Crossover: The Dragon and The Crocodile Part 1

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Hey guys!

So, good news and bad news.

Good news is that I'm starting to get back into the groove again and getting the brain juices flowing.

Bad news is that this technically not a new chapter per say.

It's still a chapter but it is a crossover chapter and may or may not be connected to my book canon. It depends if I can integrate it well.

But I decided to do this in hopes that it will give me new ideas. Because if I'm being honest, I did start a tiny bit little with a new chapter but haven't been able to proceed. I either lose inspiration or I end up updating another book.


This crossover is going to be with a friend of mine.


Book: The Crocodile Hero: Croc.

It's a good book in my opinion. It's a mix of BNHA and DC.

I don't own the pictures.

Credit of the storyline goes to Tempest since this is going by his book.


"So, remind me again why we're going after him?"

A tired looking, black haired male asked a white chimera like creature as they trailed after a certain somebody.

"I am genuinely concerned about him, Aizawa."

(Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead)

The Rat Chimera said to his friend.

"Is that the only reason, Nezu?"

(Principal Nezu...and his two personalities)

Aizawa asked.

"I won't deny that I'm a little concern about his feelings towards heroes and society." Nezu admitted. "He seems like a nice lad and I don't want to fall down a dark path because of how people treated him because of his mutation quirk."


Aizawa said.

"I'll admit, I do feel bad for him." Eraserhead agreed. "And a little apprehensive because of his feelings towards us. It might be best to at least watch over him."

"Glad you agree."

Nezu smiled as he cozied up in Aizawa scarf.

"Get out of my scarf."

Aizawa deadpanned.


Nezu smirked.

After a short while they had arrived at their destination.

-Nezu POV-

We finally arrived at young Luke house after a while of trailing after him. I would have liked to have not do this kind of method. But given his attitude towards heroes and the like, it felt like a safer option to silently follow him.

The neighborhood we arrived looked to be at least low class, but decent enough to at least live a stable life. Wasn't a bad neighborhood, I'll admit. Except for one tinny teensy problem.

One of them was very noticeably defiled to a horrifying extent.


I could not help but breath out as I saw just how bad of a state it was in.

I had a feeling that's where our good friend lives.

"Son of a bitch..."

Aizawa cursed, not that I blamed him.

While it seems that there has been some clean up in progress. The words and disturbing images seemed to have been written in permanent colors. They were fading due to effort but could still be seen.

*BAM!!* *PUCNH!!* *POW!!*

Sounds of fighting in the house startled us as the front door opened and a group of people were sent flying out.


And crashing hard to the ground.

"And don't let me catch you prejudiced assholes back here ever again!"

An angry male voice shouted at them.



"Get the fuck out of here!!"

The teen said as he aimed his...SHOTGUN!?!?

"Why does a teen have a gun!?"

Aizawa shouted in shock as the teen aimed at the group.

"Why do you even care for that freak!?"

One of the members of the group yelled.

"He's a monster!"

The other members agreed.

Damn punks. Judging young Luke for his appearance,


The (H/C) haired teen chuckled.

"He's the monster?" He asked. "Oh, please."



One of them gave a high pitched squeal at how close the bullet came to them.

"You haven't seen what a real monster can do." He cockily said. "Now, FINAL warning."


That was enough for the group to scatter into the wind.


'Who is he?' I thought to myself. 'Don't think I've seen him before.'

But it was obvious to Aizawa and myself that he knew Luke and seemed to be protective of him.


The male looked at us in curiosity.

"You're new." He said. "Who are you? And what do you want?"

He leveled his shotgun at us.

"Hold on, there." Aizawa puts his hands in the air (like he just don't care). "We're not here to fight. I promise."


The teen piercing (E/C) eyes felt like they were staring into my soul.

I've never felt such a sensation before.

"Why are-?"

"It's okay, (M/N)."

Luke voice interrupted him.

"They were following me, my guess is that they went to continue our conversation from the police station."


He knew we were following him?

