Baahubali2 Shoot Diaries .~

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"Kanna Nidurincharaa Kanna Nidurincharaa..".....

"Yes awesome.Cut.Fabulous shot Sweety.We are doing with song.You can rest now".

Sweating it out from last few nights.In tension and nervousness if she will be able to give her best for this song.One of most beautiful parts of her portion from movie.She had to give her best for this.As this song and sequence was closer.To hear heart also.She smiled at people surrounding her.Some fans came to visit while staff people were taking pictures with her.As she looked effortlessly beauty in that attire.Her makeup and everything was on point.More than that her eyes and face were glowing.

Getting a thumps up and hug from her two most important ladies on set.Rama garu(Rajamouli sirs wife) and Valli garu(Keeravani sirs wife).She knew it she have done it.Smiling to herself like an excited kid.She made her way to her van alone.

Opening van she got inside and closed it carefully.Her eyes looked for person she wanted all this while on sets.He was missing from morning.Last day he gave shots for song for his portion.She sulked sitting in front of mirror.Taking out pins of stole carefully.She felt bit sad from inside not having him around when she gave her best.But she also knew he was working hard for this movie.Without any rest he was shooting back to back at nights also.So he must have taken off today.

"Need help?"

Her fingers stopped on last pin that fixed her stole to dress.As she felt his arms wrapped around her.His husky voice and manly cologne made her numb.Her fingers dropped back keeping stole loose.

A-"Pabsu.How did you come here?"

He rested his chin on her shoulder taking look at her beauty from mirror.Her eyes met his there and she blushed.He have seen her many times on screen and off screen too.But today she had a glow on her face.Most divine look and beauty.She kept her lashes down as he deeply stared at her.Softly rubbing his nose in her hair sideways.

P-"How can I miss out this sight today.My bangaram looks so beautiful."

She took deep breathe and came out of his effect.Making him face her with stern look.

A-"You were her all this while?And didnt came outside to see how it was going.I was expecting you with me today."

She turned around and pouted.Crossing her arms which only melted his heart.This was Anushka Shetty.Queen who rules millions of hearts but still a kid from heart sometimes.He touched her cheeks but she shunned his hand away cutely.Moving to sit on small bed which was inside van.She took out her bangles and ring chains.He came to sit beside her helping her out.

A-"No need.I was so tensed today if I will be able to finish song with dance steps.And you didnt even came to see full cut."

P-"Hmm.Im a very mean boy friend correct."

A-"yes you are.All were present except you."

She took jewelry and put them inside boxes.Moving her fingers to touch ear rings when he touched them playing with them.She frowned at him.He pursed his lips making baby face.

P-"Bangaram how does it matter.If Im there watching you or not.Because I knew you will give your best.Like always.My heart is with you and soul too."

He took her hands and kissed her soft palms.Almost melting her.

A-"On with your cheesy lines.Huh.As a boy friend you should have been there."

P-"But I wanted to see you on big screen in final cut.That will be real eye feast.You in this royal attire.Your waist hips and eyes.Lips all mine.In millions of guys Im only one who own them."

She threw pillow at him and he laughed.

A-"Chi stop talking rubbish."

He closed distance between them on mini bed and she became conscious.She played with her hands.As he came closer to her cupping her cheeks.His palm and long fingers as if fit her cheeks perfectly.

P-"You know my bangaram is best.Moreover if I had come there it would have been hard time for me.To control seeing you like that.Strikingly beautiful."

She couldnt hide red hue forming on her cheeks and covered her face with her palms.he took her in hug and they stayed like that.She rested her head on his broad chest.He was wearing long loose tshirt with shorts.His long hair and heavy beard made her feel like she was hugging her Amarendra baahubali only.

P-"If you continue looking this gorgeous for every shot in film.How am I going to control myself."

She giggled and shifted herself more towards him.Her fingers playing with collar of his shirt.

A-"Amarendra Baahubali knows the art of control."

P-"yeah but Pabsu doesnt know.So now.Pabsu wants a ."

He tried to kiss her but she put her palm on his lips.Making him sulk.She showed her eyes.

