Short peace and gathering of Evil

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Chapter is longer than I expected. But then again, that's kind of the norm for me now. Try to write at least more than a thousand words, end up tripling it.

Oh well, on with the show!

Note: Picture above has nothing to do with the chapter. Just thought I'd show what the 12 Talismans look like.


It has been one week, since the existence of the Power Rangers and the world was still in pandemonium over that reveal.

News reporters and journalists were eating it up like crazy as the media repeatedly showed the fight between Kiryu and Dragonzord from the week before.

The creators (or companies that own the series) of Power Rangers (America) and its parent series (From what I know, Power Rangers reuses a lot of material from this series) Super Sentai (Japan) were hounded relentlessly by news media from around the world about this stunning revelation.

"We are just in as much shock as you are. But we swear that the existence of the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and Dragonzord has nothing to do with us."

Was the statement from the representatives of the companies of their respective series response to the public. Though it seems to do little good as it only seems to stir the hornet nest up even further with that revelation.

Actors from both franchises were interviewed and pressed for information and their thoughts on the existence of the Power Rangers.

Jason David Frank, who played the longest lasting Power Ranger Tommy Oliver, was questioned how he felt about the Green Ranger existence.

"Well, I must admit that it is quite a shock that a real-life Power Ranger exist." He admitted, "Especially when it's one that I had originally played as in the series."

"But, in this world of ours, is it really surprising when real life Kaiju/Titans exists?"

He laid out that question to the news team interviewing him. They had to admit, he made a good point.

"Plus," He added on, "If there is one Ranger, there is bound to be a team of them."

"That's something interesting to look forward too."

He finished, reality setting in on them that if the Green Ranger exists. Then so would a whole team of them.

It set off a spark that turned into an inferno, causing people to try to find out who the Rangers were themselves.

...Both good and bad.

But much like the shows themselves, they weren't going to be found so easily. Even if they tried to use the series as references to identify one.

-Global Defense Force-


Came the sound of the Head of the GDF hand making contact with General Gyozen face.

"I cannot believe what I have been hearing about your performances against Gojira."

Machiko Tsuge, Former Japanese Prime Minister and now head of the Global Defense Force said. Furious at what she had learned.

"I leave for a week to attend a conference with the United Nations, and when I come back, I learn what had really gone on in that battle."

"You're lucky that the news teams reporting that fight were our own agents and had removed the part containing your disgusting response!"

Machiko shouted this time as she slammed her fist to her desk. She was beyond furious, she understood that people hated having someone far more powerful and uncontrollable fight their battles for them. But, to even not spare the children Kaiju?

That was going too far for her liking.

"Tsuge-san" Gyozen began "I know that I went too far and spoke without thinking. But I was just mad that some random punk had appeared from out of nowhere and stole our victory."

"Interfere in that fight or not, you should not have lost your temper." Machiko reprimanded her old friend.

"*Sigh* I know" Gyozen conceded.

"What is the status of Kiryu?"

Machiko asked, an engineering staff member stepped up.

"Kiryu has sustained considerable damage from her fight against the Dragonzord last week and is still undergoing extensive maintenance."

"I see."

She said, before speaking up again.

"Do we have any information on this new player?"

Mahciko asked, this time about the Green Ranger.

Kiriko Tsujimori spoke up this time.

"No Mam, it has been confirmed by both us and the world that this is indeed a genuine Power Ranger that interfered in that fight."

"And it is further confirmed that whoever this Ranger is, is on our side when it comes to protecting the Earth. But will stand against us if we do something that he sees as a threat to both Godzilla and the Earth."

"Well, if I remember right. Aren't most of the Super Sentai/Power Rangers characters typically teenagers?"

Miki Saegusa, asked.

"But that doesn't really narrow the list down now does it?

Gojo Ibuki, Creator of Jet Jaguar, asked.

"No, it doesn't" Akane said, "If anything, that just makes it harder."

"...Not quite." Gyozen realized, putting a hand on her chin in a thinking manner. "Maybe I'm just stereotyping and overthinking from the conversation and his tone of voice, but if the person is referring to himself as a Power Ranger. Wouldn't that make him American?"

That got them thinking, that was a good point she made.

"But, even if that was true, that would make it even harder because of how big the U.S. is"

Kiriko said.

Sighing, Machiko spoke once more.

"All we can do now is wait, and hopefully we can make contact with this mysterious Ranger without something bad happening."

Quietly, the whole room agreed.

"Now then" Machiko spoke up once more. "Gojo, how goes Project Jet Jaguar?"

The inventor began chatting up about the progress of her the robot that would soon join the GDF in their fight against the Kaiju to protect the world.


If you were to ask Mark Russell how he felt about a character from a show being real a week ago. He would have looked at you like you were a maniac and probably call the authorities about an escapee.

