Baahubali: London Diaries

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He entwined his fingers with hers.As they sit together.Her relaxing back touching his chest.He wanted to feel her closer thats it.Both were quiet for some time.Anushka noticed silence.Prabhas had his eyes shut.She felt him relaxing in her hold.Light smile crept her lips.She strengthened their hold.On each others fingers.



A-"Say something.Dont tell me.You are feeling sleepy."

P-"No.Little headache."

A-"Let me give you massage.You will feel better."

She tried to move.But he didnt let her.Holding her tight.Hiding his face on her neck.Giving her shivers.She felt unusual of him.So quiet.She knew they had so much to discuss.After this evening.One of most memorable moments of their life.

P-"stay like this.I feel good."

A-"Give me moment.I need to change.You rest till then."

P-"No need.Stay here."

A-"Tell me.Whats bothering you."


She made him look at her.Touching his cheek.Placed light kiss there.His eyes looked drowsy.He was tired.From promotion time of saaho.He didnt get sleep.After release stress took over him.She wished she could lessen pain for him.He was physically.As well mentally giving up.Then this event came.They can never say no for anything related to Baahubali.Its an important part of their lives.Something which played big role.In making them One.He sneezed twice.Getting her worried.She sensed from time they arrived here.He had cold and fever.But he never pays attention to his health.

He opened his eyes.Seeing her frowning at him.He cooed her cheeks.Trying to give smile.She caught him.Didnt she.She shifted closer to him.Resting her head on his shoulder.He felt warmth.Finally feeling of heaven.Both were waiting for this moment.

P-"Im fine.Dont over think."

A-"I know you well.You seemed off from time.We arrived.You could have told everyone.You are not in good health.We could have postponed this."

P-"Sweety this is not our shoot.We can postpone.Its such big honor.Did you see Rajs face.All were so happy.In fact I wanted to be here too.With everyone after long.Felt like old days."

A-"Even I felt same.Rana being naughty.Keeravani garu and his jokes.Rama garu and Valli garu.Spending time with them.See its already time.We have to leave."

P-"Yes you spent time with everyone.Except your poor husband.Who felt like outsider."

She giggled.Getting royal smirk from him.He tickled her soon.As they enjoyed warmth.Of each others arms.She rubbed his cheeks.He pulled her closer.

A-"You are squeezing me.That hurts."

P-"Let it be.This is your punishment.Keeping yourself away from me.can you imagine.I made all plans here.What to do in room.Decided on arrangements and found you.Sleeping with ladies gang.Didnt you had this mercy.On your husband."

He rubbed his nose.Looking cute.She cooed them.Hugging her man.It was surprising how they didnt spend time together.Arriving here as they thought.They wont get same time with others.It was special reunion.They couldnt do anything in front of camera too.Thanks to all fans who were keeping eyes on them.Rana was savior in all sense.Till end when he gave up.

A-"They all planned to be in one room.For night.How could I have said no."

P-"They spent enough years.With their husband.But you are newly married.They would have understood.How can one get sleep.In this weather of London.I was shivering."

A-"My poor Pabsu.Where was Pramod.I asked him to give you company."

P-"Didnt I had any other option.You are very mean."

She giggled again.Every time he was angry.She loves that cute face he makes.Moment intensified as she felt.His hand making way to her back.Thankfully she was wearing jacket.Else his touch would have burnt her skin.She hugged him.Smile not leaving her face.Both had their eyes closed.He savored moment fully.Hiding himself in her long traces of hair.He was fan of them.She felt ticklish.With his beard touching her cheek.He rubbed his nose on her neck line.Making her breath hard.Moving to her face.She looked gorgeous for night.He have seen her dolled up.Many times but tonight.She was someone.With glow on her face.One can hardly take off eyes from her.He envied seeing men.Stare at her some giving compliment.He wished every time.Make it clear to them.She is mine.He touched her chin.Arching her face up.Her lips smiled.With his touch.She had her eyes closed.Thinking about those moments.Feeling of possession gripped him.As he crushed his manly lips.On her soft petals.She didnt move.But let him invade her.Deepening kiss they felt they lacked.For eternity.Her hands massaged his messy hair.While he pulled her face.More close with hand on her neck.She wanted to lose herself.Today with him.They kissed pouring out nothing but love.Soon to be disturbed by buzz of his phone.

He didnt wanted to spoil moment.At same time wondering.Who it could be at this hour.She tried breaking kiss.But he didnt let her do so.Her hand went up to bed.Getting hold of his phone.Other one holding him.While he was busy invading her.Sudden jolt from her.Made them break kiss.Ofcourse he was disappointed.Both panted.Catching some air.

P-"People cant let me.Be in peace.Any time even when I.Whose it."

He was visibly upset.She could see that on his face.She wet her lips.Which still had taste of his one.Lost in moment.She frowned seeing change of expression on his face.He checked caller and dialed back number.While she continued playing with his beard and hair.He looked serious.

P-"Yes Shobu garu.Now?Is everything alright.Yeah Im coming.Alright."

He cut call and saw her eyes full of questions.He gave assuring smile to her.Getting up and adjusting his hair and clothes.He let blazer be there only.He helped her get up.As she propered her dress.

A-"Pabsu whats wrong.Why did Shobu garu called at this hour."

