Fights and Unexpected Help

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New chapter out!

But don't expect too much, this chapter is shorter than last chapter. 

Though last chapter I couldn't find a way to end it without making some dramatic scene and I did sort of write as an apology chapter for having not update anything in a while.

In this chapter a long awaited meeting is going to happen at the end of the chapter

All Art found on Pinterest/the Internet.


Clang! Clang!

To say that things were going well in their favor would be a lie.

To say that things had gone from a 0 to 100 in terms of ''we're screwed' would be an understatement.

The moment that Lord Drakkon (evil Tommy) showed his face, the Power Rangers knew they were in for the fight of their life.

And even that was an understatement.

In mere seconds, Drakkon had taken down Jade, Andy, Maddy, Ren, and Damian before they could even blink. (M/N) barely defended himself against Drakkon attack, pushing him back long enough for Tommy to engage his evil counterpart in one on one combat.

'Fuck! We're screwed with capital letters!' (M/N) thought to himself, a hand on an area where Lord Drakkon had struck him. It was a miracle that he was able to somewhat hold himself against one of the most dangerous Power Ranger villains to ever exist.

And he had a feeling it was because he possessed the Green Ranger powers that gave him a fighting chance.

Checking on his fellow Rangers, he breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed that they were unconscious. Wounded yes, but they are not fatal.

'Thank God that the suits were upgraded to be more durable and sturdier.'

The teen thought to himself, Drakkon did not play around and went in for the kill. If the suits hadn't been upgraded, there was a good chance that they would either be dead, or at the very least critically wounded.

'And to make matters worse.'

(M/N) turned to another area.

Where he could see Uncle fighting against a now conscious Daolon Wong in a battle of magic.

'Uncle is busy dealing with his nemesis to try to stop Lord Zedd ritual.'

Tohru was busy trying to slow down the ritual, casting his own spells in an effort to thwart the Emperor of Evil chanting. But, unfortunately, compared to Uncle his knowledge in fighting against this level of magic still fall short.

He didn't possess the years and experience that Uncle did.

'We have to stop Lord Zedd, while we still have the chance!'

'But to do that, we need to get pass a very big problem at the moment.'


"Come on Tommy! Is that the best you can do?" Lord Drakkon mocked his counterpart as he unleashed a flurry of strikes against him.

"Urgh!" Tommy grunted as he defended himself against the tyrant Ranger attacks.

Before he quickly unleashed a series of strikes of his own against him.

"Not even close!" He shouted as he landed a kick on Lord Drakkon chest. Sending evil overlord flying.

"Gah!" Lord Drakkon grunted as he hit the ground. "Not bad Tommy. Seems you have grown even farther than I expected."

"What can I say, it comes with the job." Tommy retorted. "Besides, somebody has to kick your ass and how ironic that it's me doing the ass kicking."

"Hehehehehe" Lord Drakkon chilling chuckle sent chills down their spines. "Very well, Tommy. Let's see if you got what it takes to save your precious little team and protégé."

"For if you lose, the boy will be mine to mold as my successor and the rest of your precious team dead."

'Great! Now Tommy evil self wants me to become his successor! Can this day get any worse?'

(M/N) thought sarcastically to himself, as he watched the two engaged in combat once more.


Turning his head, he saw Ghidorah glaring at him...MENANCINGLY!

(Not going to lie, for some reason Kaiju Girls Ghidorah reminds me of Dio from JOJO)

'...Me and my big mouth.'

"Oi, human!" Ghidorah growled. "We're still not done with you!"

"Fine." (M/N) growled, getting into his battle stance. "You want round 2? Then I'll be happy to oblige you."

"Uh-huh." Ghidorah wagged her finger, we're taking this outside."

Before (M/N) could blink, he found himself on the cliffside of the island.



Enormous footsteps caught his attention, as he looked towards the source.

Only to find that Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon, and Orga had reverted to their true forms.

"Now then, hero! Let's see how you will get yourself out of this one!"

Ghidorah cackled madly, her cohorts doing the same as they mocked and taunted him.

"Hmph!" (M/N) scoffed. "Did Lord Zedd not tell you about the Power Rangers arsenal? Did you not watch the news about us and what we can do?"