A-"Behave.We are on sets.What if someone barges inside."

She now went to stand in front of mirror.Trying to take out rest of jewels.Those were heavy but for change she loved adorning herself with them today.Specially when her mans eyes were on her praising her like this.He came behind her.

P-"Even a mosquito knows on sets here now.How to give us privacy.And door is locked madam."

A-"So what.Still you need to behave.Ouch."

Pin on her shoulder pricked her and he shook his head.He took pin out relieving her from pain but she widened her eyes.As stole came down revealing her curves.Before she could take care of moment he picked stole and wrapped it around her.Smiling at her raising his brows.Her smile widened and she was at awe of this man whom she was seeing for years first as friend.Then as boy friend.He came closer to her rubbing his nose with hers.His eyes fell on her soft pink lips.She shut her eyes slowly as he aimed for her lips but frowned.Her nose ring  came on his way.She giggled nevertheless he made sure to give her a kiss which lasted for few seconds.

After some time Anushka was sitting with Prabhas resting his head on her lap.Her fingers running in his hair.He had his eyes closed with sweet smile on lips.

A-"Pabsu you had an off today.Why you came then."

P-"I couldnt stay at home.Was bored and since you were here so thought to catch you like this."

A-"You could have told me before."

P-"Sweety madam how would this have been a surprise then."

She brushed his curls and smiled.He took her hand and rubbed them on his cheeks.

P-"You know before you came I was sleeping.Had this dream."

A-"You and dream?Must be about food business you wanted to start.Or you are on this trip with your friends."

He showed her eyes and she giggled ruffling his hair.

A-"Fine what did you see?"

P-"You were singing Kanna Nidurincharaa.To baby on your lap.Lulling him to sleep."

A-"oh.And baby was you right.Big Pabsu."

She smiled and he took her hand showing his revolt.

P-"Im not joking.Serious.I was there admiring you.You looked beautiful in this same dress with our son.Cradling him in your arms and he gave smile in his sleep."

A sudden feel of joy emerged inside her with this dream of his.As if a new feeling she wanted to experience.Both got lost in moment.Till he raised his eyes to find her still in trance.He nudged her and she shook her head.He then moved his head in a way.Keeping his ears on her tummy.She frowned at same time confused with his antics.

A-"Pabsu.What are you ?"

P-"Shh.Let me see whats my baby doing.Nanna Mahendra.Hey.Senior Baahubali here.Didnt your amma looked like bommali(doll) today?"

He frowned hearing a growling sound from there and she giggled.He got up scratching his head.While she started her laughter session which wouldnt stop soon.

P-"What was that?"

A-"Your baby.Mr Amarendra that was my stomach growling with hunger.rats are creating ruckus there.I need to eat something.Hungry from morning."

She made pout while his face fell.

A-"Why that face?Lets order something.Or give me minute I will get changed."

P-"Sweety.Cant we have baby."

His words startled her and she looked at him.


P-"I mean.After marriage only.My dream.Would have continued if only someone didnt say CUT."

A-"Come out of your dream and focus on Amarendra."

He hugged her from behind giving her butterflies in stomach.She melted in his touch.

P-"You dont want to marry me.Give me kids."

A-"Kids.How will they come.See this big baby who is hugging me like teddy bear.Lazy fellow."

P-"You are having doubts on me?fine.Marry me I will show you."

He tickled her and captured her strongly in his hold.Wrapping his arms around her waist.Their breathes almost touching each other.She played with his nose as he eyed her lips again.

P-"Im serious.Lets get married.I need to teach those rats lesson too.Who is creating ruckus inside my babies home."

He kissed her cheeks and face.Pouring out what his each and every word meant.She stood there embraced in his love.He whsipered to her and she said nothing.Both shared a tight hug conveying a silent deal which was sealed in moment of  woven dreams.


I was bored and thought to scribble something.Dont know if its up to any standard.haha.While watching Baahubali I couldnt move my eyes from Anushka in this song.She looked beyond a dream.Hope you all are doing well.

To all my readers stay safe and if I can help you feel good with my books.I take that as an honor only.Take care everyone.


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