Sweety's win & Darling's award

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Anushka looked at gold medal.She got today.Returning from her trip to Chennai.Her smile made her.Remembered how many times.Prabhas called her to ask about her arrival.He did it less.Baahubali team were with her.In her journey back home she was happy.Her face lost smile.She was asked if she wasnt happy for award.How will she say she wants to be.Happy for her better half first.Prabhas has worked hard.More than her she believed.He didnt get any award.It broke her heart.She didnt have heart to collect.Medal too but SSR sir and his wife.Convinced her to attend function.Her friend made her understand too.Last it was her husband.

She came out of car.Driver opened gate for her.She waved at Prashanti.She left the gates.Anushka took deep breath.Ringing the door bell.Of their house.It opened.Her eyes were looking for.Person without whom.2 days passed hard for her.She ran upstairs.Helper informed her about.Prabhas coming home early.He was in his study upstairs.She was in dress.She wore for event.She couldnt wait to catch flight.All were laughing at her.She didnt change her heavy dress.For event she wore.She had on mind to reach.Early as possible.

Prabhas was reading book.Specs on.He scratched his neck.Feeling allergic from morning.His face frowned.He checked temperature of room.Weather was hot today.He had some water from glass.Kept on table.He was wearing black.With his usual track pants.He heard door.His lips curved smile.He pretended to remain.Sitting to annoy her.He was excited.To take her in his arms.From time he got to know.She got rewarded for her.Hard work and efforts.His heart swelled with pride.

Anushka peeped inside room.Finding her husband occupied.With book.His eyes on book.In his hand.He didnt hear or feel her.Her face fell.She pouted.Stomped her feet.He smiled.She caught him.With hands on hips.

P-"Sweety will always.Remain sweety.Why such baby.

Darling.Come here."

She ran to him.First glaring at him.He closed book.Eyeing her to come.She couldnt wait.Crush herself in his arms.He stood up.Almost picking her up.With hug.She squealed.Sudden pull.He turned her.Round in room.Both laughing.She felt top of world.In his arms.As he put her down on wooden floor.She giggled.Feeling his wet kisses.On her cheeks.She hid herself in his neck.He inhaled her scent.Whispering her ear.

P-"So proud of you.Bangaram you made me proud.

I wish could have come.My schedule had to end today.Itself else."

She came out of hug.Her face fell.He noticed that.Pulling her face up.From chin.She didnt meet his eyes.He raised his brows.She played with buttons of.His shirt.He took her in his arms.Her face was near his heart.Both felt touch.Of each other.For some time.Then he made her comfortable.He sat on his cozy chair.She sat on table.Making him laugh.At her.She was baby.In nature at times.

A-"Pabsu Im not happy.How can I be when you.Are not.This is not right.

Why did you force me.To send there.I should have stayed."

P-"What are you saying.Sweety who told you.Im not happy.

For you.Do you know.I have eaten.Everyones heads.Since got to know.You got medal.

You made our family.Proud too.Uncle is happy too."

A-"Amma is not happy.I know.How can anyone.When you deserved this.

I worked.Not better than you.All are talking about.That you didnt get.Award you deserved.

I shouldnt have.Attended event.What will people say.Im bad wife."

Prabhas found her.Bursting into tears.He moved his head.Sideways thinking about.Love she has for him.it has been like this.For time they met.Her love was selfless.From both ends.They think about each other.True he felt bad for himself.He worked day night.To perform best.For film like Baahubali.He was taken back when.He didnt get deserving.Respect he should have.Nothing mattered to him.More than love.Of his fans.His family and friends.Their support was.Everything for person like him.At corner of heart.Sadness was there.He knew.No one can see that.Except his wife.

He cupped her cheeks.Placing kiss on her head.She had her head.Low.He made her face him.His eyes were.Professing love.He took medal.From her side.Made her wear it.She wanted to take it out.He stopped her.Frowning at her.He clicked picture of her.In his phone.It was for him.Not going to post.In any media.Just for his hearts content.Anushka still felt guilty.She played with her stole.

P-"Do you know.Bangaram I dont need any award.When I have everything.I never wished.

For in life.I have loving family.Selfless friends.My fans.Who love me.Unconditionally.

I have something special.Which no award.Can compensate.Others jealous of me."

A-"What is it."

P-"My wife.Bangaram who never fails.To give me love.

Her support.Has made me reach this.Stage in life.Im proud to have her in life.Tell me.

Many can have awards.But how many can have.Anushka Shetty as wife.Only one.

Prabhas has right.I wont dare anyone.Tries to take right.From me darling."

His words melt her heart.She had to smile.He tickled her.Making her smile wide.She felt shy.His eyes pierced her.He was aiming for kiss.She stopped him.He faked anger.She took phone from him.It was unusual of him.Keep phone with him.She checked it.He laughed at her.His wife was spying on her.He stretched back on chair.Watching her cutely.Her face changed colors.When she found something.She glared at him.

P-"Its bad manners sweety.Give phone back to me."

A-"What were you doing.I cant believe.You were checking social media.For updates.

From my account.Bad boy."

P-"So what.I can.I have right.I have to spy on you too.

Many admirers of my wife.I was keeping eye.On updates.You wont receive calls.Others too.

How will I get updates.Whats happening.Thats why I used this trick."

