A Startling Revelation: Kiryu Vs. Dragonzord

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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(F/F) = Favorite Food

(F/D) = Favorite Drink

-One month after Ghidorah release-


Godzilla screamed as she was violently thrown several feet through the water.

(Gojira/Godzilla whatever you wish to call her, Queen of the Monsters)

"D-Damn you!" Godzilla growled (She's speaking in Kaiju tongue), staring at the abomination in front of her.

(Kiryu, Godzilla mechanized mom)

To think that the humans would go so far as to desecrate her mother's remains just to create this thing to fight her was an insult punishable by death.

Snarling, she lunged once more at the mechanized form of her dead mother. Intent on putting her remains to rest once more.

Up in the sky watching this battle, was the golden-clad space invader known as Queen Ghidorah.

(Ghidorah, Space invader, Queen of something – I don't know -)

'To think that my main intention was to obtain the lizard blood to create my own Godzilla. But now it seems I will return to my ship with another addition to my army.'

Ghidorah thought to herself, intrigued by the human's ingenuity to fight Godzilla.

'Gigan, are you recording this?' Ghidorah mentally questioned her minion.

'Yes, my Queen.' Was the cyborg kaiju response

'Megalon is already preparing the lab and analyzing the data being recorded.' She continued.

'Goooooodddd.' Ghidorah trilled, excited at the prospect of adding new powerful assets to her army as she continues watching the (somewhat) one-sided fight below her.

How did it come to this one might ask?

-Small Flashback-

Bam, Blast, Splash

Was all that could be heard as powerful beams of energy collided and explode.

"Grr stay still you overgrown bitch!" Godzilla roared as she swung her fist at Ghidorah.

(After being freed from her prison, Ghidorah had retreated quickly to her spacecraft to plan her assault on Earth. It was only now that she finally returned to the planet where Godzilla had finally caught to her.)


Only for Ghidorah to expertly dodge the attack before rushing towards her and slamming her into the water.

"Gah!" Godzilla shouted, as her nemesis held her arms in place with her dragon heads.

"Hehehe" Ghidorah laughed, "It seems that old age is finally slowing you down, Godzilla. Good, then that means that once I dominate you no one will be able to stop me!

(John Cena: Are you sure about that?)

"Gggrrr that will never happen!" Gojira snarled, her dorsal plates glowing blue "Not while I still live!"

With that said, Gojira unleashed a fully powered atomic breath right at Ghidorah causing her to pull back in pain.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Ghidorah screeched in pain as she put her hands to her face.

"Damn you lizard bit-BAM!"

Her sentence was cut off as Gojira slammed her fist into Ghidorah face. Causing the space dragon to fly up into the sky.

"Gah!" Ghidorah shouted as she floated in the sky, trying to regain her bearings.

"Hah, hah" She rasped, "I see, despite the fact that I have been in ice for years and still retaining my youth better then you. You have gotten stronger it seems."

'No matter though, I have accomplished what I came for.' She thought to herself holding a vial of Godzilla blood that she had stolen when Ni and San bit her.

"I should have finished you off permanently years ago when I had the chance." Gojira coldly replied, "But I was naïve, foolish in thinking that you would never escape. I should have known better that those accursed humans would stick their noses in things that were not their concern."

"Doesn't matter" Her back began glowing, "I'll finish you here and now!"

Radiation began building up inside as her mouth began glowing blue.

"Now DI-BAM"

Before she could attack, she was suddenly hit by an unknown force. Sending her crashing into the sea several feet away.

"Gack, who did that!?" Gojira roared as she turned to the assailant.

Only for her face to turn from anger to shock at the sight before.

Standing in front of her was a mechanical being that looked like a Kaiju. But that not what had her in shock, no what stunned the Queen was that she recognized that robotic creature.

"M-Mother!?" Gojira shouted in shock as she saw an image of her mother overlapping the robot image.

"Target acquired: Godzilla. Preparing for combat." Was the mechanical response she got.

"Mother wait!" Gojira shouted, "don't you recognized me?!"

-Inside the robot-

"Hahaha, oh man! Look at Godzilla face!"

Came the shout of the robot pilot.

(Akane Yashiro. Pilot of Kiryu)

"Focus Akane!"

Came the stern voice of

General Gyozen

"Remember, this is MechaGodzilla first trial run. If we succeed in killing this beast here and now, then the others will be a piece of cake. Especially these space invaders that bastard Jonah freed!"

"R-Right general!" Akane responded, face serious as she prepared for battle."

"Now, just a quick update, MechaGodzilla is combat ready, but not all her weapons are."

"So be careful!" She ordered.

"Right!" Akane said, as she moved a controller causing the robot right arm to pull back. "Oh, and I rather call her Kiryu"

She added,

Before launching it straight at a stunned Gojira face.

