➻ Blast Howard

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Full Name: Blast Howard

Age: 19

Signature Color: Lemon Yellow

Personality: Blast is a male with a very strong appeal. He's hardworking and sociable, which is great since he helps his mother and twin sister out in their cafe. Their customers have fun talking to him as they wait for their order. It also seems easy for Blast to get along with people who are older than him. Blast always has this cool and chill vibe which attracts a lot of female customers. Although he looks like the type of guy who can do anything, he is very weak when it comes to physical activities which is why he prefers staying indoors. When he's not working, he likes to keep a little time to himself and does things that require little to no moving around. Another thing about him is he's that much of a worrywart like his twin. He's pretty chill and he doesn't think about things too much.

Appearance: Blast is a six foot, one inch tall male with a healthy slim body. He works out a three times in a week so he can keep his physique. He has wide shoulders and a smallish waist, so his body shape is kind of an inverted triangle. He also has a pretty soft chest. His hair is styled similarly to his twin sister: light brown, reaches down past his chin with the left side of his head shaved. His eyes are slanted and light yellow and his skin color is light.

➻ Things To Know About Him:

✺ He likes collecting postcards.

✺ He admires Butterfly because of her love for the outdoors. It makes him want to try exploring even if he is not good at it.

✺ He has a bad sense of direction.

✺ Blast ranks as the #12 most popular in the RRB.

✺ In their family's coffee shop, when he's not working as cashier and barista, he is busy making up new drinks to put in their menu. His drinks are often liked by their customers.

✺ He likes watching nature documentaries.

✺ Blast can't fall asleep without music.

✺ He went through an emo phase.

✺ His admirers in the coffee shop often call him as the "Coffee Prince".

➻ Voice: Jo from JoCat.


➻ Pictures:

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