Chapter 23: Swim

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He was right in front of me and got just as much water as I did but it didn't matter cause he was wet already and it didn't look like he cared anyway.

He held the hose above my head but didn't get my head wet. He held it above my shoulders and down it went through the thin material of my silky dress to my skin. I felt it run down my body quickly and soon, water surrounded my feet.

It went on for seconds, long seconds and definitely far longer than I did but I guess he wasn't wrong when he said I made the wrong choice

He moved to my other shoulder and round it went till my entire body was drenched.

He turned off the tap and dropped the hose on the ground.

I slowly peeled my eyes open and released the tension I never thought I had. I released a shaky breath and wrapped my arms round my body.

It was pretty cold with the water on my skin and my dress wasn't helping either.

"Woah, are you okay?"

"Of course not. It's cold, remember?"

"Um" He ran his fingers through his hair. He took fast steps closer and for a moment, I thought he was crazy till he did the most caring thing and hugged me.

His arms brushed past mine when he wrapped them around me and pulled me closer to his chest. My face made contact with his wet thin top, making me feel how sturdy and firm the muscle beneath it was.

He lowered his head till it was right beside mine. His lips were close to my hear and his nose to my temple. I could feel his warm breaths fan my ear and shoulder. I almost shuddered at every contact with my skin.

I wasn't sure if the warmth came from him or from the heat I was suddenly feeling from inside.

Either ways, I wasn't cold.

"Is it better now?" He whispered in my ear, almost making me shiver with the vibration and the warm air from his mouth.


He pulled away and took a few steps back till he hit the counter.

The temperature of awkwardness between us was about 190000 degrees in there.

"So, we should cook"

"Yeah cook"


"Wake up, sleepyhead!"

My eyes abruptly snapped open with the irritating sound of someone yelling and repeatedly jumping on my bed.

I dedicated the lovely Sunday morning to bond with my cotton candy bed and an idiot decided to pull me away from the love of my life.

That idiot happened to be Dylan.

Yay, surprise everybody.

Just so you know, I'd been up for about five minutes, watching him jump on the bed with ducky pajamas.

Once again, surprise.

"Are you just doing this cause you love my bed?"

"Yeah and I'm not gonna stop"

"Then I'm going back to bed. Wake me up later tomorrow"

"Wait wait wait" He said and took one last jump before sitting quietly on the bed.

Like a normal person.

"Hey Cupcake, we forgot to get something at the mall yesterday. I'm pretty surprised you still don't remember"

"Your brain?"

"Ha ha ha very funny" He rolled his eyes "We forgot to get you a dress"

"We got a lot of dresses, remember? The ones you forced me to wear"

"Yeah and you looked better than you do in jeans but I'm talking about your prom dress"

"What prom?"

"The one in three days that takes place in our school, right here in New York, on earth, in this universe_"

"I get it." Then realization hit me. Prom was on Wednesday and I didn't have a dress yet. I couldn't believe I forgot about it so fast. "That's Wednesday?"


"Whatever Dylan. I'll get a dress later, I just need more sleep now"

"No way. It's Sunday"

"What's so important about Sunday?"

"We don't get to go to school"

"Well, it's also a reminder we have school tomorrow so don't get for happy about it"

"We're swimming today"







"I'm not gonna drown with you Dylan, I hate swimming okay?"

"Is somebody scared of swimming?" He teased with a weird Spongebob smile on his face.

"No, I'm not. I just love my life so much, I don't wanna end it by drowning"

"What's the worst that could happen? I'll be there with you. Besides, I'm tall so I'm not gonna have problems"

"But I will"

"Does that mean you're short?"

Oh my god, I can't take this anymore!

"Dylan" I sighed "Don't you think it's a little too early for this?"

"It's one o'clock. You've been sleeping since seven yesterday"

"I told you I need bonding time with my baby"

"Well, bonding time is over. Meet me downstairs in five minutes"

"Or else what?"

"I won't get you Chinese ever again"

I gasped.


After bathing, getting dressed in red swimsuit and one hour argument between Dylan and I, we were finally in front of the pool.

