Major Competition PT 1

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(The origin chapter is in the development process.)

Narrator: (panicked) THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE IS ON FIRE!!!

Sure enough, the city was burning. How did this happen? I don't know! I'm the writer, not a news reporter.

Skinny teen Y/N stood on top of a car as he held his camera. His was a photographer for the local newspaper. Bugle Planet Daily. He had taken a few pictures of the burning buildings for the front page news. He really didn't want too, but it was his job.

Y/N: Oh! Ah! Ouch! Ah! My feet hurt!

Y/N's feet were stepping up and down repeatedly as his shoes were burning and his feet were burning. His finger kept clicking the camera button and kept taking pictures. Not because he wanted to take the pictures. But because he was panicking and clicking.

Just then, a red light zoomed down to Y/N and picked him up and put the fire on his feet out. Y/N looked and saw his one of his girlfriends, Blossom.

Blossom: Y/N! You have to be more careful out here! You know photography is very dangerous when there's disasters like this happening.

Blossom scolded Y/N. Y/N looked down sadly and embarrassed.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Blossom: But you were doing your job, and you can't control the fire. Plus, you used your signal watch like you were supposed to.

Y/N had a specially designed wrist watch that is capable of emitting a high frequency ultra-sonic signal that only the Powerpuff Girls can hear. Blossom kissed him on the cheek.

Soon Blossoms sisters and Y/N's other girlfriends arrived. Bubbles and Buttercup.

Buttercup: Pictures? Did you take pictures under our skirts~?

Blossom: Buttercup!

Y/N: Umm...I don't think so? I mean I took I lot of pictures.

Buttercup: Because if you did, I wouldn't mind~.

Y/N was blushing brightly. Bubbles giggled. They wore the skirts not because they wanted to, but it was because it was the only thing they could wear. The Professor was many things, clothing maker wasn't one of them. Plus, skin tight jumpsuits were choking. Blossom quickly put Y/N at a safe place.

The girls flew, en route to the blaze, then pull back as they take a deep breath and prepare to blow it out. Before they can do so, though, a huge gust of air sweeps in from behind them, extinguishing the flames and sending them tumbling down towards Y/N. Y/N was about to run, but the girls landed on top on him.

Narrator: The fire is out, and Townsville is saved - thanks to...

Cut to the girls, who are now quite disheveled and confused at this turn of events. All three were laying on top of Y/N.

Narrator: Uh...uh, no. Thanks to...

There was nothing but an empty patch of sky.

Narrator: No...wait! Maybe over here!

Nothing in the park.

Narrator: No... where did ...wait a second!

Nothing and nobody in sight.

Narrator: Who did save Townsville...?

Meanwhile at the ground level; the crowd of people looked up.

Man 1: Wait! Look up in the sky!

Man 2: Is it a man?

Woman 1: A gentleman?

Man 3: A fellow?

George Jetson: (English accent) A lad, perhaps?

Talking Dog: No, it's...

Suddenly there was a muscular, white-clad leg, its foot in a blue boot, and turn up. A red cape trails behind the figure, which also wears blue tights; at its waist is a belt with a large buckle labeled "MM." A huge blue M is emblazoned across the broad chest. The right arm, with a blue glove on the hand, is equally impressive in its musculature. As the crowd watches in awe, the figure's shadow falls across them and descends to the ground. He lands with his back to the camera; cut to his feet and turn up slowly again. Now we see all of this individual: boots, tights, belt, cape, big M across his chest, and his face. He has a prominent chin, a confident smile on his face, and blond hair swept forward in a pompadour. The crowd expressed their awe.

Man 4: The Mysterious Maestro!

Man 1: Naw, it's the mailman.

Man 3: No, he's not. He's the Midnight Marauder!

Man 4: Nah, it's obviously the Muscle Master.

The onlookers begin to argue among themselves as to what "MM" stands for.

The girls got up and off of Y/N.

Blossom: Y/N? Are you ok?

Y/N's face was bright pink after Buttercup was sitting on his face.

Y/N: Well, I saw your panties Buttercup.

Blossom and Bubbles were starring daggers at Buttercup, as Buttercup looked at Y/N smirking.

After a few seconds, the girls land in front of the man, as Buttercup held Y/N bridal style.

Blossom: Excuse me, sir, but who exactly are you?

The blond fellow raises one eyebrow at this query. When he speaks, his voice booms out - a cross between the old Superman cartoons and the Douglas Fairbanks/Errol Flynn sort of action movie hero.

Blond hero: I am the crusher of crime!

Y/N: Ok, Mr. Crusher of crime.

Blond hero: The demolisher of disorder!

Y/N: Oh. Demolisher of disorder.

Blond hero: And the eliminator of evil! I am...

He raises his left hand, the first two fingers extended, and snaps a military salute.

Blond hero: ...MAJOR MAN!

He releases the salute and grins, revealing a mouthful of brilliant white teeth. The girl and Y/N were rather less than awestruck by the entire display.

Blossom: Major Man? What kind of name is that?

Y/N: I'm not sure.

Woman 2: Wow! Now that's a superhero!

Man 2: You said it!

Another man pops up, camera in hand. The crowd turns its entire collective attention to this new arrival, completely forgetting that the girls are even present. Y/N looked at his girlfriend's. He couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

Voice: All right!

The sound of a gun being cocked is heard, and the girls quickly turn around. The source of the voice is a mugger, holding an old woman at gunpoint.

Y/N: Oh no!