Summoning the Dragon Dagger, he put it to the mouth plate of his helmet.

"I'll show you"

The Dragon Dagger proceeds to play music.

And out came, Dragonzord. Letting out a mighty roar as the Zord stomped towards them.


Ghidorah was suddenly sent flying after she was hit by Dragonzord tail.

"Empress!" Her subordinates shouted in shock as the space Kaiju landed several feet away into the ocean.

"Grrr! Die!" Orga shouted in anger as she lunged at the zord.

Slamming her fists into the zord chest, causing the dragonzord to stumble before regaining his bearings and jumping towards her.

And hitting her on the chest with his metallic feet.

"Gah!" Orga screamed as she fell back, her body hurting from the impact of the zord attack. "Damn it! Your tougher than I thought!"


"Try this on for size!"

With a roar, Orga blasted the Dragonzord dead on with her cannon.


A large explosion occurred as the attack met it target.


Dragonzord let a roar as he sustained damage to his chestplate, stumbling a bit as he recovered from that attack.

"Impressive, to be able to withstand that." Orga praised, not many could do survive her cannon blast head on and live to tell the tale."

"Too bad you fell for it!"

Before Dragonzord could react, Gigan and Megalon jumped at him and landed several punches.

Dragonzord roared as he was pushed back from the impact of the blows, before stomping forward and swinging his arms against them. Landing clean blows on their chests as, for some reason, sparks started exploding all around them.

Dragonzord swung his tail, only for the two alien Kaiju to duck and strike back. Causing sparks to fly on him as the Zord countered their attacks.

Swinging his tail once more, Gigan caught it as it flew towards her direction.

"Haha! Got ya!" Gigan shouted in triumph, holding the tail in place.

"Thanks for being an idiot." (M/N) said as he played the flute once more.

This in turn, cause Dragonzord tail to spin in Gigan hands. Causing the Alien Kaiju to scream in pain.

"OWOWOWOWOWOW!" The cyborg Kaiju screamed as she let go of the spinning tail, which in turn allowed Dragonzord to thrust the end of the tail into her chest.

"AAAHHHH!!" Gigan screamed as the tail pierced her skin.

Boom! Boom!

Explosions and sparks erupting everywere as Gigan was thrown several miles away.

"Gigan!" Megalon shouted as she desperately tried to break free from the standstill, she was in.

(While Gigan was grabbing Dragonzord tail, Megalon tried to attack him. Only for Dragonzord to lock their hands, each trying to overpower the other)

Throwing their hands up, Dragonzord slashed his freed hands down on Megalon. Causing the insect like Kaiju to shout and scream as the flew back several feet.

Growling, Dragonzord released a blast from his mouth. Hitting the alien Kaiju dead on as explosions started occurring.

Megalon fell to the ground in defeat.


(M/N) shouted in triumph.

"Hah-hah, I admit I underestimated you, human."

Ghidorah voice broke out, as she had finally managed to get out of the water and into the air.

Her gaze towards him, impassive as though she was thinking about something.

"You were able to fight us when we at our human size height and beat us. Even when we returned to our natural height, you still had tricks up your sleeve to deal with us."

There was something strange in her expression as she stared at him.

"Making you prove to me to be the ideal mate for us."


If he didn't have the helmet on, he was sure he would be looking at them gaping like a fish out of water.

'Did she just say what I think she said?'

(M/N) stared in shock at the bold statement the Space Empress had just said.

"Excuse me, what?"

Ghidorah, to her credit, simply stared at him straight in the eye (Or where she thought his eyes were) as she repeated herself.

"You heard me, you would make the perfect mate/king for my empire. You and your father irritatingly good looks are too good to be wasted here on Earth. And the fact that you have triumphed over us proves to me how worthy you are to be mine."

"Accept it, it is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon you from me."

Twitch, twitch.

'The sheer audacity of this long lost relative of Dio!' (M/N) mentally screamed. He wasn't fighting them to impress them, he was fighting to kick their sorry invading asses back to whatever planet they came from!

Not to get laid!

