Real Mahendra Baahubali

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Anushka was seen biting her nails.The small ball hit her.She came out of her thoughts.Sitting at corner of bed.Her one year old son.Chuckled loud.Asking her to take him.In her arms.He started fussing.As she took her.Rubbing his back.She checked on her husband.He must be busy.They arrived this morning for promotions.The last stage.It has been difficult.To manage work and personal life.For these months.As a mother and father.Prabhas could give time.To profession.Anushka couldnt much.She was mother after all.

A-"Pradyuth be good boy.If you continue like this.

Amma will get angry."

Prabhas entered room.With smile seeing his wife and baby.She had angry expression.Pradyuth was throwing tantrums today.Not having his baby food.He started crying.Prabhas picked him up.Rocking him in his arms.Anushka saw him.She sat on bed.Looking tensed.He asked her through eyes.She gave nod.

A-"Pabsu I dont think.It will be good idea.Take him out.Like this.

What if he gets scared.Facing cameras.So many people.Crowd.He is too small."

P-"I was thinking same.Dropping idea.We have Veenu Amma.We will be back.

Withing an hour or so.She will take care of him."

Anushka nodded half heartedly.He could understand her.From time Pradyuth was born.She didnt leave him.Anywhere except emergency purpose.Promotions started and whenever she accompanied him.Baby was with Veenu Amma.Anushka wanted to fulfill duties of mother.She needed help.Also with her son.Not depriving him from mother's care.Veenu amma was most trusted.Helper in their family.She has been with Anushka.Famous helper aunty.Pregnancy months became easier.With her being on side.Prabhas could leave her.If he had to go for work.

P-"Sweety dont be sad.Its okay we can take him.Next time.I was also.

Thinking.If he gets scared.Starts crying.Will be difficult for him.And us."

After while Anushka was setting out her saree.Things for evening.Pradyuth was sleeping.Sucking his thumb.Prabhas lay beside him on bed.Resting and watching his wife.He wasnt wearing shirt.Only in his shorts.She frowned.Moved her head sideways.Her husband had weird ways.Admire her and it has been time.They romanced.Work and baby has made them busy.

A-"I have taken out your shirt.Pabsu.You will sweat in heavy dress.So.

Simple shirt.Check if its okay."

P-"Anything you say.Wifey and could you come here.

For while.Pradyuth is calling you."

A-"He is sleeping.I can see that.Pradhyuth's Nanna is.Thinking ways.

Better not.Sir go and take shower."

He sulked.Tossing on bed.Making sure baby is sleeping.He picked up.Small duck toy of baby.Pouted his face.fiddling with it on hand.She tied her hair up in bun.Looked at him.He wasnt less than.Baby in any means.Like father like son.Was true statement.She went to him.Taking duck from him.He rested his head on her lap.She ruffled his hairs.His head touched her tummy.She blushed.Feeling his touched.

A-"Pabsu this is no time.For romance.Go take shower.

We will be late.I will check on Veenu amma.Pramod is in his room.Let me call."

P-"He can manage.Later.Listen to me.

Till Saaho promotions.We can get.Pradyuth's sister.What say."

A-"Why not sister and brother.Too.

Start planning your schedules.For film.So shameless.Busy family planning.

I will tell Sujeeth."

He opened his one eye.In cute way.Asking her to come closer.She knew his intention.Didnt move.Making him sad.His hand opened clip.From her hair.Covering his face with her long silky hair.They were conversing.In hush tone.So that baby wont be disturbed.Anushka giggled.Feeling his beard.Tickle her face.He gave her look.Asking her to stop.Pradyuth will wake up.Once her laugh starts.She will continue like baby.He had one way to stop.He caught her head.from back.Pulling it towards him.Their lips were to meet.

Baby started crying.Making both of them.Come out of moment.She run to baby.Patting him.Back to sleep.He too came.Kissing his son's head.Baby opened his eyes.frowned crying.He wanted to be in.His mother's arms.Feel her touch.As she took him.He rubbed his face.With tiny palms.Hiding himself in her bosom.Prabhas saw that.Feeling bliss.Anushka rocked baby in her arms.Smiling at her husband.Whol left for shower.Before whispering.

P-"My son and his timing.Perfect.Lets see.If I can grab chance.

Later.Some time."

It was evening when they got ready.Left for venue after making sure.Pradyuth will be comfortable with Veenu Amma.Pramod stayed back.At hotel.So that Prabhas and Anushka both will be relieved.As they started Prabhas could see.Dejected look on his wife's face.He held her hand.Seeing her give light smile.From inside she wasnt feeling well.Leaving back her baby.It was important both of them.Took part in promotions.They didnt have option.

As they reached venue.Entry was done and rest of things.Were done smoothly.When they were on stage.SSR made an announcement.Prabhas and Anushka shared look.Both were confused.Rana gave smile.Along with others.SSR turned to them.Patted Prabhas's back.He told to everyone that.Today they have got some special.Guest with them.His presence will make.Event more special.