Mugger: Uh...everybody freeze or the old lady gets it!

Major Man: Halt, vile villain, or taste the bitter flavor of justice that Major Man will serve you!

Buttercup: Corny!

The crowd shushed her.

Mugger: I'm sorry, Major Man. My doctor told me to cut down on justice. But he did say I can have all the greens I want!

On the end of this line, he reaches into the old woman's purse, coming up with a fistful of cash on the word "greens." He runs off, snickering, as the crowd gasps again. Major Man pushes them aside.

Major Man: Stand back!

He takes off, straight up; the girls look after him.

Blossom: Where's he going?

Y/N: I don't know. But we should probably stop that robber.

Blossom: Your right! Let's go girls!

The three girls took off as Y/N got a few pictures.

Major Man was flying straight out from earth. He stops, then plunges back toward the atmosphere feet first. The mugger keeps running down the street, cash in hand, but is stopped when the superhero lands just in front of him; the shock wave throws him to the ground. This action is shown three times, zooming in each time, with the last repetition in slow motion. The crowd cheers wildly.

Narrator: Wow! Now that's a hero! Sorry, girls. Looks like Townsville's got a new protector - Major Man!

The girls float away, slowly and sadly in defeat with Y/N following behind them.

Y/N: H-hey. Don't worry. I'm sure this'll blow over soon-ish.

Three weeks later.

In the living room in the girls' house, the hotline was doing nothing but collecting dust. Bubbles sits next to it, looking dejectedly toward it; Buttercup is across the room on the couch, wearing a frustrated expression. Y/N was nervously brushing Bubbles hair.

Bubbles: (Nickname.) Hey Y/N? Shouldn't you be at work?

Y/N: Well, about that.


Chief: What's this?! Powerpuff Girl pictures? We need photos of Major Man!

Y/N: B-But I'm uncomfortable around him. I don't know why but there is something about him that bugs me. Plus I'm more comfortable taking pictures of the Powerpuff Girls.



Buttercup: So she fired you!

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Bubbles: That's horrible! That's so harsh.

Buttercup: Why i outta-.

Y/N: Please don't beat her up. I admit it was harsh, but I don't want you getting in trouble.

Bubbles smiled and patted Y/N on the cheek.

Blossom walked into the room.

Blossom: Boy. The hotline hasn't rung in ages.

It immediately does so, and all three of the girls faces brighten in a flash. Blossom picked it up.

Blossom: Hello, Mayor? What can we do for you? Blow out a fire? Save a helpless child?

Mayor: You see...

Blossom: Don't be scared, Mayor. We can handle it. Go ahead.

Mayor: We've...just grown apart, you see, and...well, there's somebody else, I'm sorry, we can still be friends, goodbye.

In the living room, Blossom looks in disbelief at the receiver. A click and dial tone is heard over the line.

Buttercup: What? What is it? What happened?

Bubbles: Blossom?

Y/N: Sweetie?

Back with the Mayor. His head is bowed in sadness, and his hand still rests on the hotline. The Mayor was crying.

Mayor: That hard to do!

Major Man's hand landed on his shoulder, and he raises his head. The superhero, was looking down at him in encouragement. He brightens.

The Mayor pushed the hotline off his desk.

Mayor: Anyway, time to move on and forget about the past. Gotta make room for...the future.

He reaches under the desk and comes up with a rotary phone that bears a statuette of Major Man as its receiver. He jumps up and hugs Major Man at hip level. Turn up to the hero's face, a sly grin at the corner of his mouth, indicating an alterior motive behind Major Man becoming Townsville's new defender in place of the Powerpuff Girls. Back to the girls, now stunned. Blossom still has her hand on the receiver, which is now hung up

The three girls were laying on the bed. Y/N was sitting in a chair next to Buttercup, and rubbing her shoulders.

Y/N was trying to comfort his girlfriends. Bubbles, he brushed her hair. Blossom, he rubbed her shoulders. Buttercup, that usually depended. Sometimes a shoulder rub helped. Sometimes a back rub helped. Other times he had to kiss her. Sometimes on the stomach, the neck, or the lips.

Buttercup: Ugh! This is just unbelievable!

Ok, rubs were not working.

Y/N laid on the bed next to Buttercup. He rubbed the teenage tomboy's cheek. Y/N laid his head on her shoulder. Buttercup looked at Y/N and smiled.

Buttercup: Babe, I know your just trying to comfort and calm us. But I don't think it's gonna work this time. But since you started it up, might as well make this anger into something useful~.

Buttercup grabbed Y/N by the arms and kissed him on the lips. Out of the three girls, Buttercup was the more physical one. Y/N's face went pink and Buttercup began French kissing him.

Bubbles: Hey! I want (Nickname) kisses too!

Blossom: Buttercup be careful! You'll suffocate him! Plus, we agreed we'd take turns and share Y/N.

Buttercup: You agreed.

Y/N: I never got a say in any of this.

Professor: Girls! Hurry! Come quick!

The Professors voice could be heard downstairs.

Blossom: Professor's in trouble!

Buttercup looked at Y/N.

Buttercup: To be continued!

They flew down the hall and stop at the couch, ready for anything. Y/N sped walked behind them.

Bubbles: Professor?

Buttercup: Professor!

He pops up from behind the couch, wearing a Major Man mask.

Professor: Hey!

Y/N: Ah!

Y/N jumped nervously.

Professor: Hurry, girls! Major Man is on TV!

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