(The Lion, the Witch, and the Sheer Audacity of this Bitch)

'Besides, I would rather Godzilla to be Minilla mother figure then a crazy, bloodthirsty alien Kaiju!'

Growling, he brought the flute up to his mouthplate again.

"Go to HELL! You crazy ass bitch!"

Playing the Dagger flute once more, the lights on Dragonzord chestplate started lighting up erractically.

Stretching his arms out, missiles appeared on his fingertips. Flying straight at the Alien Kaiju and sending them flying all over the place.

"AH!" "GAH!" "Oof!"


"Ouch." Ghidorah groaned, obviously the strange Kaiju like machine had a counter for fliers like her. "Not bad, human."


"But the fun and games all end here." She glowed. "You and your family are coming with us, like it or not."

"What are you talking about?" (M/N) snarled, "In case you've forgotten, Lord Zedd is sacrificing them for his super Zord!"

"Your family won't die from the ritual." Ghidorah explained. "The moment I saw them, I knew just like you, they served a greater than just being used as sacrifices. So, I talked it over Lord Zedd, and he agreed to siphon some of their life force to grant his Zord unlimited power."

"Besides, there were more than enough sacrifices that he actually didn't need all of them. But he knew you would come regardless so he didn't bother sending them to my ship."

...Well, that was a small comfort.

"Okay, seriously, why are is everyone obsessed with me and my dad? Seriously, are we some kind of monster chick magnets or something?"

(...Nonchalant whistling could be heard)

"You got me." Megalon groaned, the scientist Kaiju rubbing her wounds as they slowly healed. "If you surrender and come with us, I could run some tests on you two and see what makes you different."

"...Pass." (M/N) instantly rejected the offer. "Something tells me that you are just going to make it worse."

"Hah!" Orga laughed, "He doesn't even know you, but can already tell that your bad news!"

"Shut up Orga!" Megalon shouted.

"Well, it's true." Gigan said, wincing as she got up. "Considering some of the 'questionable' things you have done in the name of science, I'm not surprised that his danger instincts are telling him not to be alone with you in the same room."

(Okay, I didn't have a way to put it in the story. But just to let you know, that Gigan had metal gloves on to protect her newly restored hands from being cut off/multilated/destroyed. So instead of losing her hands, again, the gloves took most of the damage. Of course, they were ruined beyond repaired.)

Megalon pouted as everyone teased her. "It was for science!"

"Keep telling yourself that, hon."

"Regardless," Ghidorah spoke once more: "It doesn't matter that you rejected her offer, the point is your coming with us like it or not!"

"MechaGodzillas, attack!"

'Mecha what now!?"

Suddenly, an army of mechanical Godzillas appeared. Causing (M/N) togrowl as he took a closer look at them.

'They look like Kiryu, but with noticeable differences!'

(M/N) thought, as he realized that they resembled Kiryu. But, most likely, were altered differently to match Ghidorah tastes.

Growling, he readied himself as he held the Dragon Dagger. Ready to give the commands if needed.

Ghidorah smirked "Let's see if you can fight your way out of this one!"

With that the said, the MechaGodziilas started running towards Dragonzord.

But before they could get close.


An enormous blast struck and razed several of the mechs to the ground.


Ghidorah screamed as she recognized that attack. Growling, she turned around to face the bane of her existence at the moment.


She growled as she stared the arrivals.

"Ghidorah" Godzilla growled as her eyes glowed in anger at the sight of the invading vermin.

"Finally found you, and finally found the other object of my interest."

She realized, as she stared at the Dragonzord.

"We meet again."

"Indeed, we do."

Blinking, Godzilla turned her direction to the very familiar voice.

Only to see a human clad in green, standing on the rocky cliff.


(M/N) simply said, waving at the Queen of the Monsters in a friendly manner.

(Unknowingly pissing off Ghidorah at his nonchalant greeting)

"...So, you are the one that was piloting this strange robot."

Godzilla said, as she took a closer look at the human.

"Yep, that's me." (M/N) confirmed. "Seems like we really did meet up once more, but not in the scenario that I thought we were going to be in."

"Hmph." Godzilla said, as she turned to face Ghidorah. Raising an eyebrow at the pissed off expression on the Dragoness face. "We'll talk later."

