Precious Moments

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**Not written with intention to hurt anyone's sentiments.Purely fictitious**

**When I first saw the picture of Anushka Shetty from the recent event it had me.Then I found a lovely comment by my dear friend on that picture.This update is dedicated to you dear.You are a wonderful person full of positivity and I can never forget how every time talking with you makes me feel ten times more happy and of course hopeful.Thank you.Love you <3  @Guhasu 

Anushka getting ready for upcoming event of their production house.Release of movie is on next week and promotions were on full swing.After marriage she was more into production work.She has been handling the production house like a baby.Full working hours with Pramod and he was happy to get helping hand on her.She is miraculously efficient.

She checked on her curls.Lastly she fixed her stole when found someone staring at her from mirror.A faint smile came on her lips.

She turned around and faced her five year old daughter.Ipshita crossed her arms her chest.She looked upset over something.Wearing a white frock with red flowers embroidery.Ipshita was a reflection of her mother and father.

Her eyes had same magic like Anushka.Smile had same innocence like Prabhas.They created a bundle of magic together.This was always said by Prabhas.

A-"Ipshu is looking like a Princess.Or.white fairy.My doll."

Anushka brushed her daughter's hair and light curls at end.Gave her a peck.She knew the reason of her sadness.

A-"What happened.Where is the smile.I have been looking for.Hm.Shall I ask the invisible power to work for me.Look for my baby's smile.Okay.lets go for it."

She folded her hands and pretended to close her eyes.She prayed in a cute manner which almost melted the five year old's heart.Ipshita smiled and then turned gloomy.Anushka noticed that.

It was her first visit for any function and she was scared.They always kept their baby away from outside world.Lights,cameras and constant attention they did not wanted for the child.It maybe harmful for her.Not her age.

Prabhas was away for his next movie work.Its been a month and more he came home.She knew how his husband was.It was part of their life.From the time of her marriage till she gave birth he has supported her in a blissful manner.He never gave chance to complain.She understands being part of same profession.

Ipshita was playing with little doll on her hand.

A-"Ipshu come.Have some milk.then we will leave."

She stared at the glass of milk then her mother.Then run away with doll on her hand.Anushka sighed.Gave back the glass to the helper.

It was difficult to make a child understand.She has been missing her father.Can she help on that?Mother and father play equal and distinguished roles.She cant think of taking his place.

A-"Naana (Dad) will be there for the event.He strictly asked me to doll up his princess.In her favorite white fairy dress.But looks like she is in no mood to do anything.Okay.then lets drop the.."

Ipshita came running to her mother.Anushka smiled brightly.She made her drink the milk.Cleaned her face.Tied the laces of her frock.

I-"Amma.Naana will be there?Promise."

A-"yes.yes.He is waiting for us.Lets go now."

I-"No.first.pinky promise."

She kissed the red nose and chubby cheeks.

A-"Yes pinky promise.Can we leave now?"

They reached the venue accompanied by line of guards.Along with them was Pramod( Prabhas cousin) who escorted them entrance.The cast and team of the movie were present.They greeted Anushka with smiles.Some she knew and some were already well acquainted with her.

Ipshita held her mother's hand.She wasnt a nagging child.She liked mingling with people.But she was equally scared of new surroundings.She has been to places with her parents.First time when out with so many unknown people and cameras.Flashes were strictly restricted by Anushka on request.

She was tensed regarding this media issue.When she went there found out her husband made sure to solve this problem of hers.He has given instructions to media people to be polite.Taken extra care.

Anushka was busy greeting someone.After having a conversation suddenly she felt absence of Ipshita.She couldnt fele her hold anymore on her fingers.Her heart thumped with fear.Eyes were verge of tears.

She almost dialed a number looking around hall.Her eyes fell on the sight.Ipshita was busy laughing hard.She could hear the giggles of her daughter.Thats when she felt light.She was definitely in safe hands.

A-"Very bad Ipshu.Is that how you scare me?I almost died."

The ever charming smile of her husband gave her relief.If it was no less he looked dapper on that blazer and new hairstyle he donned in this time span.They chatted for hours with video.From real interaction he gave her hard time controlling her heart.

Prabhas was on his feet now.Ipshita clung to his father her tiny hands on his neck.He eyed her on his cheeks where she placed few kisses.Every time she kissed he would make sure to get an expression on his face and eyes that would.Make her laugh.

Anushka coughed twice to get the duo's attention.She faked an anger.

A-"Fine.Have your time.I am going."

Both gave high five to each other.

P-"You amma is going to have a red nose now.Along with tomato cheeks.Lets go before she turns all red."

The event went well.The presence of Prabhas and his better half with their additional bundle of cuteness made the night more joyous.It went smooth with few interactions with press and then it was getting late.Anushka left with Ipshita and Prabhas stayed.

Anushka made Ipshita change her dress for the night.She was in same dress.Making her fussy daughter having dinner was one big job.She wasnt willing to leave her father and the place.It was good she enjoyed but she was too stubborn to leave.

A-"Ok.come on.its time for bed.Already so late."

The room was decorated with fairy lights.Spacious and colored in white and pink it had all her favorite cartoon characters.Anushka tucked her on bed and kissed her head with affection.Ipshita hugged her tightly.She rubbed her eyes and kept on shifting herself more towards her mother.

I-"Dont leave me.I want to sleep with you."

A-"My baby.I am here only.not going anywhere."

She kissed her again and again.Brushed her soft curls with her hand.At times she does get territorial and possessive.A smile washed off her face when she remembered something.So like her father.

