Crossover: The Dragon and The Crocodile Part 2

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(You'll see quite soon on why I chose that pic up there)

(And a random song to boot)

Here we go with the next chapter of the crossover special.

Here, we have an annoying fly trying to act big and tough. Unexpected encounters. And weird exam questions that only a sadist would come up with.

Don't own the art or the videos.


*Step* *Step* *Step*


(M/N) looked at the building in front of them.

"This is UA. Not bad."

He said.

"A little flashy, but oh well. What can you do?"

He shrugged.

They gotta make a statement somehow.


Luke nodded as he placed a bookmark on the book, Metro 2033, he was reading.

"Is the book that good?"

(M/N) asked the younger male in curiosity.

"Hell yeah!"

Luke nodded his head.

"I'll lend it to you once I'm done reading."

"I'm holding you to your word."

(M/N) told him.


Luke chuckled as they slowly walked to the school.

"Was it really necessary to give them that condition in part of you joining?"

Luke asked him.

"They weren't even trying to bribe you because you decided to go yourself! And yet, you did it with a condition!"

"Someone has to make sure those idiots don't try to get any bright ideas."

(M/N) smirked.

What were they talking about?

Let's go back to the time when the four of them had talked.


"You know."

(M/N) suddenly spoke up.

"Since I'm going to go to your school, I would like to add a little condition to it."

'Are conditions supposed to be when you're trying to convince people?'

Nezu and Aizawa thought to themselves as Luke sweatdropped.

"What is your 'condition?'"

Aizawa warily asked.

"I'm allowed to shoot any idiots that tries to attack or verbally assault Luke or those we care for."

Was all the teen said.


Nezu interrupted Aizawa, instantly agreeing to the condition.

'That was fast!'

The three thought to themselves.

"As fun as this has been." Nezu got up. "Aizawa and I need to head back and get the paperwork set up. We'll see you kids at the entrance exam!"

"Later." "Bye."

The two said as the Principal and the Underground Hero left.

"Why did you agree to let him bring a gun to school?" Aizawa looked at the Rat being with incredulous eyes. "And why did you agree to let him shoot people!? Haven't you seen the news about that!?"

"To weed out the weaklings."

Nezu evilly said, before he started laughing maniacally.


Nezu laugh was perhaps the most terrifying thing Aizawa has ever heard, and he's had to deal with Present Mic and Ms. Joke!

Terror filled many people spines as the duo easily sneaked past them.

Some getting new nightmares from that laugh of pure evil.

-End flashback-

"But still!"

Luke protested.

"Are you trying to get a record with the cops!?"

"...You do realize I shot and killed a man when we first met, right?" (M/N) gave him a look. "And let's not go into me beating the shit out of those fuckers that thought they could hurt you. You know quite well, that I don't tolerate racist assholes that only look upon the surface."

"But-ah forget it."

Luke groaned.

There was no point in arguing with him. He would win every time.


"Are you okay?"

Luke asked him.

"Your headaches seemed to be getting worse."

"Don't remind me." (M/N) groaned as he grabbed his forehead. "I feel like whenever I'm on the verge of remembering something, these headaches occur as a result of it. I'm not sure if I'm somehow unconsciously forcing myself to try to remember or if it's something else."


As the two continued walking to their designated exam room.

...They met an unpleasant sight as a random blond with blue eyes started walking towards with a cocky, egotistic smirk on his face.

(Monoma Neito)

(You know, there's a picture of him with a more puncheable face but I cannot find it. I know it's there somewhere. I just know it unless this it's this one. Because all the other pictures made him look really good and I don't want to use those as the punching bag.)

(You know, it's sad. He has quite a useful quirk but he's too busy annoying 1A because of his jealously issues)

'Oh, great.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'We haven't even started and already someone is trying to cause trouble with us.'

"Can we help you?"

Luke asked, getting a little bit annoyed by his staring.

"Yeah, you can!" The idiot shouted. "What the fuck is a villain like you doing here?!"


"I beg your pardon?"

(M/N) glared at the idiot in anger.

"Butt out, old man!"

The blond shouted at him.

"Old?" (M/N) twitched. "I am 17 you damn juvenile brat."

"You going to cry or something?" The blond laughed. "You're too old to be wanting to be a hero now, so you better scram as well!"

