Nightmares and Headaches of the Galactic Kind

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Welcome to the next chapter!

Took me a while to brainstorm this new chapter and while I think it could be better. It's not as bad as I expected it to be.

In this chapter, we will have an introduction to Cain girlfriends, and the final Power Rangers is revealed!

...And the start of the Kaiju Girls courting of (M/N)...the poor soul.

And the opening video is just normal older siblings/younger siblings dynamics.

But then again, I'm an only child so I wouldn't know. But then again, I have seen comments from older siblings that they would totally do this to their younger siblings if they pissed them off.

Hope you have a good laugh out of that.


To say that (M/N) was expecting this would be a lie.

He had expected many things when it came to his dad introducing him to his new girlfriend.

The woman was in a previous marriage, she had children, she swung both ways and wanted a polyamorous relationship.

...She and his dad were in an adulterous affair, though he quickly rid himself of that notion. This was not some damn anime/hentai show no matter how some things tend to disagree with that statement.

But NEVER in a million years did he ever account for the possibility of his dad dating not just one, BUT THREE Kaiju that were okay with sharing him!

THAT never occurred in his mind. And what made it even crazier (and funnier when one thinks about it) is that his dad wasn't even aware that he was dating Kaiju Girls as well!

(Edit: Forgot to put this in when I published this)

(Here's one thing going through his mind right now)

'I guess human females aren't appealing to him besides mom.' (M/N) thought to himself, because he had nothing. No witty remark, no sarcastic comeback, nothing.

Just pure shock at what he had just learned.

Something that also resonated with everyone there: From his friends to Monarch and the GDF, to the Kaiju Girls themselves, and EVEN to the (conscious) villains who were staring at him (Cain) like he was crazy.

...Ironic, considering who they were.

"Well..." Zedd coughed. "This is awkward."

...Understatement of the century.

Not even Lord Zedd knew what to do in this situation. Even for him, this was a mind-blowing revelation and it had nothing to do with him!

(And this was saying something since he has been alive for a very long time.)

...Cause what can one say to a human dating Kaiju of all beings! Ones that no one has apparently seen before...well excluding MUTO Prime.

'Strange' (M/N) realized. 'Those two; Terra and Nova dad said. They look similar to Godzilla and Ghidorah.'

'Relatives perhaps?'

(Well yes, but technically no.)

"Well," Terra chuckled sheepishly. "This was not how I planned on us revealing our true selves to you, Cain."

"...And HOW exactly were you three planning on letting me know?"

Cain deadpanned, shock and annoyance taking over as he stared at his monster girlfriends.

"...Ehe." Godzilla Earth had a sheepish expression on her face.

(Ironic for someone who destroyed humanity once)

Void Ghidorah took over.

"We were planning on revealing the truth about us when we were able to convince you to introduce us to your family."

Nova explained, cheerfully as though exposing her true identity was just another day in her life.

"...Seriously?" Cain raised an eyebrow at that.

"Well, I mean to us it made sense." Bella (MUTO Prime) explained. "Since you guys don't hang out with the other Kaiju Girls you don't realize that your grandson scent is on you."

Blinking, Cain stared at her bewildered.

Chuckling, Bella continued: "Humans don't have an enhanced sense of smell like us Kaiju do, so we could smell a Kaiju on you. So, we decided to observe you once we realized what it was and found you with your son (M/N) and your grandson Minilla."


"...Sooooo, let me see if I got this straight."

(M/N) spoke up, the shock slowly wearing off.

"You three are my dad girlfriends."

"Yep" The three responded.

"And you three are Kajju."


"And you are aware of the fact that Minilla is a Kaiju."


Earth Kaiju Girls could only stare in shock and confusion at the conversation that was going on at the moment.

'What the hell is going on here?' Gojira thought to herself.

After (M/N) left to try to stop the ritual, she and her fellow Kaiju took on Ghidorah and her army. It was a tough battle since Ghidorah MechaGodzillas were made of a metal even stronger than the ones that her robotized mother had.

And just when it seemed like the battle was going to be a standstill.

THEY appeared.


"Gah!" Godzilla roared in anger as she unleashed an Atomic Breath against a group of MechaGodzillas.

Managing to destroy a good amount of them.

"Godzilla, this isn't good!" Mothra shouted, as she blinded the robots' visual sensors with her glowing wings. "They're too many!"

"I know that Mothra!" Godzilla shouted as she rammed through a group of mechs. "But we have no choice but to blast them to bits!"

