Date night

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Narrator: The city of Townsville. And it's a lovely evening!

In the city of Townsville, there was love in the air. Various couples were out and about. A rockstar proposed to her boyfriend on stage, and he said yes.

A cook made his wife a romantic dinner.

A news caster made a romantic poem for his wife.

A scientist made a lovely message for her husband in the night sky.

Narrator: Meanwhile at the Powerpuff Girls house.

Blossom was applying lipstick. Bubbles was brushing her hair. Buttercup was taking birth control and deciding which bra to wear.

Buttercup: I can't decide between black lace or red lace.

Buttercup said as she was looking at the two bras she had out.

Blossom: Why are you asking? It's not like he's going to see you in it.

Buttercup just smirked and laughed.

Soon Y/N arrived at the house. He knocked on the door lightly. Y/N was nervous as he knocked on the door of the Powerpuff Girls' house. He had been dating the three superhero sisters for a good long while now, and he still couldn't believe his luck.

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup answered the door, all wearing big smiles. Y/N felt his heart flutter as they greeted him warmly.

"Hey, Y/N! We're so glad you could make it!" Blossom said, giving him a hug.

"Yeah, we've been waiting all day for you," Buttercup added, grinning.

Bubbles stepped forward and took Y/N's hand. "Come on, let's go to my room. I have a surprise for you!"

Y/N followed Bubbles up the stairs, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. He had no idea what Bubbles had planned, but he trusted her.

When they reached her room, Bubbles closed the door and turned to face Y/N. "Okay, close your eyes and hold out your hands."

Y/N did as he was told, and a moment later he felt something soft and fluffy placed in his hands. He opened his eyes to see a tiny kitten staring up at him.

"Oh my gosh, Bubbles! She's adorable!" Y/N exclaimed, cuddling the kitten close.

Bubbles beamed. "I knew you'd love her. She's yours, Y/N."

Y/N couldn't believe it. He had always wanted a pet, but his parents had never allowed it. Now he had his very own kitten, thanks to his wonderful girlfriends. Blossom, and Buttercup were surprised that Bubbles had gotten him at kitten. Well, Blossom was surprised, Buttercup was jealous that Bubbles was so thoughtful.

Blossom: Bubbles? Where did you find that cat?

Downstairs. The door was repeatedly banged on. The Professor was making his way to the living room door.

Professor: Coming, coming.

He opened the door and saw the paparazzi, a news team, and crew members from the CW. The professor wasted no time, and no hesitation in slamming the door in concern.

Professor: Nobody's home.

As he tried to lock the door, the crowd of people opened it, and tried to bust in. Using all his strength, the Professor fought back and try to keep them out by closing the door on them.

Paparazzi: Wait! We're just here to see the girls and their boy toy!

Professor: Some other time please!

News: Professor! Is one of or all your daughters closeted lesbians and this boy is just blackmailing them into dating him?

Professor: I don't see what that has to do with anything! And no!

CW: Are the girls interested in a TV show?

Professor: From your studio? No!

The Professor was finally able to close the door and lock it. He sighed in relief, until he heard banging at the window and saw them at the window. He immediately closed the blinds.

He looked up and saw Y/N, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup walking down the stairs.

Buttercup: Don't get too nervous, Y/N. We're just going on a simple date.

Y/N nodded his head as he walked with them.

Professor: Aww! This is so sweet! Hold on, let me get a picture.

The Professor got a camera to take a picture.

(Just imagine Y/N in the picture.)

The Professor teared up slightly.

Professor: I'm sorry. This is just so...oh my girls are growing up.

The Professor wiped tears from his eyes. The girls immediately flew over and hugged him. He hugged back.

Professor: Oh but stop worrying about me. You girls have a very important date. But I think you should take the roof.

The Professor said as he pointed to the roof.

Blossom: Paparazzi?

Professor: Among other people.

The girls nodded, got Y/N, and flew out the roof.

They decided to go to a local park for a picnic. Blossom had brought a blanket and some sandwiches, Bubbles had brought some drinks, and Buttercup had brought some snacks. Y/N was impressed by their organization and felt grateful to be a part of their fun day.

As they ate, they talked and laughed, sharing stories and getting to know each other even better. Y/N felt more relaxed as the day went on and enjoyed spending time with the girls.