'But how did he know?' I thought to myself. 'Aizawa is good at keeping himself hidden.'

Of course, as good Eraserhead was at concealing himself. He paled in comparison to the Batman.

"The Police Station?" (M/N) blinked. "Why...oh you got to be fucking kidding me!"


He lowered the gun to facepalm himself.

"Fucking assholes." He grumbled to himself. "Why can't they stop being a bunch of racist bastards!?"


Eraserhead shouted at him.


(M/N) shouted back at him.

"...Okay, I did not expect a response."

Aizawa said, impressed.

Well, he did kind of open himself off to backtalk.

"May we come in?"

I asked them.


(M/N) turned to Luke who nodded.


(M/N) shrugged as he went back into the house, Aizawa and I following him and Luke.

(M/N), huh?

What an interesting character. Glad to know there is someone who doesn't treat him like the Black Plague.

-Normal POV-

"Welcome to my home." Luke welcomed the two. "You'll have to forgive the interior and exterior, people just don't know when to quit."

"Considering I shoved that Molotov down the asshole throat that tried to burn our house down." (M/N) deadpanned. "That's an understatement."


Aizawa roared as his hair turned menacing, a result of his quirk activating.

"That is disturbing."

Nezu frowned.

"That's life." Luke scoffed. "Gives some people greatness, while giving other people hell. You can tell what category I fall into."



Luke rubbed his head.

"We've been over this already kid." (M/N) deadpanned. "Just because you're a freaking crocodile doesn't mean you're a monster."

"Yeah, yeah."

Luke waved him off.

'He's getting a bit too sassy for his own good.' (M/N) sweatdropped. 'That means I'm either a good influence or a bad influence.'

(What do you think, Tempest?)

"But still, I'm not wrong." Luke said. "I've long since given up the point to get people to see me for me, instead of my quirk. I don't give a flying fuck about the damn consequences (since it'll happen for just breathing) and no gives a two shits about me."



Luke yelled; this time (M/N) had hit harder.

"I care for you, you big palooka."

(M/N) twitched.

"And despite what you may think, the dock workers also like you as well. And not just because you're the hired muscles, but because they see a relatable person they can connect to. Why else would they defend you from the Police and accusations? Because they see you as one of them."

"No family, though?"

Nezu asked.


Luke expression seemed to darken as he remembered unwanted memories of his past.

"My parents can die in a hole for all I care."

Luke growled.

'Shit.' Aizawa realized. 'They abandoned him because of his quirk awakening.'

He's seen that too many times with young kids/teens who committed criminal activities, and of adults with mutated quirks.

They became criminals because society forsook and scorn them for looking like so-called freaks.

"A bitchy aunt, who not only blamed me for everything, but also tried to 'cleanse' me of the devil."

(M/N) honestly didn't know why he wanted to laugh at that.

Had he met the Devil before?

"Another aunt who loves me and did her best to take care until four years ago when I fled to protect her. She's probably worried out of her mind for me."

"I can..."

"No." Luke interrupted Aizawa, shaking his head. "Please don't. I don't want to drag her back into my fucked up li-OW!!"

He yelled again as (M/N) bonked him on the head.

"Enough emoing!"

He shouted.

"I'm not being an emo!!"

The two argued as Nezu and Aizawa mused at this development.

"By the way." Nezu interrupted them. "Who are you, exactly?"

He asked the 17 year old male.

"And what's your connection to young Luke?"


Here, they were both quiet.


"He saved me."

(M/N) interrupted Luke.



Aizawa blinked.


(M/N) sighed.

"(M/N) (L/N)."

He fully introduced himself.

"That is my name...and the only thing I remember."



*Step* *Step*

'Where am I?'

The teen groaned as his head felt like it was going to explode from all the pounding going on.

Which wasn't a surprise considering he woke up with blood on his head. Indicating he hit something hard.


"Oh, my god! I'm so fucking late!"

The passerby cursed as he ran off, not even noticing that there was somebody trying to get his attention.


