Insect Inside

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The chapter, Hot Hot Hotter is currently stuck in writers block hell.

Narrator: The city of Townsville, but enough about that.

At a house in a subdivision. This structure is a rather plain, boxy affair, with a large corner window on the first floor and three round ones on the second. A garage sits off to one side; the front door is bright red.

Narrator: Here at the Powerpuff Girls' suburban home is where our story begins.

A scream shatters the calm; inside, Bubbles is flying down the hall, doing her best to keep ahead of a cockroach scurrying after her.

Bubbles: Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away!

Buttercup approaches from behind.

Buttercup: I'll get it.

She throws a punch at the wall, knocking a hole in it but missing the roach. Bubbles, was hovering nearby.

Bubbles: Did you get it?

The roach moves into her view, and she becomes so scared that her pigtails stand up straight.

Bubbles: Aaah!

She flew away.

Buttercup flies up and fires her eye lasers at the wall; she burns up the paint but misses again. She flies after the roach, and Blossom flies up to inspect the damage.

Blossom: Uh-oh. Girls.

Bubbles was fleeing from the roach and screaming, with Buttercup in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Y/N was making his way to where he heard the screaming and yelling.

Y/N: Hey? I heard screaming? What's going on?

Bubbles flew to him and jumped in his arms.

Bubbles: Aah! Squish it, squish it, squish, it, squish it, squish it!

Blossom caught up.

Blossom: Buttercup, no. It's just a cockroach.

Y/N's eyes widened.

Y/N: Cockroach! Where!

Buttercup: Somewhere. Shut up, Blossom. It's gross.

Blossom: It is not!

Bubbles: Is too. Squish it, squish it.

Buttercup: You got it, Bubbles. One squished roach coming up.

Buttercup flew after the cockroach.

Blossom stops briefly and groans in disgust, then flies after her sister, rounding a corner.

Blossom: Girls, no. Ew! Gross!

Blossom saw Professor Untonium. Blossom addressed herself to him; he has the roach on his palm.

Blossom: Professor, you're touching it.

Buttercup was next to him. Blossom lands by her. Y/N walked in, carrying Bubbles.

Buttercup: Oh. Not gross, hmm?

Blossom: It's not. I just wouldn't want to touch it. Blecch!

The Professor's voice was deep and thoughtful, exactly the sort you might expect from am eminent scientist and/or a father figure in a 1950s TV show.

Professor: Actually, girls, to him, well, you're pretty gross yourselves, with your...point being, you're pretty gross to him or her as well.

Buttercup: What?

Professor: You see, the Blattaodea, or more commonly known as the cockroach, may be ugly and disgusting, but they're also strong and focused creatures and are very important to the balance of nature.

Note: Blattaodea is a slight corruption of Blattodea, the Latin name for the cockroach.

Around the insect, the scene dissolves to a patch of ground. It begins to run along as the Professor continues.

Professor: The cockroach has been on Earth for more than 250 million years. And in that time, they've squished, squashed, stomped, smushed, smashed, and even stepped on.

On each of these words, the background scenery advances through the ages and the roach is crushed by a different foot. The order: a dinosaur in prehistoric time, a simian in the caveman era, a sandal-clad man in ancient Greece, a knight in the Middle Ages, a Pilgrim in colonial times, and a businessman in a city of today. This last foot stays in place.

Professor: But even after centuries of being underfoot, the adaptable cockroach will probably outlive us all, for they are the only creature capable of surviving the effects of radiation.

The pest instantly revives. Fade to red. During the next line, a post-apocalyptic cityscape fades into view on top of this; the camera pans slowly along it.

Professor: So after the world as we know it is no more, the kooky cockroach will be there to start a new race, a race of bug people with a million eyes, 16 legs, exoskeletons, feelers, and—

Back to the hall. He has gotten a little carried away with his vision.

Blossom: Professor?

Y/N: What do you mean?

The Professor regains his composure.

Professor: Sorry. I must have lapsed into the movie, Mimic. But remember, girls. It's not right to harm an insect just because it's yucky on the outside. It's the insect inside that's important. Now, who wants to touch it?