If you were to ask him now, he would not know what to say because he is still trying to comprehend the facts of last week.

"This is insane, first Kaiju and now Power Rangers?"

Rick Stanton voiced what everyone was thinking.

"How does that even work?"

"Well," Ilene Chen spoke up, "If you remember Colonel Foster comments last week about the Multiverse Theory. Then maybe it's not that much of a stretch."

She finished, as she continued scouring the Internet for any clues that could hint to the appearance of Dragonzord.

"A scary thought to be sure." Vivienne Graham said next, "But, it is the most plausible theory we have at the moment."

"Serizawa, what do you think?"

She asked the Head of Monarch Biologist division.

Said man did not hear the question as he was lost in thought. Staring at the monitors containing information, and maps tracking down Gojira and the Kaiju movements.

Unfortunately, Ghidorah was nowhere to be found.


Vivienne voice reached the scientist this time, snapping him out of his pondering.

"Yes, Vivienne what is it?" He asked.

Sighing, as she realized he had gotten into one of his moods when analyzing information, she repeated her question.

"What do you think of the recent events that happened last week concerning Gojira, the GDF, and the existence of the Power Rangers?"

...Ah, that was an interesting question. One that he had no answer to.

He always maintained that Balance must be kept, and that Kaiju must fight Kaiju to ensure that the Balance between them was stable. Humans, for the most part from his perspective, had no reason to interfere or intervene in those fights (there were exceptions though) as most often then not they prove to be a hinderance not a help.

Or ended up getting themselves killed, whichever gets to them first.

...Which is also why he empathized that point to let nature take its course. He'd rather the Kaiju fight each other, then needlessly sacrifice countless human lives for an attempt that would most likely not succeed.

But this situation was entirely different and on a major scale. Sure, Kaiju actually existing for millions of years, while fantastical yet true, was still a bit of a bitter pill for people to swallow. Yet, they still exist regardless of how surreal it was.

But the existence of Power Rangers? That was an entirely different ballgame altogether.

Cause how do you react to something like that? It more or less defies the Laws of Nature and what they knew of reality.

...And in all honesty, he was still not sure if he was living a realistic dream or not.

"At the moment, I am still at a loss for words at what had happened last week. A tv show being real? I'd say that was a silly notion to entertain, even though Kaiju do exist."

"But now, I just don't know."

He admitted.

"The only thing I do know is that they or to be more exact HE seems to be on our side. And seem to be interested in making sure the Earth is safe."

"Whether that will put him into conflict with Gojira and the other Kaiju Girls depends on their interactions."

He finished; Mark decided to speak up now.

"Well, from what we saw after the fight with the GDF robot Godzilla. She doesn't seem to see him as a threat at the moment. So, most likely as long as their common goals align, they won't have any problems with each other."

"He seems to follow some of your thinking to be honest when it comes to Godzilla and keeping the Balance of Power stable."

"So, for now, we should try to find who is behind that mask and see if there are other Power Rangers out there."

A murmur of agreements rang out at that statement.

"...Hey, Emma." Mark suddenly said to his wife, gaining her attention.

"Where'd Maddy go?"

"She said she was heading back home to see Andrew and her friends."

Emma responded, causing Mark to shake his head.

"Kids these days, how they grow up so fast and leave us old timers in the dust."

"They used to be so cute, always wanting to come to Monarch and see what Mom and Dad do for a living."

"Now, it just "Sorry Dad, but we're busy" these days."

He mockingly put a hurt expression on his face with a hand to his heart.

This caused the entire room to laugh at that, before they went to work.

However, unknown to them, one member of Monarch had an evil grin on his face at this new revelation.

'Power Rangers huh? Well, this makes things a lot more interesting.'

'After all, what's the fun of taking over the world if there's no one there to stop you?'

With that in mind, the unknown member went back to work as he formulated new plans to take on the Power Rangers.

-Location: Somewhere in California-

Thwack, thump, bam, bump, thrust, thud






Came the sounds of fighting as (M/N) and Jade sparred with each other. Andrew and Maddy sparring a little further and Ren and Damian sparring elsewhere.

"Man, you really made headlines when you pulled that stunt (M/N)!"

Jade said, in between breaths.

"Well, I aim to please. Besides, it was going to happen eventually anyways."

"Next time, it's going to be the whole group once Ghidorah hatches whatever scheme she's plotting."

"Can't wait for it!" Jade said excitedly, this was the kind of thing she lived for!

The spars continued for a little longer until an elderly, stern voice shouted out.

"Ai-yah! Enough sparring, let's eat!"

(Uncle "Ai-yah!" "One More Thing!" Chan, and just like Iroh from Avatar; one badass uncle)


Uncle called out to his 'nephew'

"Yes, Uncle?"

(Jackie "Bad Day! Bad Day!" Chan)

Spoke out as he came out from the dojo, in the house.