SSR-"Here let me call.On stage.To you all.Real Mahendra Baahubali.

Alias Junior Darling Pradyuth."

Crowd went uncontrollable.Cheering up.For junior darling.Prabhas was shocked.Anushka didnt knew what was going.She asked Rana.He shrugged off his shoulders.Then they saw.Pramod far from stage.With Veenu amma.Pradyuth was dressed.Looking too cute.He looked quiet.Calm staring at people around.Pramod took him in his arms.Smilingly went to give him.To Rana who tickled him.Making baby giggle.He was always.Happy and excited in Rana's arms.

SSR-"What did you think.I will let him.Miss this event.Darling I told you.

You have less.Attention from me.He is my Mahendra.After all."

P-"When did you plan this.We wanted to bring him too.He is acting fussy.

From morning.What if starts crying.Thats why."

A-"Yes Raj Garu.We thought.Might disturb everyone.So didnt get him along.

What if he gets scared."

R-"Nothing will happen.He has been here.From long.Pramod started.

After you guys.We planned with him."

P-"I will see him.Later.

Whats the plan.Raj."

Anushka's eyes were filled.With tears.SSR took Pradyuth.Introducing him to crowd.Fans were overwhelmed.All shouting.Wishing to get glimpse.Of Junior Baahubali.Some trying to break in.To get pic with him.Touch him.Baby was calm.Watching everything.Prabhas wrapped his arms.Around his wife.Both smiled.They couldnt would come.When someone else.Will get more space.Than them.This would make them.Proud and happy.Rana teased them.

SSR kissed Pradyuth's cheeks.He gave smile like his father.Other people on stage.Gathered around.Taking autographs.Clicking pictures.Rana made sure.To take care.Baby wasnt disturbed.Too much flashes and cameras.Around.Anushka was done.She took Pradyuth and stood.On one corner.Prabhas was giving autographs.To group of girls.They held him.Clicking pictures.He could see.From far his wife.Standing giving him.teasing glare.They have to do this.Not to disappoint fans.

Pradyuth looked at his mother.Moving in her hold.His eyes went to his father.Not standing with them.Instead he was far away.He frowned his face.Not liking this.He tugged at his mother's saree.Making her rock him.Trying to comfort him.He was waiting.But Prabhas wasnt back.In this time.Others came down.SSR kissed him.Rana tried to cheer him up.Nothing could make him.Happy and he started fussing.

R-"I think.His charge is over.Bro why dont you start.For hotel.

Bava will be here.Soon."

A-"Yes let me look for Pramod.Raj garu.

I wanted to thank you.For getting him here.

Surprise was lovely."

SSR-"See Rana.Saying thanks.I know you and.Your husband.For how long.

Tell me.Now this little.Darling is more precious to me.Mind you.I feel connected to him.

We all do.In some way."

R-"Of course.After all he is.The one who has seen.Consistent growth.In this film.

Came to world.Film played part too.In his birth.Isnt it Bro."

Anushka wanted to hide her.Face blushing at Rana's remarks.Till SSR had to stop him.She walked to car.In way Pradyuth's cries became louder.She lulled him.Putting all efforts.He didnt stop.His face was red.Constant crying.Little baby got so angry.He was patting.His tiny palms.On his mother's shoulders.Anushka became worried.Once he starts nothing.Could calm him.She took him inside car.

A-"No baby.Good boys dont cry.Nanna will be here soon.

We will go back.Till then have some.Water.

Good boy."

He refused the bottle.Throwing his arms.At her.She rubbed his back.Offerred him milk bottle.Still he was acting stubborn.His cries were getting louder.Worrying her.When she heard door of side open.Prabhas was there.Saying something to Pramod.She felt baby become silent.He moved his head.Trying to get out of.Her arms.He heard his father's voice.She smiled.Wiping sweat from baby's face.This was bond.Shared by father son.

P-"Who is crying.Let me see.People could hear.

Roars of Mahendra baahubali.

So loud.Nanna is here."

Pradyuth chuckled.Making Prabhas chuckle.Too.They started for hotel.Anushka told Prabhas.Their son's antics.He showered him with kisses.Discussing what happened.End of event.They were to leave next morning early.

Prabhas was busy on call.Once done he switched on tv.Watching some movie.Anushka was inside room.Trying to feed restless Pradyuth.He spat milk out.From bottle.For she lost count.How many times.She was still in saree.Except her ear rings and neck chain.She picked him.Wiping his mouth.Holding her head kissing there.Walked out.Watching Prabhas enjoying film.She made face.

A-"Pabsu lower volume.See his is acting.So fussy again.Dont know.

What went wrong.With him."

P-"He will be fine.Feed him.Put him to sleep.

Rana called.I think.I will be with him.For some important.Talk.

