Chapter 3

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     "Ha, ha, ha..." Branch cackled quietly, hiding in a bush, as he watched Barb. She was sitting at a table with Carol, who was sucking down canned cheese.

     "That is really disgusting..." Barb told Carol, scrunching her nose in disgust.
"What ever..." Carol shrugged, continuing to eat her cheese.

     Slowly, Branch reached into his hair, pulling out Gary.

     "And 3... 2..." he counted, readying himself to push a button on Gary to execute his master prank.

     "Uh... Branch?" Poppy said, suddenly walking up behind the hiding troll. "What are you doing?"

     He looked at her for a single moment, before turning his attention back to Barb.

     "Becoming the prank master..." he answered with a smirk, pushing the button on Gary.

     "Well..." Barb said, watching Carol sucking down her fiftieth can of spray cheese. "I better get going. I've got a dork to prank."

     She stood, but the moment she did, a hidden weight sensor in her chair began to ding loudly.

     "What the..." Barb questioned, but before she could do anything else, a creat full of glitter dumped down onto her, covering her head to toe, followed by a frilly pink dress, that fell over her shoulders perfectly.

     Everyone stopped what they where doing, looking to Barb, confused by the racket, but once they saw the way she looked, they all broke out laughing.

     "Girl..." Mr. Dinkles spoke in his deep voice. "Somebody pranked you good."

     "Grrr..." Barb growled softly, despising the way she was now dressed.

     Poppy stared, her eyes wide, as Branch rolled around on the ground, laughing hysterically.

     "Branch! Are you crazy!?" Poppy yelled. "Barb's gonna kill you!"
"Oh, please," Branch laughed. "She won't even know it was me who did it. You know why..." He stood taking out his star badge. "Cuz I'm the prank mast...ahhhhh!"

     He fell to the ground, as Barb pounced into him, Poppy gasping in horror.

     "Barb! Stop!" she yelled, trying desperately to yank her off of Branch.

     "Get off of me!" Branch yelled, trying to fight his way out from underneath Barb. "It was just a prank!"

     Barb growled, wrestling Branch into a head lock, crushing his throat, so he couldn't breath.

     "B... Ba... rb..." Branch gasped, struggling to get away. "I can't... breath..."

     "Get off of him!" Poppy yelled in a panic, but she wasn't strong enough to pull Barb off of Branch by herself.

     Other trolls heard the commotion, rushing over to see what was going on.

     "Barb!" Poppy screeched.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Barb yelled out in anger, tightening her grip on Branch's throat.

     "Quick, y'all!" Holly shouted. "We gotta stop her!"

     Quickly, Holly, Delta, Demo, and Trollex all ran over, grabbing onto Barb, trying to yank her off of Branch.

Poppy ran in front of Branch, trying to pry Barb's fingers off of his neck.

"P... Pop... py..." he gasped, his eyes beginning to blink shut.

"Hang in there, Branch!" Poppy cried. "We're going to save you!"

Finally, Barb lost her grip on Branch, the other's pulling her away, as Branch flopped to the ground, coughing and gasping for air.

"Branch!" Poppy yelled, quickly helping him sit back up.

He looked up at her weakly, still panting heavily.

"Tha... thank you..." he panted, great-full that Poppy had just saved his life.

     She hugged him tight, crying softly into his shoulder, just happy he was ok.

     Finally, she turned to Barb, glaring at the rock queen.

"What the heck, Barb!?" she yelled. "What is wrong with you!? You almost killed him!?"
"Yeah... and I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you, meddling trolls!" Barb shouted in reply, still being held back by the four trolls, as she struggled to break free.

     "Oh yeah, Barb. Cuz I'm just supposed to let you murder my boyfriend!?" Poppy replied sarcastically. "Yes!" Barb yelled. "If I want him dead, then he should be dead!"

     She pulled against the trolls holding her, but luckily, she wasn't able to break free.

Poppy turned her attention back to Branch, stroking his cheek gently with her hand.

"I'm taking Branch somewhere safe," she said to the other trolls softly. "You guys make sure Barb doesn't follow us."

     Carefully, she helped Branch up to his feet, leading him away from the chaos.

"I'll find you, Branch!" Barb yelled angrily. "And when I do, you're dead! You hear me? Dead!"

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