"Better said than done, Goji!" Rodan cursed as she unleashed a heat wave from her wings, causing the robots to overheat and explode from the inside.


Were the sounds of Anguirus and Queen Caesar ripping and tearing through their own mechs.

"Leave these wannabes to us Goji!" Anguirus shouted, as she rolled right through the mechs.

"It'll be good exercise for us!" Queen Caesar shouted, rocking her arm. "Been a while since I let loose."

"All right!"

Godzilla yelled as she lunged at a startled Ghidorah.


The two rolled to the ground, as Godzilla punched her in the face.

"GAH!" Ghidorah roared as she quickly wrapped her tail around Godzilla and threw her off.

"Oof!" Godzilla grunted as she got up and fired another Atomic Breath at Ghidorah.

The Space Dragoness sending a blast of her Gravity Beams at her in response.


The colliding attacks sending shockwaves all over.

At the end, the two rivals were gasping glaring at each other.

"Hah...hah, not bad lizard breath." Ghidorah growled, "But, it changes nothing. We will win today, and that boy will be mine."


Godzilla dorsal plates glowed menacingly at that: "WHAT did you say!?"

"Oh?" Ghidorah stared as realization settled in. "You want him too? To bad, I'll be the one to claim him and break him into serving us!"


Godzilla roared in fury, as she unleashed an enormous amount of power towards her.

Ghidorah eyes widened as the oncoming blast barreled towards her: "OH SHI-!"


This time the blast took out a portion of the island ground, as Ghidorah was consumed by the attack.

When it faded, the Alien Kaiju groaned.

"Not bad." She conceded, realizing that she shouldn't have taunted her about her plans for the human.

"But you still have my army to-"



An enormous Atomic Breath suddenly flew past them as it struck the MechaGodzillas. Destroying a majority of the robots in a single strike.

Followed by an enormous bolt of lightning eradicating the rest.

"Wha-?" "Huh!?" "Who?"


Ghidorah roared in anger at the destruction of her army.

"Who dares!?"



"Oh, shut up you golden bitch!"

A familiar voice to the Kaiju Girls yelled.

'It can't be!' They thought to themselves.

"I can't believe Queenie was actually having trouble with a weakling like you. Either I gotten stronger, or she's gotten weaker."

...Yep, no doubt about it. That was MUTO Prime alright.

"You!?" Godzilla shouted in shock. "I thought I killed you!"

(I thought I got rid of you in therapy!)

"You would have if there wasn't a change of plans."

The super MUTO admitted, pointing to her two companions.

Turning their heads, they saw.

'Another Godzilla/Ghidorah/me!?'

"What? Surprise?" The Godzilla look alike said.

"Your tall, miss!" Jr. shouted out.

It was true, the Godzilla being was towering over them. Size higher than all of them.

"Earth, stop messing with them." The Ghidorah look alike admonished her fellow Kaiju.

Growling, Earth conceded: "Fine, you're lucky I like you, Void."

"*Snorts* More like she's lucky we all share the same man, and he would be sad if we tried to kill each other."

Prime said, as she held the Alien Kaiju in each of her hands.

Said Kaiju desperately trying to escape her ironlike grips.

"Ouch!" "Let me go!" "Owowowow!" "Who do you think you are, disrespecting your queen!?"


"Oh, shut up!" MUTO Prime snarled as she slammed their heads together, knocking them out, and tossing them to the side (like yesterday trash).

Sighing, she stared at her nemesis before saying: "Look, I know you have questions. But we need to take care of something first before we talk."

"Grrr, fine." Godzilla spat out, as they all turned to the area of the island where their targets were.

-End Flashback-

"Oh..." (M/N) answer brought her out of her flashback.

It was silent for a few moments, before.


(M/N) went ballistic as his brain finally processed everything.

"! Forget it!"

He recovered from his breakdown, as he took a deep breath.

"We'll settle this later, for now."

He went to face Lord Zedd and Drakkon.

...Only to find that both they and the rest of their Evil Alliance had disappeared. Most likely retreating back to the Moon Palace to reassess the situation.


(M/N) screams of anger echoed in the cave.

-Timeskip to Monarch main base-

Their return was of chaos. Monarch, the GDF, and world organization had been going out of control due to the disappearances of several important figures with no leads in sight.

After returning, and running damage control (and getting checkups, and tests to see if they were alright), the group reconvene to one of Monarch conference rooms.

Along with them, were Rick, Ilene, Sam, Colonel Diane Foster, and several others that were trustworthy to know of their secrets.

...And wasn't that a doozy.