After they finished their meal, they decided to play some games. They played frisbee, tag, and even had a water balloon fight. Y/N had a great time playing with the girls and felt like he had never had this much fun before.

As they walked into the arcade, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were excited to show Y/N all of their favorite games. Y/N seemed a little nervous at first, but the girls quickly put him at ease, joking around and laughing with him.

They started off by playing some racing games, and Y/N was surprised to find that he was actually pretty good at them. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup cheered him on, and he felt like he was part of their team.

Next, they moved on to some classic arcade games like Pac-Man and Space Invaders. Y/N's shyness started to fade away as he got more and more into the games. The girls were impressed by how focused he was, and they enjoyed watching him play.

As they played more and more games, Y/N started to relax and feel more comfortable around the girls. They were so supportive and encouraging, and he felt like he could be himself around them.

After they had played for a while, the girls suggested they take a break and get some snacks. They all got some soda and popcorn and sat down at a table together. They talked about their favorite games and shared stories about their lives.

As they finished their snacks, the girls decided to try one more game before they left. They picked out a shooting game and all played together, trying to beat the high score. Y/N was amazed at how good the girls were, and he tried his best to keep up with them.

That's when things took a startling turn. The ground shook, and something grabbed the roof of the building. The girls looked up and saw a giant, orange, monster.

The creature threw down a fist and struck the Powerpuff Girls. The strike was powerful enough to send the girls flying to the ocean.

Y/N: Blossom! Bubbles! Buttercup! No!

Y/N was then snatched up by the monster and was soon carried off. That's when the girls flew back, dripping wet, and punched the monster. The creature stumbled back and growled.

Blossom: Buttercup! You handle the monster! Bubbles! You evacuate the area! I'll free Y/N!

Buttercup: Why should you free Y/N!

Blossom: Just do it!

Bubbles nodded her head and Buttercup rolled her eyes. The girls flew off the help.

Buttercup used her heat vision to blast at the creature. Bubbles evacuated the area and Blossom saved Y/N.

The creature growled and clapped his hands. The shockwave shook the city and sent everything that wasn't nailed down flying. Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, and Y/N were hit and crashed into an office building.

Blossom: What is this thing?

Bubbles: Where did it come from?

Buttercup: Fight now! Ask questions later!

They flew off, placed Y/N somewhere safe, and flew to fight the monster.

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup knew that they had to act quickly to stop the monster before it caused any more damage. They flew towards the monster, ready to fight.

As they got closer, the monster swung its tail at them, trying to knock them out of the sky. The girls dodged the attack and flew around the monster, trying to find a weak spot.

Blossom used her ice breath to freeze the monster's feet, hoping to slow it down. Bubbles used her sonic scream to shatter the ice, causing the monster to stumble. Buttercup flew in and punched the monster in the face, causing it to roar in pain.

The monster swung its tail at Buttercup, but she was too fast for it. She flew around the monster, dodging its attacks and punching it whenever she could. Blossom used her laser vision to shoot at the monster's eyes, hoping to temporarily blind it. Bubbles used her landed several hits the monster's arms, then its tail.

The monster roared and threw several punches punches, managing to strike the girls several times. He then struck the girls with his tail. He then punched them again. Then he kicked them and body slammed then with his tail.

The girls worked together, using their unique powers to weaken the monster. They knew that they couldn't hold back, or the monster would destroy the city. They struck the head, then legs.

Finally, the monster started to weaken. It stumbled and fell to the ground and landed on several buildings. The impact knocked it unconscious. The girls landed on the ground and stood over the monster. Y/N and the crowd cheered.

Soon the beaten and battered girls went home with Y/N. The Professor was watching a soap opera with Y/N's new kitten.

Professor: Oh girls! Y/N! There you all are. How was your date?

Girls & Y/N: Eventful.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, games, and cuddling with the new kitten. Y/N felt like the luckiest guy in the world, surrounded by the three most amazing girls he had ever met.

As they all settled down to sleep, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn his life had taken. He never would have guessed that he would end up dating the Powerpuff Girls, but now he couldn't imagine life without them.

Meanwhile at the docks. Skull was throwing a fit since his monster failed.

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