This offer causes the girls to recoil in horror and leap screaming into the air; Bubbles' pigtails again try to flee the scene themselves. The Professor straightens up. The Professor chuckled.

Professor: Ha, ha, ha! I'll get a jar.

The Professor soon got the cockroach into a jar. He soon opened the front door is open. The Professor stepped out on the front step, holding a jar with the roach inside.

Professor: Okay, little guy.

He lowers the jar and turns it upside down; The girls and Y/N are around him, with Bubbles huddling in fear behind him.

Professor: You're free to go.

He shakes the jar, but to no avail.

Professor: Huh? Stubborn little thing.

He kept shaking the jar and the bug drops out. It squeaks and twitches its antennae. The girls look after it.

Professor: Come on, girls. Let's head back inside. Y/N? Are you staying the night again?

Y/N: Yes sir.

Professor: Ok then. I'll get the noise canceling headphones, just to be on the safe side.

The roach sits on the front step as the door is closed.

Narrator: All right, little guy. You heard the Professor. Now scurry on home.

It heads toward the street.

It gets to the middle of the street and stops. The purring of a car engine grows from the distance, and the vehicle approaches from over the hill. Just as the front wheels are about to flatten the roach, it leaps high into the air and lands on the roof. The car rolls off toward Townsville.

Narrator: Hmm. Something bugs me about that roach. The city of Townsv—Oh. I said that already. Sorry.

Down on the street. The car rolls past, and the roach jumps down to the sidewalk. It looks up; in front of it is an elegant high-rise with lights in all the windows but one on the floor below the top. Inside, the roach scuttles across a well-appointed lobby—the front desk on the left betrays this as a hotel—and toward an elevator. The floor indicator clicks to indicate an arriving car; inside this, the roach stands among a group of well-dressed people and goes completely unnoticed. In the hallway, where the elevator doors open and it scurries out. Now it squeezes itself under a door.

Inside a room that is completely bare of furnishings, with the plaster falling away from the walls. A man stood at the far end, looking out a window. The roach rises into the room and to the man. He is a fat, ugly, disgusting slob, wearing a dirty undershirt and old shorts. His voice is low, gravelly, and dripping with contempt.

Slob: Stupid people. Look at 'em. What incompetent, unorganized, filthy, dirty creatures.

He peeks around the side of the frame; the top of his head tapers to a point, and he has two long hairs growing from here.


At ground level, a man and a woman look on.)l


Man #1: It's 8:00.

Back to the room; the slob shakes his fist and mutters angrily for a few moments, but the squeaking of the roach draws his attention. He brightens.

Slob: Skippy! What can you report?

It squeaks into his ear briefly, after which he leaps into the air ecstatically.

Slob: Yahoo! We must call in the troops.

He raises a whistle to his lips and blows, producing a high-pitched, almost inaudible tone. Cockroaches swarm out of a kitchen drawer, a pizza box, a toilet, and all over the walls and floors of Townsville. They consolidate into a single huge flood of household pests that charges toward the slob.

Slob: HALT!!!!

The noise of stampeding roaches stops. He looks from side to side; pull back as he begins to pace the room, addressing the group.

Slob: In the past, I felt the one thing that might stand in the way of our complete success is those supercharged heroines, the Powerpuff Girls. But thanks to the brave efforts of Cadet Skippy, we are in possession of what I consider the most vital information to the success of our cause. It seems the Powerpuff Girls think you're icky, gross, disgusting. They're afraid of you. They won't touch you. And most importantly, they won't squish you. And with them doing nothing to stop us, all we gotta do is scurry in and smash those disgusting bipeds, and then together, you and I, Roach Coach, will rule the world!

He laughs madly as the roaches begin to swarm over every part of his body. The laughter echoes through Townsville.

The next morning

Narrator: It's a beautiful day in Townsville.

A man was waling jauntily down the street. He approached a hot dog cart; he and the vendor sing.

Man #2: ♫ Hmm, looks good, I'd like to buy a dog ♫

Vendor: Hmm, it should. It's made from chicken and hog. So, my pal, here's your dog, enjoy.