"I need a drink." Rick groaned, his head threatening to explode from the information overload they had gotten.

"You and me both" Ilene grumbled, massaging her forehead in exasperation.

"We'd say sorry, but that would be lying."

Ren unapologetically said.

Serizawa, Mark, and Emma said nothing as they stared at their respective child. Many emotions rapidly flashing through their expressions.

Vivienne was busy conversing with Mothra along with Miki.

Cain was busy trying to ease Terra, Nova, and Bella worries over him.

Damian wound up in an arm-wrestling contest with Rodan...for some reason.

Jade was checking on her family to see if they were really okay...despite the fact that it really should have been the other way around due to her fight with the demons and Lord Drakkon.

(M/N) was busy tossing Minilla up into the air, the baby Kaiju giggling.

Tommy was resting, but for some reason he felt uneasy even though they should be safe for now.

"All right." Col. Foster decided to address the elephant in the room. "We know who the Power Rangers are, we know that magic exists, and we know about a male Kaiju existing."

"But who are you two?"

She pointed at Terra and Nova who stopped fretting when they were being addressed.

"*Sigh* Well, we knew this was coming." Earth Godzilla sighed, getting up. "Alright, we do owe Cain an explanation on the truth and you guys do seem trustworthy."

Taking a deep breath, she started.

"I am a Godzilla from another universe."


"And she..." Pointing to Nova. "Is Ghidorah from that same universe as well."


"Let us go back to where it happened."

-Flashback once more! -


Earth Godzilla roared in anger as the strange phantom like monster had her in its grasp. Its heads keeping her in place as she desperately thrashed and fought against the strange monster to no avail.

'Damn this bitch!' The Kaiju thought to herself. 'Why won't you die!?'

Grolwing, she tried to escape the hold she was in. The phantom dragon digging deeper to keep in place.

Suddenly, the phantom monster let out a roar in pain. As suddenly, it began losing its grip on her. Realizing that the monster had somehow become vulnerable, she started biting one of the dragon necks. Releasing a burst of energy and blasting a hole into its neck.


The monster roared in pain, as it started losing control and could feel itself being pulled back into the void it came from.

'NOOO!' The monster thought to herself. 'I can't be losing! It's not possible!'

Roaring, she tried to strike back at Godzilla only for the Kaiju to grab her and tightened her claws on her.

Suddenly, the two felt a tremendous gravitational pull dragging them into the portals that the Planet Eater came from.

Snarling, the Planet Eater held onto Godzilla tight. Refusing to let her prey get away.

'If I'm going back, I'm taking you with me!'

Was the monster thought as she held onto Earth Godzilla.

Said Godzilla roared as she started glowing with energy. Determined to force the monster to let her go.

Flashes of blue and yellow struck through the night as the two titans battled for supremacy.

Hum, Crackle.

The two monsters let out two massive blasts that unintentionally caused a rip in the fabric of time and space.

Unexpectedly drawing energy from the Planet Eater dimension.

The massive surge of power and gravity pulled them towards the new portal, dragging the unwilling participants into its gaping maw.

Sending them to a brand new world with no way back.

-Location: Earth-

MUTO Prime was burrowing through the Earth, anger in her expression as she growled in hatred of her old nemesis.

'Damn you Gojira!' The parasitic monster thought to herself. 'You will pay for killing my children!'

Prime growled as she pops up in an unknown location, stretching her body to the satisfying crack of her bones.

"Much better." She groaned.

Before her expression turned serious.

"Now, to get my revenge on God-"





MUTO Prime suddenly felt two heavy weights crashing on her.

'My BACK!'

(My leg!)

"Ouch! Damn it all!" One voice growled. "Stupid dragon parasite thinking that it could invade my territory!"

"Oh, shut up you overweight buffoon." Another voice growled. "My head hurts from that fall."


Slowly, the two realized that they weren't alone and that they sounded differently. Turning their heads to face each other, they let a terrifying scream.


The two shouted as they jumped several feet from each other.

"What the -!?" "Who!?"

"...WAIT!" They suddenly realized that something else felt different.

Taking a look at themselves, they realized that they were not who they formerly were.


"What happened to my body!?"

'...What?' Prime thought to herself, as she stared at the panicking Kaiju Girls. 'Are they high on something like the humans like to say?'

(Not exactly)

Getting up, she yelled: "Oi! Idiots!"

Surprisingly, the two looked at her in surprise as though they didn't realize she was there,

'Strange' MUTO Prime thought to herself. 'The green color themed girl looks like that wretched Queen of the Monsters.'