She found him adorable.He used to be away from.News and media.She would show him.Everything at night.When they are free.How their edits came.Fans showed so much love to them.Both watch it online.Whenever free and laugh.When they find fans.Discussing about them.Some giving them blessings.Some jealous.How they have each other.As partners.Once they were done.With talks.Anushka came down table.Adjusting her dress.She was going to her room.He tugged.At her stole.She turned back at him.He pulled her to him.Wrapping her dress stole.Around her.

Her eyes were down.His finger traced her cheek.They were chubby.He kissed them.Shutting his eyes.He missed her.She felt shy.Trying to free her from grip.He glared at her.She whispered she was.Getting late.Need to use washroom.He took her stole.Draping it on his neck.She laughed.He asked her to leave.

A-"Stop being naughty.People outside.Will catch me like this.

Give it back.Pabsu please."

P-"Come here take it.Back then."

He smirked at her.She knew.He wont stop.So holding her stole.She went to him.Slowly and she was near him.Finally he was happy.He went closer to her face.Kissing her eyes.Blew air on her face.Then kissed her nose.She smiled.Deeply feeling good.With his touch.Her hands went to his shoulders.He brushed her lips.With hers.Teasing her.

P-"Im yet to.Receive my award.I know who.Can give me.

Best reward.So.Ready."

Her face became red.He went to her lips.About to kiss her.When her eyes opened.Suddenly with sound of door.Helper knocked.Almost barging inside.Leaving both embarrassed.Prabhas cursed him.She pulled her stole.Running to door.He was angry.At helper.Came to ask about dinner.

After changing to comfortable dress.Both had dinner together.He was waiting for her.He was in room.When she came with glass of milk.He made face.Hiding himself under quilt.She saw that.Closed door.Kept milk glass.Beside bed.On table.She touched his head.Knew he was pretending to sleep.She smiled.Thinking he was baby.Their baby will be same.Refusing to have milk.

A-"Pabsu get up.Got warm milk for you.I know.

You have fever.Tomorrow you are resting."

Prabhas peeped outside quilt.She was standing.With hands on hips.Sometime later.She was making him.Have milk from glass.She took his specs.Keeping them in proper place.Went to brush her hair.Smiled at him.Drinking milk like.Cat hurriedly.Some milk left.On his lips.He burped keeping glass on table.He came to stand.Behind her.

P-"I finished it.Come to me."

Anushka smiled.Knowing his hints.Lights were dimmed.They spent some time together.Her faint voice.Heard from inside quilt.His hoarse voice.Followed hers.She rested her head.On his bare chest.He was sleepy.Due to effect of medicine.Still awake in paradise of love.Her laughter made him.Move his head.Blessing his heart.He teased her.Making her red.Till she faced him.Both kissed.For hundredth time.In night.It lasted for few seconds.Break it to take breath.She rubbed his face.Feeling temperature.He hugged her close.

A-"Pabsu tell me.Did you meet Amma.She must be sad.

For you.I called her.Said she was busy."

P-"Dont worry.About her.She is mother.Must be sad.I will talk with her.

She will understand.Its not award.Always.Nothing to be depressed.Im not bothered."

A-"Dont lie.Can read your face.You were also sad.

How selfish of me.Went to receive my award.Leaving you here.Sorry Pabsu."

He got angry at her.His head was paining.He thought to spend.Some time with her.She started with her.Words which he didnt like.She could sense.Him unhappy.Tried to get to him.He shrugged off.Looking at other side.She kissed his neck.Then near lips.He glared at her.Pulling her tightly to him.

P-"Hear it Sweety.Im not like those men.Who cant see.Their wife doing.Good in work.

Leaving them behind.if that was case.I stopped you before.Do you think of me.

Like this?Dont repeat such words.They hurt me.Your win is my win too.Remember.I dont care.

Others say what.I love my work.Yes I was upset.Its natural.But I realized.Its millions of people.

Who are waiting for me.To see me more.Why should I affect my work.Thinking about.All this.

When they dont matter to me.I have my strength with me.Thats in you."

She smiled.Kissing his head.He was out of grumpy face.He kissed her.Lips tightly.Moved quilt from her side.Pressing her body.Closer to his.She flinched.He was brushing her.Teasing her.She had to give in.He rolled on top of her.Getting french kiss.From her.She giggled.He was amazed.At his wife.She can giggle.At most crucial times.During romance too.

P-"Dont be turn off.Have to do something.With psychological.

Problem.Stop now."

A-"Sorry.Pabsu you forgive me?

I was upset.For you."

P-"I know.You so.Dont have to be sorry.Remember my words.I have best.Award.

In my arms.In my heart for life.In front of me.Every time.In my thoughts.So.Im winner.

In every sense.None can beat me."

His wink.Made her blush.She hugged.Getting kiss from him.On her head.They couldnt sleep.Rest of time.Keep chatting.About days journey.What they both missed on.Winning or losing.Doesnt matter.If you have.Best of you.With you.You are best.With your strengths.You know you have it.Darling and Sweety.Both are no less.Awards for each other.Bless them.


Firstly sorry to readers.Im back from mini break.Hope all had great time.Take this as.Small sorry from my side.Keeping everyone waiting.

I was disheartened.To know about Darling Prabhas not.getting any award.Then I realized.He has biggest award.With him.Sweety and love from.Millions of fans.So thought to write this.Dont take it to heart.This is purely.My idea of imagination.If anyone has request.Can ask me.If I can try.Will write for you.

I will continue other.Work tomorrow.With updates.Hope all doing well.

Please do not.Forget to like and comment.


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