"Ah!" Gojira shouted as she was punched in the face, falling into the water as a result.

"Oh?" Ghidorah spoke, intrigued at the new battle that was happening.

"Hah! How do you like that Protector?" Akane mocked, as she pressed a button on the control panel.

As Gojira was getting up, Kiryu mouth opened and released a laser cannon breath (its version of the atomic breath) right at her.

"Agghh!" Gojira roared in pain as she stumbled back a few feet. Regaining her bearings, she lunged at the robot form of her mother and struck her fist at her chest.

Hissing, Gojira pulled back as a noticeable bruise on her hand could be seen from trying to punch through the metal Kaiju.

"Damn it!" She snarled, angrily glaring at Kiryu. "Not the worst they have done to me I suppose."

"But it will be their last!"

Roaring she lunged once more at Kiryu.

-Flashback Ends-

Which bring us back to now

"Gah!" Gojira screamed as she was flung back by her mother tail.

Gasping for breath, she suddenly felt a cold hand on her tail. Looking back she saw Kiryu smiling as she started spinning her around a few times before letting go.

Right into Tokyo, (or whatever city I don't know where they are fighting.)

"Oi! The hell do you think you are doing lieutenant!?" Gyozen shouted into the mic, furious at Akane actions.

"I gave you specific orders to not bring the fight to the city!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Akane apologized, "It seems the controls aren't completely calibrated yet."

What she didn't say, was that she got a little too into the fight and forgot those specific orders.


"Well, whatever. Seems like the first test run is a success, so finish her up and let's get home to work out the bugs on Kiryu."

General Gyozen said.

"Roger!" Akane responded, preparing the weapons that were online and functional.

"Hm, seems like the victor is clear." Ghidorah mused, as she watched Gojira walk slowly back to the sea. Her injuries apparent.

"Though I would have liked to keep her as a pet to assert my dominance to the other kaiju, I guess their broken spirits after witnessing their so-called Queen being killed by humans will suffice."

With that said, she telepathically sent out an order to her subordinates who teleported her back to the ship. Ready to begin the next phase of attack.

...If only she had stayed, she would have learned of a new threat to her invasion of Earth.


The organization known as Monarch, could only watched in horror as Gojira was being brutally beaten.

"Serizawa we need to do something." Vivienne Graham (Yes, she lived) said.

"But how?" Ilene Chen questioned, "We were ordered not to interfere lest we face charges of being allied with threats to humanity.

"What about the ORCA?" Rick Stanton asked.

Shaking her head Emma Russell (She never went rogue as her children were able to convince her not to take that course of action. But Ghidorah was stilled released because she and Madison was taken hostage and she was forced to release her because Monarch came a little too late in this story to save them.)

"The ORCA was meant for the Kaiju that much is true." Emma said, "But this Kaiju is not normal nor is it flesh but metal. I don't know how useful it would be in countering her."

Silence filled the room, until Ishirō Serizawa spoke

"All we can do know is pray and hope for a miracle that Gojira will succeed or that another Kaiju will save her."

Silence filled the room once more as they watched the fight on the screen.

Groaning, Godzilla stared in pain as she saw her mother charging up her final strike to kill her.

"Mother, please wake up." Godzilla begged, to no avail.

'Is this how I will die? Alone in the sea and by the hands of humans?' She thought to herself. 'I never got to apologize to Jr.'

They had gotten into a fight about Jr. being allowed to leave the island. Gojira was against it and was very vocal about her daughter leaving the safety of Monster Island to see the human cities. It got to the point that tempers exploded and words were said out of anger.

Being the stubborn prideful Queen that she was, refused to apologize believing that she was right. And left after ordering her, not as her mother, but as her queen, to stay on the island.

Closing her eyes, she accepted her fate as Kiryu started the first of attack. Launching a fist right at her.


Only to hit something more metallic than flesh.

"WHAT!?" Came the voice of Akane as she accidentally hit the speakers letting her voice be heard from outside Kiryu.

'What?' Gojira thought to herself as she opened her eyes.

And stared at what looked like a more draconic, metallic version of herself.


"What the hell!?" General Gyozen shouted as she and her fellow members of the Global Defense Force stared in shock at the being that dared to interrupt the humans' victory against the Kaiju.


Was the scream of almost everybody in Monarch at the unexpected savior. Only one person was not surprised, and that was

(Madison 'Maddy' Russell. In this story she is Andrew younger twin sister instead of just younger sister.)

'Well, looks like (M/N) was not going to take this lying down.'

Madison thought to herself.

Well, considering that Jade is her best friend. She was well acquainted with Jade family, especially her Uncle(?) who always went on lectures about the importance of Balance in the world. Godzilla was one such force that kept the balance stable.

