Chapter 24: Robert Lystoshiz

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That's it, I'm dead.

I was having the bad feeling the prank wars thing was going to be the worst experience.

Why? Good question.

It was a lovely afternoon. I was sitting on the couch and watching my favorite TV series while eating food from that popular Chinese restaurant downtown.

Yeah, Dylan got it for me and of course, it tasted like heaven.

Moving on, I heard the doorbell and Dylan offered to get it, which was so responsible of him if I might add. The delivery man was at the door with dye, itching powder, explosives, radioactive waste, paint and fire crackers.

So that, my friend, is why you should never ever ever get in prank wars with a prank king. Ever.

I was still on the couch with my hand on my stomach to check if I would feel any kind of pain.

Not saying he kept poison in it but...

Yeah, I'm saying he kept poison in it.

The delivery came seven this morning and since then, I'd been on the couch.

For four hours.

Yeah, I can't take this anymore.

I stood up from the couch to search for Dylan, watching the floor before I took steps. Just to be sure there were no explosives.

It took minutes before I got to his room.

The door looked normal but just to be sure, I used my leg to push it open. I ran back immediately it opened, just in case he kept paint in there. 

I didn't walk in but glanced over at the inside.

I sighed in defeat and walked over to the door next to his room. I guess I just had to open random doors till I found him.

He was probably planning how he was going to prank me. I just hoped the first prank had nothing to do with itching powder.

Or paint.

Or dye.

Or explosives.

Or firecrackers.

Or radioactive wastes, wait, isn't that too dangerous?

I pushed open the next door, using my foot once again. I glanced at the inside to be sure nothing was in there.

I sighed in relief when I didn't hear a splash or release of gas or something. Inside it was a gym.

Yeah, a gym.

I walked inside the room to get a better look at it and almost gasped at the sight of it.

First, it was so huge, far bigger than my room which was also huge if I might add. It was fully equipped with about two of each machine placed right next to each other. There was a wide long path in between that lead to a turn at the further end.

The walls were painted grey with white designs at the edges and beautiful chandeliers hung in the ceiling.

I could pay to see this.

The day food gets free.


"What are you doing?"

I flinched when I heard someone talk beside me. I wasn't the type to flinch at everything but who knows? It could've been a prank.

I turned to see Dylan beside me. Working out.

Once again, he was shirtless and this time also sweaty. Not that I'm drooling but, however, well, maybe, just a little bit, a teensy bitsy bit, he just a little bit hotter.

Yeah, I said it and don't you dare use it against me.

He did his last push up with a sigh and sat up, giving me a better view of his muscular toned body.

He looked pretty tired. I mean, his hair was damp, he had sweat all over him and his breaths were fast.

Maybe it could be an inspiration to me so I'd finally get my ass up and do some exercise.

The day pigs fly!

"I don't wanna sound egotistical honey, but you're starring to much so I'll give you a good advice. Take a picture"

"Ha ha ha, very funny" I said in a bored tone "So where is it? Where did you keep it?"

I scanned the place for any signs of dye, pain, explosives, firecrackers or radioactive waste which I still think is too dangerous.

"What are you looking for"

"Don't play dumb with me Mr King. I know you kept it somewhere" I took slow steps closer, pointing my index finger at him like they did in movies.

What? You do it too.

That's when I felt it, something touched my foot and cold liquid spilled on the floor.

I screamed and ran back, closing my eyes for the danger awaiting me but then something surprising happened.


Nothing happened.

It wasn't a prank.

I tore my eyes open and saw the danger I was so scared of. Bottled water.

I accidentally hit it while walking towards him and the stupid thing spilled on the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mrs King and also, you're a chicken"

"Whatever. I know you're trying to prank me!"

"Oh, that is true"

"That's all you're gonna say? That it's true"

"Yes, it is true. You're in for it baby"

"Dylan, you went through all the stress of ordering paint, dye, explosives, firecrackers and radioactive waste just to prank me?"

"Didn't know you were paying attention to it but yes, that is also true"

"Do you have any idea what radioactive waste will do to my skin?"

"Don't worry so much about it. It'll just give you skin problems"

"Oh" I said in realisation "For how many hours?"

"About a lifetime"


"Fine" He sighed "Do you want to end the prank wars?"

"Yes please but it doesn't mean I'm a chicken. I'm just not ready yet."

"It means you're a chicken"

"I'm not a chicken. I still have bandage on my forehead, remember? I've not healed completely"

"Yes, you have. I know you're keeping it there just to make me do things for you"

Okay, that might be true but it doesn't change the fact I still have my forehead bandaged right? Right?!

"I'm not gonna argue with you. Let's just drop it okay? Let's end it, I'm sick and tired of this"

"I'll end it on one condition" He said, giving me one of his sick smiles.

I didn't know what he was talking about or what he meant by that smirk but it didn't look so good.

He stood up on his feet and walked towards me till we were just a foot apart.

That smirk.

"I'm not kissing you" I said in a bored tone.

He looked confused for a split second before he started laughing and then the embarrassment came washing all over me.

"You thought" He laughed, pointing at me and laughing harder than before. He had his face red and tears filling his eyes.

Geez, could he stop already?

"You thought I was gonna kiss you?"

"Shut up already" I mumbled, crossing my arms and looking away from him.

"Trust me cupcake, you're definitely not my type"

"Well, you're not my type either and I wouldn't have kissed you anyway"

I knew I wasn't close to his type, not even a single bit. First, I wasn't belong or at least, close to it and I didn't have big boobs either.

You got it right baby, my ass wasn't that bad.

"Whatever Cupcake, a hug not a kiss"

"With all that sweat on your skin? No way"

"That's the point cupcake, you're not meant to enjoy it" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well, it kinda was.

Cause Dylan wouldn't do anything for me if it wasn't to make fun of me or for his satisfaction.

"Come on, it's just a hug" He took one more step closer and that was it.


Prom was in two days and I wasn't a percent prepared. First, I didn't have a dress yet but I wasn't going to go through all the stress of getting a dress for no one.

I mean, it's not like I had a prom date.

Unfortunately, Dylan wouldn't want me staying at home on a day as important as that.

I made up my mind. I was going to wear one of the dresses I got from shopping last two days and about the date, let's see how it goes.

"Hey Dylan"

"I'm really busy now Cupcake" He said, concentrating on his hands as he made a paper boat.

Yeah, really busy.

"Who's your prom date?"


Not disappointed, not surprised.

One word against that and I will haunt you in your dreams.

"Who's your prom date?" He placed the messed up paper boat on that floor and turned to face me.

Well, that's one way to get all of his attention.

So they're two options,

1) Lie you have a prom date to sound cool and avoid the pity face


2)Tell him the truth and make him feel you're a loner with no male friends besides him and you've had no guy look at you like you're pretty.

Yeah, I think the answer is clear now.

"Yes, I do have a prom date"



Congrats stupidity, you just got yet another way to mock me.

Of course, I didn't think of that fact he was going to ask who the so called prom date was and I was going to stare like an idiot

Why didn't you tell me?

"Who? Who's your prom date?"

"Yeah" I laughed "I know right? That is so funny"



"Who's your prom date?"

It's now or never "Um, his first name is Robert which is also his father's name and his last name is" I paused "Ly.sto.shiz. Yeah, his name is Robert Lystoshiz and that's my prom date.

Check out my new books HELLO CARLO and A SCANDAL WITH MR CEO here on Wattpad

I'm on Instagram at Sophie.kenke

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