That was weird.

Sighing, she decided to introduce herself.

"I am MUTO Prime. Who the hell are you two?"

And thus began a new friendship of the most unlikely Kaiju.

-End Flashback-

"After that, I faked my death in that battle and helped these two get use to life on this Earth and to their new bodies."

Bella explained.

"And after some time, Earth here decided she wanted a mate and boom! We got ourselves quite a catch."

'...Must have been in heat' The Kaiju Girls thought.

"I see." Cain calmly said, his world turning on its toes. "This is most certainly not how I imagined this meeting going...but I'm glad that I finally can introduce you to my family without having to worry so much."

"But...son are you really okay with this?"

Turning to his son in concern, said male seemed to be deep in thought as he held wriggling Minilla to his chest while Jr. made funny hand gestures to him.

"Can't say I was expecting this." (M/N) admitted. "And I honestly don't know how to react."

"...But you make my dad happy, and I think, to me, that is the most important part."

"But, as for me accepting you as my stepmoms...we'll see."

"Fair enough." Nova said. "But can we at least dote on how cute your son is?"

"As long as you don't traumatize him." (M/N) deadpanned.

"Fair enough" "Works for me" "Fine"

The three said.

(M/N) then turned to the Kaiju girls, his eyes settling on the Queen of the Monsters.

"Looks like you found me, after all Godzilla."

He spoke, grabbing everyone attention as Godzilla stared back at him.

"Indeed." She spoke. "You gave me quite the chase, trying to find you for months with no avail."

Here, Godzilla growled.

"Do you have any idea how annoying it was to try to hunt you down!?"

She shouted, startling everyone.

"I can't count how many islands I've blown up in my frustration to find you!"

"That's for sure." Rodan mumbled. "She literally was about to explode like a volcano."

"Bad enough that I didn't know what you look like or that your weird robot blocked out your scent that made it more difficult, but to hear what Ghidorah had in store for you really pissed me off!"

(Poor Godzilla, just wanted to find her future mate and now has to fight her own archenemy for him)

'...oh yeah.' (M/N) deadpanned to himself. 'That crazy woman wants me'

"Though now that I can actually take a good look at you. I must say, you are definitely what I want in a mate."


"Handsome, strong, dominate." Licking her lips unintentionally as she got a weird look in her eyes. "Not to mention, very accepting of Kaiju from what I've seen."

"Plus, your son needs a mom in his life wouldn't you say?"

"I-gah-but-why-eh?" (M/N) sputtered, he wouldn't deny that he had some fantasies about banging the Queen of the Monsters. But that was what they were supposed to be-fantasies! He wasn't ready for this kind of intimacy just yet!

"Why are you so surprised, young one?" Mothra giggled. "Your father has a harem of Kaiju girls himself, why not get your own Kaiju Girls harem?"

...Because he was not ready for that level of sexiness?


Turning his head, he saw his friends laughing at him.

Growling, he put Minilla down and slowly started walking to them.

But before he could get any closer. He felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around him.

...And a pair of massive boobs pressing against his back. Forcing him to try to hide the blush creeping up on his face from how soft they felt.

"Look, I know I'm being forward but at least give the idea a chance.

Godzilla said, as for some reason she buried her face against his neck. Causing the poor boy to shiver at such affection.

Groaning (M/N) mused: 'Well, at least she's trying to flirt with me with some consideration in mind.'

...Unlike what Ghidorah probably has in store for him.

"Fine." He conceded. "I'll give it a chance."

"*Purrr* Thank you." Godzilla purred as she turned him around, leaning closer.


And giving him a passionate kiss, before pulling back.

"I-I-I" (M/N) brain seemed to malfunction at Godzilla boldness. "Th-that was my first kiss!"

"Oh?" Godzilla purred. "Glad to know I could make it special."

Blushing, (M/N) turned away. Noticing that his father had covered Minilla eyes when Godzilla got close to him.

Staring at the room, he said:


Before anyone could say anything.


The entire base started shaking, as thunder and lightning crashed in the skies.

"Woah!" "What the!?" "What's going on!?"

Crash! Boom!

A loud, booming sound could be heard in the command room. Quickly, everyone raced to see:

(1:37 - 2:37))

That Lord Zedd had flashed into the room, with some of his commanders.

"Hello, earthlings." Lord Zedd began. "And hello Power Rangers, we meet again."

His casual greeting of the Power Rangers set the rest of the base off.

'Great, so much for keeping it a secret.' Tommy groaned.