"And you!" He turned his attention to Luke. "Answer my question, you freak!"

"Applying for the General Studies course." Luke shrugged. "Looking to earn an education and make a better life for myself."

"You!?" The blond shouted. "A better life? Don't make me laugh villain. You're here to sabotage our great school reputation and try to destroy us on the inside!"

"Get the fuck out of here, the both of you, before I call the police and have them arrest you and sent to jail!"

"The cops?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "That's seriously the best you got? You're so incompetent that you run to law enforcement to handle your problems. What? Did mommy and daddy not give you enough love as a child?"


'Oh, shit!'

Luke thought to himself.

(M/N) was mad.

"How dare you!!"

The blond.

"You think this is funny?!"


Luke and (M/N) said in sync.

"It won't be funny with you two arrested!"

"Go ahead." Luke scoffed. "I'm used to that crap."

"I bet you are!" The blond shouted. "You probably got a criminal record as long as a Navy ship. Because all you do is cause trouble to our peaceful society and enjoy people sufferings!"

"Dude." Luke growled, his patience rapidly disappearing. "How about you get the fuck out of our way before one of us decides to shove it where the sun don't shine. We just got here and you're already messing with us for what, exactly?"

"Because your nothing more than a monster and monsters don't deserve to live and breathe our fresh air!"

"And the same goes to that monster lover fucker!"

He pointed to (M/N).

"You don't deserve to live for caring about a monster like this!"

That did it.

(M/N) patience was finally fed up with having to deal with this idiot.

So, with a powerful forward strike.

*BAM!* *Crunch*


The blond began jumping around as his nuts had been cracked!


(M/N) destroyed his balls and quite possibly any hope of reproducing in the future.

"This is...assault!" He yelled. "When I tell the faculty, you're going to be in so much trouble!"

"I doubt it."

Aizawa slammed open the door, glaring at them. Well, more specifically at the blond.

"Sir!" The blond shouted. "They-!"

"I advise you to shut your mouth before you lose the chance to join UA, Monoma Neito."

Aizawa shut him up as he called him by his name.


"Good." Aizawa nodded. "Now, go to Recovery Girl and get that fixed before you are late to your exams. Otherwise, you'll lose the chance to enter."

Monoma whimpered as he hopped away in pain.


(M/N) greeted the man.

"What's up, Eraserhead?"

Luke asked as the hero stared at the two.

"Get in." He said. "It's time for you to start."

-Timeskip to exam time-


Luke screamed in his head.

'What was that Rat God on when he made these exams!?' He screamed inside his head. 'I don't understand why we need to learn about blackmailing a corporation for our own gains! Why do we need to know that!?'

'And this one!' He looked at another question. 'How does picking up bitches equal to overthrowing the government and running it yourself!?'


'...Luke is having a heart attack.'

(M/N) sweatdropped as he looked at his exam.

'Why do people start hearing Careless Whisper whenever they start dancing?'

'The heck does that have to do with anything?'

He thought to himself.

'Why do teens get horny and seduced when they are 'Ara Ara' by hot, sexy milfs and dilfs?'

'How the fuck would I know that!?'

He mentally screamed.

In the near future when he regains his memory, he is going to wonder if there was some divine cosmic force that put that question on his paper.

(Zero: Snickers)

'Explain how the power of Rick Astley 'Never gonna Give You Up!' will give you the power to conquer the world?'

'That's an easy one!'

(M/N) thought as he wrote.

'By Rickrolling the poor suckers and destroying their hopes and dreams!'

He smirked.

Before it fell as he looked at some of the weirder questions again.

'Explain how having a jar of dirt will guarantee you victory.'

'...That Rat bastard is trolling us, isn't he?'

He mentally thought to himself as he continued to write/mark his answers.

-Sometime later-

We found (M/N) and Luke in the gym, having completed the test faster than the others and decided to explore when they found the school gym...well, one of them at least. The school was equipped with several state of the art gyms for their future heroes and all.


"I win again."

(M/N) smirked as he loomed over a downed Luke.

"Damn it!" Luke groaned as he got up. "How the hell do you keep beating me? I'm a literally giant ass crocodile!"

"Size and strength matters not." (M/N) scoffed as he wiped himself off with a towel. "That's still your biggest mistake when it comes to me. Sure, you have the advantage with your height. But compared to me and my skills in Martial Arts, you might as well be kicking leaves."