P-"Lets go.Will tell you."

After some time they returned to their room.Prabhas wasnt in good mood visible from his face.Anushka kept on stealing glances at him.As he unbuckled his belt and sat on bed making face.

P-"Dont stare at me like that.Lock door before someone else barges in."

A-"Why are you getting angry on me?Is it my fault."

He could feel her voice braking down.As she sat on carpeted floor.Tears brimming in her eyes.He have been behaving with her like this from time they came to know.Why Shobhu garu called everyone to discuss about something important.It was when they were alarmed of some strange person following them.From time they came to London.He reached their hotel too they got to know and upon finding about details.They learnt that he was stalking them on street also when they went to take tour.

P-"How many times I have to remind you.Be careful about your surroundings.I cant be with you always.You have to be attentive.And that Pramod.I will set him right tomorrow.I have given this responsibility to him.He is partying somewhere."

A-"Please you wont say him anything.Pabsu he has a life apart from being close to us.He cant guard me always and Im big girl.Handle myself in public."

P-"yeah right.We are seeing it already.How come you never felt someone was stalking you.Also in place like this."

A-"How would I know.I wasnt alone.Others were with me too.Must be some crazy fan.Let it be.We are leaving in a days time only.Let me pack your stuff.You have flight tomorrow night."

P-"Im not sure.If to leave you alone like this."

A-"You are worrying unnecessarily.Shobu garu said he will take care.All are here only.Im leaving with Pramod and others.You need to take good nap now."

She was startled by sudden move as he pulled her on his lap.Making her land on him.She widened her eyes at him.He didnt say word and hugged her tightly.She felt sense of possession in his hold and smiled.From time they have been together in relationship.All she knew him as soft hearted person who always gave her freedom.To take all her decisions be it regarding anything.He have stood with her in every step of life.

P-"Why do I feel sometimes I fail to protect you as husband.I impose my responsibilities on someone else.Tell me dont you feel same?"

A-"Can I be honest?"

He gave nod to her.Playing with her hair as they were settled on bed now.She was leaning on him.Both in side angles inclined towards each other.She rubbed his stubble.He took her fingers and kissed them.

A-"I do feel bad sometimes that.My husband cant be with me.Visit places or we can tell world we are together.But I also know whatever we have been doing its for our good.I have become used to this and I have got brother come buddy in Pramod."

P-"Yeah.He is your spoon now."


P-"what?He takes your side in everything."

A-"I can smell something burning."

P-"Whatever.But you know I feel its time we should do something for Pramodu.He has been my support and everything for both of us over years.Even now he is there as pillar of strength.But I never did anything special for him I feel."

A-"Your love for your own people.Its precious than anything else and he knows that."

She kissed his cheek and rested her head in his chest.Making circles there while he enjoyed comfort.

P-"Still there is something which needs to be done.I was telling Bava (brother in law) other day.Pramodu should settle now.He said they are looking for girl.But he said its not time now.He is so much into us fulfilling responsibilites and all.Im scared he is losing out his life."

A-"Cant blame him.You are still single in eyes of world."

She giggled and he gave her look.

P-"Someone looks very happy.Wait."

He tickled her and got to hear her laughter which wont stop next moment he knew well.She got tired and at one point he was on top of her just staring at her smile.her cheeks have gone red.She found his gaze at him and a sudden silence prevailed.She tried to get up with blush on face but he held her back.Caging her under him.

A-"Pabsu.Please.Its late."


He pushed his body towards her.Giving her goosebumps and he was doing that deliberately.She shut her eyes.With his lips touching her eyelids.Softly yet with hint of passion.Thats how he does every time.Her hand went to touch his cheeks.He kissed them.Both whispered to each other.

A-"You know what you are doing.Thought you are tired."

He rubbed his cheeks on her soft ones.She felt pricked and moved in his hold.While he continued to fondle with her.

P-"Never tired for these things."

He smooched her lips.Taking full lead and she reciprocated.Both tried to catch some breathe when he frowned at her.She raised her brows.He was scanning her dress from top to bottom.

P-"What are you eevn wearing.Get this out.Else I will tear."

A-"No.This is designer dress."

P-"Who designed this weird stuff.Let go of it.I dont have time."

He got up and dimming lights of room came back to her.With something else on hand.Meanwhile she shook her head and was going towards restroom to change dress.He held her hand and gave her look.

P-"Where do you think you are going?"

A-"Change dress."

He pulled her again towards him and gave coy smile.His thumb tracing her lips.She saw raw passion in his eyes.

P-"You can do that here only."

She batted her lashes down and pushed his chest playfully.

A-"No need to be shameless.I will be back."

He tried to catch her but she was gone and he sulked at her.After taking warm shower she felt relaxed and changed to her night wear.A smile formed in her lips as she found him on bed curled up like baby sleeping.In that uncomfortable dress only.She shook her head and covered him with blanket.Touching his hair and placing light kiss there.He was tired and she felt sad for moment for making him wait and he fell asleep.But she had plans to make it up. Switching off lights she adjusted herself in his arms and went to sleep.


Hello hope you all are doing good. Been long time. I dont know if there are any Pranushka fans interested to read these oneshots. My love for them gets me back. I have some more scenes written.So if I get good response for this I will post next part.

Do not forget to vote and comment :)

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