"Well, isn't anyone going to ask how our trip was?"

"Considering that A) You're our enemy, and B) we just fought you awhile back and did not want to see you so, we're not going to ask."

Andy deadpanned.

(I'm using that word way too much in this chapter)

"Shouldn't you be recovering from your loss right now?" Maddy snapped. "I mean, don't you usually brood after losing a fight?"

"Considering what happened in our fight, I got over it." Lord Zedd responded.

"Hmmm," he said, looking around. "Not a bad place, wouldn't you say guys?"

He asked Drakkon, Tarakudo, Bai Tza and Shendu.

"Not bad" "Spacious." "I feel right at home." "Perfect place to imprison your foes."

The four agreed.

Lord Zedd chuckled, as electrical energy surged in between his metallic claws.

"Oh, human. You can come out of hiding."

He mocked, causing everyone to turn their attention to see Rick slowly getting up from his hiding place.

"I-I'm okay staying over Edd." Rick quickly hid back under his desk.


The Galactic Overlord roared in anger over the mispronunciation of his name. He had enough of that with Rito...and Alpha that one time. He did not need someone else to screw with his name!

"*Sigh* Look Zedd, what do you want?"

Damian put a hand to his forehead in annoyance.

Can't they have the rest of the day to not worry about psycho aliens trying to make their lives miserable?

"Oh, thought I just drop in for a visit." Lord Zedd simply said. "After all, I know after this event your Chi wizard friend will have warded this place off from a second invasion. Still, it's really a shame, would make for a decent second base or a place to unwind after a hard day of work."

"Of course, after I removed all of the unneeded nuisances from the base."


"How did you get in the first time?" Machiko questioned. "Actually, how did you even find this place?"

That issue was bothering her and the others greatly, because if Kiriko was right in that there was a spy. Then...

"It would seem that some of you humans are smart and are willing to serve me in order to live."

Lord Zedd stated.

"I don't know how they got a message to the Moon Palace, but they did and revealed everyone involved and their locations to us. I mean, I could have found them myself, but this cut the time much more quickly."

Not good.

Lord Zedd words confirmed their worst fears. Someone has betrayed them to the invading forces, and the worst part is that it was someone in their organization.

'And he just basically said there was a traitor.' Gyozen thought to herself.

This was going to make things harder if the traitor is in the same room right now.

Clap, clap


Sounds of clapping was heard, as someone proceeded to walk towards the group.

"Well, look no further. The so called traitor is here."

A man walked towards the group, before moving in a way that was facing everybody at once.


Serizawa and Vivienne stared in shock at the man that was their old friend.

"You're the traitor?" Vivienne asked in shock. "But why?"

"Because the time has come." 'Avin' simply said. "I've been waiting for this very moment for so long."

"You knew that Lord Zedd was already here!?" Ilene shouted in disbelief.

Monarch security staff locking their guns in place as they took aim at the turncoat.

'Avin' simply laughed.

"Oh no my dear!" He spoke. "I actually had no idea he was here! I was actually referring to my own plans of taking over this world!"

"I never thought for a moment that Zedd would make an appearance in this world!"

"You've been using Monarch for your own ends!?" Mark shouted at the traitor. He couldn't believe that he would do such a thing! After everything he helped them do!

Why!? Why would he betray them like this?!

"...Who are you?" Tommy asked, his senses going haywire as he stared at the deranged man tensed. "And how could you have been able to take over the world? Especially now, that you have revealed your true colors?"

'Avin' simply laughed.

"I suppose right now, it doesn't make sense. Especially with how I look?"


"Maybe you all will understand if I look something this!"

He shouted as he suddenly transformed into...

(Yep, my number one favorite Power Rangers villain. Starts from 0:37 and basically covers the rest of the dialogue of the chapter)


Lord Zedd shouted in shock as he jumped from his throne, casuing it to return back to the Moon Palace.

"You're still alive!?"

His visor glowed red in anger as he remembered the humiliation he suffered from this bastard.

'Who the hell is this and why is Lord Zedd angry with him?' Drakkon thought to himself, confused.

Lord Zedd looked to be visibly shaking in pure anger (...and slight fear?) towards this new person.

Everyone else jumped back in shock as they stared horrified at 'Avin' true identity.

"Ew! Gross!" Akane yelled in disgust as she stared at the purple alien monster."

"You're too kind! Allow me to introduce myself!" The purple themed alien greeted.

"I'm the galactically feared!"

"Globally reviled"

"Universally despised"

"They call me Ivan Ooze."

