➻ Blitz Chapman

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Full Name: Blitz Chapman

Age: 18

Signature Color: Ruby Red

Personality: Blitz is the type of guy who will do anything just to fit in. Naturally, he's shy and a little awkward, especially around the opposite gender. These are his most prominent traits and he doesn't like them one bit. So when he's around his friends, Butch and Brett mostly, and near a girl he doesn't know, he will try and cover it up by copying them. That means, he will try and pretend he's some flirty and confident playboy. His shyness still shojes through though, since his confident persona doesn't last that long. His friends say it's fine for him to be shy since he has plenty of other good traits. Blitz is also very humorous and it won't take much to amuse him or for him to make other people laugh. He likes that part of himself. He's also quite a worrywart and he becomes quite a nagger when his worries get the best of him. His friends find that adorable because when that happens, he's more mother-like than Blaze. Blitz is also a very good listener and it's quite nice to tell him things because no matter what the topic is, he'll listen if the topic is very important to the person talking.

Appearance: Blitz is exactly six feet tall and since he's a swimmer, he has a pretty lean physique with little to no body hair. He has strong arms and legs and a smooth chest and abdomen. His face is pretty much the same, smooth with no sign of hair. He has longish dark red hair, upturned red eyes with semi long lashes and warm beige skin. He has a cute nose and his jawline is soft and not that chiseled.

➻ Things To Know About Him:

✺ He's a big fan of Asian cuisine, mostly Korean and Indian.

✺ He has a huge crush on Blossom.

✺ His parents' names are Colby Elias Chapman (a call center agent) and Erna Shan Serrano (a businesswoman).

✺ Blitz ranks as the #14 most popular on the RRB and is one if the most adored students.

✺ Blitz in the Swimming Club. He's one of the fastest swimmers.

✺ His birthday is on June 12.

✺ He's extremely ticklish. When tickled, he let's out a squeal.

➻ Voice: Orion Acaba as Kellam from Fire Emblem: Awakening.


(Timestamp: 1:49)

➻ Pictures:

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