Man #2: ♫ Oh, I shall, oh boy, oh, boy, oh boy ♫

He bites into the hot dog and chews happily. A sudden crunch causes him to stop short—should hot dogs sound like that?—and his eyes bug out in mixed disbelief and disgust. When he opens his mouth to scream, roaches pour from it and swarm all over his hand. More of them emerge from inside the cart, and the vendor screams as well. Now both men are covered with the pests, as is the car of a man driving along. He crashes into a fire hydrant as the infestation covers the streets and buildings of Townsville.

Meanwhile back at the Powerpuff girls house, the Professor was working in his lab. He saw a cockroach and tried to put it in a jar, only for the cockroach to grab the jar and toss it to the wall, where it shattered.

Professor: Oh. That's new.

He hears hissing behind him and saw an army of cockroaches. He gulped nervously. He gives off a nervous smile, as if he was contemplating what he should do.

Right down the block as other people find themselves covered in roaches—even the Narrator is repulsed, and he yells in shock.

Narrator: Gross, gross, gross! Get them off! Aw, man, this is disgusting! All of Townsville is being infested with roaches!

On the end of this, stop on the slob, Roach Coach. He is watching from inside his room and rubbing his hands in delight, and he chuckles to himself.

At city skyline, with bugs crawling all over it. A scatterbrained-sounding voice speaks.

Mayor: Aah! Aah! Oh, my. Roaches are encroaching on my town!

They swarm over the office window. The Mayor of Townsville—screams in terror. He is a short old fellow with a fringe of white hair around a bald scalp and a thick mustache. He wears a monocle and a small top hat that floats just above his head. This is his office.

Mayor: What to do? What to do?

Ms. Bellum steps into his view. Her voice is throaty, alluring, and quite unruffled.

Ms. Bellum: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. Don't you think you should make the call?

Mayor: Oh, yes, yes. Good thinking, Ms. Sara Bellum. Call the exterminator.

Ms. Bellum:...No, sir.

She pointed to a telephone with a happy face where its dial or keypad would be. Its nose is a big red light.

Ms. Bellum: The other call.

Meanwhile at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Where the Powerpuff Girls worked. Blossom was in the middle of story time. She was reading the kids the book, The Wind in the Willows.

Meanwhile Y/N was sitting at a table with Bubbles and Buttercup, planning their next date. They were planning ok go to go see a movie.

Y/N: Here's Strange Worlds. Oh look. It says here if I get tickets and see the movie, they'll send money to help fund a explorers expedition. But if I leave a bad review, they kill a few. Wow, these people are playing hard ball.

That's when the phone starts to buzz, its red light flashing, and Bubbles answers—it is a direct hotline to them.

Bubbles: Hi.

The Mayor is on the other end; roaches continue to run free outside.

Mayor: Powerpuff Girls?

Bubbles: Bye.

She hangs up.

The Mayor stares at the now-silent phone; he and Ms. Bellum are interrupted by the breaking of the window, and the bugs pour in. The hotline at school goes off, and Bubbles answers it again.

Bubbles: Hi.

Now Ms. Bellum is tap-dancing around all the roaches on the floor. The Mayor yells in shock.

Mayor: Emergency!

Bubbles: Bye.

She hangs up; it instantly goes off again, and she answers.

Bubbles: Hi.

Both adults are covered with roaches.

Mayor: Get downtown!

Bubbles: Bye.

She hangs up. She looks cheerfully at the hotline, but it stays quiet now. She looks away from it; pull back to show her sisters on that side, both glaring angrily at her. A chastened expression comes over her face when she sees their displeasure.

In the office, the pests have accumulated to such a depth that the Mayor can barely reach out of them to press the button on the hotline's face. Ms. Bellum's legs sticking out. When the buzzer goes off this time, Blossom picks up the call while Y/N kissed Bubbles' mouth to keep her from answering the hotline. Bubbles face went pink, but she soon sank into the kiss. She lifted one of her legs.

Blossom: Yes, Mayor? What? Gross! Can't you call an exterminator? Ok.

She hangs up.

Blossom: Something's bugging the town. Let's roll!