"Wait, isn't that the Dragonzord from the Power Ranger Series?" Mark Russell, her dad, realized.

After getting a closer look they realized that he was right. It was the Dragonzord!

"...How?" Sam Coleman questioned; the Power Rangers were just a tv show!

"Huh, well maybe it not so farfetched if you think about it." Colonel Diane Foster mused. Getting everyone attention, she explained further.

"Well think about it, the Kaiju could be also considered the stuff of legends. The fact that they exist is proof that the truth is stranger than we realized."

"So, why shouldn't the possible that the Multiverse Theory could actually be true and that they existed in another world?"

Everyone was silent at that.

"Well, whatever the reason I'm glad it does exist." Serizawa spoke up, "Now Gojira has a chance of surviving this fight."

"...If she doesn't think that the zord and whoever is the controller is a threat." Mark deadpanned.

"Well, we'll just to have to watch and see now don't we?" Madison chimed bringing up a good point, secretly though she just wanted to finally see a giant monster fight between Power Rangers and monsters.

With that said, everyone turned their attention towards the screen in anticipation of what will happen.

-Back to the fight scene-

"What! Who are you and why are you interfering!?" Akane shouted out in anger at the unexpected newcomer.

"I wonder." Came the response from the Dragonzord, startling everybody (except Maddy of course) watching as they didn't expect there to be a response.

"Maybe it's because I'm stopping you idiots from making the biggest mistake of your lives."

"The biggest-!? Godzilla is a threat that needs to eliminated before she causes anymore damage!" Gyozen shouted, taking over the controls for a moment to make her point.

"There are bigger threats out there then Gojira and all you idiots care about is your stupid egos."

(M/N) coldly responded, as he sat in the cockpit with Minilla on his lap (He pulled a Jade and hitched a ride on the Dragonzord).

"Now, since you fools refused to think clearly. I'm going to have to take the task of knocking some sense into you myself!"

With that said, he launched the Dragonzord into action.

"You can try!" Akane shouted as she launched the laser cannon again straight at him.

Only for the Dragonzord to duck, and the lasers ended up hitting the city.


Was the result of that action.

"...Oops." Akane said sheepishly. "Going to have to try to make he is in the other direction."

"You think!?" Gyozen sarcastically said, "Make sure this wannabe Power Ranger punk (ironic that he's not a wannabe) is shown his place!"

"Aye, aye General!" Akane obeyed.

Pushing the controls forward she charged Kiryu right to the Dragonzord with (M/N) doing the same.

Once they got close, Akane swung Kiryu right arm at him only for (M/N) to command the Dragonzord to duck before swinging his right arm at her.

Crash, bam

"Ah!" Akane screamed as the cockpit shook from the assault.


(Dragonzord Roar: 0:22-0:30, in between that time zone.)

Dragonzord roared, as (M/N) continued his assault and used both hands to inflict damage against Kiryu.

Boom, bam, bam

Could be heard as Akane desperately tried to keep Kiryu steady from the damages she was getting.

"D-Damn it!" Akane cursed, "He's too strong. General this isn't some wannabe this is, as hard as it is to believe, the real thing!"

"Grrr I know!" Gyozen growled, biting her nail as she tried to think of some way to salvage this fight. As the fight continued it was clear that Kiryu was at a disadvantage. Any hits she managed to get in were easily shrugged off.

Dragonzord then jumped and slammed his feet against Kiryu causing her to fall into the ocean.

"Gah!" Akane screamed as the cockpit shook violently, sparks flying from the damage.


Came the sound of the computer system.

"Kiryu damage tolerance limits have exceeded, core is overheating, recommended course of action is to retreat."

"Like hell that is happening" Akane shouted, she would not let this chance go by not when they were so close!"

"Power Ranger!" Gyozen suddenly spoke, "Why do you protect Godzilla? She is a threat to humanity and has caused nothing but death and destruction. Why would you, a human, protect her?"

"Because she is still a part of the Earth, and is essential to keeping the balance of power in check." (M/N) calmly replied, "You kill her and there is nothing to stop the other Kaiju turning this world into a wasteland."

"Is that what you want?"

"If Kiryu succeeds in killing Godzilla then the other Kaiju will fall in line and be easy to kill."

Gyozen countered back.

"Even if it means killing the Kaiju kids?"

"...If that what it takes to keep the Earth safe from monsters like them, then so be it."


Minilla whimpered at the cold, unfeeling response of Gyozen statement. Holding onto (M/N) for support as he simply hugged the young Kaiju. To think that they would go so far as to even wipe out the kids without mercy.

Where they truly that arrogant to believe that they are the masters of all creation and that they had the right to decide who has the right to exist?

"I see, then that means that my enemies are not humanity nor the Kaiju, but of true monsters – LIKE YOU!"