It was true.

Even though he has forgotten most of his past besides his name and ability to use a gun correctly. He also possesses incredible Martial Arts skills that came from years of training.

Not to mention how incredibly sharp his instincts were.

Luke was just glad his quirk protected from the fatal blows (M/N) accidentally inflicted upon him.

'It's like he's fought against people like me.'

Luke thought to himself.

(M/N) was able to dodge nearly all of Luke blows, and whenever he did get hit, he was able to recover quickly and turn the tables on him.

It just added to the question.

Who is (M/N)?

"Besides." (M/N) voice snapped him out his thoughts. "You're more suitable to brute force than you are to hand to hand combat. So, there's that."


With that in mind, (M/N) continued honing his martial arts while Luke began doing some very heavy weightlifting.

This peace continued for a little bit longer.



(Nejire Hado)

A wild Nejire suddenly appeared!

"Whoareyou? Areyouastudentorteacher!?" The girl asked Luke, very close to her face.

The girl sudden appearance startled the poor boy so much that he fell over backwards with the weight bar on his chest.

But to make matters worse.


The girl then jumped and sat on his chest staring at him. Her face getting closer and closer as Luke actually blushed at the close contact.

"Wh-wo are-?"

"Whatkindofcrocodileareyou?" The girl interrupted him. "Areyouaneworrarespecies?"

The girl continued talking at a rapid pace, causing the poor boys to turn into spirals at the insane speed the girl was questioning him with.

He could not understand. Normally, he gets pissed at this kind of action but for some reason he was more flustered than he was mad!




Nejire shouted as she held her head in pain.

"Slow down there, Flash."

(M/N) groaned.

"You're not giving him any opportunity to talk and you're also invading his personal space."

"Eh? Oh, my!"

The girl shouted as she jumped off him.


She bowed.

"It's okay."

Luke said as he got the weight bar off him.


A tall blond with...emoji eyes? Said.

(Mirio Togata)

"You really need to let people speak otherwise they won't be able to answer."

"I know, Mirio."

Nejire pouted.

"I was just super curious!"

"So curious that you didn't the scary dude talk?"

A rather emo looking dude with an aura so depressing that Sasuke Uchiha would be jealous.

"I said I was sorry, Tamaki!"

She said.

"Sorry about her." Mirio told them. "She tends to get excited and ask questions. I'm Mirio Togata. That's Nejire Hado. And he's Tamaki Amajiki."

(Tamaki Amajiki)

He introduced them.

"We're third years here at UA."

"(M/N) (L/N)." (M/N) introduced himself. "And that's Luke James."

"I can introduce myself, (M/N)."

Luke complained.

"You're too busy making goo goo eyes at candy girl."

(M/N) deadpanned.

"I am not!/Candy Girl!?"

The two yelled.

'I wonder.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Considering how he didn't react violently to Nejire suddenly invading his space. (M/N) was pretty sure the poor boy was gaining a crush on the girl.

'Guess he likes older girls I guess.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'They look to be the same age as me.'

And Luke was 14, despite looking like a giant.



"Death is coming."

Amajiki hid in a corner.

"And it's angry."


"No, that's just Luke stomach."

(M/N) said.

"Shut up." Luke blushed. "Let's go, bro. I could go for some Gumbo."

"Fine with me."

(M/N) said as they started walking.

"Wait for us!"

Nejire shouted as she and her friends followed them.


(M/N) raised an eyebrow.

"So, what are you two attending UA for?"

Nejire asked them.

Luke and (M/N) looked at each other before saying.

"General Studies."


All three, yes even Amajiki, shouted in shock.

"Not that I'm trying to judge." Mirio tried to get the words out. "But why not the Hero exam? You two definitely have the potential to ace it."

"Oh please, Tin Tin."

Luke started.

'Tin Tin?'

The Big 3 thought to themselves.

"The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows." Luke said. "Unlike others, people aren't to accept a freak like me as a hero. They'd sooner fuck a cactus then accept me as one."

"But your quirk is totally awesome!" Nejire said. "I know we haven't really seen you in action, but I can tell that you would kick ass and send the villains packing and crying for their mommies and daddies."

'I pay money to see that.'

