Like Father like Son

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Prabhas was enjoying morning.With no work.For change after long time.It has been continious schedules for him.For working non stop hours.Once his dates were fixed for next schedule.He have taken a break for.A week or two.To spend some time with himself.His family.He missed on being on his own world.

Waking up in early morning.Having his favorite coffee.By beautiful wife.He spent some time with gardening.Read book and then work out was give break for week.So he was waiting for his chub to wake up.From beauty sleep he was enjoying.Pranush was apple of eyes.Of his parents.Darling and Sweety's darling son.Sweet and naughty son.

For handling him Anushka had to.have patience and give all her time.He wouldnt be patient with helpers.Specially kept to assist Anushka from her pregnancy days.Know and trusted one from Prabhas family.She was still there now.That hardly Anushka lets her son.Be in hands of anyone else.Except if she had to attend some event.

Pranush was awake.Making sound with his loud cries.Prabhas came to pick him.In his arms.His chubby cheeks being kissed.By dear daddy.The baby frowned then.Became silent for some time.As Prabhas smiled to kiss him again.Knowing his mother wasnt around.Pranush started crying.Rubbing his eyes with tiny palms.

Prabhas walked.With his son.Slowly troubling his father.Struggling in his arms.He was up and hungry.Who can feed him patiently.Other than Sweety mom.

P-"My chub.Need to have little patience.

Come today.Daddy will feed you."

He widened his eyes.Which were exactly like his mother.Prabhas cooed baby's cheeks.A reflection of his Sweety.He took bottle of warm milk.Then put it in his baby's mouth.He had some milk.Then spat it out.

P-"So much attitude.Have watched Bhaagamathi.When you were inside her.Tummy.?

Should have watched Baahubali.How patient was King Amarendra."

He wiped his baby's mouth.Then again passed bottle.Baby moved his head.Saying no and cried.He didnt knew what to do next.The helper came.Prabhas refused to take any help.He wanted to handle his baby.How his wife does.

P-"Chub your amma.Went for shopping.will be back in time.Till then save your daddy's honor.We will do a lot of things.Okay no crying."

After some time Pranush was seen.Silently drinking milk from bottle.In Prabhas's arms.He was on bed.What made stubborn baby have milk easily.Was just in front of both of them.The laptop open.On screen video of.Someone who managed to get Pranush's attention.After which he started taking his breakfast.He was having milk.Stretching his one tiny arm.To touch screen of laptop.Prabhas smile kissing his hand.

The video was playing.Father and son was mesmerized by beauty of Queen Devsena.Prabhas held bottle with one hand.Rocking his baby slowly.His eyes and face shying.Remembering good times with wife.Those were times.He was lucky to have such beauty as wife.The baby wanted to watch from close.He shook his head.At his impatient son.

Finishing off milk.He held baby in his arms.Patting his back.As he burped.He was made to show.A better view.He chuckled and smiled.Excited to see Amma dancing.In his favorite color.Orange and green.He was moving his arms and legs too.Kissed by his father.

P-"Isnt she most gorgeous woman.On earth tell me."

He rubbed his stubble on little one's cheeks.Making him chuckle.Both enjoyed same song.for number of times.As it ended.With Devsena's face.Amarendra was sleeping branch of tree.Pranush poked on screen with his tiny finger.Then moved it to his father's face.Asking who it was.Then as if he understood.With loud chuckle.He touched screen.And touched Prabhas's face.It was Daddy on screen.

P-"yes yes.Thats Daddy.Sleeping as Amma was singing lullaby for him."

He giggled in his usual tone.Tickling baby and both had some good time.Till screen went black.Pranush started crying.Not seeing his mother.

P-"Not again.Okay okay.Wait."

Prabhas pressed button.To bring pics of Anushka.Which gave little one.solace as he.Put his finger inside mouth.Looking at Amma with big eyes.He kept on watching all pictures.Finding his mother close to him.Prabhas was happy to keep little one.Busy and he also enjoyed watching.Pictures being another baby he was.

All was well till one pic came out.Making Pranush angry.He made sound.Showing his anger and dislike.And continued making same noise.Touching screen with his palms.Then calling his father.Prabhas didnt get what he was trying to say.When saw his son breaking into sobs.He took her in arms.Trying to pacify.

P-"Oh god.Now what happened.

yes.Thats your Amma.See with another little angel."

