cheek, making you flinch. You looked up and another dropped, then another until it started to rain. You looked at Buttercup and heard her curse while covering her head using her hands. You sighed and immediately ran to her side. Before she could growl at you, you pulled your umbrella out from your bag and put it over your head, shielding you from the rain.
Since the umbrella was only big enough for one person, you wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. Buttercup was speechless and shocked, her lime green eyes wide and her cheeks tinted pink. She tilted her head up to look at you and saw no emotion on your face.

"Let's go, I'll walk you home."

She didn't respond and you began to walk with your arm still wrapped around her. Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she brushed your hand off her shoulder and glared at you. You glared back but didn't say anything.

The whole walk was silent except for the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground and the umbrella. Once you reached the apartment where she lived, you escorted her to the entrance. She looked at you and you immediately looked away.

"Change clothes once you get inside or else you'll get sick."

"W-Whatever.", Buttercup frowned.

You sighed, "A 'thank you' would've been nice, you know."

Buttercup just huffed and crossed her arms, averting her eyes from you. And with that, you left.


After changing your clothes, you laid sprawled out on your bed, thinking about what you did earlier. Groaning, you laid on your side and closed your eyes.

"Why did I do that?", you asked yourself before opening your eyes.

"What would she say to me on Monday?"


You walked in your school and immediately went to the cafeteria where you and your friends hang out before classes begin. Walking in, you spotted one student who you immediately recognized as Buttercup. You nervously walked towards her and silently put your bag down on the table. You were about to sit down when Buttercup stood up and pulled you closer by your collar.

"H-Hey, what the—!"

You were suddenly cut off by Buttercup kissing you, making your eyes go wide. She pulled away and let go of you. You stared at her in shock until she spoke.

"Think of that as an apology for being mean to you and...as a thank you for helping me the other day.", she blushed.



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