With that said, Dragonzord lunged at the Mecha Kaiju slamming his fists once more against her chest.

"Ugh!" Akane groaned, as the robot shook from the brutal assault.

The Dragonzord swung his right fist in an upward strike. Causing Kiryu head to lose some of its connection cables.

Blare, Blare!

The warning alarms went off as MechaGodzilla was violently being beaten with no mercy.

"D-Damn! Activating laser cannon!" Akane shouted, Kiryu mouth opening and launching the attack stratight at the zord head.

"Ah!" (M/N) shouted as he was forced to move the zord backwards due to the backlash.

"Now you're mine!" Akane shouted as she charged Kiryu.

"...Fool" (M/N) said, as the lights on Dragonzord chest started beeping rapidly.



(1:00-1:05. I'm aware that I'm using the same video, but it's annoying trying to find a specific cutscene and it gives me different results then what I'm looking for.)

His hand missiles flew, and all landed a direct hit on Kiryu.

"Ah!" Akane shouted, as Kiryu finally shut down unable to handle any more damage.

"Take this battle as lesson" (M/N) coldly said, "There are always someone or something more dangerous than what you could ever imagine."

"And that everything must have balance. Be it ourselves, the elements, human and kaiju, or the world itself. Everything has a balance to keep things in check."

With that he had the Dragonzord grabbed Kiryu and started spinning her around, just like she did Gojira, before letting her go and sending her flying into the city now.

"Awesome!" Minilla shouted, causing Gojira to snap her head towards the Dragonzord direction.

'There's a kid in there!?"

Was her thought.

"He learned that from his aunt on how to be a ninja." (M/N) deadpanned, already knowing what she was thinking.

"...Human," She started, "Why would you help me?"

"We are not allies, but we are also not enemies." (M/N) simply explained.

"Hmph!" She scoffed, she wanted to interrogate him more, but her wounds demanded attention. "We will meet again, and when we do I will get the answers I want from you."

She promised him.

"You'll have to catch me first."

"Hmmmm." Was all she said as she swam back to Monster Island.

"All right kid, it's time we head back home."


-In Outer Space-

"My Queen everything is in order." Orga reported.

"GOood" Ghidorah purred, "Soon, my plan will be complete and then there will be nothing to stop from claiming this world for myself."


Was the sound of Ghidorah maniacal laughter.

-On a certain fortress on the Moon-

"Well now, this has turned into an interesting turn of events would you not agree my brethren." A regal, refined voice spoke out in the darkness of the fortress.

Murmurs broke out as they discussed about the battle that had just taken place.

"Indeed brother." A female voice rang out, "And one of the fighters just happens to be one of old foes."

"Chan! To think he and his accursed group continue to trouble us even now!" A raspy voice screamed out.

"Calm thyself lizard" The voice from before spoke, "We don't need to be reminded of what your actions has brought upon us.

"Besides, dragon wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity to destroy them once and for all?" Another voice, laced in malice, spoke up. "I for one would like to kill that Chi wizard for humiliating me time and time again."

"Indeed, it would." Yet another voice, deep and regal, spoke out. "It would be the best revenge after the losses we have all suffered under their hands."

"And to show the world the true power of the Shadows."

"What say you, commander?"

The floating demonic mask turned to the figure sitting in the middle of the room, on a throne.

Breath, breath

Was all they heard, before the figures' mask glowed red.

"It has been ten years since that dimensional experiment sent me hurtling to this universe with no way back."

Standing up the figure walked to the outside.

"I have spent that time gathering a new army, conquering planets for my new empire, finding a power source to power up my personal zord."

"Returning to this accursed world that has caused me so much pain in trying to rule it."

"To releasing you all from your prisons, and restoring your powers so that you could aid me in conquering this pathetic planet once and for all!"

Growling, the figure placed a clawed hand on the rails as he stared at the blue planet.

"Now, my greatest adversaries -the Power Rangers- have chosen a new generation to combat my evil."

Chuckling madly, his body started glowing red.

"Very well, let's see if these new breeds of Rangers can survive against me!"

"Against the Emperor of All I See, the Emperor of Evil

The Emperor known as Lord ZEDD!

And done! Sorry if the fight scene was lacking, it's not that easy trying to write them. So, now the existence of the Power Rangers has been revealed. (M/N) making it clear that he does not approve of the GDF and certain other organizations actions against the Kaiju. And is furious at the callous response that they would not hesitate to kill the Kaiju kids just to neutralize the threat completely. And now, we have Lord Zedd, the real threat, preparing to lead an invasion of his own to conquer Earth. With enemies that the Chan family knows all too well aiding him. Ghidorah unaware of this as she proceeds to implement the next phase of her own world conquering plan into action. What will happen all these forces collide? Well, once the story progresses more we'll find out.

Have a good day/night

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