It was pretty huge seeing it without high school students drunk and doing weird stuff in it. I'd only ever seen it in parties and it was usually full of girls in bikinis, shirtless guys, people surrounded around it and weird people that suddenly decide to skinny dip under the influence of alcohol, weed and sometimes a dare.

The water was clean, clear and blue.

I didn't love swimming that much but I guess the water wasn't that bad.

"This is it, the moment of truth"

"We're just swimming, you don't need to make it so dramatic"

"I wanna be like Cassandra" He whined "Leave me alone"


"As I was saying" He cleared his throat "The moment of truth. The time has come to finally go into the clear, blue and cool water, the time to f_"

"I'm gonna leave here in two minutes if you keep doing that"


In a swift motion, he pulled his top over his head. He flung the clothing on an available chair and flexed his muscles, just so I'll see them.

Oh my god.

"You see this cupcake?"

He did have the muscles, huge arms, defined muscular chest and abdomen, muscular legs and all but I couldn't compliment him cause duh, he was going to make me got though hell.

"Yes I do, Dylan and wow, it's so pretty" I said in a bored tone "I'm so amazed"

"Oh please, you're so into it!"

"I don't give a spoon about your muscles."

"Admit it Cupcake, you're in love with me"

"That's it"

I ran towards him and pushed him into the pool.

It took him by surprise, it was obvious in the look on his face when my hands made contact with his back. He fell in with his upper body making contact with the water first before his legs got in.

I felt a splash of water on my legs when he landed in the pool.

Now that's how to keep him quiet but the only problem was that he was too quiet.

I didn't hear a thing from him, neither did I see his head pop out of the water. All I could see was hid body at the bottom of the pool.

Staying still.

Was he drowning?

Wait a minute, did I just kill him?


There was no reply or sound coming from the water so I slowly walked over to the edge of the pool.

"Dylan? Are you there?"

I crouched down to take a better look at him. My glasses were not available so I couldn't see till I looked hard enough.

I looked closer into the pool and saw him starring up at me.

He was smiling?

It's a fucking prank!

Before I could run away, he was out of the water in a flash. He held me tightly by my arms and gave me a sick smile.

"Come on Dylan, I hate swimming"

"Too late"

Then he dragged me into the pool with one pull.

It was a complete disaster.

I slapped, jumped, moved, screamed and did everything I could but it felt like I was still on one spot.

The bottom of the pool was a little slippery beneath my naked feet, making me feel like I was gonna fall with every jump.

My face wasn't underwater yet but I screamed anyways just so he'll save me before I started drowning.

"Calm down!" Dylan said, holding my arms and keeping me in one position.

It took seconds, long seconds, before he successfully took me out of panic mode.

My lungs finally took a breath of relief. I'd been holding my breath while my head was above water.

Stop it, don't sing the song.

"It's just water and you're taller than it, okay? You're not gonna die"

"You pranked me!" I pointed out "I wouldn't have freaked out if you didn't pull me."

"You pushed me first"

"That's just because you were wasting my time"

"I wasn't and besides, you enjoyed the sight"

"No, I didn't you idiot. I wouldn't have pushed you if I did. You caught me by surprise, I could've drowned and died"

"Well, you did the same to me"

"That's because you can swim"

"Are you finally admitting you can't swim"

"Yes, okay? Yes, I can't swim. Make fun of me all you want"

"I wouldn't make fun of you" He whispered with a smile "Not till we're out of here."

"Oh my god"

"Well, you wouldn't have drowned cause I would've helped you, like I just did"


"What do you mean duh?"

"Duh, you brought me into this, you would've helped me anyways"

"Else what?"

"Else I'll prank the fudge out of you"

"You should know better Cupcake, I'm a far better prankster than you'll ever be"

"Don't get high hopes boy, I'm better at pranking than you are. I just don't spend all my time doing it unlike you"

"Look, I don't wanna sound sexist but don't you think you're_"

"Don't say it" I cut him off "Don't"

"There's only one way to know who pranks better"

"Let the prank wars begin!"

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