He cried louder.when Prabhas came to know reason.For little one being so angry.Okay so he was just like his father.Possessive for mother.The pic had Anushka holding a sweet baby wearing orange dress.Pranush didnt like her adoring some one else.He wanted be pampered by amma alone.

P-"Okay okay chub.Once she comes home.We will tell her.Only we deserve her attention.

Is that okay.?"

The baby went silent.As if getting his words.Rested his head on Prabhas's shoulder.Rubbing his eyes.It was difficult handling him.Prabhas wondered how Anushka managed alone.Nevertheless wasnt he precious for them.First symbol of their love.

Later Anushka came home.Looking for her husband and son.finding them in garden.Prabhas's most favorite place in house.He was showing Pranush flowers.Who wanted to touch them.She loved his man.And the little man in his arms.Both were her life.She tiptoed not making sound.Held him from back.

Pranush smiled.Seeing his mother.As she kissed her baby taking him in her arms.Kissing his chubby cheeks.Prabhas watched duo.Made face.

A-"What.Did he troubled you.I knew it.

Lata amma was telling me.How did you manage Pabsu."

Pranush hid himself inside.Anushka's stole.Moving his head.Tiny body.Tapping his little palms.Tugging at her dress.She rocked baby.Looking at face her big baby was making.

P-"Kiss is only for him.What about me.For being good boy from morning."

Prabhas sulked and stood crossing his arms.Anushka chuckled.Leaned closer to him.Checking if anyone was around.Lightly pecked his lips.Which brought a big smile on his face.He clapped his hands.Making her blush.

A-"Who says I have one baby.

Look at this man.Tall baby."

Prabhas wrapped his arms around her.Playing hide and seek with Pranush.Who was in joyous mood.Getting back his mother.They went inside.Spending whole day.Later that evening.Prabhas was in his study come library.Working on his laptop checking mails.Anushka was sitting on couch.With baby on lap.

Pranush was trying to chew her stole.She showed  him eyes.Pulling his cheeks.Then took cloth out of his mouth.She patted his back.Settling him properly.He started struggling.Looking at direction Prabhas was sitting.

A-"Pabsu your son.Wants to come to you.

Looks like.I can leave him with you.Now frequently."

he chuckled.Looking back at his wife.Winked at his baby.Who stretched his arms.Asking him to take him.Where he was sitting.Prabhas understood his motive.

P-"He doesnt want to come to me.Darling.

He wants something else."

Anushka frowned and walked to her husband.Made baby sit on Prabhas's shoulder.He was happy now.Clapping his small hands.

A-"Why is that so.What does this chub want."

P-"Just got to know.he is as possessive as me."

He turned back.Making Pranush sit on his lap.Then showed picture to Anushka.They discussed about that morning.Laughing and seeing way.Again their son reacted on seeing baby with his mother.He wished to be with her.Not leaving her for anyone.Anushka kissed her son.With all love in world.

A-"Oh.So possessive.Like father."


What about mother.

Dont forget old days.Still you do feel jealous."

A-"No.I m good girl."

Pranush in time.Was successful making his way.Inside his mother's shirt.While they were busy.He wanted to have his meal.Made noise when his head was stuck in something.Prabhas and Anushka were shocked.Then burst out laughing.He was one naughty baby.When he will grow up.Going to give them hard time.

Prabhas bit his tongue.As Anushka gave little one what he wanted.Patting his back.Sitting on same position.she found his husband.gazing at her.With naughty look.Her face was red.With noise their son was making.Both giggled.

P-"Even I cant bear to see.You with someone else.


Prabhas said that.Moving lock of hair away from.His wife's face.She looked gorgeous.Even being on simple look.Motherhood made her glow more.he kissed her cheek sloppily.She made a face.Pushing him aside.Eyeing at their son.

A-"Father and son.Will keep me busy.All life."

He chuckled.And settled his head on her lap.In the couch.Making her busy with both babies.He played with Pranush.Anushka had hard time.Dealing with two devils.


Pranushkoholic wanted me to write something.On this pic of Prabhas.I wish it would have.Been better but.This is all i could think of.Im in love with name Pranush.Perfect for their son.

Hope this will bring smile.To many sad faces.Some depressed and angry too.Its okay.Lets make atmosphere here.Happy and tension free.Spreading love.With writing.And more love with reading.We have amazing writers.Readers here.Smile.Let go of hatred.

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