Her body glowing blue, as her fellow Kaiju got ready for battle.

"Right now, I need to take care of a certain NUSIANCE!"

Roaring that last part out, she lunged forward and slammed into Ghidorah.


Ghidorah yelled as she was body slammed into the water once more. Hacking and coughing as she tried to escape, only for Godzilla grab and throw her into the air.


Before releasing an Atomic Breath right at her.

"GAH!" Ghidorah screamed in pain. Snarling, she commanded: ATTACK!"

With that, the MechaGodzillas and the Alien Kaiju charged at Earth defenders.

Playing the command notes, (M/N) had Dragonzord assist them while he quickly headed back to the altar. Determine to stop the ritual before it was too late.

Step, step, boom!

The fighting outside was intense as the island was rocked from the shockwaves the Kaiju attacks were leaving behind.


Quickly stopping, (M/N) leapt down as a hole appeared. The ground being weakened by the shockwaves.


Landing, he found himself back at the altar.

Looking around the room, he found Daolon Wong knocked out. With Uncle drained from his fight, Tohru was no better as he was slowing his strength to slow the ritual down.

The Rangers were awake, but it seems while he was fighting the Kaiju they had tried to team up with Tommy and use teamwork against Lord Drakkon.

From what he could see, it worked to an extent. But Drakkon turned the tables on them again, and this time they were out of the fight for good judging the damage they had taken.

'Not good' He thought to himself. 'The ritual is almost completed, but Drakkon is still in the way. I can try to attack Lord Zedd right now, but no doubt Drakkon will intervene, or Zedd will have some trick up his sleeve.'

Growling, he summoned the Dragon Dagger and leapt up at Lord Drakkon.


With said evil Ranger blocking his attack and kicking Tommy back.

"Woah!" Tommy shouted as he fell on his back, quickly getting up.

"So, you defeated the Kaiju huh?" Drakkkon said. "I shouldn't be so surprised, anyone chosen to wield the Green Ranger powers is one who is worthy."

"Definitely one worthy of being my successor."

"I am tired of hearing everyone having some design on me!" (M/N) yelled. "How about I just kick your asses and send you guys packing!"

With that said, he jumped back and then jumped forward. Swinging the Dragon Dagger at him, causing Lord Drakkon to duck as (M/N) quickly swept his feet under him.

"Oof!" Drakkon grunted as he quickly got back up and deflected (M/N) attacks.

Clang! Boom!

The sounds of the two fighting echoed as (M/N) tried to repel Drakkon attacks.

'Such power!' (M/N) thought to himself. 'So, this is the outcome if Tommy stayed evil.'

"Impressed?" Lord Drakkon asked. "This is but a taste of what true power is if you abandon those pitiful self-righteous morals of yours."


"AH!" (M/N) screamed as he was knocked into the air.

"Join me, and I will teach you all that I know of possessing the ultimate power!"

Lord Drakkon offered, as (M/N) slowly got up to his feet.

"Fuck you!"

(M/N) roared as he unleashed electrical energy lightning from the Dragon Dagger.

"I refuse to become someone like you! Someone who chose to bring suffering and death for his own selfish reasons!"

Sighing, Lord Drakkon shook his head.

"You're still young, and besides, I can always erase your memories of everything you hold dear and mold you into my own image."

"Though I honestly prefer if you accepted willingly. I'm not fussy on my methods."


Tommy landed a powerful kick on Lord Drakkon, causing to roll onto the ground.

"Over my dead body, Drakkon."

"That can be arranged." Drakkon got up, smiling behind his helmet. "But that will have to be another time."

"For you are already too late."

That got their attention as they turned around and saw, to their horror, that the ritual was almost completed.

Tohru having spent the last of his strength slowing down the ritual, fell to the ground in exhaustion.


They shouted as the ritual glowed red.

(Unaware that outside had fallen silent, as massive footsteps made their way to the roof of the ritual)

"Bwahahahahhhaha! Rejoice Rangers!" Lord Zedd maniacally laughed. "Rejoice at the sight of your first and greatest failure in your short careers!"