"Come, give Uncle a hug."

The old man said, Jackie nodded as he flipped over the banister and onto the floor walking to give Uncle a hug.


Only to receive Uncle signature two finger slap attack.


"You didn't make coffee this morning. Coffee is what keeps Uncle heart beating. You want dead Uncle? No, then make coffee!"

Nodding his head, Jackie was about to head to the kitchen before:

"One more thing. The museum called; they want your advice on some artifacts that they found."

Nodding, he once again tried to leave:

"One more thing! I am going to need more ingredients and magic making tools. The forces of Good and Evil are fluctuating in a way that means trouble."

Nodding again, he turned to leave:


Jackie rolled his eyes at the usual tirade, waiting for the next thing he wants to say.

"When are you and Snake Lady going to tie the knot?"

Blushing, Jackie shouted: "Un-Uncle!"

"Don't 'Uncle' me Jackie. Every one of our friends have already tied the knot or will close to tying it"

"Captain Black: has family, El Toro Fuerte: has family, Tohru is engaged, young Paco: going steady with his girlfriend, even former enemies are in relationships!"

"You have still not proposed to Viper and Uncle wants to see mini-Jackies before he keels over and die! Uncle is not getting any younger!"

"I know, but Uncle-"

"Even (M/N) Father Cain, has gone back to dating game. And he had devoted most of his time to raising his son and grandson over a love life!"

"(M/N) has adopted son, he's beaten you at having a kid. No shame Jackie no shame!"

Uncle finished his tirade, looking at his nephew at what could be described as stern, disappointment. But in reality, to those that knew him, he was actually just poking fun at his nephew.

"U-Uncle I –"

"Breakfast is ready!"

Came the shout of Uncle former apprentice, now Chi master.

(Tohru 'I hate fish, yet ironically keeps getting saved by fish')

Minilla behind him, holding a large plate of food with his Kaiju strength.

"Let's eat!"


While our heroes eat, dark forces are converging and ready to make their appearance.

-Ghidorah Ship-

Ghidorah POV

"Finally! After one Earth week, our own MechaGodzilla is nearing completion."

I roared in victory,

"And we are finally entering the final stages for Project: SpaceGodzilla my Queen!"

Gigan reported to me, as Megalon prepared the chamber.


I smiled maliciously.

'This is going to be fun!'

San (Who I know refer to as Kelly after watching some of the Earth shows) cheered.

'For once, we are in agreement dear sister.'

Ni voice full of malice chuckled maliciously in victory.

'Yes, now all that is left.'

End Ghidorah POV

"Yes, yes!"

Ghidorah roared in victory as the blood she had stolen from Godzilla was reacting well to the crystal she had found so long ago. A form was taking shape, a shape that looked suspiciously similar to the Queen of the Monsters.

"Perfect, with SpaceGodzilla and MechaGodzilla in our ranks. Nothing will stop our domination of Earth!"

Ghidorah and her crew roared in victory.


"Hey! Who are you!?"

Orga voice shouted on the intercom.

"How did you get-BAM!"

Orga sentence was cut off as she was blasted into the lab section of the ship.

"Orga!" Gigan and Megalon shouted in concern for their friend.

As menacing figures strolled into the lab from the hole that was blown into it.

(Tso Lan: The Moon Demon Sorcerer)

(Po Kong: The Mountain Demon Sorcerer)

(Xiao Fung: The Wind Demon Sorcerer)

(Note: The artist of the first three pics name is Higure-san and is on DeviantArt)

(Tchang Zu: The Thunder Demon Sorcerer)

(Hsi Wu: The Sky Demon Sorcerer)

(Dai Gui: The Earth Demon Sorcerer)

(Bai Tza: The Water Demon Sorcerer)

(Shendu: The Fire Dragon Demon Sorcerer. Original owner of the Twelve Talismans in the JCA series, before he got turned into a statue and his talismans scattered)

(Drago: Son of Shendu and also a Fire Dragon Demon. Originally only had Fire like Shendu, eventually gains his uncles and aunts powers making him a dangerous Sorcerer. Art belongs to Komodo-Fisher on DeviantArt)

(Daolon Wong: Dark Chi Master and archenemy of Uncle)

(Tarakudo: King of the Shadowkhan and Lord of all Oni)

"Pardon the intrusion Queen Ghidorah."

Tarakudo spoke up.

"We were just wondering if you would be interested in an alliance in taking over Earth."


Ghidorah asked incredulously at the proposal. Were these fools insane?

"First you break into my ship, attack my subordinate, and have the gall to talk about alliances."

She laughed,

"HAHAHA! That's a good joke if I've heard one!"

She said, glaring at them.

"You just got lucky, catching Orga off guard. Which isn't going to happen again."

"I'll make sure of it"

Glowering, Ghidorah, Ni, and San began charging up their gravity beams.