Will be back.In some time.Will you be able.To manage."

She knew.For what reason he.Was going.She put stern look.On face.Rocking baby.In her arms.He caught her hair.Trying to put in his mouth.Prabhas stopped him.Holding his hand.Placing kiss on his cheeks.He saw his wife.Angry look.He buttoned up his shirt.

A-"Its okay I will.Manage.After all its my duty.

Everything.You go.Have fun."

He didnt like.her tone.Frowned and she.Left to other room.Few minutes later.She heard door.He was there.Keeping something.Inside his bag.He brushed his hair.She saw him.Through mirror.He had serious face.Baby was awake.She was still struggling.Feed him.Put him to sleep.Prabhas came.On bed playing with baby.She felt bad for behaving.That way with him.

A-"I thought you left."

P-"Give me bottle.

Let me try."

He tried feeding him.Every time he spat milk.Making him frown.Worried too.He then picked him.In his arms.Letting him rest on his shoulder.Baby was tired too.He looked at his wife.Tired and worried.It has been few months.Pradyuth started bottle.First he didnt like it.Slowly got used to it.Very rare he refuses for it.He has to be.Pampered by lot of people.To be fed baby food.Milk too from bottle.

P-"Why is he doing like this.He cant sleep.

Empty stomache."

A-"What to do.I have been trying.Only one option.

Left.Try that."

She took baby.Placing him on bed.As she took position.Setting her saree.Baby was smart to guess.What was coming.He became silent.His eyes became big.Throwing hands and legs.He gave loud chuckle.Startling his parents.Prabhas kissed his chubby.Foot acting to bite.He laughed.Getting impatient.

P-"Nanna you are.Artist from birth.Will overshadow your amma.And me too.

Want me to do.Mahendraaaa baahubali."

He took his tiny hands.Making them dance.Cutely and making him.Give kick in air.His voice went deep.Baby also gave royal expression.Like he did in baahubali.Anushka caught her head.As baby was passed to her.She couldnt stop.From smiling.At father son moments.Pradyuth hid his face.Inside her saree.Getting what he wished for.She shut her eyes.Patting his back.

A-"Now I get it.Why he was.Doing all this.

Have gone after.Father.Antics."

Prabhas narrowed.His brows at her.Heard her whisper.She bit her lips.Her back was facing him.He smiled.Hearing sounds his son was making.He is getting.Naughty with each day.

A-"Why didnt you go.

Im sorry.I was tired.Struggling with him."

P-"Its ok.They planned.Some party for tonight.

Called me to join in."

A-"Men's party.I know.Pabsu.

No drinking.I warned you.Once I leave for London.Please keep that.On mind."

P-"Sweety its beer.Not heavy drinking.Once in while.

Wont harm.Right Nanna."

A-"What are you.Telling him.As if he will understand.Leave it.

Both are stubborn.Wont listen to me."

She was making face.When felt kiss on her cheeks.Tug at her saree.From back.She realized.It was big baby.From back nuzzling his nose.On her neck and back.She shivered.Flinched at his touch.Heard his hoarse voice.Anger vanished away.She didnt want.Show him smile.Made stern face.Took baby.Placing him on bed.Taking bottle.Put it on his mouth.He was half asleep.Started drinking milk finally.

Prabhas caught her.From flying away.She was fixing her.Saree which her son.has messed it up.Now it was father's turn.She tried to.Move away from him.He held her.Strongly.Looking at sleeping baby.Moving his legs.Slowly.Having milk.On the bed.

P-"Okay sorry.I wont go for it.Happy now.

Come.Lets call it night."

A-"Yes.Let me change.

You go.Watch your son."

P-"I meant.Calling it night together.Where do you think.

Flying now.Let me help you."

She couldnt say no to him.He carried her to restroom.Till she was freed from saree.Both shared some.Moments with few kisses.Sparking the heat.From inside.He touched her lips.They heard cries.Of baby again.Anushka giggled.Running way outside.He banged his head.On wall.He was sulking.When he came outside.He found beautiful view.His wife was cuddling baby.Whispering cute talks to him.In her sweet voice.Making him sleep.This melted his heart.

He went to bed.She put baby in middle.Of bed.Patting him to sleep.Then left to change.her night dress.When she came back.Found her both babies asleep.She giggled.Thinking about plans.Senior baahubali made.She pulled quilt.On them.Kissing baby's head.Then her husband's.he stirred in sleep.Catching her hand.Kissing it with smile.She wondered.How things are going to be.In coming days.With their son.growing so fast.But father being same.She dozed off soon.Calling it night.


I dont remember writing.This bad making no sense.At all.Sorry dear.Hope this will.Work least.For reading.Will try.To come up with something.Better if possible.Good luck for your.Exams.

Im not updating this.Regularly.Just request from someone.If you liked it.Please vote and comment.

Thank you.


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