"The ritual is almost completed now that your friends are unable to stop us! All that left is to drain the life force of your dear loved ones!"


The other Rangers shouted as they looked in dread at the red lines beginning to appear. Though it couldn't be seen, despair was on their faces as their friends and families were about to be killed.

And there was nothing they could do about it.

"You all put up a valiant fight." Drakkon spoke up "A shame it wasn't enough."

"Hahahah! Now Rangers watch as new life is breathed into Serpen-!"

Rumble, KABOOM!


An enormous fist smashed down straight through the ceiling, crashing down right at the center of the ritual.

Destroying the ritual and the tools that were used to into millions of little pieces.

"NO!" Lord Zedd roared in fury. His entire body (or was it just the visor?) turning red in anger at being foiled at the last second.


Lord Drakkon shouted in shock at what he just witnessed.



The Galactic Overlord roared in fury.

Crack, crumble, boom

The top of the cave was being torn apart by the unknown Kaiju, ripping the ceiling open until the newcomers' faces could be seen.

What they saw, shook a certain someone to the core.

"More Kaiju!?"

Lord Zedd shouted in shock, as indeed, three more Kaiju had appeared.

Two they have never seen; one they did recognize.

(Earth Godzilla. Found on Pinterest. Artist is Fried_chicken10)

(Void Ghidorah. Found on Pinterest)

(MUTO Prime)

"Man!" MUTO Prime shouted. "If it wasn't for Queenie outside, we would have never found you!"

"Let's just get this over with." Earth Godzilla growled.

"Now, now dear." Void Ghidorah. "We still need to take care of unfinished business with these kidnappers."

...What the hell was going on?

Why was MUTO Prime with two Kaiju that suspiciously looked like Godzilla and Ghidorah?

But before anyone could say anything, a voice spoke up first.

"T-Terra (Earth Godzilla)?" Cain stammered. "Nova (Void Ghidorah)? "Bella (MUTO Prime)?"

(Interestingly when I went looking for names to try to match them. Bella -short for Bellatrix- in Latin means Female Warrior. Though I'm not sure if these baby names sites are accurate, but good enough for me)

The three merely smiled and wave at him in response.

"Dad" (M/N) asked cautiously. "Do you know them?"

Cain gulped, as he realized now was the meeting, he had been hesitant on doing.

"Son, these ladies are Terra, Nova, and Bella." He started.

"They are the ladies I've been dating...who are apparently Kaiju."

They waved at him in response, as (M/N) (and everybody else, yes even the villains and the other Kaiju who were confused on why MUTO Prime was with two unknown Kaiju) tried to process what his father just said.





And done! Man, I'm going rather fast with this story! But then again, I want to introduce all the relevant characters to the story and get a move on. Plus, once I finished introducing them all I can start a new chapter of the Rangerverse special that I did a while back. Of course, there will be other relevant characters introduced in that miniseries but that's for when I get back to it.

And now that I got ideas and motivation, I need to get them out before I lose them again.

So, what did you think of Cain girlfriends? I know at least one that commented realized who Terra is. But did you guys expect Cain other lovers to be Kaiju as well? Especially Void Ghidorah who is technically Earth Godzilla enemy being a part of Cain lovers?

Or that I put MUTO Prime as one of Cain other lovers?


Sorry, I just remembered that I'm going to give him one more lover and I'm just laughing at his reaction to the last Kaiju in his Kaiju harem.

(Though, there is a picture that I had in mind for the dad. Which is why I'm giving the poor sap a harem. But due to it being kind of NSFW and mature, I'm not putting it on here because of Wattpad regulations. Don't need this story taken down or flagged, even if I did waste my time editing it)

Well, like father like son. Both having a Kaiju harem all of their own. But (M/N) is going to have a worser time managing his Kaiju Girls due to the rivalry/hate between the Earth Kaiju and the Alien Kaiju.

But that's for later.

Now, I'm hoping next chapter I will be able to reveal the final secret villain (of the alien variety, there are still going to be some human villains *cough Apex cough*. If not, next chapter will at the very least explain how Earth and Void wounded up on this Earth and how they met MUTO Prime.

Have a good day/night!

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