"Well, pack your bags you slimy bastard!" Jade shouted. "Cause we're sending you back to the cosmic cesspool of a pit you came out of."

"Geeze" Ivan sarcastically responded. "A teenager with a big mouth. Not much changes with the flow of time, or in whatever universe you're in."

"You obviously don't know who you're dealing with." Maddy sassily replied. "Mr. shriveled up raisinhead."

"Really?" Ivan placed his hand on his sides questioningly.

"Yeah!" (M/N) confidently said. "In case old age has messed with your memories. we're the Power Rangers of this universe."

The others nodding in agreement.

"Woah!" Ivan sarcastically cheered. "Where's my autograph book!?"

"Hah, Power Rangers huh?"

"So," He calmly walked away in amusement. "No matter the universe, Zordon still uses a bunch of kids to do his dirty work."

"Oh yes." He chuckles, feeling their surprise along with the Evil Alliance shock. "I know Zordon is here as well, and that he is helping you as well."

"ZORDON IS HERE!?" Lord Zedd screamed in anger at that revelation.

'Great, there goes that trump card.' The Rangers thought to themselves.

'Unbelievable!' Lord Zedd thought to himself. 'Am I doomed to forever have my former student be a thorn in my side!?"

(In the BOOM Comics, Lord Zedd was once Zordon mentor before he became power hungry and went after the Zeo Crystal)

...Though that did explain how this Earth Power Rangers found them so quickly.

'Seems like our war is far from over my old student.' Lord Zedd thought to himself, before redirecting his attention to Ivan Ooze.

Who quickly spun and said:

(For the hell of it, because I can't get enough of this guy. 1:29-1:56)

"WELL! Meet MY kids!"

Letting out a laugh, he raised his hands as purple electrical energy surged into the ground.

Bringing forth a bunch of humanoid Ooze-like creatures from the ground.

The foot soldiers threateningly staring at them as Ivan continued laughing.

Finally stopping he declared:



OMAKE: Another reaction to Ivan Ooze reveal.

Ivan Ooze reveals himself.

Lord Zedd: *GASPS!*

Ivan Ooze: "Remember me, Zeddie?"

"When I trapped you and your wife Rita in a snowglobe. I looked just like thiiiiis!!!!"

Lord Zedd steps a few feet back.

As Ivan Ooze eyes suddenly turned into daggers.

And done! I'm surprised that I was able to reveal the final villain in this chapter. Then again, the flashback to the three Kaiju first meeting didn't take as long as I was expecting it too. So, everyone was shocked, even the villains at the fact (M/N) dad is dating three Kaiju. One that's supposed to be dead, two from another universe.

Godzilla is now making moves on poor (M/N). His friends laughing at his bad luck (some of you shouldn't laugh though. The guys at the very least are going to get ONE Kaiju girlfriend so that (M/N) doesn't die from Kaiju loving overload. Yes, even Tommy.) I was kind of on the fence with him, since I preferred him to be with Kimberly. But, since Drakkon destroyed Tommy universe with no way to bring it back I decided to give him a new love life.

And Lord Zedd proves how easy it is to break into a secure facility.

And NOW, we have our final Power Rangers villain revealed!

Ivan Ooze from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.

Yes, I know some people don't like it because of its somewhat confusing backstory, and that it's placed in an alternate timeline than the series timeline.

And that the CGI is not that great with the Zords and all. But, come on, CGI was expensive back then and is still most likely expensive now. I think they did okay in comparison to how some movies with CGI are like today, even with a bigger budget then the 90s.

And at least they had the Zords combining into the Megazord, unlike the 2017 Power Rangers movie.

(Yes, I'm still salty about that)

And unlike with what happened with Lord Zedd in the series, since Ooze was strictly a movie only villain. They couldn't screw him up as badly as they did Lord Zedd! Plus, with a bigger budget they were able to make Ivan Ooze even more dastardly as a villain with style and power.

Probably why some YouTube commenters said it was for the best he wasn't put into the series. Otherwise, he would have been nerfed like Lord Zedd was for being too evil.

And another YouTube commenter also mentioned Ivan Ooze being the only Power Rangers villain to use the word "kill" in any Power Rangers setting. Which makes me wonder if any of the Power Rangers villains has used the word "kill" when referring to the Power Rangers.

Or if they used other terms like "Destroy," "finish," "wipe them from the face of the Earth!," etc., etc. in place of kill.

Anyways, next chapter will have our heroes fighting off the Ooze man and making plans to combat the Alliance of Evil.

Have a good day/night!

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