(M/N) thought to himself in amusement.

"Yeah, yeah." Luke waved off the compliment. "Look, I've heard that speech so many times that I could write a book about it and reword it so many times you would think it's an actually book and not the same speech just reworded and taken apart."

"Someone is a downer."

Tamaki said.

"You're one to talk."

(M/N) deadpanned.


"So, in short. Bite me."

Luke said.

"There's no point in me being a hero."

With that said he walked off, with (M/N) calmly following him.

"...I don't get why she was so nice to me."

Luke muttered under his breath.

"Because not everyone is an asshole." (M/N) deadpanned. "The other two were nice, even though Amajiki seems to have crippling depression with how he acts."

"Heh." Luke chuckled. "That's true."

"Oh, by the way."

(M/N) suddenly said.


"You might want to look forward."


"What do you-?"


Luke question was cut off as he accidentally bumped into someone by mistake.

"Oh, sorry!" Luke quickly apologized. "I didn't see...!??!"

Why did Luke stop?

Because he saw someone he feared ever meeting.


Well, he's tall for an average guy. He was decked in black and just stood menacingly. With a cape, a bat cowl, a utility belt, a Bat symbol on his chest, and the classic scowl.

All trademarks of.

(Bruce Wayne The Batman)

The Almighty Batman of Gotham.


Luke tone took several pitches higher at the terrifying hero.

"It's fine." Batman said as he dusted his shoulders. "Here for the exams, I'm guessing."

"Ye-yeah." Luke nervously said. "Just finished with General Studies."

"Not Hero?"

Batman questioned, a little surprised at that. From what he can see, the kid definitely had an interesting quirk.

"N-No, sir." Luke stammered. "I'm just here for an education. Be-Besides, a freak like me becoming a hero. I'll believe that when pigs fly."


(M/N) facepalmed himself at that statement.

'Idiot!' He mentally screamed. 'Why would you say that when it's completely possible for that to happen?'

For Gods sakes, they live in a world full of superpowered beings. The possibility of pigs flying was even higher now then ever!

"Hmm, I see."

Batman mused.


It was getting really awkward, really fast.

"So, you're Batman."

(M/N) broke the silence as he looked at the man.

Very impressive, though...

"You're shorter than I expected."


Luke choked on his saliva as Batman just stared amused at the teen audacity.


Luke yelled in embarrassment.


(M/N) blinked.

"It's true. I thought he was taller."

"It-It was nice to meet you, Batman!"

Luke quickly said as he grabbed a confused (M/N) before he possibly made it worst.

"Stay safe, you two."

Batman said, amused at what just happened. Though he would never show it, he still got to keep up appearances you know?

He was a little concerned though, about the Crocodile boy reaction to him.

But he was able to get enough from the short time they talked and got the gist of it.

His quirk made him an outcast and he was ostracized because of it. Because of this, he has low self esteem and does not see himself as someone who can be a hero. And then calling himself a freak?

'Kid must have had a troubling life.'

Batman thought to himself.

He wasn't sure on the other boy, (M/N) if he remembered Nezu and Aizawa talking to him about him. What little he could glean from studying the boy was that he seems to be protective of the younger male and honestly having a devil may care attitude.

Which funnily enough, felt familiar to him.

'Probably because Alfred has that opinion of me.' Bruce thought to himself. 'And to my little ragtag team of heroes.'

Silently chuckling, he headed into UA to meet with his coworkers and UA staff. All the while, intent on searching Luke past and why he didn't want to be a hero. As well as trying to figure out who (M/N) (L/N) was.

'This year is shaping up to be quite an interesting one.'

The Batman thought to himself.

And so, (M/N) and Luke enjoyed their Gumbo as they relish in leisurely activities.

An interesting quirk of (M/N) was that he liked to sit on the windowsill and stare out the window. Especially when the sun started to set.

Just sitting there and letting the setting sun rays hit him as the wind blew through his hair.

The days passed by as Luke continued working at the docks and (M/N) continued working at a mechanic shop.

(Never did say what (M/N) did in the previous chapter. Now you know.)

Until the day finally came.

Their first day at UA.


This is actually more fun than I originally thought it was going to be.

Enjoy it while it last.

Because you never know when I will lose motivation or inspiration.

Have a good day/night!

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