This continued on for some time. Either people just brushed him off, or plain out ignored him which pissed the male.

He felt that he would have taught them a lesson in manners if he could remember.

Sighing, he sat down behind an alleyway as he stopped to rest.

*Step* *Crunch* *Step*

The sound of heavy footsteps caught his attention as he opened his eyes to see...

...A giant crocodile?

'Did I hit my head that hard?' He thought to himself. 'Cause I think I'm seeing a humanoid crocodile looking at me.'

" okay?"

The crocodile voice softly and, somewhat shyly, asked.



The crocodile felt insecure as the male stared at him.

"...Other than the fact that I might be hallucinating a talking crocodile and the bleeding from my head." (M/N) said. "Oh, and the fact that I can't remember anything besides my name and a few other things. I'm fine."


The crocodile uneasily said.

"Who are you?"

(M/N) asked.



Someone shouted out as they pointed at him.

"How dare you attack someone, you villain!"

And just like that, people were shouting at him, throwing things at him, and hurtling insults at the crocodile.

"Someone call a hero!"

A civilian shouted.

"Before it's too late!"

As people agreed and started to take out their phones.


A gunshot rang out as one of them dropped dead.


(M/N) snarled as he held a gun in his hand that had conveniently been in his pocket.

"Before I personally send you to the afterlife."

That scared them.

"Why are you defending a monster!?"

One of them shouted at him.

"Monster?" (M/N) asked. "Funny how you call him a monster when he shows worry for me, but when I tried to get someone attention for help, they just look at me like filth."

"Do us all a favor and go die in a ditch."


"Ungrateful brat!"

One of them shouted.

"Don't blame us when the monster kills you!"

With that said, the crowd scattered, leaving the two behind.



"What is your name, kid?"

(M/N) asked the crocodile.

"How did you know I'm a kid!?"

The crocodile shouted in shock.

"I can just tell."

(M/N) smiled.

"...Luke." The crocodile humanoid said. "Luke James."

"Nice to meet you Luke, Luke James."

(M/N) joked.

"My name is (M/N), (M/N) (L/N)."

Extending his hand, Luke helped him to his feet.

"It's nice to meet you."

-End Flashback-

"And there you have it."

(M/N) told the two.


Nezu sipped his drink.

"Do you want us to try to find your family?"

Aizawa asked, he might not be able to help Luke due to his wishes. But (M/N) was a different matter altogether.

"It would be nice." (M/N) said. "But we wouldn't know where to start honestly."

"Hmm." Nezu mused. "If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you are from America."

"Great!" (M/N) sarcastically cheered. "A country that is 26 times bigger than Japan! No worries! I'll have found my family in a week!"

...Yeah, they're doomed.

"We can check to see if there's any missing posters of you." Aizawa offered. "And we have connections to the U.S., so we might be able to find something."

"Hmm." (M/N) decided to let it be. "We can try, but let's get to the real reason you are here."

"What do you want?"

He asked them.

"I know you don't want to take the Hero courses."

Nezu turned to Luke.

"But we have other courses at UA."

"General Studies?"

Luke asked.

"But of course." Nezu nodded. "UA is still a school dedicated to educating our future generations."

"If that gets me a normal, quiet life, then sure."

Luke nodded.

"Hold it." (M/N) told him. "You're not going...without me."


"You too?!"

Luke asked him in surprise.

"I can work with that."

Nezu nodded.

"It'll be easy to forge your documents until we can find your family."

Aizawa sweatdropped at how casual Nezu said that in front of his presence.


(M/N) smiled.

"This is going to be fun."

And done!

As you can see, (M/N) has lost his memories and won't get them back until the LOV attacks them at the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint). So, it'll be a couple chapters or so before he goes Power Ranger.

A little bit of a backstory. A protective older brother (M/N). A brooding Luke. Protective heroes.

I was going to put more into this chapter, but I decided to pace myself since I need to read his book again to incorporate how things are going to work.

Have a good day/night!

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