The girls take off as Bubbles carry's Y/N

They get some distance into the city before stopping short and realizing the magnitude of the problem facing them. To their disgusted horror, they see roaches infesting the entirety of Townsville and its citizens. Y/N just shivered and gaged.

Girls: GROSS!!!!

Buttercup: Man, this is disgusting. These bugs got to go.

Blossom: Buttercup, no!

But Buttercup had already taken off. Buttercup charges through the infested streets, but is brought up short by Blossom. The latter takes on the self-righteous "goody-goody" tone that kids sometimes use when trying to kiss up.

Blossom: Stop! Don't you remember what the Professor told us? He said, and I quote, "It's not right to harm an insect just 'cause it's yucky on the outside. It's the insect inside that's important."

Buttercup looks away, bored.

Professor: Actually Blossom...that doesn't count here! These cockroaches are bad! Real bad. Inside and out!

The girls and Y/N looked down and saw the Professor driving a boat through the cockroach infested town. He was as looking very beaten up and had several bites on him. Bubbles gasped and flew down. She held Y/N close to her. While Y/N used her chest as a boobie pillow.

Bubbles: Professor! What happened to you?

The Professor's eyes widened as he remembered what had happened. All he remembered was his screaming and the sound of crashing.

Professor in flashback: AH! AH! AHHH! Oh god! Oh the humanity! Oh the humanity!! AHHHH!!!! Help me!!!

The Professor shook his head as he got out of the flashback.

Professor: That's not important right now. What matters is...act like an exterminator and get rid of these roaches!

The Professor got down on his knees as he clasped his hands and was crying and begging. Y/N felt bad for him and patted his head. Buttercup smirked.

Buttercup: You heard the man!

Buttercup began using her heat vision and began blasting at the roaches.

Meanwhile from his apartment, the Roach Coach watched in anger and horror.

Roach Coach: Hey! Your not allowed to harm my roaches!

Buttercup kept using her heat vision. But to not avail.

Bubbles hid Y/N's face between her boobs so that they could act as sorta earmuffs for what she was about to do. Bubbles used her sonic scream on the roaches. But they easily recovered.

Buttercup growled and started landing several punches and kicks all over the roaches. But they always bounced back. Blossom bit her fist.

Blossom: Well those didn't work. We're going to have to play smarter.

Buttercup (sarcastically): Oh? Like, what are you gonna do, put them in a giant jar?

Blossom thinks about this, then smiles and takes off.

Buttercup: Hey!

Roach Coach: That's right, fly away. Fly away scared, you stinking Powerpuffs!

His look of laughter was then replaced by a look of surprise.

Roach Coach: Huh?

Y/N looked and saw Blossom in flight; she is carrying...

Narrator: A giant jar? That's crazy.

Roach Coach: NOOOOOOOO!

She flies through the city, scooping up all the roaches with the jar, as the Narrator speaks. Everyone is swept clean of the insects.

Narrator: And so with her lightning-fast speed and her knowledge of where to get giant jars, Blossom makes quick work of cleaning up the town.

One woman screams for a moment even after she has cleared of roaches. Finally she stops and takes notice of her new situation.

Woman: Aah! I'm bug-free!

Narrator: That you are, lady, and so is the rest of the town, so give it up for The Powerpuff Girls! Yes!

The Professor jumped for joy and cheer as the roaches were gone. His boat was now on top of a car.

Blossom stands proud; Bubbles waves as she held Y/N in her arms; Buttercup looks a bit miffed that her dig at Blossom turned out to be a good move. Roach Coach runs up to the front of the crowd.

Roach Coach: No fair! How dare you trick my army of roaches with a giant jar?

Blossom: So you're responsible for this mess.

The police wasted no time arriving to arrest the man. Roach Coaches eyes widened in alarm and he began to sweat. He knew he was going to have to make this quick.

Roach Coach: That I am. I am Roach Coach. I am sick of you human scum infesting the planet! I am here exterminate!

He quickly pulled out whistle in his hand and he lifts it to his lips and blows. The jar begins to shake back and forth, making it hard for the girls to keep their footing on the lid.

Blossom: W-W-What's happening?