A-"Must be late.Busy partying hard."

She was disappointed.After a long gap was looking forward to spending some time with him.Here he was busy again.Life is not how we wish and plan always.

After an hour or so Anushka heard the honk of car.She felt dizzy.He was home.The helper informed.She carefully placed Ipshita's head on pillow and kissed her night.Turned off the light and slowly got up.When felt a tug at her stole.

Ipshita had a strong hold on it.Anushka bit her lips.Looked back and wondered what to do.Prabhas must be back.Waiting for her.She started biting her finger and almost escaped a shriek from her mouth.He covered her with hands.

P-"Are you mad.My daughter will wake up."

She heard his husky voice.He was close to her ears.She faced him and he left her mouth.She took a breath of relief.His hands went to her waist.Both looked at their daughter sleeping in bliss.

P-"My baby.looks so beautiful."

A-"Yeah.stubborn too.she has become really.see."

Prabhas smiled when saw Ipshita holding end of her mother's stole.He run hand through his hair and stared at his wife.She looked so beautiful.The light color made her glow more.He was yearning to have her in his arms.Missed her alot.

A-"Pabsu.Pabsu.Where are you lost?"


A-"You go and change.Must be tired.I have to stay here for the night.She wont leave me it seems."

She tried not to make noise and with attempts releasing her grip.

P-"Then I will also stay here.With you."

He fixed his chin on her shoulder and wrapped arms around her.He was her second baby.

A-"Yeah.Why do I forget.Have to handle two babies.Every time."


He looked amused.Then lowered his voice.She was looking down.He held her from shoulders and touched her abdomen affectionately.

P-"You didnt tell me?When did you get the news.We are having baby.again."

A-"Pabsu.You are mad.When did I say that."

His face fell.She smiled at his childish nature.

P-"But you just said.two babies?"

A-"yeah.Ipshita.and her father.Grown up baby.I have."

He smirked at her and gave her a look.

P-"Is that so.Then let me tell you mom I can have better ways to annoy you.Show you?"

He touched her back and then waist.Pinched her.She had hard time controlling her laughs.

A-"Pabsu.behave.We are Ipshu's room."

He pulled her in his arms and kissed her head.

P-"Then lets move into ours.I cant wait."

Passion brewed in his eyes.She didnt fail to see that.He rubbed his nose on her cheeks and face.She stopped her breath and melted in his arms.

He kissed her nose cutely and she rubbed his manly stubble with her fingers.He was loving her touches.By that time he successfully left her stole on bed which Ipshita held on to.

The romantic session was broken by her thoughts.She looked at her daughter while his lips reached her neck.His hands roamed her back arousing her with sensations.She shut her eyes.

P-"lets go."

She caught his hand and looked down.Prabhas raised his brows.She made her look at their daughter.

A-"Pabsu.can I stay here.for the night.Promise.will make up to you tomorrow.She.Asked me to.I cant.Sorry.?"

He didnt give reaction for seconds.She felt bad for disappointing him.Her face fell.Soon he smiled and she looked at him with confusion.

P-"If you are her mother.I am her father.We will stay here.come."


P-"You think Iam selfish?I know how she missed me badly.I deprived her family time and moments we should have spent with her.Our profession doesnt allow us.Sweety.You did a lot and sacrificed a lot of things.I didnt do a thing.So.I feel a father.I am not able to give my daughter the needed time."

She cupped his cheeks.She was so proud to have this man in her life.He was a perfect friend then husband and undoubtedly now a father.She kissed his forehead.He played with her fingers.

A-"Dont think like that.I havent done anything extra ordinary.You have always excelled as a father dont start with emotional dialogues."

He laughed and took her in his arms.She rested her head in his chest.Both had their eyes on the sleeping angel.

After a while both were in half lying position either sides of bed.Middle was Ipshita sleeping with smile on her face.He kissed his daughter and closed his eyes.

Anushka had her hand top of Ipshita's head.Prabhas also kept his hand there.He made circles there.She eyed him and he gave a naughty smile.His eyes were red.Due to lack of sleep.



P-"Tell me the new wish list of our Princess.I am sure there have been changes."

She got her legs up and straightened them.

A-"Yeah.changed for hundredth time.Maybe adding something new tomorrow."

He chuckled and she chose to rest her head for sometime.

P-"What was it till this morning?"

She answered half sleepy state.

A-"She wanted a talking doll.Have seen.Because she feels lonely.Want someone to play with."

P-"Talking doll?Whats that."

A-"ha ha.Baby.My friend visited me that day with her few months old son.Since then Ipshu has been crying for a "talking doll".She was playing with him for quite long."

Anushka yawned and her eyes were giving up.

P-"I see."

A-"Hope she has given up on that wish.Has been stubborn lately."

P-"Then I shall make her remember that next morning.itself."

She opened her eyes and looked at him.He had a naughty smile and gave her an intense look then.

A-"Dont even think about it.With one we are struggling hard to manage time.I cant handle three."

P-"Dont worry.I will help you out.You see I have promised to fulfill every wish of hers since she was born.So"

A-"Night Pabsu.You and your daughter.God save me."

They were in a world of their own.They call it their heaven.Full of moments to precious to be forgotten.


Something from my side for all #Pranushka fans :)

Those waiting for Cursed Love hopefully I can update tomorrow.

This goes out to all those #Pranushka fans also who are upset and tensed for a lot of reasons.Cheer up please have faith and at the end we are going to make it.Smile 


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