Chapter 3

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I woke up right as the sun was going down. I got up and took a shower in me personal bathroom that was connected to my room. When I was done I dried myself off and put on a short black dress. I was walking through the hall way when I seen a group of vampires surrounding Brent. I tucked myself away so I could watch thnllem without them noticing.

"So Brent why's the whole place smell like wolf?" One of the males asked.

"Because I'm looking after a young female. For the time being." He replied, sipping his glass.

"Female? There's only males." He questioned.

"Not anymore because I got my hands on a beautiful female." He answered.

"So do you like this female?" A young female vampire asked.

"Yes very." He replied, she smiled.

"Ahh does she know?" She asked, curiously.

"No I'm nervous to say anything cause she's younger then me. She's around 22 and I'm 26. She'd probably thinks I'm a creep." He said, putting his hand over his face. My heart started beating rapidly.

'Why would I think he was a creep. I think it's sweet.' I thought to myself. When he lifted his head looking around. He was slightly blushing which was adorable.

'Okay now that's weird.' I heard him say but his mouth was shut.

'Your telling me' I thought to myself. When he got up and looked over.

'Wait Avery can you hear my thoughts?' He walked over.

'Ya but how. I didn't even know I could do that.' I looked up at him when he picked me up dragging me into a room.

'So you don't know what it means. A wolf can only read the thoughts of their true mate.' He put me down shutting the door. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

'So does that mean that your my mate?' I asked, he nodded leaning down and kissing me gently and passionately. My heart felt like it was ready to beat out of my chest. It was ridiculous of how tall he was compared to me. I closed my eyes trying to match is rhythm and DAMN he was such a good kisser. Mine was so sloppy compared to his. He smiled giggling.

"Don't worry babe you'll get used to it." He said, as our lips parted.

"I suck at this." I muttered. He lifted my head.

"No you don't you just lack experience and I'm actually happy you are because that means your still pure and innocent." He said, kissing me again. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. He moved his hands down to my lower back. I squealed when he picked me up. Especially since his hands were on my rear holding me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He chuckled, when I noticed a cut on his shoulder. I pulled his shirt to get a better look.

"Oh I got that from a silver arrow that's why it wouldn't heal." He exclaimed, when I licked it. He instantly tensed up. Till he noticed it had healed. He looked at me questioningly.

"My saliva can heal anything including wounds even made by silver so I'm pretty much immune to everything." I exclaimed.

"Damn really got any other secrets I should know about?" He asked.

"Ya I'm a lot bigger than a normal werewolf." I said, he put me down looking at me curiously. I closed my eyes changing into my wolf form.

"Holly Shit." He said, loudly. I dropped on all fours nuzzling against him. He ran his fingers through my thick black fur. I growled playfully. He smiled.

"You know there's a theory that there's more then one breed of werewolf but it's never been proven?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"I think you might be the missing link." He said. I nodded. When someone knocked on the door.

"Brent we're still here we need to talk." A man said, Brent let out a deep breath.

"We better go." He said, I nodded. He walked out I pulled a blanket over me so they wouldn't see me and I followed closely. He sat down and I laid down beside him. He chuckled when he seen me.

"Baby I know your shy but isn't that a little over doing it." He said, covering his mouth trying not to laugh.

"Bro who you calling baby?" The girl from earlier asked.

"Kim there ain't no way you haven't noticed. My partner obviously. I can't believe your not hot isn't the fur enough" He chuckled pointing at me.

"You found your partner and didn't tell me." She yelled.

"Ya sis sorry." He replied. I lifted my head. When she walked over.

"Is that her?" She asked.

"Ya don't ask me why she covered herself up. No reason to be shy." He coaxed me when I shook the blanket off my head. He reached down and pulled it off. I sat up laying my head on his lap. He petted me.

"That's my girl." He said, when I lifted my head, when I seen one of the girls trying to get something off the top of a cabinet. When I seen it was a box. So I walked over stood up on two legs and grabbed it for her. She took it.

"Thank yo..." She stopped when she looked at me. I nodded walking back to Brent when I noticed they were all staring. I shrugged, when he pulled me down on his lap.

'Hey now.' I looked at him.

"What I'm aloud to do that?" He smiled.

'Says you.' I teased.

"Ya says me." He chuckled.

'Dork.' I laughed.

"Ya but you know ya love me." He joked.

'Well da.' I licked him. When I realized my tail was wagging.

"Eww dog slobber." He joked, playfully pushing my muzzle away.

'Haha my dralls on you.' I teased he wiped his face.