"*Sigh, * Why do negotiations always fail?"

The floating Oni mask asked rhetorically.  


The attack hit dead-on as a cloud of smoke filled the targeted area.

"Hmph! Daring to treat me as some newbie needing the help of insignificant lifeforms. The sheer audacity of it all."

"Nice to see we are of the same thinking!"

Shendu hissed, as Xiao Fung blew the smoke away. Revealing the intruders completely unharmed.

"You call that an attack!?" Shendu roared at the stunned Alien Kaiju, "Chan dealt more damage and he's a human!"

"Calm yourself brother" Tso Lan placated the youngest of his siblings. "They know not of the threats that could easily bring them to an end.

"Threats!?" Ghidorah gawked, "The only threat is that overgrown lizard Godzilla and her lot. And once my projects are completed and ready for combat nothing will stand in my way of world domination of that planet!"

"Truly, you are a fool" Doalon Wong hissed, "Your arrogance shall be your downfall like it was the first time you tried to conquer this planet."

"Not to mention" Bai Tza cut in, "That judging from your attitude, you didn't see the aftermath of your battle last week."

"Otherwise, you would have known of a greater threat that could bring about your end."

"Silence!" Ghidorah commanded, eyes narrowing at their continued disrespect of her. "I have nothing to fear, now get off my ship!"

"Well, looks like negotiations really did sour." Tchang Zu spoke up, "Oh well, but if she is anything like we are. Then it would seem that aggressive negotiations are needed leader."

Clink, step

Came the sound of footsteps and something metallic hitting the floor.

Clink, step, clink, step


The owner of those sounds entered the room and glared at the monster in front of him.

(Lord Zedd, Emperor of Evil)

"WHO are you?" Ghidorah snarled, unknown to her Gigan was shaking as she felt the malevolent, evil radiating off him. Ghidorah and the rest of the crew were too busy focusing their attention on the intruders that they didn't feel the aura coming off him.

"I am Lord Zedd; Emperor of All I See. And at this moment, I shall be taking command of this ship."

"We will ask you this one more time, join us and together we can finally bring about the end of this planet. Refuse, and your status as allies will be a loose term."

"Either way, you can join us willingly or you can be brought in by force."

The Dragon Kaiju bristled at the arrogant bastard tone. How dare he treat her like an insignificant speck of dust!

"I think I'll go with the third option: The one where I take command!" 

Roaring, she charged up another gravity beam.

But before she could fire,

Lord Zedd effortlessly defeated her.

"Fine then, hard way it is." 

Zedd said, uncaring as his entire body glowed red at the foolish Queen in front of him.

But before he could enact punishment.

"Lord Zedd! Please spare her another chance!"

Gigan suddenly spoke out, rushing in front of Ghidorah and bowing before Lord Zedd.

"She is just use to doing things her way, and any allies she has had in the past ended up betraying her!"

"So, she is not use to a sincere alliance regardless of the proposer agenda."

'Gigan, what do you think you're doing!?'

Ghidorah mentally shouted at her.

'Saving your life and ours as well!' She thought back, 'This isn't somebody we should make an enemy out of.'

"Speak your name, Kaiju." Lord Zedd spoke.

"I am Gigan, Ghidorah Second in command (If she isn't then for the sake of the story she is)."

"On my Queen behalf, we accept your proposal for an alliance Lord Zedd."

"Hm" He mused, "Your spineless, sniveling attitude leads me to believe your sincerity."

'Never thought all that kissing up would save our asses.' Gigan mentally deadpanned to herself.

"As such, as a show of goodwill I shall restore what was once taken from you!"

With that said, he raised his Z-Staff. Energy crackling as it left the staff and flowed into Gigan body.

Restoring her hands to what they used to be, with her blades attached to her wrists.

"My hands!" Gigan shouted in happiness, happy to no longer feel the cold steel that had took the place of her hands when Ghidorah punished her for her attempted coup.

Ghidorah, Megalon, and Orga stared in shock at what had just happened.

'Ugh, unbelievable for once I'm grateful that Gigan intervened.' Ghidorah begrudgingly thought to herself.

"Now then!" Lord Zedd spoke once more, "Let us talk about the true threat to our plans for taking over the Earth.

"The threat known as the Power Rangers!"

Done. Took a lot longer than I wanted to (then again, that was a lot of pictures I had to look for). More words than I intended for this chapter as well. So, everybody trying to find the Power Rangers, with only Lord Zedd and his group of Villains knowing exactly who they are (Chan family knows as well though). Now, how is this going to turn out?

Will Ghidorah and her crew continue working for the Evil Alliance? Will this cause them to turn to the side of Good?

Will my cats ever stop walking in front of my computer? Probably not.

Who is the secret villain hiding in Monarch and what are his intentions?

The answers will be for when I have time to make more chapters.

Have a good day/night.

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