The jar explodes into shards of glass, freeing the horde of roaches; after which the insects swarm toward their master.

Roach Coach: That's it, boys. Come to papa!

Again they cover every part of him, and he laughs insanely. They form into the shapes of various insect body parts; the girls look up in stunned silence as a gargantuan shadow falls over them.

Girls: Uh-oh.

Y/N: You said it.

They are facing a king-sized cockroach composed of the thousands of bugs that Blossom packed up in her jar, nearly close to resembling the insect monster in the Professor's story.

Girls: Not so fast, Roach Coach!

Bubbles quickly sat Y/N down on the ground and flew off with her sister's. Y/N stood next to the professor.

Professor: You know? I just remembered something really important.

Y/N: What?

Professor: I hate cockroaches.

The girls charge toward the giant head; Roach Coach, inside, addresses them.

Roach Coach: Annoying Powerpuffs!

He opens his mouth wide. Outside, the jaws do likewise and close on the girls. Overhead view of them inside the beast. They are surrounded by squirming roaches on all sides.

Bubbles had a thousand-yard stare

Bubbles: Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross.

Buttercup: Now what?!

Blossom: Crush them!

The girls explode out of the giant roach, splitting it in half.

Roach Coach: Hey! You're not allowed to harm my roaches!

(They do a sharp U-turn and close in.)

Roach Coach: Uh-oh.

They plow completely through the body and go to work, kicking and punching the bugs into mush and breaking off a few appendages for good measure.

Their final blow knocks Roach Coach loose; overhead view of him as he tumbles toward the street, yelling in anger.


He falls far enough to disappear from sight, and a metallic crash is heard—as if a bucket of spare parts had been dumped onto the pavement. The girls are panic-stricken.

Blossom: Oh, no! I definitely know it's not okay to squish a person!

Buttercup: No matter how yucky they are on the inside!

Bubbles: Wait. Look.

At the crash site, there was the sound of beeping and sparking electricity. What is spread across the street is a mess of smashed body parts with wires and motors protruding. Blossom and Buttercup land beside this lot; the fingers of one hand twitch a bit.

Buttercup: Whoa.

Professor: Well I'll be the son of a witch.

Y/N: He's a robot.

Bubbles: And look.

They all started, looking down at the head. A chunk has been smashed away, revealing a roach sitting in a tiny control room within.

Bubbles: There's an insect inside.

Roach: I am not just an insect, I am Roach Coach! I am the future ruler of this planet, you stupid biped!

Buttercup: Who you calling a biped, you little—

Buttercup was about to stomp on it, until a pink tongue came out and wrapped around the roach.

Roach: Uh? What? AH!

He was then pulled into the mouth of a lizard, and swallowed up in one gulp. The lizard then ran away.

Y/N: Should we...go after it and arrest the roach?

Professor: I think the digestive system is going to pretty much do him in.

The girls, Y/N, and the Professor stood outside outside, as do the Mayor and Ms. Bellum.

Mayor: Well, girls, thanks again for, Uh...

Ms. Bellum: Saving the day, sir?

Mayor: No, no, no. For saving the day.

Blossom: No problem, Mayor.

The Professors eyes widened as a spider descends into view in front of him. He eyes it warily.

Blossom: It's all in a day's work. It doesn't bug us.

The spider meets its end between the Professor's hands. The Mayor jumps up and grabs Ms. Bellum at hip level.

Blossom: Professor, you just squished that spider! Oh, I get it. Better safe than sorry, right?

Professor: No. Spiders just creep me out.

Everybody laughed.

Narrator: (laughing) Oh, Professor. What are we gonna do with you? Ha, ha, ha! Ah. So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls! Ha, ha, ha! "Spiders just creep me out," he says. Oh, jiminy.

Meanwhile, back at a base at the docks, Skull was watching everything from monitors.

Skull: Ah! God dame it! I never should have trusted a stupid smart cockroach!

He looked over at his pet monkey.

Skull: Ah, no matter my pet. We're just going to have to play smarter. That's all. I just need to think

He looked behind him. Outside at the sea, a creature emerged its head from the water and growled.

Skull: Bigger.

The Professor appearance

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