"Arjun Reddy" Fever

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Anushka couldn't control high levels of her excitement.It was nail biting moment.She has long forgotten the bowl of popcorn aside.But there was someone rather excited hell bent on getting her attention.

A-"Ah Pabsuu.Let me concentrate.Stop."

She moved her face with tinge of irritation.Came from behind the handsome and suave Baahubali hiding his huge frame like structure.Perfectly by having his Queen almost glued to him.He was tickling her waist.Here and there.Just to grab her attention.

Caught some popcorns from bowl and then frowned at his girl.She was being a fangirl.After Baahubali he has found her so deeply engrossed in a movie.That was not his concern.It was something else.

He grabbed can of beer from side before she snatched it from him.Her eyes were on big screen on wall their special theater room.Anushka took the can and threw it aside.

P-"Sweety what did you do."

A-"You are asking me that."

P-"Once in a while its fine."

A-"Yeah.ONCE in a while and.That once came last week then few days ago again."

Prabhas shifted uncomfortably and then messed up his hair.He was feeling hot on freezing temperature room.Opened first few buttons of his shirt.

P-"Fine if not this.Give me something else.Something sweet I can relish."

He acted naughty and bit her shoulder.She flinched and smacked his hand.

A-"This man wont let me watch.Pabsu why cant you sit patiently and watch with me.Its Valentines day and I thought we can watch this together."

He made a face and then gripped her waist.Fixing his chin on her shoulder.He rubbed his nose on her bare neck.Got her shirt a bit up feeling her bare skin.

P-"ARJUN REDDY.Why are you making me watch this tragedy in lovers week.We should rather make some love."

He tried to kiss her and she smack his lips by her hand.

P-"That hurts."


This is not tragedy.Just started only.See such a passionate lover.A mad one.The love story is so cute I cant get over this."

P-"Yeah like you had to talk about this hundred times over phone.It wasnt enough making me watch this.When we should be doing something meaningful."

A-"You first watch the movie then tell me.You will find this so."

She found him trying to keep his eyes open.Refrain from dozing off.He grinned at her.

He cuddled to her again and she rested her head on his shoulder.He kissed her head and she fed him pop corns.

P-"Did you like the gift I got for you.When I saw it I was confused at first then.Thought this would suit on you the best."

He kissed her cheek and placed wet kisses on her neck line.She tried to keep him away while concentrating on screen.

A-"Ok for the gift.But Pabsu.What am I going to do with that.I mean that thing."

He frowned and then pulled her closer to him.Moving fringes of hair away from her face.Kissing her nose.

P-"Going to do with that thing.Means?Ofcourse.Wear it and show me."

She shut her eyes as he bit her cheek.

A-"yeah.From when did I started wearing a waist chain?Dont you think its not meant for me thing."

He completely towered on her and made her fall on her back.Everything was messed up in the carpet.She was defeated by his strength.She wanted to more so gave up.He was resting his head on her bosom.She tried to catch glimpses of scene least.He rubbed her nose on her neck.

P-"It is.I had hard time controlling myself.When imagined you on that and."

A-"dirty boy.

Seriously.Its bit awkward and the current me.It doesnt go well."

Anushka bit her lips.She found Prabhas giving her a deadly glare.

P-"I know yourself better than you.so.Keep your blabber mouth shut,or else.

I have better ways."

He smacked his lips on hers.After a round of kiss both tried to catch some breath.He deeply immersed his face her neck.She smiled and then thought of something.

A-"Listen to me.I still have to think of a gift for you.What it can be.You have evry damn thing.Even the watch I gifted for birthday."

He took her hands feeling them on his weeks long beard.Then his eyes had a spark of naughtiness.He lowered his face to her and whispered.

P-"You are asking me what I want?Thats interesting.So.

I get anything I ask for."

A-"Dont be mean.Ask for a gift.Not anything else."

He clearly held her waist and flipped her having her on top.She rested her hands on his chest.Then shifted her eyes on the screen.

A-"This guy is so damn hot.I mean the character aggressive but manly.You get to see such passion in his eyes."

She hissed.He bit her ear then shoulder.

P-"Take this as punishment.Dare you call anyone hot."

A-"I see jealous."

She pinched his nose.and could see the possessiveness in his eyes and face.He tightened the hold around her and pulled her more closer.

P-"You are mine and only mine.Want to see my aggressive and passionate side.Bet on that."

Anushka knew she was to face something.So it was safe option get out of this by handling the situation.She made an innocent face.

A-"No No Darling.I was just trying to play around.You are the only hot creature on this earth for me.Daring Pabsu."

P-"Daring ha.Come let me prove."


P-"let me get my gift first.

50 kisses.Now."

A-"Oh.Only 50.Thats not a number for me.I can .come."

She was about to kiss his cheek.When he stopped her.

P-"Wait.At least hear the rules first."

A-"Rules in kissing?"

P-"Yeah.50 kisses have to be.Have to be.

In.50 different places."

She widened her mouth and he winked at her.With smirk playing on his lips.The game was about to start.


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