"Wait are you guys talking telepathically?" A man asked. He nodded.

"Ahh that's so cute. By the way she's adorable." Kim said.

"You think she's cute now wait till you see her in her human form she's gorgeous." He replied as I nuzzled up against him.

"Now pumpkin I'm gona need you to change back or do get whats in the box." He said, when she opened it and smelt what it was. I got up and walked back to my room. I changed back and got dress. I put on another cute short dress. Then I put on a little bit of makeup, pulled my hair up, and walked back out. He grabbed my arm as soon as I walked into the living room. Putting his mouth to mine shot gunning me. I breathed it in when I realized. As soon as our parted I coughed up smoke. He laughed.

"Warn me before you do that." I said catching my breath. When he handed me the blunt and a glass of scotch. I hit it when he looked away I shot gunned him.

"Okay that I wasn't expecting." He laughed as I hit it again and handed it to Kim. She giggled and took it. He pulled me into his arm.

"Nice catch she's a keeper." One of the guys said, he smiled kissing my head. I drank the scotch. First time I ever had alcohol. He laughed and poured me another.

"Don't blame me if I end up doing something weird just saying." I said, sipping it.

"Why you say that pumpkin?" He asked.

"Umm babe I've never drank." I replied.

"Oh now this is gonna be fun." He giggled nuzzling up against me. I smiled, kissing his cheek. He petted my back.

"Avery right I'm Malinda. I like you already but since you to like each other so much I think you have a right to know look out for Savanna. Shes a bitch. If she see you two together she will try to get between you. She's had a huge crush on Brent since they were kids. They dated once but he only did it cause she wouldn't leave him alone and he gave in. He dumped her cause she was to annoying and he never really liked her." The other girl said.

"Well hope she likes the feeling of her skull between my fangs cause that's what's gonna happen if she does." I said, they laughed he kissed my shoulder.

"You don't think I'm annoying?" I asked.

"Of course not your my mate. She wasn't she just wanted me for my status. I love you that's different." He said, making me blush bright red and I leaned up and kissed him. He smiled.

'I love you too babe.' I smiled. He held me tighter.

"I'm not rushing you take your time." He whispered.

"I mean it." I whispered in his ear. He gave me an Eskimo kiss. I kissed his nose. He put his head to mine, putting his hands on my waist, kissing my neck.

"Hey you two you gonna do that go to your room." Kim said, he shrugged picked me up and carried me to his room. I squealed as he tossed me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me repeatively trailing down to my neck when I noticed his eyes turned a bright red instead and his fangs grew out.

"You okay?" I asked, when he let out a low growl. I lifted my hand cupping his cheek.

"Ya I just got a little to excited." He muttered kissing me.

"How longs it been since you last time you feed?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"Umm a I don't know I've been feeding off artificial blood." He replied, I sighed.

"Don't drink that anymore more if your hungry come get me from now on I can regenerate blood instantly. So it wouldn't harm me." I exclaimed. He hesitated.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." I replied lifting my head up exposing my bare neck. He hesitantly kissed my neck before opening his mouth wide and biting into my neck. A low moan escaped my lips as he eagerly drank my blood. I could tell he was starving. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I petted his head when he was done. He licked my neck before biting me again. I closed my eyes till he licked my neck kissing where he bit me. I looked at him when he lifted his head.

"Your necks healed already." He exclaimed.

"Told you." I teased, wiping the excess blood off his lips, he grabbed my hand, and the licked it off my fingers. He kissed my head then kissed me.

"Thanks pumpkin. I did mean every word when I said I loved you." He said, laing his head on my chest. When my heart started pounding rapidly and I felt that fluttery feeling in my stomach again.

"I know I did to no ones ever made me feel the way you do." I exclaimed.

"I can tell your hearts beating like crazy. I love the sound of it." He smiled softly.

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice that." I whispered.

"Why I love it. Its so soothing. You know your heart beat can tell how your feeling and can tell if your being honest or not." He exclaimed.

"Really." I questioned.

"Ya like for instantaneous when your around someone love. Especially if it's your first love your heart beats like crazy because your nervous. Everyone gets nervous around the one they love if they don't its not true." He exclaimed, I blushed.

"Well that makes me feel better. I thought I was the only one." I giggled. He closed his eyes.

"I'm not to heavy am I?" He asked.

"No not at all you know I could lift you up with one hand without even trying. Even though I'm a lot smaller then you. Perks of being a wolf." I chuckled.

"Did you just call me fat?" He joked laughing.

"Hell no your anything but that have you looked in a mirror. I met your bigger because of how much muscle you have and how tall you are compared to me. For crying out loud. Your body's practically all muscle. So no I was not calling you fat." I replied.

"I know I was only teasing. But honestly I'm glad your my mate and that your a werewolf." He said, kissing me.

"Why is that?" I questioned.

"Well for one your amazing in every way possible. I adore everything about you. But you were human it would limit my time with you since I'm immortal. Werewolves stop growing at a certain age and become immoral. I just hate the thought that one day I might lose you. It would destroy me literally. I might he as old as the earth but I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you." He answered. Which would explain why I quite growing recently. I snuggled against him.

"I'm happy to spend an eternity with you." I said, running my fingers through his thick slick curly long dark hair. He suddenly got up pulling me up in a sitting position at the end of the bed. I looked at him questioningly when he got on one knee pulling something out of his pocket.

"Avery will you spend the rest of all eternity with me as my wife and me mate? Will you marry me?" He asked opening a small box with a beautiful red diamond ring in it.

"Yes I would love to." I answered. He smiled brightly taking my hand and sipping into my finger. It was beautiful. It had a solid gold band with a ruby on the middle surrounded by serval smaller white diamonds.

"I love it." I said, kissing him. He hugged me.

"I'm glad. I so happy you said yes. I was nervous you'd say no." He said, letting out a deep breath.

"How could I say no but why'd you already have a ring?" I asked, curiously.

"It's my mothers she gave it to me when I was with Savanna they wanted me to marry her even though I told them it would never happen and when I broke up with her my mother was disappointed in me. So I've been saving it for the right woman even though she wanted it back." He exclaimed, putting his head to me.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I questioned.

"They'll love you. But I guess we'll find out tomorrow." He smiled.

"Tomorrow?" I asked curiously.

"They're having a party and I'm taking you as my fiance." He replied. I kissed him. He chuckled.

"Okay I'll be back I gotta to do something." He smiled excitingly kissing me. He ran out the the door. I walked out in the door way when I seen him fling his arms up over his head.

"SHE SAID YES!" He yelled smiling. They cheered.

"Way to go man!" One of the guys yelled.

"Congrats bro it's about damn time!" I heard Kim yell. I laughed.

"I'm so freaking pumped!" He yelled, jumping and down. They all laughed. Then he over to me and kissed me.

"Sorry I had to get that out of my system." He chuckled, lifting me up. He carried me into the living room. Kim ran over grabbing my hand.

"You gave her mom's ring?" She asked, with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes I told you I was saving it for the right woman." He said, holding me tightly to him.

"I didn't even know you still had it I thought mom took it back after you broke it off with Savanna." She exclaimed.

"She did want it back but I told her I lost it." He snickered.

"Nice one." She laughed hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her. Then he put me down and draped his arms around my shoulders.

"Time to celebrate." She said, handing me a mask. I put it up to my face sucking in all the smoke as soon as I took the mask off I cought a big cloud of smoke.

"Holy shit." I said, trying to catch my breath. They laughed. He took the mask putting it up to his face. Then handed it to Kim. When I turned to look at him he kissed me blowing the smoke in my mouth. I inhaled it blowing the smoke out of my nose.

"Nice one sis." Kim said, blowing out smoke giving me a high five. I chuckled when they pulled out a two piece hookah.

"You guys are just aiming to get me messed up aren't you." I said, taking one of the mouth pieces.

"You bet your happy ass we are we've been waiting forever for him to find someone." One the guys yelled.

"So welcome to the family." Another guy said. I chuckled.

"Thanks." I said, hitting it.

"No problem doll face." He said, when Brent kissed me blowing smoke in my mouth. As soon as we separated I blew it out my mouth and sucked it in through my nose and out my mouth again.

"Holy shit that was awesome." Malinda said, putting the mask on. When I tried to pass it.

"Na sis that's just for you and bro. Its your night. Have fun." She smiled, so I hit it again. Me and Brent kept shoot gunning our kisses. He ended up sitting on the floor and I laid down laying my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair till I started yawning.

"Ya guys I think it's time we called it a night my queens starting to get tired." Brent announced.

"Ya man we're starting to feel it to." One of the guys replied.

"Ya I agree and the sun going to be coming up soon night bro night sis." Kim said, they all got up and hurried out the door. Brent picked me up and carried me to his room. He laid me one the bed and laid beside me covering us up with the blanket and wrapping his strong arms around me. I fell asleep almost instantly.

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